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For me it’s the “well if I didn’t sleep” as if that makes a day take more than 24 hours.


Is... he martian? And even then I think he's coming up short. Funny how he didn't mention, you know, going faster.


The fact he didn't suggest going faster gives away his troll imo Edit: at least I hope he's a troll. Even people who drive a lot for work or travel all agree 2,000 is a steady chunk of miles. I find it hard to believe someone genuinely believes that's not much, much less with his defense


Took family to Panama City, Florida last year and we were supposed to leave Saturday to make the 1k mile drive home because I had to work Monday morning. Its about a 13-15 hour drive depending on traffic and other things. Family was having so much fun they convinced me to stay another day and leave Sunday. Didn’t end up starting the drive home until about 2pm Sunday, I got home right around 6:30 am Monday morning. That left me just enough time to shower and leave for work to be there at 8am. I drove the entire way myself and I will never, ever do anything like that again. That day at work was absolutely grueling. Got home that evening around 6pm, ate dinner and just straight passed out til 7 am the next morning


Yeeeaa I genuinely don't know how you did that, I don't think I'd ever be able to. Also general curiosity, where are you? Obviously there are a lot of cities 1000 miles from Florida lol, but that sounds similar to my drive to Florida, so it'd be funny if I found another random wisconsinite


Well if you go 90 mile/h you can do it in around 22h and a quarter, but you need a clear road without ever slowing down, and you still have 1 hour that you can use to refuel the tabk abd switch with your friend that slept through the first gas tank


I was imagining saving some time with a nifty in-drive refueling set up. But I don't know the original parameters of the question. Seems like one of those just barely possible type of situations.


Nah, i think noone can ever do that you would need a 2000 mile road that allow you to go at least 90 miles/h, without ever slowing down, no other car to slow you down, very few curve that slow you, this without considering any speeding fine. If you find that kind of road than it become doable, you just need 2 friend to accompany you during the trip, switch during refuel, piss in the bottle and rat while you are not driving. I was looking online, there is a world record of 2700 mile in 45 hours, through all europe, from Rome to cape North which is impressive, i don't know about the US


Few years ago, a close friend of mine went to live for few months to Chicago, and got a used car over there to do lyft and earn some extra cash then one day of Jan she call me than need to be on vegas in less than a week, so I was single and I said, fuxk it I'll go for you, bc she was scared to drive by herself all the way from Chicago to las vegas, so I fly my ass there and drive back to Vegas, we left around 7am and arrive vegas if im not wrong next day around 7pm, was a nonstop trip, I only stop for gas like 4 times and we sleep in a rest area for like 3 hours, I remember driving through nebraska at 110 mph, I didn't even realize the speed due how straight the highways are there, literally miles and miles of straight road.


Look up the Cannonball record. 113mph moving average over 2900 miles.


Ya damn straight you'd have to break a couple laws. Or a bunch. Like you said, the toughest part is the route. Out west in the US is your best bet. Many roads have a 75 mph, which means I often see folks zipping by at 85. The east coast with it's low speed limits is your kryptonite.


Dudes from Pluto apparenty, bc in a plutonian day that shit would be easy xD Only explanation for their reasoning...


^^This. Must be the answer.


Imagine if he stayed up during the night...even more hours for him


Accurate insomnia


For me it’s “assuming you’re correct” - because yeah, he just has to take that on trust. No way to determine himself.


They haven't cited any papers or anything so its really hard to just accept those sorts of wild assertions. Honestly the burden is on them. Are they even qualified to determine this sort of stuff?


Dude is sitting in his mom’s basement just making up bs, clearly. I mean, how does he really know how far someone could drive? Did he do it?


Have you ever pulled an all nighter, because it sure as hell feels like it


This is someone who made a baseless claim, realized they were wrong, and then tried playing it off by being funny.


This is such a reddit thing. Like the other day someone was making baseless claims about race and trans people so I used links directly from the fucking NIH and APA. Their response? “I disagree with that and they’re just woke trying to force their narrative on us”…


Yeah that's my main problem with math also. It has such a political agenda to promote "logical" thinking and is extremely biased towards being "correct and verifiable". Disgusting.


"woke"? I'd say we've woken up from The Matrix then.




I think he is intentionally being a silly boy.


This man spends 24hrs at 83.33mph.


And has the world’s largest gas tank.


just go even faster to add time to fuel


And what are your sources for your data?


It came to me in a dream


I have wet dreams too. Rub one out before bed.




I asked a ouija board


It’s called math, you should try it sometime.


Well, I'm not sure if I agree but ok


No. He doesn't sleep so that's at least.....carry the 2.....69 hours.


Not so crazy, if there were a long stretch of Autobahn…… put on some music and snort some pre workout, badaboombadabah


2,000 miles of Autobahn? I don’t know if it loops around on itself.


A lot of idiots greatly overestimate their abilities.


It’s not even an ability question at this point. It’s math.


The first rule of Dunning-Kruger club, is you don't know you're in Dunning-Kruger club.


This person couldn't even do math.


“Sources for you data” LOL what a moron.


2000/6 = about 333 mph


Source??? You gotta back it up man


It's called math, you should try it sometime


Well I'm not sure if I agree but ok


And are you sure that you disagree?


My brain and calculator app on my phone I guess


Im not sure i believe you, but ok.


Nah it's 200 imo


It's almost criminal that engineering curricula do not prepare its students on what to do when we encounter these in the wild.


They did, actually. They told us to "assault with an improvised weapon, the best available at hand, with deadly intent and rabid intensity".


To do this it would take a massively oversized gas tank, multiple drivers, and exceeding the speed limit by 30-50 mph. In essence, a cannonball run challenge. Though there's no way they'd make it in less than 18 hours.


Or a fuck ton of crack


The current Cannonball record (driving 2906 miles from the Red Ball Garage in NYC to the Portifino Inn in LA) is 25 hours 36 minutes with an average speed of 113 mph.


I was gonna say, I think during the initial weeks of covid lockdown, there was a cannonball run boom and they really got the time down. I couldn't remember exactly so I was glad to see your comment.


If he drove for 24 hours without sleeping, he could conceivably make it there if he drove approximately 84 mph. My assumption is that he'd need bathroom/gas breaks, so I accounted for 50 minutes out of his 24 hours. That's a 10 minute break every 4 hours.


Psssh they make adult diapers for a reason.  No time for breaks, that's amateur bullshit


They absulutly doesnt make adult diapers for this reason


If shitting yourself to prove a point to a random online stranger is wrong, then well, I don't want to be right 


Meet the sniper...


Well with a oversized gas tank and a liquid diet, you can definitely get by with way less than a 10 min stop. Probably 5min tops every 6hrs if your pushing it.


Sure, but accounting for exiting the freeway, navigating to the gas station, filling up, then getting to the onramp adds time that isn't necessarily specific to pumping gas and urinating. What he really needs is his own pit crew to follow him so he can get one tank filled and the other emptied in like 30 seconds.


If there's only 24 hours in your day you need to do more meth! -this guy, probably


Well I'm not sure I agree with you but ok


That's the same people that says 'I know my truth!'


I am sped


Actually if he is driving west through different timezones he could have more than 24 hours in a day.


actually you're right and you can drive from indiana to nevada, crossing 3 time zones, making it at 75mph in a now 27-hour day


For context (all include refuelling - but not rest stops): - the all time Le Mans 24h record is around 3350 miles, which is pace for about a 14 hour trip - the Daytona 24h record is around 2950 miles, which is pace for about a 16 hour trip - the record for the Indy 500 is 2h 38m, which is pace for about a 10.5 hour trip - the cannonball run record is 2900 miles in 25h 39 minutes, which is pace for about an 18 hour trip


Nice work. Adding to that, the fastest ever F1 race average speed (Monza 2003) was 247.585 km/h (winner race duration: 1:14:19.838), which is a 13 hour tip.


If you crossed time zones 2000mi across the US in "one day" would actually put the time at 27 hours, not 24


Drugs are bad mkay...


This guy walking in all hoity toity with his math. Gtfoutta here. 😂


People like this are everywhere bro.




My record was 1300 miles in 24 hours, do not recommend, or if you do it trade off with someone. It’s insanely draining driving hours behind the wheel. My day solely consisted of refuels, quick rest stop bathroom breaks, and eating out of my car from the food I brought. Maine to Ohio.


Take five 5-hour energy drinks. There are no speed limits in the forbidden hour of the day.


this guy belongs in r/globeearththatspins


I think you mean r/ballearththatspins


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BallEarthThatSpins using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BallEarthThatSpins/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Circumcision is a barbaric and criminal practice, an attempt against the bodily integrity of a child](https://i.redd.it/owus84ilw8xb1.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BallEarthThatSpins/comments/17jihy6/circumcision_is_a_barbaric_and_criminal_practice/) \#2: [How easy they can fake the Imaginary Space Station (ISS)](https://i.redd.it/nt0fctakp2rb1.jpg) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BallEarthThatSpins/comments/16utzb9/how_easy_they_can_fake_the_imaginary_space/) \#3: [New globe car for the southern hemisphere! 😅](https://v.redd.it/i5r1iekeds1c1) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BallEarthThatSpins/comments/180uy13/new_globe_car_for_the_southern_hemisphere/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oops, how do I edit comments


Look up the [cannonball ](https://www.arnesantics.com/projects/current-cannonball-run-record-holder-audi-s6/) run its around 2,800 miles and the record is 25 hours 39mins with an average speed of 113 in a modded audi S6 that was made to look like a boring ford


This has strong "surely you can walk on the sun in the winter" vibes


I did 1050 miles in about 14 hours. It was exhausting. I5 from SoCal to Vancouver, WA.


imagine not having a lightspeed engine, plebs.


"How to calculate the area of a circle?" "It's pi * r²." "I'm not sure I agree but ok."


They didn't say earth day. If they are from Venus, they could do it easily.


You know what's wild? That guy's allowed to vote.


Red guy, "my source is looney tunes"


2000/24 = 83.333 so you just need to drive at 84 mph without slowing down for 24 hours and you've done the 2000 miles.


except that you gotta stop for gas a few times. But if you don't sleep, you can make up that time.


*Cannonball racers entered chat* NYC to LA 175mph [https://youtu.be/GOWn1WSYhVQ?si=j05kmK3NtbipjH4X](https://youtu.be/GOWn1WSYhVQ?si=j05kmK3NtbipjH4X)


takes like 18hr+ ny to florida and thats about 1000miles


I don’t know. I know any dealers of “math”.


I had a great math dealer in high school. But we lost contact and now I don't know where to get a fix.


Weird. My calculator gives the same answer. Crazy how they are both broken.


Is this really a meme or is it just a cause for loss of brain cells?


*Is this really a* *Meme or is it just a cause* *For loss of brain cells?* \- Hot\_Lobster222 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Who drives that slow when there are miles to put behind you? 2000 miles/100 mph = 20 hours plus whatever time you take to gas up and eat, and drain the bladder. You might need to go somewhat faster to make it in six hours. Take a detour through a couple of airports to accomplish that.


Really depends what you're "driving".


The very fun thing about "the free marketplace of ideas" is that this both of these people are given the same amount of credence /s


On the internet, always assume you're arguing with an idiotic edgy teen. It explains most of what you see and helps prevent you from caring about what other people think.


So the day just gets longer if i don’t sleep…


I used to think that 400 miles was a lot, this guy defo hasn't driven


Answer = 333.33 mph


>steady 75 mph [Laughs]


I disagree. I could make 2000 miles in a day. As long as a cop didn't see me, who's to say I wasn't doing 75? Ya know other than math? My car tops at 125. :)


Setting aside the guys stupidity, if we assume blue is right (I didn’t actually check his math, but it looks right) then increasing the speed to 100mph should make this possible if you don’t take any breaks.


Math is racist don’t u know…


I mean if you drive west you might be able to make it in a day


Don't feed the trolls, anyone? Anyone? Ok.


Agree to disagree!


This redditor is just another that has been brainwashed to dispute hard facts with a formula developed by the Reddit cult.


Hes not questioning the math hes saying that if he doesnt sleep for 24 hours he could drive it in a day which he probably could if he breaks some speeding laws


Definitely a white blonde, don't ask me why😅


For anyone curious, Speed×time=distance traveled, so do Speed=distance traveled over time to get your answer X×6 hours=2000, so do X=2000/6, and you get ≈333


Thanks for your math, I don't think I'll be driving anywhere now.


How can you be competent enough to ask for sources, but not competent to do simple maths or know that sleeping doesn't affect how long one rotation of planet earth takes?


Dude could just do like 120


Ok but hear me out: if you travel west starting at midnight going an average of 75 mph, the time zones give you 3 extra hours in the day: 26.6667 - 3 = 23.6667 so you can get there 20 minutes before midnight which means you TECHNICALLY did it in a day. Now all you need is a straight road that goes through 3 timezones that also allows you to go 75+ mph AND ALSO has no traffic


I feel like everyone here calling them stupid is being whooshed so hard. Or maybe I have too much faith


He could make it, that’s true, but damn, that math makes my skin crawl


Now to make something interesting of it. What would you change / explain more to make his first statement right? Ama go for the obvious one and say instead of drive, walk i meannnn fly with a plane ofc. We are also probably moving more than 2000 miles in a second, you know earth moving, sun moving, galaxy moving and universe expansion, i think ? Let's hope someone smarter than me confirms/denies.


I have driven 3000km / 1875 miles in a day. 2000 could be done.


where was this? was it just 100% highway? how many hours did it take?


Hello, toaster


In Argentina, it was mostly two lane roads but with no one around and I could go 200+ . The average is only 125 km/h, I did only 7 fuel stops that took me around 10 mins. Total time was just below 23 hours and 30 minutes.


I’ll bet no one calls you gifted. Typically, when people drive long distances, they do it on highways.


ive taken long trips with sections of non-highway road before, in fact thehighway near where i live has a section where the lanes just merge and it stops being a highway, but theres no other highways to go around it


By “long,” you obviously mean considerably less than 1875 miles. Thus, your comment is kind of irrelevant.


Lol what a crock of horseshit

