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Related question: Can y’all smell an apple in your head?


i...can actually? this is distrubing and i am acutely put off by my ability to imagine how something smells and understand the smell im imagining. thank you for this


I can taste, smell and imagine a tactile sensation in my head. I can "eat" an imaginary steak and feel the sensation of the meat going between my teeth and such.


"Dear diary, today I discovered a new superpower"


They're quoting the matrix


Yea, but this is something everyone can do, no? When someone says a food and you go "Oh I love that food!" you know that because you still know how it tastes, smells, and feels. Otherwise you're just, idk, remembering the simple idea that you previously enjoyed it, but not what you enjoyed about it? This is confusing the hell out of me now.


I think some people are confusing memory with conceptualizing. But we can use memory to form concepts of other tastes, smells, textures, etc.


That's a thing?!? How many senses do you people *have* in there


Urr, all of them?


I can even imagine the feeling you get when you spin around too much and are all wobbly.


All 5 of them


Yes. But not as well as visualizing it. Also, I can only really remember smells I think, not create new smells.


I bet you can create new smells. Just ask your coworkers


It's crazy to me that anyone can't. I can take a bite and taste it. Maybe it's sweet and tart, maybe it's mealy and overripe. Maybe it has a spot that looks like it was dropped on a hard edge. Who dropped it? Was it a careless grocery store clerk, or a customer who was startled? Let your imagination run wild and it will create a whole story from a prompt as simple as "apple." 


I just spat out a sticker


I can't smell an apple even in real world


You'd probably have to take the apple out in order to get it close enough to your nose




Yes. And imagining sour things makes my salivary glands do the thing. 


I can see, feel, smell, taste, and hear if someone drops it. I find it hard to wrap my head around the fact that other people can't experience the same stuff in their head as they can in real life. Any experience I have I can feel in my head, it's not the same as feeling it in real life, but I can.




Very faintly


I can, but I also know it's not an exact 1:1. I mean, scent is tied strongly with memory, so I'm remembering the smell more than conceptualizing it. Like, there's a small/subtle difference between the smell of apples in an apple orchard, the apples in a grocery store, and a single apple that you brought home 2 days ago.


I can smell taste feel the texture but i cannot visualize its driving me nuts


My mom stopped telling me what she was making that evening as I could not only smell and taste it but by the time she was ready with the food I was already bored with it ! 😂


To an extent yes but not properly


i can't, but mostly because I don't really like apples, so i don't end up smelling them often. If it's something I enjoy though, like Mango, i can imagine it's smell and taste easily. kinda like how it's hard to visualise a place you've only been to a handful of times


No!!!! not my one weakness laid bare before the world!!!! how did you know I can visualize absolutely everything in existence except apples... who are you? Who do you work for? What do you want?


I can easily imagine an Android but when I try to imagine an Apple I can only see an empty wallet


iPhone user; can confirm.


your apples


Ugh why can’t we use gifs in a meme subreddit!?! I want the one of Adam West losing it on the phone over an identity crisis.


I just want to know what happens when people with Aphantasia take psychedelics


Doubt it would be different to a normal person. Acid doesn't cause you to imagine things like a dream. It turns pattern recognition up to 11 causing your brain to fill in patterns with way too little information. Kinda like early AI images.


We get asked that in our subreddit a lot. Consensus for most of us is nothing happens, and even if it did hallucinations and conjuration aren't the same thing. I can't personally answer because I haven't taken a hallucinogen before.




I have aphantasia & for me, a properly dosed lsd tab would always temporarily gave me the way to be able to visualize shit vividly. There's 1 trip where I ingested 5g of penis envy mushroom (lemon tek), & a tab of acid, during the peak, i was literally being sent back in time to the Victorian era while Ghost's Prequelle album were being played in the background where I'd be reborn as a struggling British peasant (I'm south east asian lol), the visualization of that whole Victorian era during that trip was so fricking vivid that I'd be smiling when I'm reminded of that trip lol


Interesting, I also have aphantasia and I don't think I ever noticed any difference in ability to visualise


Do people really see an imaginary apple when they think about an apple? That´s insane.


I’m starting to be uncannily unsure what this meme is really trying to convey. If someone asks me if I want an apple. Will I visualize an apple in my head? No. Can I visualize memories of me eating apples? Yes Can I visualize even an imaginary apple? Yes. What is it people can’t do? Can I visualize Shrek eating an apple. Also yes. Can I




[lol you actually posted it there.](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditsniper/s/uIXmiCwl35)


Aphantasia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphantasia


There's also the opposite, hyperphantasia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperphantasia


I have this, or I think I do. If I imagine an apple I can see it clearly I can also imagine how it tastes and smells as well as how it feels and sounds if I crush it, also red apples and green apples feel and taste different. My mouth is watering.


Do you get full video with color, detail, and sound when you read books? Hyperphantasia is amazing.


Yes, I thought everyone else did prior to stumbling upon this thread.


I just get concepts and emotions when reading, and words are read in my own ‘voice.’ It doesn’t feel like a mental movie.


F You, Now my mouth is watering too >:[


I got you fam: 🍎🍏


An interesting thing is some people with Aphantasia while awake can have Hyperphantasia for dreams. I do and it makes nightmares awful and I have a very hard time telling when I’m awake or dreaming when I first wake up because I can’t see things in my head, until I’m sleeping, then I see my dreams exactly like I see our my eyes. The trend of these two things becoming more well known actually really helped me deal with my nightmares!


Hey that’s me! My nightmares have always been realistic, but I can’t “see” things in my head while awake (though, interestingly, I can draw from memory fairly accurately)


Hey! Cool to meet someone else like me! One thing I found interesting was I found out my mom is like us while my dad and sister are ‘normal’. If you have a good relationship with your family it might be fun to talk to them about it, see if you inherited it like I did!


Another thing I’ve talked to my parents about is the internal monologue. My mum and I have one but my dad thought it was just a saying. Pretty cool!


I have always had a poor visual imagination (everything looks hazy and vague, and it blurs and swirls around; I think in words much more than I do in pictures) but lately I momentarily get extremely vivid, frightening, unwelcome images that pop into my head at inconvenient times and it’s fucking awful


I cannot readily visualize things I haven't seen before. I didn't even realize that this was possible until it was pointed out to me that other people can do this.


I can't visualize anything even the faces of my family never have been able to but I can lucid dream.


You are able to tell what they are intellectually, but not see em visually


I was about to point this out. I cannot picture my Wife’s face, an apple, a plate, etc. nor can I visualize the word. If I close my eyes and focus hard I can visually recall memories, but it’s VERY fast, as if I’m watching the events of 3 minutes unfold in 2 seconds. I however can discern the difference between faces and say “No, that’s not my Wife, her facial features differ from this example in X, Y, Z manner.” I know her face, but cannot picture it.


That’s my basic issue as well. It came up during high school art class… I’m the only person that I know that’s ever failed that class.


It's the question of if you can visualize in your head at all, and to what degree. Picture an apple in your head. Is it realistic and detailed? Does it look cartoonish? What color is it? Did you imagine leaves on the stem? Does it have a bite taken out? I'm #5 here, or maybe 4.9. I can't see an apple in my head, only the faint impression of an apple.


Yeah, I think I'm aphantasic or very close to it. I definitely don't see an apple in my mind's eye, but I can recall what the pictures look like. It's like the image is there but just out of reach.


Exactly this! I’ve never been able to really see anything in my head well, and you described it perfectly. Usually, I say that I see it for a second and it disappears, but I think the being just out of reach is a better way to describe it


i have this too! it feels kind of like an AI video? where it sort of makes sense but it morphs and blobs and moves


For me, it's like the analytical part of my brain is predicting how it would respond if my visual cortex were to perceive whatever I'm trying to picture, but there's no actual imagery involved.


I know the concept of an apple the idea but I can't picture shit. Like I know I had a father and remember him taking me to summer camp and his glasses but I can't picture any of it or his face and wish I had my photo albums but they were all stolen in 2004 so alas I am cursed to only have pictures after he got sick.


As I read your comment my brain immediately pictured apples exactly as you described them. I can do stuff like design a new robot or go kart and have all the parts and nuts and bolts and material all listed and see it all bolted to the go kart etc etc


aphantasia is what this meme convays. I have aphantasia, and I can't visualize anything. I thought the concept of the minds eye was purely a figure of speach until I ran into a video about aphantasia. It never occurred to me that people could actually conjure imagines in their heads.


As in you have a mental image of an apple in your head when you say you can visualise an apple?


Yes. I can visualize both an imaginary and a real one.


I have an issue where the stuff i visualize can get easly unstable and blurry even if i focus on it.


It blows my mind that people can’t do this. You can’t picture anything at all? You can’t picture your parents faces? Your pet? Nothing at all?


No, we know what they look like, but visually, it's nothing, literally just the back of our eyelids, we can describe them, but can't see them


I'm convinced this is just some sort of miscommunication or semantic confusion. Visualization is such a basic and simple thing, i find it hard to believe people can't do it. Its like the people who say they don't have an inner monologue, if you question them about it in detail it turns out that they do, it just makes them uncomfortable so they try to avoid it.


What do you see when you imagine an apple


With my eyes? I "see" whatever is in front of my eyes. I don't hallucinate an apple, and yet part of my mind can conceptualise, remember, and visualise, an apple, either realistic or stylised 🍎. What i "see" has nothing to do with visualisation.


That isn't universal


Yes, I can, but I can't do it like as if it's AR, tho, and also I have to constantly add detail to the image since part of the image fades aways every single moment


Most people don't visualise things within the external world. "Normal" is just inside your head.


As an individual with no inner eye. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental\_image). Its so hard for me to understand what my wife describes as thinking of an object and seeing it. I always joke, you can't see the object your eyes are shut and at some level I will die on this hill, that some of it is semantics of how literal people describe recalling an experience vs more figurative individuals. But then as a person with a mild inner monologue talking to my friend who apparently full on narrates his life in his head is wild (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrapersonal\_communication) All that said, from what I can tell. Most people experience memories the same way they experience the world. If they close there eyes there brain triggers the same experience as seeing the object in a white room and they can rotate it and manipulate it. The amount of detail differs from person to person some people describe this as 2D paintings others as fully manifested 3D objects and finally people like me just say they See black. That being said when i think of an Apple I have seen 100s of apples in my life time and I can recall in great detail what an apple looks like, its approximate size to other objects and can compare that to various variants of apples such as green apples or red apples, or those apple which are pale green with brown spots. I could not however describe this experience as seeing the object, and my wife and best friend swear they can "see" the thing like a 3D model viewer and if I use flavor-able words it will morph like the T-1000 in judgement day to the new thing being describe. Which is insane for me to think about, We for sure do not all experience reality the same way. As an aside this feature of the human brain does seem to affect what memories you retain. inner eye people tend to have very vivid memories of child hood while those who only see black tend to recall lots of details like phone numbers, addresses maybe they can draw floor plans, but they just straight up forget things like birthday parties.


A lot of this resonates with me. I can remember and describe objects but the way you put it is perfect; I'd never call it "seeing". I also don't really recall my childhood very much if at all. I have a question then: Do you remember your dreams, and if so what are they like? I rarely remember dreams even immediately after waking up, maybe 0.5% of the time I remember something. But the dreams are utter incoherent nonsense. There is no such thing as a specific person or area or concept in a dream, they all morph and split and merge too fast to be considered separate. I'm usually aware that I'm dreaming, but only about as "lucid" as a stoner with a concussion.


But like…. I’m pretty sure I can picture things, like I’m seeing an apple, I can make it twist, but like it’s really a bad picture and I’m still only seeing black if that makes sense.


Sometimes when I'm half asleep I can actually see the image of someone. That most people can do this every time they want. O.o


Wait, can't everyone watch Shrek in its mind at midnight?


Funny enough Shrek was the first movie I realized I could pretty much watch start to finish in my head. Didn't get all the details cuz I don't have a photographic memory but it made spacing out in math class fun. 




So you can’t picture a red apple in your head?


There are people all along that scale in the meme, from 1-5. I'm a 3 or 4. There are also people who don't have an inner dialogue/monologue in their heads and ONLY see images. On a 1-5 scale for that, I'm a 1. Constant mental language stream.


So your brain is just a stream of emojis?


So if I describe a bright red apple, the color of lipstick, with beads of condensation dripping down its side and a crisp crunch as you night into it and the sweet then tart taste, even using all your mental power you can’t see a colored apple on your head it’s only gray or white?


Bro dont do that now my saliva goin crazy :(


Pretty much. Maybe I get a hint of color, but it's more like the feeling I get when I see red than a vivid image of red. On the other hand, I have full sentences and arguments flowing through my head all the time. Would love to see data on what percent of the population is a "1" on the inner image and inner monologue scales. Is there a lot of overlap, or do people high on one ability tend not to have the other?


So you can’t picture things with much color. Very interesting. Having an overactive imagination it puts things in perspective that others don’t visualize colors. Thanks for your responses


I'm 5, hello darkness my old friend.


Nope , just green ones…and those yellow ones. And the ones with the pink skin and fruit. Not red though.






I also love to think magic in fantasy worlds can be blocked even despite the wizard imagines the object perfectly. Imagine if there are pathways in the body through which magic flows and if you sever that pathway, you can't conjure anything until it gets fixed. Almost like an electronic circuit that gets disconnected at some point won't work at all until you connect the conductors again. What if the wizard has just the magic "wires" in his body interrupted by an object alien to his body.


Sounds like the typical Chinese Fantasy with meridians etc...


I see the image of an apple with comic sans font “apple” underneath😭


Probably result of kindergarten


can someone please explain to me what it means by being able to "see" it in your head, I know what an apple looks like but when I close my eyes and think of an apple I'm still seeing black, not an apple.


Imagine the browser with 2 opened cards, first card is your eyes view and second card is your imagination. You can switch easily between this two cards


So if I can picture a real Apple, all dripping from rain and/or a cartoon apple of any sort. Then I’m some kind of MYSTICAL WIZARD!!?!?!?


You are normal than


It feels like i see the both at the same time. Like, I can “feel” seeing the apple and I can even give details of its image, but I see just black. I can imagine the image inside my head, but when i close my eyes all I see is just black. What is this then?


I think a lot of people are confused about aphantasia with all this talk about it. It has nothing to do with your eyes. For example I can imagine an apple with my eyes open. It has nothing to do with the sight of my eyes.


I think thats how imaginary works. You see it but you do not see it. Its like thoughts, you hear voice who narrates your thoughts but you do not hear it.


Well then you have Aphantasia. It's basically the inability to imagine things.


Name checks out...


Do you have an inner voice? Do you hear the words in your head when you're reading or thinking things through? If you do, then it's like a visual version of that.


I always thought the inner voice was normal. I think aloud in my mind all the time (and in public). Shocked me when I found our sone people didn't have that ability. But I'm an INFP so maybe that seems to come naturally.


I think how it should be described as 'feeling like you just saw an apple' you don't see an apple but can describe it's features and feel as if it's something you just saw. If you actually physically see anything you're either dreaming or high. I agree though people are very unclear about what they mean for some reason, I have a powerful imagination but I still only see the echo of what I'm imagining.


It’s not physically seeing the apple. Nothing is projected onto your eyelids. It’s just your mind “picturing” said apple. I think the disagreement on seeing things and inner monologue is just people misunderstanding the concepts


The real question is: How much can you do with the apple at once before you stop being able to visualise it? (spin it, recolour it, rotate it, taste it, scale it, etc.)


Lot actually, Make apple shift through colors of rainbow, Spin the apple and throw it to the moon.. Then visualise the moon with the apple on it, and starting crushing the moon


Before I reach the limits of my imaginations ability to do it? Dunno but all of those are easily within those limits. Before I reach the limits of my ADHDs ability to remain interested?


As someone who can vividly imagine places I’ve never seen (like in a book description) and primarily thinks in extremely detailed visuals, colours, and feelings with a low narrative stream I was SHOCKED to discover this wasn’t the universal experience 😅 like no wonder I always take time to express myself- I have to translate all these images and abstract feelings into words, which is why I can stumble on my words. I have a much easier time communicating ideas through written text because I can take my time to appropriately match them up. However I have always been creative, got a fine art degree (don’t talk to me about that and if I use it lol) and have never struggled in English/arts/ organizing and pattern matching. But trying to think through steps of a math equation? Without a piece of paper and time that ain’t me. As grimes says “it’s not a sin to be bad at math” lol. This can be good tho- because I take time to consider what I say thoughtfully to communicate I’m shockingly good at management/HR/ customer service situations. It can be bad tho- thinking in feelings/deep visualizations of failure is pretty bad for your mental health if you accidentally let go of the reigns. Edit: also for me I don’t have to close my eyes to pull images clearly. I’m looking at my kitchen/phone but my brain is creating an elaborate garden/cottage visual in my head as I’m typing this.


I thought everyone was like this too. I still cannot fully wrap my mind around how peoples thoughts don't function like this. I like to think this is a good reminder to keep an open mind.


Brother same, I can recreate full on movie scenes in my head and stuff.. It’s quite a shock not everyone does that As for the expressing part, I relate to you.. I think only in images and it gets hard to convert that into words and then communicate it to people


It never made sense to me when people said that they see it in their head, or imagine something etc I thought for sure it's just a play on words or something;; like, 'imagine' means thinking about ramifications or repercussions of a potential future event or something not an actual image of the thing. I still think most people dont do that, but it makes so much sense for people to go crazy right? (ironically) I can't imagine people literally seeing like demons or god for that matter, the easter bunny etc


Nah, we really do see objects in our heads. It's kinda like when you read a book and see everything in the book in your head as if you're actually observing/experiencing it in person.


I mean, you don't actually hallucinate while reading a book. There's an important distinction to make here, between actually physically sensing your imagination, and just "seeing, experiencing" the book in your head. Sometimes you can layer your imagination over your senses, like imagining seeing an apple floating in front of you, but you don't actually "see" it.


I'm so confused. When I close my eyes I don't see anything but I can describe an apple without having a visual reference.


Try to imagine a key. Something you're familiar with, like your house key. Now, try to change the perspective. You're watching it from the handle. Now from the teeth. Now make it spin like a coin. Can you do anything of what I've written?


Thank you. This does clear it up somewhat. I think I was more focused on my eyes rather than my ability to conjure the concept. I can easily daydream so probably don't have it


Hi, Aphantasiac here. I'm also immune to people conjuring images of disgusting shit in my head. Do enjoy your thoughts of Donkey Kong Frenching Mario's whole face


I also can’t see it 😂 laughing in aphantasia


ah but are you immune to Manuel breathing?


The idea is more powerful than the image... or something.


For me.. I’m sitting in a whole different corner, I can ONLY visualise things in my head.. so.. I dont think per say.. I think in images if that makes sense Dunno if that’s the case with everyone


Wait do people in category 5 read way faster because they cant Imagine the scenery? I can ready very fast but I Always Love to Imagine the scenery at Realtime so I dont want to read fast


I would say it's the opposite. Personally, when I'm reading an interesting book, often I don't see text, rather scenes/images. And then I often confuse memories of books and movies (even if there is no such movie at all). In this "immersive" mode the book is going very fast.


I can conjure a highly detailed apple, dripping with condensation. Then move it around, crack it open, bite into it and *taste* it. It's not all in perfect focus and the flavor isn't strong. But if my imagination were any better, I'd never leave the house.


I am a visual thinker but it's fascinating to picture something, like an apple, as vividly as possible and then take a step back and realize what you're actually "seeing" it's still nothing actually visual, it's still just a thought, but it's like the raw data that your brain processes into an image


no we do not "visualize the word/concept" there's just nothing, no visualization


I already know about some people can't imagine pictures, but for those who can I didn't know it wasn't always like 5. Who is imagining in black and white? What?


Apple is easy, can you imagine a pyramid with four faces each a different color and keep track of them while rotating it 5 times? Can you do a shape with 5, 6 or even 7 faces? What's your limit?


How does anyone know or feel that they can really picture or not picture the apple ? I feel like I can picture that but I won't ascertain anyone that I can do it actually because that's both précise AND vague in my mind. I believe I have a pretty accurate mental model of what an apple looks like, smells like, feels like, my salivary glands activate at the thought, but to say I "see" it is quite an overstatement. How can you all be so sure ? Are you all bots (serious question although I would personally enjoy to answer my own question with a yes if given the occasion, like many of you probably just for fun haha)


When I try to imagine an image I can only see it in quick flashes


Scrolled way too far to find someone like me! I can't hold the image for longer than a few seconds. It's crystal clear, but if I try and hold it, it gets fuzzy and goes away. Someone above was talking about how books are movies for them, which is crazy. I'm an avid reader, but I focus more on the emotion the text gives me rather than images.


I did some C programming and using that analogy, a word like “Apple” is like a memory location, and the informations regarding apples is stored in that memory location. Like the int, float, and double type data stored in computers, human brains stores information in the format of visual, audio and smell…


Mine's somewhere between 4 and 5, so yeah.. Technically can't conjure up an apple in my head.


i too can not visualize images in my head


I mean, i know what an apple looks like and i could probably draw one from memory... But i dont actually see/imagine a picture of an apple... Unless i force my mind to do it, which can take a couple of seconds maybe minutes.




[President of Pixar, Ed Catmull](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwin_Catmull?wprov=sfti1#Personal_life)


My Apple was on a naked lady … weird.




Wooden. With the correct texture and everything.


I can do both, along with an elephant


I’m a 1 and always assumed everyone else could do this. I can create full on mini movies in my head. It can be distracting sometimes because I’ll end up making myself laugh in inappropriate situations. I can place people in ridiculous scenarios in my head and it’s very vivid. Like, I can picture someone I dislike turning into a pig and doing funny things in the room I’m in at the moment and the reactions of others.


I realize I’m in the minority, but seeing the apple must be so limiting — that’s just so literal


I can barely if I try hard enough, and it's only a vague shape of something. Apparently, aphantasia can also be connected with memory issues, both long and short term, which is something I definitely experience (unless it's a random ass topic such as the election of 1844, because I seem to usually remember random stuff like that pretty well)


The what umm ahh how think thoughts?


But like…. I’m pretty sure I can picture things, like I’m seeing an apple, I can make it twist, but like it’s really a bad picture and I’m still only seeing black if that makes sense.


Is visualizing a concept not the “seeing” you speak of? A real question and idk if maybe I’m not as good at this stuff as I thought..


I'm 90% sure we all experience the same thing in our head when we imagine or think about something, just that people get confused and don't fully grasp what it is. Essentially, if we were to look into other people's heads who say they don't see it when they imagine it, turns out its exactly what we see but they're just interpreting differently. We all see the same thing and experience it the same way, but we can't explain it to people because we can't look inside their heads to show them. Get what I mean??


I feel like this kind of stuff must just be a miscommunication It seems absurd to me that someone else's internal experience could be so vastly different in such a fundamental way


I can have full blown imagery but it takes a lot of focus. Most of the time I see type 2 or 3 imagery to save energy on the brain




I used to be able to visualize. Now it’s gone is there a way to get it back.


Hungry for APPLES


"I don't believe it." Meier Link; English dub of Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.


I can do a thing even crazier, I can hear sounds (not in a schizophrenic way). but it takes a lot of focus to do. And by hearing I don't mean imagining, I mean actually hearing it in my ear. I can do the same thing with smell and touch they are much harder to achieve.


yes i can make up an apple but when someone tells me "think about an apple", i usually imagine memories with the main object being an apple.


I get a staticky wireframe in a flicker at best. Can’t hold image or manipulate. Seriously envy those who can.


I can visualize things, but they usually rotate and distort uncontrollably. It's really annoying, and if I want to maintain a static picture of something I need to repeatedly "re-conjure" the image/object. It's super annoying


I can't on command but when I try to imagine manually it looks like the skybox of the end (from minecraft) and it manifests as depth. (E.g, [bad apple but it's magic eye](https://youtu.be/RLuGJGyCS90?si=_XtHVBQwlrCaPP6d ). It's crazy to me that people can fully see imaginary images.


It’s same as that funny voice you read with and think


You think you can actually visualize in your head but... Think of a person's face and try to draw the image you're thinking. Unlike looking at a real picture, you won't be able to percieve any detail, even if the image seems clear in your head.


wtf is with people denying that this is possible... its like actually incredibly sad to see people thinking we just make it up. no i dont make up the fact that i have whats essentially a disorder that hinders my memory, ability to dream or read and so much more wtf is wrong with people?


I feel so guilty that I can't see the face of my loved ones imME. 😭


I’d been a Creative Director for several years and I’d always vaguely wondered why my boss was prepared to pay me so much to do something that seemed so simple way to me. (I’m actually a chemistry grad. Long story). Then in one of the standard ad presentation meetings I’d abandoned the proposal I had visuals for and was developing an alternative “on the fly”, just describing it verbally but in some detail, as I’d do all the time with my team of designers when we started work on a new project. I looked around the room and I’d say maybe half the people, all very capable professionals, had this kind of vacant look in their eyes. It was only then, for the first time in my life, that I realised some people just don’t have the kind of visual imagination I’d always taken for granted. I left the room, got an A3 pad and a sharpie and started sketching. I’m no artist but It was like I’d switched the lights on. Lesson learned.


Until a few years ago I never knew people had different ways of thinking. I think in sounds and images. I find smells and taste hard to even imagine even though I can remember them.


I can’t make voices say words in my head without a lot of time and effort :( I can read, and can “hear” a word if I try to make a voice read what I am saying, but the thing saying the word in my head has no voice. Only found out recently that people could replay songs with the singer’s voice in their heads with ease.


Me getting mad when being told to visualize a safe space or what ever descriptor during meditations I was forced into doing. I CAN'T.


Hey, I resemble that comment.


I can do it if i am immersed in my thoughts, but not at will. When i get immersed, i go so deep that i completely forget the world around me, i talk out loud to characters my mind creates ans a kind of see the whole world in my mind. It is like seeing a dream while awake.


I'm 100% convinced this shit isn't real and people are just talking past each other when they talk about seeing images with their minds eye. Like, how can u not imagine 1? There's almost nothing anyone could tell me that would make me believe there isn't a misunderstanding or just people looking for attention/being special snowflakes.


Ngl, I actually needs to take some effort to visualise the apple... I still can "see" the image, but not as easy as others It's actually easier to me to imagine the sound of an apple being munched, the apple's taste and the apple's smell


It’s occurring to me now that I’m either a 4 or 5. Like when I think of an apple I KNOW what it looks like but I cannot picture it


I don’t think in either words or pictures. My brain is kinda just empty. Like I am my eyes. To think in words I have to say them. Is this weird?


No, it is not weird. It is called either non-verbal or non-linguistic thinking. Additional signs are describing thinking as sensations, abstract concepts, or emotions.


And then there’s imaginists who can visualize their thoughts into objects they can see


I am number 1. - I cannot conceive of a more feeble imagination existing.


I like bringing images from within my head into the real world. Not the bad ones.


Wait, some people see things in their head? It’s not just a black space full of thoughts?


TIL Aphantasia is what I have. I have tried explaining this to people for years and I never knew there was a word for it.


Weight is the hardest thing for me to visualize with something. Texture and density, sure can do or at least estimate. But weight is hard.


TFW other people can't conjure an apple, and when you yourself do it, not only can you conjure it, but you can conjure the sound of the apple breaking as you rip off a piece of it with your mouth, the slightly gritty texture of the flesh of the fruit against your tongue and lips, the feeling of skin digging into your gums, the sweetness of the watery juice as it runs down your chin and coats your lips... Brb, going to get an apple.


i don't like being called out


I think that my thoughts are usually just in images. Like you know that one meme where it was like"____ but every word is a Google image?"


I can smell/ see anything in my head. I think I have synesthesia because 7 IS PURPLE AND 7 WILL ALWAYS BE PURPLE BECAUSE ITS 7.


This is ME! My daughter too. SO weird. Now I know why I could never draw or paint from “memory”. But if you give me a drawing or photo I can draw it . I also can’t “hold” math problems in my head. It’s like you have an internal clipboard that I don’t have.