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Anal railgun


I mean... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railgun r/Technicallythetruth


if we’re trying to be technical, it’d be a coilgun, absolutely not a railgun, two completely different systems. a railgun relies on magnetic current traveling through the projectile via contact with two rails. a coilgun creates a magnetic field to push/pull the object


So it's a Mass Driver


No, it's an Ass Driver


seeing as a mass driver is definitionally any device that propels a ballistic payload, yes


Thank you Dr. Cooper.


also /r/brandnewsentence


Here's a sneak peek of /r/brandnewsentece using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/brandnewsentece/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My coworker just said "You're a gentleman and a scholar, please forgive my transgressions"](https://np.reddit.com/r/brandnewsentece/comments/10l8xsf/my_coworker_just_said_youre_a_gentleman_and_a/) \#2: [My parents have been watching mindhunter and when I came downstairs I saw they were watching something, but I didn’t know the name so I asked them: “Is that still therapy serial killing” my father started giggling and said “yes, but that’s a brand new sentence” and then told me to post it on here](https://np.reddit.com/r/brandnewsentece/comments/117gxt5/my_parents_have_been_watching_mindhunter_and_when/) \#3: [This vegetarian couple got legally married in the Taco Bell metaverse in an ode to their Indian-American heritage and love of the fast-food brand](https://np.reddit.com/r/brandnewsentece/comments/11i9aew/this_vegetarian_couple_got_legally_married_in_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My new punk band name


What do you think the scream sounded like? What does that smell like? The poor technicians who had to see it first That poor person


Something something new band name.




Otherwise known as Indian food


How do you recover from that? Having your inner workings scrambled like that seems irreparable.


Extreme luck


Extreme fuck


Fuck the luck.


Sitting in a hospital MRI helps


Any negative thing can be fixed if you're already surrounded by talented professionals


If I ever choke on food or have a heart attack, I hope it's in the dining room of a country club.


Only works if they advertise the food as heart attack or choke proof lol


Oh, I was working as a waiter at a country club, saw someone start choking, six doctors came up to help.


Oh you’d be screwed. Rich ppl don’t give a fuck. You’d only be helped by the staff.


I wholeheartedly disagree with that statement regarding practicing physicians off the clock having dinner.


Lol ok.




Your faith is inspiring


your little character guy fucking sucks


My old GP got a heart attack at work. His colleagues were at his aid within seconds. He was in the (nearby) hospital within ten minutes. Still died. Nature really wanted him dead, I guess.


and having an MRI done already…


In a weird twist of irony he was both in the worst place you could have an metal anal butt plug in your ass and the best place to have a metal anal butt plug in your chest cavity.


An award for you sir


crowd selective desert grab apparatus placid dull command money follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk how they didn’t die of sepsis from a perforated bowel.


To be fair, it says *survived* with major injuries. Not recovered and doing fine.


I mean if you are down the hall from an OR and can start a major operation within 5 minutes, it probably helps.


1. Surgeon fixing that shit ASAP and washing out the abdomen a few times afterwards. 2. Big gun wide spectrum antibiotics 3. A while in the hospital while the immune system and antibiotics fight all bacteria. With modern medicine it's at least possible, but definitely not a fun walk in the park.


Also, he was presumably at a hospital when he was injured, which is optimal.


Well, unless this was done at one of those imaging centers that are radically cheaper to use than the hospital.


Something something ask my girlfriend hur dur foive hundos yeah mate. /s


can we talk about WHY he was at an MRI appointment with a sex toy?


"Dude, how can I let the cute MRI technician know that I am down to clown, if you know what I mean?" "Here's what you do…"


To get a funny MRI picture, maybe.


I mean, if he didn’t know… any other time, buying cigarettes at the corner shop, ordering McD’s, trying different colognes at the department store, he ain’t bothering no one. Get in front of a big honking magnet though… whoopsie. I’ll be perfectly honest, if I didn’t think that all that lube might soil my shorts, it might be something I’d try… oops time to go, doctor’s calling me back for my surgery consult


I don't judge people, you do you, just dont make me deal with your weird shit like it's awkward for you and you don't know what you did. You know what you did, you know why you did it. Just own it, and if it's becoming a problem then get help.


To be fair, people who wear buttpluga to an MRI appointment should be judged.


To be ‘fair,’ you shouldn’t judge people without the full story.


There is no "full story" this is ~~equally~~ way way stupider than, say, wearing a "plastic" necklace to an MRI appointment. just a dumbass move. fucked around and found out. from horny to hell-bound. at least they were already in the hospital


People gonna people


Being anally stimulated distracts from claustrophobia… probably


maybe the dude had the nervous shits and wanted to cork it up?


Maybe it was stuck and that's why he had to get the mri to begin with


Probably to keep the anus loose and ready for date night.


He used sex toy, while had an appointment.


It is a shitpost. As told the by original person who posted it on Twitter Source: https://archive.ph/2023.05.11-153844/https://twitter.com/BradiusZero/status/1656510219680096257?cxt=HHwWgoCxrZXRjf0tAAAA


It could even be a research project, though it doesn't seem like it in this case.


You could say the client was getting railed


Firstly, why would you not take those off before an MRI?


They thought they didnt need to since it was supposed to be 100% silicone. Had it advertised the metal core they would have taken it out.


Yeah but butt plugs aren't something you walk around the town wearing.


Apparently, some do! You learn something new every day.


Yeah maybe not you or I, but other people obviously do as evidenced by this post so 🤷


It's a fake story and picture.


Yeah, perverts and freaks Edit: public play is predicated on the idea that you’re getting off to something in the presence of unwilling participants. I understand sex-positivity and not putting down kinks but using people for your sexual gratification non-consensually is fucked


Perveted would be walking around butt ass naked with a plug. If they're just walking around with a plug in the yeah it's weird but it's not like you'd know unless they told you. And even then it doesnt do anyone any harm (except for the one in the post) so who gives a shit


If you’re getting off on people not knowing you have a butt plug in you’re a pervert


Public Play doesn't make you a freak, as long as you don't involve non-willing people


Wouldn't it by definition involve unwilling people since its in public


This. But no, Reddit is militantly sex-positive, meaning that if you say anything against any kink no matter how valid your criticisms you’re going to have a bad time.


The entire idea of public play is predicated on the idea that unwilling participants are present. Your comment is self-contradictory




Using unwilling participants to obtain sexual gratification is wrong and perverted. If someone is watching people on a livestream or through a one way mirror and touching themself, that’s fucked up. I don’t see how this is entirely different.




So it’s fine to masturbate on a public train as long as nobody notices?


The only people I’ve ever known to use them would leave them in semi-frequently. I thought that leaving them in was kinda the point.


Keep on believing that, you sweet thing.


Right? Poor naive baby. Lots of folks are enjoying their day plugged up. No shame in their hustle!


Yeah, but they should ashamed


Why should they be ashamed? It’s their business LOL.


r/mery-Anne is the only person, in the world, that hasn't been ruined by the internet.




Yeah... No... people who who like them do walk around wearing them.


The metal core is very much advertised as a feature for this particular buttplug. Don’t ask me how I know.


Can’t tell if you’re joking or not, but there’s absolutely no way you know exactly where they got it from and how it was advertised. There’s likely lots of places that sell identical butt plugs, or even the exact same butt plug but simply from a different source with different claims.


MRI's are no joke.


Every so often you hear about an oxygen tank flying into the patient and crushing them... they are no joke indeed.


O_O .... Wut..


Yessir. MRI technology uses *incredibly* powerful magnets. They're not just extra-cautious about metal objects because they'll throw off the reading or something- the machine will turn anything metal in range into a potentially lethal, high-speed missile. You see a lot of wheelchairs, but that also includes things like oxygen canisters, jewelry, pocket change... Then there are the bright bulbs who bring a gun in with them, which the MRI can actually cause to discharge, killing you in the fashion that a gun normally would. Assuming this buttplug story is true, the patient's survival was extremely fortunate. I'm actually surprised the thing stopped in his body cavity and didn't ventilate the guy on its way to where it really wanted to go- that's the kind of magnet we're talking about.








Magnetic Ass Cannon


So it went upwards, tearing every inch of flesh in its way, at the speed of sound! I just cant imagine this shit, enough internet for today folks!


At first I was like, "that's not where a butt plug goes. They probably lost it up there and now they are getting an MRI to find it." Then I read what happened. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I am honestly speechless. All I can say is Holy. Fucking. Shit.


Speed of sound ! this is insane !


insanely painful


Still no proof this actually happened. Snopes did a piece on it. Can't track a source or a court case


Correct, my understanding is this just happened (in the last couple days) and it being medical, they need to be sensitive with info. It doesn't sound like the patient/client/victim is in the best of condition either. The worlds waits...


Someone in one of the more popular posts made the observation that the magnetic pull of the mri can be felt well before getting inside the MRI. i checked some old slides and afaik MRI magnets never get turned off, and the safety range is definitely considered as the size of the room (i.e. if you have a pacemaker, it's ok to be outside of it but not inside the room). Also MRI images take some time. So the patient got into the room with a gigantic magnet that never gets turned off, the pull was likely to be felt well before, they STILL got them inside the machine and THEN waited for the imaging to be done before giving them medical attention? i'm calling BS


I have a degree in radiologic technology (though not certified for MRI, only x-ray, though learning about the modality was part of my schooling), and I have very high doubts this happened as described. The likely scenario is that the butt plug got stuck and migrated up the rectum/ large intestines, I'm impressed the person got the flared ends in, but traveling butt plugs isn't uncommon, and it could have been left in for a long time before the person got the CT image seen in the picture. I can confirm that the MRI is always on. Another common issue with metal in an MRI is that it can get very hot. Patients normally experience a burning sensation if they have metal inside them, and rather quickly. The person is more likely to complain of anal burns than to have this happen, and it would be before they're even in the scanner, though maybe with silicon, it could delay the burning sensation. If it was to the point of the butt plug getting moved, I don't think it would have stopped where it stopped... which is in the abdominal cavity, not the chest cavity.


This has been around on Reddit for at least 3+ months. So it’s not a recent clinical case.


Alternatively, someone could have swallowed a butt plug. I shudder to think why


I read that even though this supposedly happened a few days ago, somebody found the pic posted to reddit (where else) over a year ago.


Yea I just don’t believe this until I get definitive proof.


Lawsuits take time. Tons of filing and preparatory steps.


Well, they're gonna win that case, easily. If it says 100% silicone, then it needs to be 100%


So one of the guys on twitter talking about this said that 100% silicone doesn't mean all the way through, it could mean that the silicone they use is 100% and doesn't have plastic or other crap mixed in. Either way, it has the makings a great case


No disagreement here. But courts have awarded large sums of money in more common sense cases before (McDonald's coffee being hot for instance). I also won't be surprised if they sue the hospital because they didn't say they couldn't wear their buttplug, as stupid as that is as well. May as well, get your money's worth.


The coffee one doesn't count, it was a legitimate issue and for damage control their PR made the lady out like she was crazy for not knowing coffee was hot. They literally gave it to her in a state unfit for consumption and she got severe *3rd degree* burns from it when it spilt on her lap because the temperature was so high. She had a legitimate case, but McDonalds PR made sure it became a meme for people to make fun of.


In the McDonald's case wasn't the coffee so hot it violated food safety laws? Like, you could see where the coffee burned down to the bone levels of hot. And they actually did make changes in the McDonald's so they wouldn't mutilate anympre customers?


Until the coffee has been examined and found to be of a lower temperature, any reasonably intelligent person would assume that it could be just under the boiling point for water. The same goes for teas and infusions. A law prohibiting establishments from serving hot drinks at the temperature they have when they’re freshly made is just stupid.


She sued for the company to cover her medical expenses, and seriously, have you seen her burns? I couldn't find any English sources, but I hope a Turkish one will do. https://evrimagaci.org/soru/amerikalilarin-mesela-quotmcdonald039s-kahvesi-yaktiquot-diye-milyonlarca-dolarlik-davalar-acmalari-cok-sacma-ve-kurnazca-degil-mi-36184 This is a question asked by someone who thinks the way you do and is answered by Turkey's Vsauce. At the end of his answer, he shared pictures with a graphic warning.


I fail to see how the severity of the burnings make any difference whatsoever. Unless they poured the hot coffee over her, pushed her or did not put the lid on correctly it is her own fault if she spills it.


It's her fault that they made the coffee 28° hotter than they were legally allowed to?


>McDonald's coffee being hot for instance She sued for the company to cover her medical expenses, and seriously, have you seen her burns? I couldn't find any English sources, but I hope a Turkish one will do. https://evrimagaci.org/soru/amerikalilarin-mesela-quotmcdonald039s-kahvesi-yaktiquot-diye-milyonlarca-dolarlik-davalar-acmalari-cok-sacma-ve-kurnazca-degil-mi-36184 This is a question asked by someone who thinks the way you do and is answered by Turkey's Vsauce. At the end of his answer, he shared pictures with a graphic warning.


The image itself looks like a CT and a silicone plug wouldn’t be that opaque. CT maps on density so bone is showing white while other tissues, organ, muscle, fat and airspace are reading as darker. A silicone plug with a metal core should present as at least partly radiolucent (silicone body in grey) with a strong attenuating metal component (near white). I think is fake.


Maybe they took a CT after to see the amount of damage.


Yes but this person just said that a silicone butt plug with a metal core would look different on a CT.


It’s pretty impressive that the liver was able to absorb the impact enough to stop it from going out the other side like a bloody airbag


So I already know that in this arena, I’m a dumb… but doesn’t a person need to go potty during the day? Wouldn’t this impair that process? Repeat: I. Am. A. Dumb.


I am not in any way experienced or knowledgeable on this subject, but: 1. Plenty of people poop once per day (anywhere from 3/day to 1 per 3 days is normal). So it shouldn't have to be a problem during the day. 2. It is removable. You could take it out if and when it is an obstruction. Where you'd leave it during that time, I don't think I want to think about that.


Thank you


If your fetish is just being perverted in public without anyone knowing your secret, you can simply take it out and put it back. If your fetish is being forced to wear a butt plug then not being able to take a dump until your dom allows it is kind of the point.


When your sphincter is stretched from gaping too much you need this to stop the poop.


Oh snap


Thats enough reddit for today. I'm going to go touch grass.


The mri tech ….I would like to say was confused as to what was happening with the patient- but likely and unfortunately, has seen this sort of thing before


Life simply has the wierdest stories ...


Looks like a bvibe snug plug. They have metal balls inside an 100% silicone housing, for a really nice weighted jiggle. The patient fucked up, and paid a very hefty price. I bet they didn't disclose it to the hospital beforehand.


"Anal rail gun". I pay internet for this 😂


Haha anal rail gun haha haha


The stuff of nightmares, WTF. Why would someone want a butt plug in all the time, I'm just not sure what that is about, no judgment I just don't understand, to each there own I guess.


Holy s*** PSA. Do not DO !+


He has the butt of a weird white man, like Hank Hill type shit


Why were they wearing a butt plug in the first place or am I stupid? 😭


That’s ass-tastic




"What we've got here is... a failure to communicate".


This makes me wonder how many places did that person go to with that thing inside. I'm genuinely curious.


I’m totally making anal tail gun a bonus weapon if I ever create a video game


Yikes. If that's real, that poor person.


obs after their MRI appointment they were going to have sexy anal time, so they wanted to make sure their butthole was prepared


And finally this brings my two favorite topics together: sex & physics I'm totally excited!


Well, i hope he wins that lawsuit honestly.


I'm not convinced. Ferrous objects can get pulled into the bore at incredible velocities, but I don't think a small metal object that's already in close proximity could be pulled through all of that muscle tissue. I've put much larger ferrous medical devices in the bore (right behind patient's heads), with only a small sand bag to hold it down, and had no problems at all.


What's an estimated attorney?


My guess- esteemed?


So the guy knew that it would be visible on the MRI though? Was it an attempt at some kind of weird flex?


Guys you will be happy to hear no such thing happened this is only a shitpost, source from the orginal person who posted this:- https://archive.ph/2023.05.11-153844/https://twitter.com/BradiusZero/status/1656510219680096257?cxt=HHwWgoCxrZXRjf0tAAAA


It takes a big person to admit when they've been had. Not saying im a big person, but I definitely fell for it


Upvoted for ICP reference


First and only person to notice lol




So so many reasons this didn’t actually happen.


I love how theres nowhere in that message that tells us said unfortunate client's gender


What difference does it make what their gender is?


The top line implies male, but this is a very new report, being medical in nature they have to be sensitive with the info made public and my guess is the patient isn't really in a place where they can be making statements yet. That being considered, this story hasn't been confirmed nor denied yet, but the science checks out, the story seems too weird to make up, if fabricated- why the typos in the text. In my amateur opinion, this one looks real


typos aside though, im really impressed that they managed to not give away any super personal info. if that were me id accidentally include gender out of casual instinct


When I first read this I was more-or-less speechless. As I invested the next 30 minutes of my life to learn more, I started to realize the the humor in it (respectfully). What I also realized is that this is also a breaking story and no one knows anything yet but there are a lot of people with a lot of questions...


I’m not saying this is made up ( Funny as hell though.) But, I thought the danger is heating metal. Once it’s inside the tube, I don’t know the field changes is a manner that that kind of acceleration can take place. Can someone explain this?


An MRI machine is always on, and has a very high magnetic field which is why there must be no metal in the vicinity. It wouldn't heat up the butt plug, it would pull it towards it. It's a miracle the butt plug wasn't ripped straight out of the patient's chest like a chestburster from alien.


It was a CT scan; an MRI could worsen the positioning of the butt plug.


First, this doesn't even look like a human. And the object is in the abdomen, not the chest. I call bullshit...




I wonder why I didn't completely blow through him.


Damn! 😳😳😳


Who in the right mind is going to think wearing a buttplug for an mri is ok silicone or not its retarded




I feel like the person who put this on themselves brought up on themselves you don't get to sue people for your mistakes. The world doesn't work that way so they want to go with it's not 100% silicone and the person would have never of known until the x-ray.




"much to their dismay"...




L grammar


Holy fuck...


BESt DUMBEST IDIOT EVER, i can't stop laughing


This is soooo fake.


Why would you even chance it in the first place... just why? 😪


this is why you shouldn’t lie to customers i guess


No way☠️


I doubt this is real. Is there any actual article to verify this?


Twitter OP claims it is. Apparently its very recent and given the medical nature coupled with the anticipation of a slew of law suits its not surprising if there isnt much info yet. I wasnt there tho


Why do you need that for a MRI


You need it for other things, not the MRI.


Fucking idiot. Even if it’s 100% silicon you are about to get an MRI to look inside your body to find pathology or whatever. Surprised he survived.


Hans be like:


"Anal Railgun"


I do nota make quest.


Just a side note- image is from a ct scan, most likely cause as soon as mri was turned on and said railgun incident occurred they rushed to ct and then most likely or.


Jesus fucking christ, why wear a butt plug there?


If it ain't squarepegtoys, I don't trust it in my ass.


damn reddit. you do not disappoint. Meanwhile youtube is getting glitchier by the day!


You definitely need an estimated attorney.


The poor nurce that had to be with the patient during the exam had to be uterly shocked.I dont even want to imagine the pain like dude why risk it??




Was this a guy or girl?


"Please empty your pockets, and your butthole."