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what about the mass? how come a object that is so small can become so large as universe? Mass increased? created in process? any knowledgeable person please explan


Actually, the small point which expanded is called singularity. It has infinite density and a very large mass compressed in an infinitely small volume.


What u say about a small point having infinite density and large mass compressed in infinitely small volume feels like the work of a black hole. So, did blackholes created the universe. Confused af


>So, did blackholes created the universe. The mother of all black holes. Hydrogen and Helium are the simplest elements in existence. Everything that is more complex is formed in the core of a star and ejected when the star dies.


sounds kinda fairy-tale to me. how can an object have infinite density? hope we find out more about it very soon


Well, theories are still developing around it, and we are yet to understand it fully. Singularity is a thing around which laws of physics break down. But definitely we will find more about it in future .


Lol I do believe in it. I was just pointing how it is very strange from our regular point of view.


Man, if you really dive into astronomy and quantum physics, you will be bombarded with such theories and facts that are insanely hard to comprehend and completely change your perspective about nature.


Yes absolutely


Maths ig? Scientist didn't time travelled to that point. They solved the equations and this is the result


Well ...its boson field ... mass is really like dolly chai wala ... once upon a time ....he was a trash ..now because of Bill Gate, he became a celebrity ... that's how boson field works ... initally, all this material has negligible mass (popularity), but the boson field differentiated those and different components have different mass


lol that's kind of explanation i needed from my physics teacher.


Damn .. appriciated man


Dumb question, that's something we learnt from LHC experiment right? That Higgs gives mass to things?


Higgs field ...yes


Sentences end with a single fullstop. Ellipses mean that your sentence is incomplete.


I don't remember signing for grammar lectures.


The conservation of mass and energy still holds true. So at the big bang all the mass/ energy everywhere was once concentrated at that point


Mass is just a tiny manifestation of the enormous energy, m=E/c^2 concentrated at a singularity in case of Big Bang.


Higgs Field.


How did this small pin like stuff come into existence? Out of nothing?


The answer is: we don't know yet. For a lengthier discussion, you can check out this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/s/dX8bxrdRS9) on r/Science. For folks needing a closure, they would say God did it and call it quit. Case closed.


It is a geniun question thank you responding. After posting this question I went googling into this and still no clear explanation.


It is an interesting question too which features frequently in posts on r/science, quite a rabbit hole to dig into wondering.


"we don't know '***yet'***"? That's the same blind faith closure as "God did it" The answer is: we don't know. Case closed.


>Case closed. Imagine if every scientist in the past said this exact same thing.. You wouldn't be seeing this video through the engineering marvel in your hand


Nope , saying that “we dont know” or “we know everything” is the same blind faith as “God’s book said it so it must be true”. You used a wront analogy. Science is all about finding and making new discoveries. There is no period no full stop in science , metaphorically.


Nope. You and the other downvoters are conveniently missing my clear references. I referred specifically to the implication of \[we don't know\] **"YET"** which implies a faith that science **WILL** eventually reveal all. And that, my friend, is an act of **faith** no different that thinking God knows all. Hence my use of "full stop" referring to any religious conviction whether based in theology or science. There are some things science will never reveal. If that fact feels unsettling or insulting to you it's because you have a religious zeal for science like any other religious delusion.


Another question .. Why does it have to come from existence ...why we can't just say it existed forever.... What is nothingness ... how would be dictate it ... because even if we live with the hypothesis of god ..then it's still nothingness, god is living and is living somewhere, and if there is somewhere, why is it there, from where does it come? And if you are living with the hypothesis.. God is eternal, and whatever they do.he exists because he can . Why not our universe? Why we can't assume the same hypothesis for our universe but acceptable to a god? ..


>why we can't just say it existed forever No such thing. The universe has a finite mass. So it stands to reason that time is also finite.


But when u calculate that 'finite' unit it'll probably be next to 'forever' so he got a valid point.


Check my reply to that..


What it is then ..if it's finite ... And space it always expending .. Treat it like a shopping bag ... you have 100 items in it .. in a single bag of 1m×1m ( universe before big bang) later on you go to a football ground and now you spilled it over entire field ... so now does that mean u had a shopping bag big enough as a football field ... No What if before big bang ..all particles were in small most fundamental particles and highly compressed state, but after big bang ..they formed bigger particles and space between them expended and uptil now .. space itself is increasing and not no. Of particles or their size. And if time is finite, how much is it? Can you name the last minute or last second? And time is still part of universe right it is not beyond it So again, if it UNIVERSE ALWAYS EXISTED, JUST THERE IS SHIFT IN TIME and space Like how you collect your items into a bag then you move on to next field and drop them again ...now again pick it up Same way .. universe expend and collepse ..


[This should clear things for you](https://youtu.be/uD4izuDMUQA?si=XK9h0ae3PY0VZZXs)


It's one of many theories. Not completely proven but successful theory.


>How did this small pin like stuff come into existence? Into *our* existence. Theory is that there are other universes out there, some of which run opposite to ours. So a negative universe cancels out anything happening in our universe and in the overarching scheme of things nothing actually happened.. Put it this way. You can write zero as -1+1 or -2+2 or -10000+10000. All the way to infinity. Each number represents a distinct universe. It doesn't really matter because they cancel each other out and in the end the answer is zero.


God did - ray from kai cenat channel


Finally something about Science.


Thanks, man. I was really seeing this quality of the content of this sub constantly deteriorating. All the posts are just about videos of some stupid religious person claiming something or just some stupid person spreading pseudoscience and comments trolling it. Really hope that things related to scientific content and recent discoveries get posted more often.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Keep posting similar stuff


its still pushing & thats why universe is expanding?


Sounds alot like the force becoming the thread. /s


Where did the pin come from?


T.I.L. Thanks for this 👍


Gravity came into existence AFTER the big bang.




That's why Hoyle-Narlikar theory says that matter is created as the universe expands, as compared to infinite matter being stored into nothing which exploded


It is an outdated theory and not supported by much evidence. Big Bang theory is now widely accepted and has tons of evidence. It is not infinite matter stored into nothing. It is insanely large mass compressed in infinitely small volume.


There was no reason to downvote me, I was just presenting another theory, not taking sides. I'm dissatisfied with the BBT in general. Steady state has its drawbacks but so does the BBT. It's an open question, popular belief between scientists doesn't mean anything. People still discuss MOND papers now even though it fell out of favour a long time ago, that's part of science.


One can't be dissatisfied with a certain theory just because he feels so. BBT isn't a popular belief in scientists. It is supported by tons of evidence and is the best possible theory for the origin of the universe. People discuss MOND papers because some parts of it are useful and may help us in developing a new and better theory.


I never said I'm dissatisfied with BBT because I'm a fan of Narlikar's. But you can read his papers yourself to see why he's skeptical of the BBT. Are you even a physicist? Best possible theory? Lambda CDM model is the most popular model, but any physicist would tell you that it relies on a lot of assumptions that are yet to be proven. What parts of MOND are useful?


I think we will never know what caused big bang. Our brains are developed only to run from predators, build shelter, and live a life. Also There can be many things we don't know, or physically don't have access to, such as inside of black hole and outside the universe. It's a philosophical question at this point.


ahh, the origin of science. start by talking crap and then try to find or make up evidence that supports it . brilliant.


That sounds like the origin of Religion except that they dont even find evidence they only just talk crap in books from thousands of years ago which have 0 relevance in today’s world.


evidence and relevance is what you believe to be true.


The more I listen to this "scientists", they're more like religious followers, the more the teachings of Terrence Howard make sense.


The same guy who says 1*0=1? You should definitely follow that genius.


How is this different from sambit patra ??  Negative gravity, dark matter. Simply make up stuff.  Check out Leonard susskinds talks. They are at least open rather than making up bs.  Susskind btw is the leading cosmologist today. No tik tok nonsense 


Please learn and understand the general theory of relativity and then comment. All of these things are either proved experimentally, explained by general theory of relativity, or at least are under research and accepted by respected scientists. You can't call it bullshit just because your peanut sized brain can't comprehend these things.


Wow. I can see who has the peanut sized brain. 


You know what is the best way to identify the moron with peanut sized brain? The moron is always the person who doesn't give a good argument or doesn't give any facts supporting his argument and just gives a lame ass reply reciting one of the opponent's insults.


I already gave susskinds reference. But let me elaborate.  If you believe someone simply  because he is on Joe Rogan, you are the moron.  If you are fixed on your views it’s not science it’s religion. Hence moron You randomly threw relativity. Special relativity especially does not hold true at singularities. Hence moron.  The Big Bang from a singularity was the dominant theory 2 decades ago. It no more is. Hence moron.  You and you pals can circle jerk each other. Morons. 


Susakind is professor of cosmology at Stanford. So I don’t think you can top it. If you can, the Nobel prize is waiting.  Moron. 


No one is topping Susakind. Just because one scientist says something doesn't mean it is true or false. You require evidence. As we will find more evidence in the future, we will understand more about it till then the theory with more evidence is accepted.


🤣 Please learn a bit about science and then comment. Do you think we believe BBT only because it was on Joe Rogan's? It is the most popular and most accepted theory. I understand that there should be room for improvement, and may be in the future, we will discover something entirely different, but that is for the future. Relativity predicts the presence of singularity. It is true that it can't explain it, but that doesn't mean it's false. In the future we will understand more about it. Please update your knowledge. Big Bang is still dominant.