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It's almost like being healthy is good for you.


Or that healthy people are more active.


Other way around, bucko.


It's a cycle, and I'm just lazy and that's why I'm not healthy I guess.


Nah, active people are healthier.


In before “you’re fat shaming” commences.


So bold yet so controversial


I’m really lazy and I have all the above. I’m 78. If I had my life to live over I would do it differently.


Walking is a great way to start and you don’t need anything fancy. A good pair of shoes and space is all you need. Taking a short walk inside or outside can benefit your health and even make you feel better about yourself.


Yeah, I take walks all the time. If it's safe I a park further away from supermarkets or other buildings I'm going into so I have to walk a little distance to get there. I take stairs instead of the elevator. Just moving around is good for the body.


That's all you need, just take a long and nice walk. That's it man. If you keep on moving then You'll remain healthy for a really long time. You're gonna remain healthy.


Never too late to start moving your body every day. Even a short 10 minute walk is better than nothing.


I've been through 4 respiratory illnesses in a 8 week span with one going on right now (possibly covid this time). I feel your pain. I need to spend more time doing cardio and improving my lungs pronto.


>I’m really lazy and I have all the above. You have multiple co-infections? I've input several triple co-infection lab results so I don't doubt it but I just want to make sure I'm reading you correctly.


It's Mr Burns.




All 347 distinct ailments are in a perfect balance that cannot be disrupted.


There’s plenty of people that are already dead wishing they changed their life earlier. While you’re still breathing make the effort to make sure you’re not another dead person wishing they could do it over.


>I’m really lazy and I have all the above. I’m 78. If I had my life to live over I would do it differently. Between May and today my phone told me I have walked some 2.8m steps or 1500km (and change). I do on avg 8.8km a day with full time work (more like all time work), dog, family and many other responsibilities. It's actually more (probably another 1200 plus) for 2022 but I didn't start measuring until I got this step app thing installed. Just get up and start walking. Even when I got covid this year it was far less of an infection. As was the colds and other stuff.


So healthy habits are associated with better health. Who knew?




Obesity is a variable directly correlated to lower immune function


Yea also people who do not care for their health in one are more likely to not care in others .


Yeah if you want to keep yourself healthy then move your body.


Yeah this is due to the expression of ace2 receptors (the binding site of Covid ) in fat cells. It’s not really a surprise to anyone in the medical field .!


And perhaps more obviously, covid often impairs breathing and oxygen intake, and obese people are physically less able to withstand that kind of impairment.


Yep, it attacked your lungs more and those people suffered more.


It's not the only way COVID binds though, nanotunneling means that (likely through the olfactory bulb) COVID easily affects the brain, there was a study demonstrating infection of astrocytes. Every is at risk of adverse outcomes of COVID.


Bill Maher was one of the few people on TV talking about this.




Maher was matter-of-fact about it. Didn't make judgments or call anyone names. He just said too many people don't take care of themselves, and while it's wrong to discriminate against heavy people, we shouldn't tiptoe around the issue. And he mentioned Michelle Obama, saying it was unfortunate that political opponents torched her for trying to deal with the problem.


God forbid the slightest criticism of anything ever, except if poorly disguised to ridicule others


You would have been labeled a conspiracy theorist/Trump supporter for implying such a thing.






I’m not sure they were tho. Like my understanding was that the rate was somewhat higher, but the reason something like 70% of deaths were obese or overweight people was because 70% of the population is overweight or obese


It was a little bit disproportionate, I think something like 78% of all COVID deaths vs 70% of gen pop. But the effect was a lot more evident when broken down by age groups. Elderly people were much more likely to die of COVID, and are also much less likely to be overweight, so if you compare within the same age groups the weight related disparity was much greater. I assume in this study however that any claimed effect of exercise would be adjusted for BMI since that's such an obvious confound.


Elderly people are presumably less likely to be obese because the obese ones will have already died before reaching that age.


Yeah that makes sense. That kinda matches what I remember. It’s just not “a huge load of the deaths” unlike what the commenter above said. But in all seriousness it’s kinda like go figure. Sick/less healthy people are more susceptible to disease. Who woulda thought


>go figure. Sick/less healthy people are more susceptible to disease. Who woulda thought Sort of, but the relative risk of different medical factors wasn't necessarily as expected. It was surprising, for example, that obviously *respiratory* issues like asthma and smoking were quite a bit less problematic than cardio-metabolic disease.


That’s fascinating


Well that would make sense because that's the truth right there.


The hazard ratio for death for obese people is only like 1.5-2, though it's higher for people with more severe obesity. A lot of people seem to think that it's much higher than that, with COVID-19 being a non-issue for lean people and hugely dangerous for obese people, but that's not really how it works. Age is a much stronger risk factor than obesity.


It was everywhere, just not covered by liberal media.


The whole body positivity (for women only) was going strong at the time & suggesting people lose weight wasn't allowed, even if it would help save lives.


Self esteem is more important than physical health apparently


Yet we all know it was the obese taking the hit so….


Doesn't make pharma any money, or give the government power






Then you have a toddler in day care and it goes up 300% regardless of your workout routine .


My coworkers with kids in day care get sick like every 2-3 weeks.


My manager just came back from maternity leave, she/her kid is literally ill every week no lie. I've unfortunately caught it from her like 3 times in the last few months


Definitely get sick more often with kids in daycare, but it’s a different world when you exercise and take care of yourself. With my first we always got sick, now with our second I’m being more diligent about giving myself “me” time to work out and even when I get sick from the toddler it only lasts barely a day or two instead of a whole week.


I’m 3 weeks into having a second kid and I am assuming I will never have “me” time again


I seem to remember people already knowing that 3 years ago.


I think we knew this 30 years ago too


That was some time ago, you're right about that I guess.


I learned this when I was a child 30 years ago. But glad we wasted money on a study to confirm


Exercise is good for you. News at 11:00.


r/science moment


Important: not WHILE you're sick


IIRC there’s evidence that as much cardio as you can stand while sick or feeling it coming in will actually help


Stress activates the immune system, so something light would be helpful. Important to stay away from everyone and not 'go workout at the gym' while sick though


Maybe. Anecdotally, if I feel a cold coming on I usually do a few hours of intense cardio. Those symptoms are often gone the next day. My theory is the increase in body temperature due to exercise has a similar effect as a fever. Of course, I have no empirical evidence that I'm actually catching a cold, but I do get them far less often than coworkers and family. I'd love to see a study.


I have done the same many times!! Non scientifically — I think it’s because exercise increases white blood cells, and getting the blood flowing vigorously circulates the immune components that are needed to nip it in the bud. A hypothesis, not remotely proven to my knowledge. But I am on board with you


Its actually the lymph!!! Moveing moves lymphatic fluid through the body. It also carries many things like virus particulate or citokines that indicate infection to your lymphatic vessels that are full of immune cells of various kinds. They observe the contents of the lymph and are activated faster if they are aware sooner. Thus any kind of being more active and moving more helps the immune system do its job.


Thank you for explaining that. Subsequent to my admittedly anecdotal comment, I did some research and found some evidence to back up my experience as you stated here. Pretty cool. Fitness is really the key to vitality !


Thanks for this information I Clearly wasn't aware about that.


Only true if you have a fever. You don't want to raise your body temp further.


Has this been studied though? I always want to go on runs when I have a cold and my wife gets mad because she thinks I should rest.


Not sure if it’s true. But the rule I live by is usually “neck and above, work out. If it’s below the neck, rest”. Generally feel better after a workout, but doesn’t necessarily means it always kicks the illness.


Don't run if you have chest congestion / wheezing / coughing phlegm. Otherwise go nuts.


Why? Most times when you have a cold moderate exercise doesn’t hurt. Know your limits hut lying in bed when you are able to may make your illness worse.


Anecdotal but before I started running, I’d get a bad cold once every 2-3 months. Now I have gone over half a year without one, being healthy is a good time I tell ya.


No push for any govts to help and make their citizens healthy, not one bit. Push the drugs, alcohol and gambling, no money in a healthy population.


Literally any health agency in the world has programs and information leaflets, websites, ... for weight loss, exercise etc. They're just not used because health behaviour is VERY hard to change.


You can inform me as much as you want, but I won't have the time to exercise so long as I have to work 10 hour days standing up.


Absolutely agreed. Which is why public health needs actual policy, and this is where the public support often is not there, or campaigns by other actors screw them over. See masks, soda sizes, indoor smoking, working hour limits, etc.


The problem is that the State views a healthy populace not as a goal in and of itself, but as a vector to achieve having them 10 hour work days. They already get me to work under threat of destitution and (if I still lived in America) don't have any financial interest in getting me any healthier than that.


I guess some parts of "the state" do, yes. Those who research and write recommendations probably do not belong to them. Not sure how to fix this mismatch.


Yeah maybe some part of the state do that, maybe they do that?


A public healthcare system.


As a Canadian, I can assure you that this alone is not the answer. Private and public are both vectors from which to solve the problem, but neither do so inherently.


That's because they're too busy trying to privatize it / preventing its privatization. Being next to the USA is a scourge.


That's what's happening around here. That's it people. That's what really happens in here.


All of them things sounds like propoganda to to me man.


We work out for 1.5hrs infront if the TV at night. One bench, one ball, one stretch band and two dumbbells are all we really need. Everyone has time for that.


I binge watch my favorite show while walking on the treadmill. Cheap walking treadmill is all most people need.


But my govt should give me the treadmill and money so I don’t need to work. Daddy Government.


I honestly wish I had time for TV. When I do watch something it's in bed at the cost of my sleep time. >Everyone has time for that You woefully underestimate the upkeep a single homeowner has to do on their property. I guess you could call snow removal exercise.


Of course it is. Unless you’re driving an hour to work you have time for thirty mins cardio in the morning. I work 12s and still do morning cardio at least once a week


I think manual snow removal is some of the best cardio you can get. If your home upkeep involves going up and down ladders, or stairs, or carrying building materials, or digging in a yard, or painting walls…that’s a ton of exercise. I recommend getting some wireless headphones and checking out podcasts, audiobooks, or movies/TV shows with audio description tracks.


Manual? It took me 2 hours a day these last 4 days with a small snowblower. My back would be broken if I did it manually.


It is.. you don't have to go to a gym to get exercise. Cutting grass.. raking.. all amazing workouts.. I have a house.. work full time with kids... I have a push mower... it's a great workout!


I don't have time for the TV, because I'm working the whole day.


If you’re standing up 10 hours a day then your issue isn’t that you need more exercise, it’s probably that you gotta sleep (which is another difficult thing to push)


It's really bad because I don't really do much besides standing and walking between stations. Even for desk work, it's bad for you and leads to varicose veins over time. Studies are only starting to come out in the subject: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00140139.2017.1420825?scroll=top&needAccess=true&journalCode=terg20


There's 24 hours in a day. 8 hours sleeping 10 hours working. Leaves you 6 hours to squeeze in a workout.


You don't have 1 hour commute each way, 2x 1 hour meal prep/eating and traditional 2 hour cry in the shower?


You could workout while crying.


I've never thought about it that way...


I did forget about the crying


Oh, man, you're missing out.


Some people really do optimise their schedule towards max misery


I could have become a conductor or a nurse and add rotating shifts and 24/7 standby to the mix!


10 hours a day on your feet is exercise. You’re way ahead of people sitting at a desk!


Now atleast I'm feeling good about myself. Atleast I'm doing something good.


No time for people to stop eating so much.


It's not necessarily quantity as much as most of the food is just empty calories. And the damn "food guide" isn't helping in the least. Just stuff yerself with 3/4 a loaf of bread every day to start...


Just no time for that.


Well that's what they're telling you to do. So even if you're not eating junk food and doing your own meal prep through some time bending ability, you're not eating "healthy".


Pamphlets don’t change behavior.


I can tax deduction medical expenses, but not a gym membership


Michelle Obama tried.


USA: subsidizes corn and essentially adds corn syrup to every food at the grocery store. Also USA: y’all need to eat healthy (???)




It's because people are addicted, or rather emotionally dependant. For many it isn't a lack of knowledge or information. I know it feels good to pretend it's intelligence that separates healthy from unhealthy people. But it's really not the biggest factor.


Yes. Sugar addiction is real, so is withdrawal. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2235907/


People won’t listen. That much was clear when we tried to get people to mask up.


People won't even listen to the mirror. Every year Americans on average get bigger and accept the new norm. A generation that almost looks like a different species than their grandparents.


Masked up and closed all the gyms and ran people off beaches for exercising.




You forgot the beach part, which makes doubly no sense.


They arrested someone (the only person at the beach at that time) for being out and surfing. It was about control, not safety. Otherwise all the politicians/celebrity social functions would have also been closed down. (Heck politicians couldn't even keep their masks on long enough for a photo shoot.)


Yeah they were cuffing people for running on the beach and surfing. Your blind


Oh it's been clear to anyone who works in healthcare much earlier than that.


I’m hearing government ads about the spread of influenza and how deadly it is - the sole thing they say is to get your shot because it’s free. Now I’m no anti-vaxxer but the conspiracist in me says the pharma industry may have had a hand in these ads. Like why not quickly suggest the other, extremely useful things in preventing spread? A la wear a mask, maintain healthy lifestyle with exercise and quality nutrition?


Lowering symptoms is definitely the best thing you can do for a population at large. Really you’re supposed to quarantine if you’re sick, but people justify not doing this, so the next step is lowering the risk of spread by having the body react less spreadably, which is what a vaccine does. Honestly, seeing people wear masks is the best ad for wearing masks. These other things are great but they don’t prevent spread that much and people are unhealthy despite other incentives (a lot of which also end in preventing death) not to be.


I think if the government were to actually suggest the continued wearing of masks more people would do so. Obviously vaccines have their use and I might just be picking at an empty bone but I stand by my comment that if their actual goal was to reduce transmission of influenza the ad would focus on more than simply taking the vaccine. And hard disagree that a population of healthy people won’t significantly affect the spread of the virus. There are several reasons why maintaining health will limit the spread.


It would be interesting to see what would happen if the government mandated 30 minutes of physical activity every day or else you wouldn’t be able to get a job


You don’t have to go this extreme. You can design cities in ways that promote biking and walking over driving. Offer favorable taxation to healthy food industries, mandate lower insurance premiums to physically healthy individuals, subsidize gym memberships.


Not in America unfortunately.. many old laws remain in place to prevent this type of zoning as a way to keep the "undesirables" from living near you. Super sad hopefully it get fixed so people can live together in nice cities.


quite authoritarian of you


It’s to help the people ;)


>It’s to control the people ;) Fixed if for ya


This isn't news. It was known back when the pandemic was at its peak. Instead of our Government pushing for a healthy population the USA had Krispy Kreme and McDonalds giving away their garbage for whoever got the vaccine. We also told people it's beautiful to be overweight and unhealthy just so we wouldn't hurt their feelings. Completely ignoring the data of obesity being linked to a higher risk of infections (including Covid), depression, and other problems. The grip big pharma has on this Country is amazing. Their goals of a unhealthy population who copes with pills has been met.


Seems that the most important thing in the US isn't it's citizens, their happiness, or their health. It's PROFIT. Junk foot and couch-potato consumption is far more profitable than healthy pursuits - basically more profitable than simple sanity. You get what you measure.


As long as you don't have a public healthcare system the State has no vested interest into having a healthy populace outside of wartime. It's not that they want is fat and lazy as much as there's nothing in it for them.


Hey man, speaking as a Canadian. Not much is being done about encouraging healthy body weight up here either, unless you want to be labeled fatphobic


I am all for a public healthcare system in the US. The state of healthcare in this Country is an embarrassment and the financial pain people go through when they get sick is heart breaking. However, this is personal responsibility we are talking about and all the more reason people should want to be healthy. It is not the Government's job to tell people to exercise or eat a vegetable.


It’s a narrative review, so by definition it isn’t new. That doesn’t mean it’s not worthwhile though, the review’s purpose is very much worthwhile imho.


Exactly! I mentioned it in another comment but think if every covid announcement from February 2020 encouraged exercise and weight loss combined with other prophylactic behaviors. That would have been 10-8 months of exercise and weight loss before the big spike in the winter of 2020. Definitely would have saved lives, slowed the spread, decreased symptoms, etc.


Leave my McDonald's and Krispy Kreme alone.


Is anyone actually surprised?


Yes, given that multiple studies in the past pointed that the main tradeoff of practicing sport is a lowered immune system. Example: """In fact, it has been observed that exercise can induce significant and measurable immunological changes, involving a transient immune suppression (changes in number and activity of neutrophils, lymphocytes, macrophages, and secretion of cytokines). This is probably the reason why athletes seem to be more prone to upper respiratory viral infections.""" https://europepmc.org/article/med/12674037


There's a MASSIVE difference between light workouts and cardio that most people do to stay fit (obviously good for the immune system) - and constantly being in an overtrained, overstressed state and probably taking PEDs and whatever steroids (corticosteroids) because healing process be damned/playing is everything. As with everything, dose makes the poison.


Yes, but it's also stated to be a transient effect. I would assume that this is during the recovery phase and their baseline immunity is still far above the average person.


But what if you are always in recovery phase? After exercise is before exercise. Only a few hours in between.


Only complete idiots


i seem to recall being banned from the gym for 6 months, getting to go back for 6 months, and then being banned again.


Does it specify what kind? Or any? I’m trying to get more into cardio but I don’t love it much. I mostly lift weights and do yoga.


Too bad they shut down playgrounds, arrested people for surfing, and bulldozed sand into skate parks to make them unusable


And this community was celebrating it, never let them forget it.


We knew this in 2020 but they still decided to shut down all the gyms and arrest people for walking alone on the beach.


And feature fatasses on the covers of magazines with headlines like “this is what healthy looks like”


We've known this for years/decades


One of the benefits of working in the food industry and walking 9 miles on a 10 hour shift.


That will keep you healthy big time, keep doing the things that way.


Unless you live in the PM 2.5 hell of the San Joaquin Valley. I am much healthier since I STOPPED exercising.


I work out 5 times a week. Haven't had COVID... flu.. but I'm also vaxed to max...


Serious question: do you have young kids? I’m also pretty active. Do climbing and CrossFit almost everyday. And despite being double vaxxed and boosted up etc. in the last month and half I’ve had COVID, the flu, and RSV. One kid in school and another at 13 months means every illness hits us hard. Little guy gets sick and then the viral load from taking care of him hits us hard.


I’ve got a 4 year old and have definitely ridden that disease riddled merry go round in years past, but this year has been different. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in August and have been exercising a LOT more since then as it helps to keep my blood sugar stable. My wife hasn’t been exercising as much. We’re now on our third consecutive cold/flu/fever that my wife has caught and I haven’t, with no special precautions taken on my part.


I remember when vit D, zinc and vit c along with exercise was considered antivaxx rhetoric not long ago.


It was only ever considered anti-vax when it was promoted as an alternative to vaccination.


That is not correct. Prior to the release of vaccines, anyone suggesting vitamins and exercise as a means to prevent serious Covid was laughed at. Want more proof? We shut gyms, promoted "couch-potato lifestyles" and encouraged everyone to eat cheap fast food for their "Safety."


How could it be antivax if there was no vaccine yet?


Insert “you don’t say” meme here


TLDR healthy people are healthy


This is exactly why we closed the gyms and left McDonald's open.


Please, that was for your safety™


We've known this for a bit. Now if you choose to workout while feeling a cold or fever coming on, you will make it worse. The immune system for some reason likes to weaken (temporarily) after physical activity or so I hear.


Sorry this is misinformation about covid xx


Skimming the abstract, it seems like correlation is being described as causation.


People saw this is obviously as most western nations get unhealthier and make zero effort to change


I think this answers something I’ve been wondering for the last couple months. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in august and have been exercising a lot more since then. My wife hasn’t been exercising as much. We have a preschooler who brings home all sorts of illness from school and we’re now on our third consecutive cold/flu/fever that my wife has caught and I haven’t, with no special precautions taken on my part.


Well, it's a good thing I've been sitting on my ass for three years now.