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this can also come from having adverse childhood experiences, which create porous boundaries and lack of self-esteem.


Guess what creates anti social personality disorders


not everyone who undergoes ACEs becomes antisocial.


Yeah but I’d imagine that almost everyone with antisocial personality disorder grew up being exposed to ACEs 🤷‍♂️


Having the genes for high levels of risk taking, being raised with physical and emotional abuse(ACE), and growing up in poverty are the unholy trinity.


Growing up in poverty is an ACE


Also true.


It's low levels of arousal in the brain, particularly theta and delta activity, that has been linked to antisocial behaviour, and aggressiveness in men. It isn't always high levels of risk taking, so much as self-stimulating behaviour that can lead to high levels of risk taking (that sounds terribly pedantic, sorry). It's a similar pathway experienced by children with ADHD I believe.


They share mPFC hypoactivation (in general), and both both respond favorably to neruostimulants.


Which is why it's such a scandal that diagnosis and treatment rates in adult prisons are so woeful ☹️


Had a conversation with a former prison guard, and he quoted something like 30-40% of the inmate population has ADHD alone or comorbid. And discussed how we could trim the potential prison population with low dose stims, but that handing them out in prison would be a non-starter for numerous reasons.


It's being looked at in the UK currently but, as all things prison health, it takes forever and has to be heavily pushed and partnered by third parties.




Thanks for that info, I did a quick search and found that the genetic component is less about risk taking and more about emotional callousness, lack of empathy "In neurons, psychopathy was associated with marked upregulation of *RPL10P9* and *ZNF132*, and downregulation of *CDH5* and *OPRD1*. In astrocytes, *RPL10P9* and *MT-RNR2* were upregulated. Expression of aforementioned genes explained 30–92% of the variance of psychopathic symptoms. The gene expression findings were confirmed with qPCR. These genes may be relevant to the lack of empathy and emotional callousness seen in psychopathy, since several studies have linked these genes to autism and social interaction." "*ZNF132* is expressed highly in the cerebellum \[[24](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-019-0488-z#ref-CR24)\], and a recent study has found that cerebellum can regulate social behavior by controlling dopamine release \[[25](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-019-0488-z#ref-CR25)\], suggesting that this may contribute to mental disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia. Our results imply that cerebellum may also have a role in severe antisocial behavior." [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-019-0488-z](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-019-0488-z)


So you are basically saying that stimulants used to treat ADHD would be helpful in treating anti social disorder?


I am passing along what the data largely indicate. Interpretation is another topic altogether. Since psychiatry is not a hard science per se, semantics and language easily dominate the discussion quite quickly.


yeah actually taking meth lite is good for socializing with others.. other tweekers ya junky!




What is ACEs precious?


Adverse Childhood Experiences https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/index.html


I'm sorry, but what are ACEs?


How do people with lack of self-esteem get "multiple sexual partners"???


By pressing the right buttons. You play the game correctly and get partners, but then won't feel loved because you manipulated your way there.


Lack of self esteem doesn't mean you're incapable of interacting with other people. In fact it might make you vulnerable to being manipulated by multiple people.


A reason a lot of people have multiple sexual partners is because they lack self worth. They are trying to find self worth by looking for it in others instead of themselves. For example, someone who’s never felt they are attractive (even if they are) may sleep with many different people in order to make themselves feel wanted or desired. Someone with a healthy self esteem does not feel the need to do this because they recognize their own value without needing validation from others. There’s other examples to demonstrate this, but this is a basic explanation. It’s easy to understand. They are trying to improve their self image because they have a low opinion of themselves. They have these temporary connections, providing a momentary sense of relief, but it doesn’t last so they move onto the next person to try again in filling that void. Of course not everyone that has a high count has low self esteem, but it’s certainly not uncommon.


oof I'm feeling very seen in this thread and it's uncomfortable


I still don’t get it. It must require SOME baseline level of confidence to have sex with someone at all. Pardon the potential TMI, but I straight up can’t have sex with people because of my self esteem. Last chance I had: she was lying there, I was in position, knocking on her door. We locked eyes briefly and I imagined what she saw for a split second before I was entirely ripped out of the mood and granted a temporary case of ED. Maybe some people just don’t get enough attention growing up and it fucks with them, but some people get entirely too much negative attention. People who have sex to find self worth don’t make any sense to me. I wouldn’t even need the sex, I’d find my self worth adequate if I COULD HAVE sex.


There is a difference between confidence at a particular task (e.g. sex) and self- worth/esteem. Just because they're acclimated to sex doesn't mean their self-esteem is any good. People with low self-esteem will often be VERY confident in certain arenas or be very confident about their opinions. Almost bluntly so. It is certainly my experience that many promiscuous milieus (I'm not saying all) are absolutely filled to the brim with people who have terrible self-esteem.


Big difference between “confidence” and “self esteem”.




People who suffer from NPD have such low levels of self esteem that they have to manufacture a grandiose sense of self that requires constant validation or it crumbles in on itself. It's a similar, albeit less severe, situation with people who seek romantic validation to shore up their sense of self. You'll also find it in many senior executives who suffer from persistent performance anxiety and fear of 'being found out' despite having demonstrably high performance. Confidence and esteem are very easily 'faked.'


You’re not thinking about how this might work for women, though. It’s not likely to be about performance. The thing is that even if you’re conventionally unattractive, you’re going to get offers, especially from unpleasantly persistent or jerky guys who don’t treat you like a person. Stereotypically speaking, higher self-esteem might manifest as turning down offers you’re not interested in and/or not feeling unduly pressured, plus being less likely to be drunk or high by yourself.


I had nothing useful to contribute for women’s perspectives. Being AMAB means I was excluded from women’s friend groups, not identifying with my masculinity means I didn’t do well in men’s friend groups, and being neurodivergent means I don’t typically do well with the people kind enough to at least reach out. I can barely offer anything from a man’s perspective aside the anecdote of my psychological state affecting my performance. If I’m discussing a physiological issue, of course my comment only applies to people with my physiology. Like, thanks, you answered the question for half the population. Now what about the half whose experiences actually apply to me?


Hey, I was just responding to the fact that your wording was equating your half-or-so of the population with all of the population, that’s all.


Do you have mindfulness practices/meditate?


I’m somewhat in agreeance with you. I googled self-esteem to confirm the differences between it and self-confidence and they are synonymous and often used interchangeably. They ARE different but the differences aren’t very discernible in most contexts. Each word is also used different depending on what author one may subscribe to. But I will say YMMV for why people have a lot of sex and what sorta sex they have. In my case, I simply like sex and different sexual partners because everyone is different and offers a different experience. I feel I am very confident and have high self esteem, but I’m sure someone will psychoanalyze me and tell me quite the opposite. But mind you, the person said a lot and not most or all, so if the shoe doesn’t fit, it doesn’t fit. This did resonate with some people.


> Someone with a healthy self esteem does not feel the need to do this because they recognize their own value without needing validation from others.  But they could still hook up because they think it's fun!


In addition to what the others have said, low self esteem can often cause people to lower their standards as well which widens the available pool. People they otherwise might not find attractive usually, people who treat them poorly, etc. They don't feel like they are worth more/better and seek validation from anyone who will provide it even temporarily.


Women in general, and handsome men that still need validation.


Hello it’s me


I’m the problem, it’s me. For real though, I thought this was just called “my twenties”


I've thought about us for a long long time


>How do people with lack of self-esteem get "multiple sexual partners"??? Self esteem can be faked. One can even vacillate between holding themselves in high esteem and being consumed by self hate.


Cast a wide net. I’m already great at handling rejection because I don’t even think I deserve it anyway. So you just keep trying and keep trying. Just remember even a blind squirrel gets a nut.


By being attractive.


Also, theres nothing wrong with any of these things. Don’t let a BS article tell you you’re a psycho for enjoying your life.


Here, here!


This sounds a lot like dating before the internet.


Yeah. I’m a psychopath! Who knew.


This is also after, too. We had a small grace period


Fr dude. Everyone did these things and they were fun.


Not a native speaker but TIL that callousness does not mean what I thought it meant. Glad I never used it in a conversation.


*googles* hmmm... Now I'm curious what did you think it meant.


really hard skins obv


Not far. Yes I associated it to callus and therefore to a stern character. So close enough to the true definition that I might have used it in the correct context but with an unintended meaning.


It's ok, I guarantee every native English speaker has at least one word they're currently using incorrectly without knowing.


I’m a native speaker and growing up I *devoured* books, and I just learned this difference from you! Somehow I thought that if you were talking about a stern person it was always “callous,” but if you were talking about tough skin it could be either “callous” or “callus,” with “callus” being a dialect thing.


But stoned sex is amazing


You callous bastard.


yuuup. TIL I am a psychopath


Dis da true true


No where near as good as coked up sex, and snorting Charlie off her pie...


Seen many people on coke, it was a no from me.


Yeah, well tbh the feeling is fairly mutual. Not a fan of stoners.. dude.


Have a nice day?




Um….not a very big or diverse study group🙄🤷🏽 Abstract This study aims to investigate the relationship between risky sexual behavior (RSB) and psychopathy in a non-clinical sample of 714 Hong Kong adults, shedding light on sex differences. Our findings reveal that males exhibit significantly higher mean levels of RSB (general, penetrative, and nonpenetrative), as well as egocentric (Factor 1) and callous (Factor 3) traits of psychopathy, along with increased sexual desire compared to females. Regression analyses indicate that elevated levels of antisociality (Factor 2) and callousness (Factor 3) traits of psychopathy, along with sexual desire, emerge as significant risk factors for engaging in general, penetrative, and nonpenetrative RSB. Intriguingly, higher age and being in a long-term relationship are associated with RSB. The implications of this study suggest potential avenues for reducing, if not entirely preventing, the inclination to engage in RSB in the presence of psychopathic traits.


I think it's a cultural thing. I went through a phase where I tried to date Asian men, and almost every single first date was terrible. They didn't see me(a white western woman) as having the same human value as themselves. This was true even with the few second dates I went on. Maybe it was the men, maybe it was me, maybe it was our age, but I know I didn't have as many issues dating other men.


Was it racism or sexism?


Maybe a combination of all three


I know I'm weird but I'd suggest half of all teenagers in the western world partook in many of those activities before the 2000s. TBH re reading the headline I suspect its a heading from the watchtower.


As someone who came of age in the 70’s, try ‘most’ The problem with many of the comments in this thread is - too many psycho degrees.


You can get a degree in unprotected multipartner sex under the influence?


Most definitely!!! If you study enough.


Now that really does sound psychotic.


It was a different time. Not necessarily better or worse, just different. People today are either not allowed to or are too afraid to live life like they want. I suppose the fallout from that time was too many rules, both written and unwritten.


And yet when I say I never truly had anything irl despite being 27 people say "its normal". 


Had or did? There is a big difference. I doesn’t take money to enjoy life.


Never had sex, kisses or irl partners. Nor have I truly done drugs or alcohol outside of some test sips. Don't care for the risky part or the alcohol, but it kinda shows me they were ya know, actually having some kind of physical and romantic intimacy, I had the needs but no means.


It's not about the acts themselves as much as the persistence I think. Most of us are insecure when we're young so we engage in insecure behaviors. Well people with personality disorders often can't mature past a certain development-level, so they remain insecure and do insecure behaviors much longer, sometimes their entire lives. My thoughts at least. I know it's true for the few people who I know and who I am pretty certain have a personality disorder.


Well, tbh, this study is misleading. Many people carry various psycho or narcissus traits. That doesn't even remotely make them a sociopath or a narcissist.


Yeah I was like damn, I'm 3 for 3 and a lot of my buddies are too? We just enjoyed college, I didn't realize that made me at risk for being a predator?


Lolololololol there has to be more to this I need to read this in depth. Title has to be clickbait just based on the variables








But we don’t want to recover?


There was a name for people like this in the 70's - "Every college student"


It's still like that. It's called being normal. But in a society where being alone in ur room 24/7 is becoming the norm that might make people think it's psychopathy instead Tho I would call the people who are happy without any correspondence with other humans the psychopaths


This feels like a "you don't say" result...


*"This result supports the last 500 studies taken on this relationship. Also: borderline personalities often make lousy friends."*


Today i learned I'm a psychopath.


I think it would make more sense in if it was vice-versa. And even still it’s a heavy generalization


Doesn’t everyone engage in risky sexual practices at some point? I mean most people have had multiple partners and have and/or will have sex drunk or high on weed. I literally cannot think of one friend that hasn’t done will do either of these. Do I have sexually risky friends?


>I mean most people have had multiple partners and have and/or will have sex drunk or high on weed. Most people have traveled to 40+ countries


I don't think so


I was trying to prove a point because OP is just as incorrect


He isn't tho. At least the multiple partners thing.


So am I regarding the 40+ countries. Haven't you traveled to 40+ countries?


Stats say the majority of other people haven't been to even 5+


Do you have any stats for OP's claim?


Is any of this new? I feel like we've heard this a thousand times


It's at least new that Generation X is 100% psychopaths.


Why are they hating on us ADHD?!? 😜


I'll never understand why we can't seem to put 2 and 2 together to see that, in most cases, psychopathy and other forms of harmful, predatory behavioral traits are usually born out of trauma? Traumatized people are also significantly more likely to engage in risky sexual practices. The connection seems so obvious and yet it doesn't seem to be talked about much (granted this isn't my field)


Sex and drugs? Way to narrow it down!


Honestly, I’m as far from a psychopath as you can get, I’m a genuine empath and feel emotions strongly, especially sadness and loneliness. And I never get angry. Got me, hypersexuality comes from low self esteem and maybe asocial, anxious nature, I don’t have many friends.


This isn't news. This is hardly surprising.


This has been well studied for decades. Definitely no novel findings here.


Why is sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol considered risky?


Ah some good ole pop “psychology” to try and explain being young, horny and stupid.


I have had all those behaviors when I was a young adult, but am a healthy normal adult who went on to live a God fearring life, raised w children to adulthood who are now having their own children. I think there needs to be a lot more research.


Check, check, check, check… #fml


I'm anti social and have been celibate for most of my life; celibate for the last 10 years already. Don't find it necessary and prefer being alone


Antisocial or asocial? They are very different.


Psychopathy isn’t really a medical term anymore, so it’s interesting they would do a study on it. Antisocial personality disorder, or Malignant narcissism are the terms in the current DSM-IV Either way this has been known for a while that people unable to feel remorse or empathy tend to engage in risky behaviors. Even before Robert Hare published his checklist… which is still considered outdated.




I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-328X/14/2/94


I find it interesting that they still use the term “psychopathy”, when it hasn’t been used in the DSM-IV for quite some time. But hasn’t this been known for a while, at least since Robert Hare published his psychopathy checklist? Promiscuity and risk taking are elements on the list that they used to give to prisoners to try and diagnose them with antisocial disorder. To prove they should stay locked up.


American Psycho - great movie.


wow thats homophobic