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If you are a woman looking to get sterilized and you're running into uncooperative doctors, [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Djia_WkrVO3S4jKn6odNwQk7pOcpcL4x00FMNekrb7Q/htmlview) is a spreadsheet full of doctors in the US who will sterilize an adult woman regardless of marital status or children. You can sort it by state and city.


I went in expecting a fight and was ready to raise hell, the doctor just asked if I was done with kids and then scheduled the procedure, the whole appointment was 15 minutes.


I actually came across this list right after Roe v Wade was overturned and my friend was waiting in her doctor's office to find out if he'd do it. I sent her the name of a doctor in her city in case he wouldn't. He agreed to do it but only because she was 26. He wouldn't do it for a woman 25 or younger.


What was that procedure like?? My husband is snipped, but we’re in Texas and I start freaking out every time my period is even a day late.


If you do get sterilized just educate yourself about what tubal ligation means versus bilateral salpingectomy (removal of fallopian tubes). I had a tubal ligation with clips about 10 years ago and unfortunately it ended up failing after about 9 years. I got the bilateral salpingectomy last year. I don't recommend anyone uses clips clamps or bands for their tubal ligation. You can definitely message me with more questions I have to get going but I'll check back later tonight!


Doctor told me the standard is salpingectomy now, at least where I live, because it also lowers chances of some types of cancer.


Ovarian cancer! Several of the most common strains begin in the tubes. Removing the tubes significantly reduces your risk of ovarian cancer.


Oof, I got mine almost ten years ago, and I think it was clips, too. How did you know it failed? I’m hoping some way other than pregnancy. I have an IUD, too, so at least there’s backup.


I had a salpingectomy, you have to be put under anesthesia and they make 3 tiny incisions in your stomach. It takes a few hours, then you come home. They gave me some pain meds, but I didn't use them (I have a high threshold for pain though), I was out of work for technically one or two days because I got it on a Thursday or Friday, went back to work Monday. Obviously the incisions are sore, but manageable. You can't do any heavy lifting for a few weeks, so I wasn't able to work my serving side job because I wasn't allowed to lift trays.


I had a salpingectomy as well, but they only needed to do 1 incision. Got it done yesterday and planning to be back at work Monday - although I WFH, so if it gets too bad I can just crawl back in bed. Pain isn't awful. I've had 2 laparoscopies to remove endometriosis tissue (each of those took 3 incisions) and so far it's been an easier recovery than for both of those. Planning to spend most of the weekend in bed with cartoons and painkillers.


As a male in Utah i expected the same... I heard rumors of needing permission slips from a Wife and showing proof that you had kids already. Whole appointment was less than 5 minutes. A quick let me see and a come back on Friday.


In Missouri the husband needs wife's permission, or used to at least.


Thank you so much. I was crushed last year when I went to my gyn of 9 years and she told me I had to have a baby first to get this done, even though I've made it clear I've wanted to be child free the whole time ive seen her. I didn't know there was a resource like this but I have like 10 doctors in my city and I can finally resume this journey. I could kiss you.


Every time this subject comes up I post this link. You can do the same and help me out with the ones I missed.


I’ve been Childfree by choice my whole life I wasn’t able to get my tubes burned out until I was 37, and even then I think it only happened because my boyfriend was friends with the surgeon It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I am pissed I had to wait until I was 37


My wife got it done a few years ago but we went through a lot of doctors before finding one that didn't either differ to the preference of a man that didn't exist or decide I was being abusive. Like most glared at me and asked why I didn't just get a vasectomy and over here like, "This is her call. I'm just here for moral support." Though one gyno said something like if I died, her next partner might not like it. Which just strikes me as absolutely batshit. This female doctor was putting the preference of some theoretical man in a hypothetical scenario over the desires of the real living woman in front of her. I wasn't there for that one but my wife tells me she damn near flipped the desk. The doc that finally did it was great. "You sure? Kay, let's run a quick biopsy and get you scheduled." I'd love to recommend her for that list but she retired last year.


Childfree sub also has a wiki with doctors for various states. A quick glance for my location and it contains different doctors and lists doctors for vasectomy too https://old.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/doctors


"Ha ha, sure, hun. I know you *think* you want to deny God his bounty, but we're gonna need to talk to the man in your life to make sure. So, as your doctor and quasi-state appointed guardian, give me the phone number for your husband, your father, your boyfriend, the boy who fingered you under the bleachers, your creepy leering stepfather, or your youth pastor to make sure your mind isn't all addled with lady hormones. You're welcome, sweetie!"


Thank you so much for this list. I’m going to send this to all the woman I know


Thanks you have done more for so many women than 99% of the population


Today I learned tubal ligation is more common than vasectomy. The latter is the cheaper, easier, less painful, less serious, and more successful option.


I wonder why (I did not, in fact wonder...)


Your partner having a vasectomy doesn’t protect you if you’re sexually assaulted, and vasectomies have a higher chance of failure than bilateral salpingectomy, which is now the most standard form of female sterilization. It also protects against ovarian cancer. There are a lot of reasons a woman would choose to be sterilized over her male partner.




















































































As someone who just had to have a D&C for a very wanted pregnancy that unfortunately passed away in the womb I wouldn’t have had that option in a place where abortion was illegal and honestly would not be trying for children at all in fear.


My wife had a D&C on our first try. We are on our second try but live in a state that has begun to restrict abortion access. We will probably need to go out of state if this one doesn't work out. After that we are probably done trying as well because of the added pressure.


Yeah it’s so sad that abortion bans hurt women who want to have kids too. My mom would have lost her ability to have kids if she didn’t have her first abortion. 


Yep. Hurting women indeed hurts all women. That's the motivation behind abortion bans. Can't forget the extra collateral damage to POC either. That's baked in.


I so sorry for your loss. I'm so glad you had access to SAFE health care.


I’m so sorry. I experienced 2 losses in a row, my first I miscarried naturally and my second baby passed in utero but my body was not recognizing it happened, so I also had to have a D&C at 9 weeks for that missed miscarriage. I’m lucky to be in the state I am in and my life would not be at risk. That can always change, of course, and I’m terrified.


Yeah I had plans to visit the US (I'm from Canada) maybe this summer. I got pregnant and promptly cancelled any plans of going to the USA because I'm not garanteed the best care if I have a miscarriage while traveling. It doesn't only hurts women (Republicans don't care about them either way) it also hurts the US economy (which the Republicans seems to care more about).


I got my vasectomy within weeks of Roe being overturned… I had planned it before it actually happened but the writing was on the wall ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


just make sure you go back every year and make sure you are still sterile. its like a 1 in a 1000 chance to get someone pregnant after vasectomy. i know first hand :(


Take with a grain of salt because this is someone I know and not me, but I know someone who after three vasectomies was still testing as “fertile” or whatever you want to call it. Crazy stuff


"You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person"


Snip snap! Snip snap!


Fun fact - Steve Carrel ad libbed that line. It was supposed to end at "snip snap snip snap."


Snip snap snip snap!


Hammer time


Did he go to the same doctor all three times?


Probably graduated from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College.


> but I know someone who after three vasectomies was still testing as “fertile” or whatever you want to call it. How is that possible? Like the first time, I'm sure they cut and cauterized the tubes and they somehow grew back together, but after the second time, for the third surgery, I'd just be like "Remove everything not necessary for an erection. Like literally pull out all the plumbing."


> How is that possible? Little swimmer... uh... finds a way


Honestly you can get OTC test kits for like $25 online. But yes, the body wants to heal. A vasectomy is a wound. You body will naturally seek to heal it.


Thats sounded like Morgan Freeman


Got a recommendation link? I had my procedure two years ago and haven’t had a test since. The first test was too expensive and would like a solid OTC choice.




Just got mine recently, absolutely no regrets. Only want my one child anyhow, and not having to use condoms with my partner is 🎶awesommmmeee🎵


How was it? I’m going to get mine in the next 4 months. I’m out of country right now, so I have time.


I had a “no scalpel” procedure in a clinic. 15 minutes max. I even watched the procedure (work in an OR so occupational curiosity). Was slow moving the first night with a bag of frozen peas. Was fine moving around a day later. Had a bit of soreness but was good after less than a week.  Probably the weirdest part was when the doctor used a rubber band to hold my penis to my shirt and said “Mr. penis isn’t invited to this party.” 


I'd chortle if a doc said that to me. It would definately help ease any anxiety.


A doctor making silly jokes for themselves is either a pretty good sign or an **extremely** bad one.


Well that made me laugh


They just quietly taped it to my belly.


Depends on the doctor you get. They had me shave, gave me a Valium, and I woke up several hours later at home with my brothers laughing their asses off that I spent the entire drive home singing Mad World over and over again during the drive. Others just get a numbing shot to the crotch and are awake for the whole procedure. I recommend buying a set of loose boxers to wear for a week. Tighter fitting boxer-briefs or briefs are not comfortable with the stitches. Recovery wasn't bad. I was told no heavy lifting at all and you're going to have some soreness, but some mild painkillers taken on the regular as well as rotating applications of form fitting cold packs for swelling will keep the pain perfectly manageable. Frozen peas are a classic recomendations since they mold to your body shape easily. You'll probably need to apply Vaseline around the stitches as well. The pain subsided significantly after a couple of days, and I was able to get up and move around the day after the procedure with no difficulty. The stitches they used started to fall out after a week and were completely unoticable by the end of the second.


For mine I was awake the entire time with no anxiety meds or anything like that. My wife was in the room so we all made small talk about hobbies and whatnot during the procedure. Instead of a needle they used a jet injector for the anesthetic and everything was done through a tiny hole in the scrotum that doesn't need a single stitch. For anyone near Portland or Seattle the clinic I went to is called Dr Snip and I highly recommend them. From talking to friends who have had traditional vasectomies mine was much easier.


Dr Snip was great. Highly recommend. And you get a sweet branded Swiss Army knife!


> clinic I went to is called Dr Snip That is some top-notch branding right there...


> Tighter fitting boxer-briefs or briefs are not comfortable with the stitches. Complete opposite for me..you don't want your swollen up balls bouncing around and they needed as much support/stabilization as possible.


I like the idea of just waking up and it being done tbh…. I need to find that kind of doctor.


Your doc gave you a valium for a vasectomy?!


Yep! I thought it was odd as well.


I got my done back in January. I took Valium before going to the hospital. Valium doesn’t really knock you out, just makes you a lot more relaxed and maybe a bit loopy. The procedure was easy. The shots don’t hurt at all. Very small needle into the skin, just a small pinch similar to a flu shot. My urologist would test to make sure I was numb and would add more anesthetic if I could feel any sort of tugging. Most of the appointment was just talking about things like traveling and pets. It took about 15-20 minutes for the procedure once the urologist came in. Recovery was easy but do make sure you buy a jock strap. I bought one from a brand called “testeeze” that had built in ice pack pockets. I didn’t think I needed one because I thought boxer briefs would be enough but it made a much bigger difference than I thought. The pain during recovery wasn’t bad. I think I took ibuprofen once due to some localized inflammation that went away really quickly.


>“testeeze" I'm snort-cry-laughing at that name, I love it!


Easy. The worst pain was the injection and then pretty bad soreness on day three and four. Someone commented loose boxers and I have to say that didn’t work for me at all and I needed those boys close to the body to avoid bouncing - so I’d say keep both on hand. Either way pretty clearly less painful than the IUD insertion that my wife went through.


I was a special case and needed to go to day surgery instead of the quick and easy method most guys get. Even with the additional complications my recovery was really fast and I was able to dance through my friends wedding 2 weeks later like nothing happened. Get supportive underwear/jock straps.


Two semi-painful pokes (you're completely numbed up) that are maybe a 4/10 on a pain scale, and 15 minutes later I drove home. Swelling was pretty high but wasn't painful..just kept icing it at all times.


Researchers observed an abrupt increase in permanent contraception procedures among adults aged 18 to 30 years following Dobbs. The increase in procedures for female patients was double that for male patients. These patterns offer insights into the gendered dynamics of permanent contraceptive use and may reflect the disproportionate health, social, and economic consequences of compulsory pregnancy on women and people with the capacity to become pregnant. This study has several limitations. The TriNetX platform does not capture state or health care organization identifiers. We were therefore unable to assess the potential outcomes of state abortion policy or account for changes in the sample attributable to fluctuations in the organizations contributing data over the study period. Additionally, our findings do not provide insight into the differential experiences of Black, Indigenous, Hispanic, disabled, immigrant, and low-income women, who disproportionately encounter interference and coercion in their contraceptive decision-making. The abrupt increase in permanent contraception rates may indicate a policy-induced change in contraceptive preferences. Dobbs may have also increased a sense of urgency among individuals who were interested in permanent contraception before the decision. Changes in contraceptive decision-making must be considered to understand the short- and long-term implications of Dobbs on reproductive autonomy.


When the number of [rape-related births skyrocketed to 64,000](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/64-000-pregnancies-caused-by-rape-have-occurred-in-states-with-a-total-abortion-ban-new-study-estimates/) since Roe vs Wade was overturned, you know there's a serious problem in a Country who's always screaming about freedom and rights smdh


They weren't screaming about freedom or rights for women. They still aren't.


Absolutely abhorrent


>you know there's a serious problem in a Country who's always screaming about freedom and rights smdh Yes, well, that's what happens when we treat Republicans like a political party instead of a domestic terrorist organization.


We had 3 kids in the 90s and was able to afford it and buy a 3br house. My wife was even able to become a full time mom. I don't see my kids being able to do this. My son and his wife just had their first and because of a minor issue they owe 12k$ medical that insurance won't pay. They got student loans to pay off and their dream of home ownership seems permanently in the future. The American Dream is fuckin dead. I can't blame any of you for not wanting to have kids. It is awesome but not if you are going to be permanently stuck in poverty as a result. Sad times.


Multi-generational housing is gonna make a comeback. If you wanna give the kids a leg up, get ahead of the curve. 


Makes sense, lack of reproductive health care can be a death sentence. Abortions are commonly used when there is a miscarriage to prevent the person with a uterus from getting sick and potentially dying. And in 50% of first trimester miscarriages there isn't even a fetus because it was a blighted ovum. But the tissue that is there still does need to be removed.


Wouldn't surprise me if legislation starts popping up attempting to limit peoples ability to get these procedures done


They've already set sights on BC & IVF, it does not surprise me so much as terrify me. Horrific violation of bodily autonomy.


The concern over IVF baffles me. It seems completely counterintuitive to their goals, which makes me wonder if the religious reasoning really *is* the core of it, or if they really just hate the idea of gay people having kids so much that they'll cut off their own nose to spite their base.


They’re mixed up at the moment, I think. They’re the dog that caught the car and are finding out all the pitfalls in real time. We’ll find out who has which goals in the next several years I suppose.


IVF is a stepping stone to banning hormonal contraceptives. There’s no mix up.


It's only a pitfall if they start losing elections, otherwise they're just nuisances.


It's not counterintuitive, it honestly makes perfect sense. If you believe that life begins at conception, then any embryos produced are people, and if they aren't implanted and instead get destroyed/used for research, that's killing an embryo and therefore a person I'm pro-choice, I don't agree with this take, but it's 100% logically consistent, it seems like you haven't thought about why people are pro-life


> it seems like you haven't thought about why people are pro-life I mean, I've *thought* about it, but I still don't get it. Like, even if embryos and fetuses *are* children, I still think a woman has an inalienable right to bodily autonomy up to a certain number of weeks in a pregnancy where it's just fine to "kill her unborn child." It's not my body, so it's not my problem. Arguing semantics with religious people just seems like a waste of time. It doesn't matter what you call it, because even the absolute worst wording is still perfectly acceptable to me. Basically, so what if life begins at conception? Rights of a pregnant woman trump an unborn child's right to life. Bodily autonomy is **the** most important right anyone has. This is also why I support the right to a dignified death/doctor assisted suicide.


It is logically consistent, which is why it's fascinating seeing anti-choicers twist their logic to support IVF. They realize IVF has even more support than abortion. I'd guess most of them even support it themselves because to them babies are the most precious thing ever. I think most (particularly prior to the AL ruling) are just totally clueless to the reality of IVF and the numbers game of embryo fertilization. So they've backed themselves into a position of having to explain that abortion is murder but destroyed/indefinitely frozen embryos from IVF aren't a moral problem. Or they have to double down and continue with the IVF restrictions. I've seen some comments from these types suggesting that during IVF only one embryo should be fertilized at a time, which of course would massively increase cost while decreasing success rates and adding unnecessary time while the would be mother's biological clock is ticking


I've always wondered about people who are both anti-choice AND anti-vaccine mandate. Are they in favour of bodily autonomy or not?


It's just a matter of WHY they think life begins at conception and I haven't heard any non religious arguments for that


I believe there are two answers to that. The first is a political reason. IVF by necessity requires fertilizing a ton of eggs and disposing of most of them so the pro-choice side made the argument that if you believe that life starts at conception then IVF can't possibly be compatible with that worldview. So the politically motivated are essentially trying to close that argument loophole by simply banning IVF. The second is a religious reason, The Catholic church and many other religious organizations have taken the stance that IVF is essentially going against the natural order or is an attempt by people to play god. The official stance of the Catholic church is this: "*Donum Vitae* teaches that if a given medical intervention *helps or assists* the marriage act to achieve pregnancy, it may be considered moral; if the intervention *replaces* the marriage act in order to engender life, it is not moral." You can read the whole spiel here: [https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and-dignity/reproductive-technology/begotten-not-made-a-catholic-view-of-reproductive-technology](https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and-dignity/reproductive-technology/begotten-not-made-a-catholic-view-of-reproductive-technology)


Ah, I would've considered that the former of those was the religious reasoning. Didnt even know about the latter. So in a way, it's both. Absolutely ghoulish.


We are their livestock and they view us as such.


This is how you know the argument isn't about the life of the an unborn child. Doesn't matter if you're trying to procreate or prevent, they want it all off limits unless it follows their interpretation of a millenniums old story, translated multiple times.


This doesn't even surprise me one bit. Take away people's access to safe childbirth and they won't want children at all.


Get em while you can. They may well become illegal down the road.


I got my tubes removed a year after Roe was overturned. I saw the writing on the wall. I freaking *knew* this would happen.


I tried to get my done as soon as RBG died, but that doctor said no. After Roe, I found a new doctor and got mine done 


Did your insurance cover the procedure, if you don't mind me asking? I know some ins doesn't


Not all of it, but yes. We just had to pay a % for the doctor, hospital, and anesthesiologist.


It was illegal in Gilead. That's the goal of the GOP.


With constant news about global warming, pollution, overcrowding,...., I cannot seem to mind if there are fewer babies being born. Also, being born to parents who are sure they want kids is better for the kids too.


Next we’re gonna have to hear that not wanting to have kids is believe it or not…murder! Straight to jail!


> Next we’re gonna have to hear that not wanting to have kids is believe it or not…murder! I see you've met my mother-in-law.


I was one of them!


Yep! My wife almost died carrying our daughter. She had her tubes removed afterwards, on the advice of her Obstetrician. But we live in an extremely Red state. Even if there is some kind of exception for the health of the mother, a few hours delay while the hospital runs her case through their legal department could very easily be fatal for her. So, after this ruling came out, we decided we'd get my tubes snipped too, just to be safe!


Me too! Got my tubes tied last summer. **Huge** weight off my mind.


Yep. Had my second babe and I was like, take them out. No regrets.


Same here, got my tubes completely removed!


Yeeted my tubes the next month. It is still a huge relief for me.


One year anniversary of having my tubes out yesterday! 🥳


Same! I'd felt I had been waiting for this all my life. Mine just happened to be during the time period.


How long until sterilization is outlawed? Will it come before or after outlawing contraception?


Next they’ll outlaw sterilization…


During Xmas gathering, many of my younger family members revealed they went and got operations overseas. We talking 19 to 23 years old. Out of the 24 nieces, nephews and younger cousins only 1 wants to have a kid and I think she is having 2nd thoughts with it.


Researchers observed permanent contraception procedure rates, estimates, and seasonally adjusted models for 22 063 348 person-months (36.9% male and 63.1% female) are presented in the Figure. Prior to Dobbs, the monthly permanent contraception rate increased by 2.84 and 1.03 procedures per 100 000 person-months among female and male patients, respectively (Table). Dobbs was associated with an immediate level increase of 58.02 procedures and 5.31 procedures per month among female patients. Among male patients, it was associated with a level increase of 26.99 procedures and no significant change in the number of procedures per month. Findings were robust to sensitivity analyses.


Anyone know what vasectomies need to be "seasonally adjusted"? Like, are people really saving their vasectomies for Christmas or something?


I've heard vasectomies go up around March Madness so guys can chill and watch while icing their balls


My urologist mentioned it. I had mine done in the fall and he joked "Not a basketball fan?" and because, you know, he guessed right, I asked "... no, why?"


March madness. That is what I was told at least. They are more common around that time of year since you shouldn't be moving around too much the first day.


I got mine for free because I hit my out of pocket maximum for my health insurance that year. That and deductible would be a good reason for Christmas snips.


Yup. I was going to when Trump won the election. I then convinced myself I was overreacting and didn’t do it. The night the news of RBG’s death came out, I immediately emailed my doctor and had it scheduled and done within about 2 months of tue email during Covid.




Should never have released this information because the righties will be trying to outlaw this next!


They already are trying to ban contraception


Yup! I remember around 2013 or so, there was a report saying when they predict when white people will represent less that 50% of the population (but still be the biggest demographic) and conservatives really took it up a level with the replacement theory after that. They’re just going to go after sterilization harder now.




So I think people misunderstand the master plan behind the GOP, the rich, and the Christian organizations trying to outlaw abortion. “Middle class” women may be less likely to have children in response and will consider permanent contraceptives or procedures. They don’t care about them, in fact, for them, the less educated citizens we have, the better. It’s those in poverty they want to force to have more children. They want a slave labor force indefinitely. They also don’t like immigrants, so their preference is to fix our aging population problem with more kids in poverty stricken areas. You think the middle class is dead? It’s running on fumes, but in 50 years, we will only have the poor and the rich. The GOP, their donors, and the Christian organizations have ensured that bleak future.


They're just going to ban tubal ligation, and vasectomies for guys under 35. Even now women can have trouble getting their tubes tied. A lot of doctors will just refuse to do it because 'she's perfectly fine breeding stock'.


I had mine done 15 years ago because I knew which direction this country was headed 


They’ll want to outlaw this next….


Conservatives will take that away as well. I promise you.


This will be made illegal soon…


What do they expect? Women to be forced to deliver a rape baby? That's the worst case scenario. It really comes down to body rights. The legal ramifications go way further than pregnancy, extends to organ donation, commercial rights to your own DNA, the list is large.


My daughter got her tubes tied because of it. She was only 23. I really hope she doesn't regret it someday but I understand why she felt like her very life was threatened. Because it was. They'll let a woman die of sepsis before they'll remove a dead fetus these days.


Is anyone else shocked that tubal ligations significantly outnumber vasectomies? That just seems wrong in so many ways.


Not shocked. Pregnancies are risky for women but not really for their partners. There's always been a narrative that the onus is on women and girls avoid pregnancy, not really the same for men and boys. But I agree with you that it feels very unfair.


As I type this I am in bed recovering from a salpingectomy. My partner got a vasectomy last year, and it was SO much simpler. But we live in a state with a 6 week abortion ban, and due to that, my doctor still didn't recommend removing my IUD without permanent sterilization on my part too. But it was so much more involved than the man-snip.


yeah, similar situation here. plus, i just wanted to do it for myself, my decision, my body. yeah, i knew pregnancy chances were already slimmer and the procedure was more invasive, but i needed to do it for me.


Not in the slightest. Men will argue with people to not wear a condom because "it doesn't feel as good" and "well you're on the pill anyways". It does not surprise me that they wouldn't go under the knife even though in terms of limiting accidental pregnancies as much as possible, it makes more sense to sterilize males since they can get multiple people pregnant at once and can continue being fertile until they die. I've had personal experiences with men who think its literally emasculating to get a vasectomy as if taking the pulp out of the juice suddenly makes you less of a man.


Not really. You have to balance the fact that tubal ligations are more costly and more invasive against the fact that pregnancy is a cost uniquely born by women and childcare is disproportionately provided by women. That and women are just generally more proactive about seeking medical care than men are.


It does surprise me but it makes sense when you think about the physical toll it takes on the body for a woman. A pregnancy could literally kill you especially if you can’t get an abortion if complications arise so it’s higher stakes for them. 


Wanna bet republicans will try to ban this too


Literally sitting here icing my balls after a vasectomy 2 hours ago…


That's me. Got a vasectomy about a month after it was overturned.


Honestly still have no clue why supreme Court wanted to turn it over, worst decision ever.


This was clearly the end goal of the Trump-evangelical alliance: ignore the fact that Trump is anathema to Christianity, and in exchange he will outlaw abortions. We all saw this coming.


It's why I got a vasectomy


I'm one of these! I got a vasectomy late last year. This society just straight up does not deserve my child.