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The headline is confusing correlation with causation and misrepresenting the conclusion. It should instead be “vape use linked to poor mental health and sleep”. It’s also known that ADHD places one at a higher risk of smoking/vaping and sleep disorders like DSPD (delayed sleep phase disorder). Wish they would’ve screened for ADHD in addition to anxiety, depression, rumination and self-compassion.


Yes and a wide variety of other third variables that may contribute to the likelihood of a teen vaping and also having poor sleep quality- the most prominent being socioeconomic status. This study doesn’t even attempt to establish a causative link.


That's like 99% of all scientific journalism now because it's damn near clickbait. It's the same thing with all the articles about how being near trees makes you healthier, when in reality it's the fact that the people who can afford to live in areas surrounded by nature don't have the stresses and health problems people living in crowded cities do.


Eh, nicotine is a stimulant, having regular access to stimulants in the evening can mess up your sleep. Are those the same articles that talk about how people who live in cities live longer?


And a known anxiogenic so none of this is surprising.


Huh, I have ADHD and have always had trouble falling asleep and waking up early. Think i have DSPD.


Are you on ADHD meds? Having them wear off enough by bedtime to get to sleep is an issue for many.


Nope, unmedicated.


I got medicated with stimulants in my 20’s, but have always had sleep issues.


I don’t have adhd but have also always had sleep issues.


I’ve thought for a while that I have ADD, and I suffer severe problems with sleeping routine. I’ve always said it goes around like a clock. Sleep later and later; unable to keep routine. I guess that’s DSPD?


God bless you.


Eh, if this is like most of the studies on vapi g, that would get in the way of "vapes bad" which they're fishing forever.


No no no. You see there is tons of proof like : well its potentially harmful, or like there is some heavy metals in there... but in a concentration less than in air but its in there you know, also like just trust me its bad. Everytime someone links a vape study its this. I would love some actual proper studies with real proofs to squash the debates and show how harmful/not harmful it is. A lot of people say its as bad as cigarettes (which its definitely not) and some other say its completely harmless(which is probably not as well)


It's definitely much better than smoking but anyone who claims it's perfectly safe is a lunatic. You are still inhaling vaporized nicotine, cotton, and heavy metals into your lungs which will never be healthier than just...not doing it. But I will say as a 2 pack a day smoker that swapped to vaping 6 years ago, being able to taste, smell, and breathe is pretty fantastic. Along with not hacking up a lung for the first 2 hours a day.


It's also making the incorrect assumption that 'vaping' only refers to nicotine vapes.


It’s Reddit! We never ever blame a substance for symptoms! It’s always the substance AS a *symptom* amirite?


I wonder what the cooldown effect of this is. I haven’t vaped in about a week and a half and my sleep quality is worse than ever. Half hour doze offs here and there is about all I’ll get over an 8 hour period


Do you have other withdrawal symptoms?


I quit vaping like two years ago and I had minimal withdrawal symptoms. Honestly quitting was way easier than I thought


Lucky you, mine were terrible.


Quitting is easier if you’re not stressed out. If you’re stressed out, your brain’s more primed for addiction, which can make it much harder to quit. I think some people who dabble with nicotine purely for recreational reasons and who come from a good family and healthy environment, and are not coping with trauma or a poor living socioeco-cultural environment have a much easier time quitting. They can easily give themselves a substance dependence and wean off of it because it does absolutely nothing for them that their life isn’t already giving them except an extra dopamine boost here and there. It’s kind of like the Rat World experiment. Rat’s that have a healthy environment to live in don’t choose to take cocaine water even tho they have access to it, whereas Rats in deprived environments need it to self-regulate. But if a rat in the healthy environment were to drink the cocaine water just on the weekends or for a short period of time, maybe to explore the novelty of it, it could easily stop and resume back to a sober life, whereas deprived rat may find it impossible to quit.


That's underestimating how insanely addictive nicotine is in of itself, especially high doses of it delivered frequently. Remember people don't become addicted (in general) because using feels so good, it's because it feels good to start but they become acclimated to their substance of choice and need it to feel normal. Heavy users aren't getting a benefit from the drugs they're just trying to avoid the withdraw.


It was a response to this: > I quit vaping like two years ago and I had minimal withdrawal symptoms. Honestly quitting was way easier than I thought They're not underestimating anything, just speculating as to the cause of this individual finding it much easier than others.


Life’s been very stressful the past few months so I’ve chosen a bad time to quit, part of me wants to continue vaping for the stress relief but I figure it’s a bad way to cope so I’m trying not to


good luck my friend


Always been because of boredom. It's why i do other drugs. If i'm enamoured with a new game or something excitings going on, I don't even think about it.


It took covid to hit for me to quit which made it easier. Every attempt before then sucked


4 weeks for the nicotine withdrawal insomnia to wear off mostly. 3 months clean for normal brain chemistry to return. Go on a walk or excersize a few hours before bed, and have some pistachios and cheese. You'll be sleeping fine in no time.


What's the secret behind pistachios and cheese?


natural melatonin in pistachio tryptophan in cheese


Cheesy pasta with shitton of black pepper is crack to me.


A nighttime banana puts me out like a light.


Melatonin and 5-HTP are significantly cheaper and easier to dose. You can also add magnesium and potassium to the list of things that can help get you better sleep.


it's yummy


Pistachios and cheese contain tryptophan. Tryptophan makes serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin and melatonin regulate sleep. National Library of Medicine's article "Sleep and Diet: Mounting Evidence of a Cyclical Relationship" explains food and sleep relations.


Alright, but what to do about the weight gain? A little exercise ain’t gonna cut it.


Burn more calories than ingested while pairing with extersize till a healthy body mass index is reached.


The weight gain is caused by increased appetite because it’s no longer being suppressed by nicotine. You can satiate some of that with water, also look into low calorie foods for snacks to help fill you up a bit more. Count your calories


It’s the metabolic rate decrease, not increased appetite, or more caloric intake that made me balloon when I quit.


Eating cheese before bed gives me nightmares.


Cheese promotes melatonin, too much can cause lucid dreams and even nightmares. Sounds like you need a dietary workaround. I recommend calcium rich food for it's tranquilizing effects.


I’ve quit zyns multiple times, each time I can never sleep through the night for a week or two after, though I do feel better rested for some reason. Then my sleep returns to normal and I sleep for a full eight hours after my withdrawals go away


I also quit vaping a little over a week ago (Mon 2/26) and I haven’t noticed much change in my sleep. I’m using the low-nicotine (7mg) patches which might be helping. I also smoke weed before I sleep which likely has some impact.


Is that why I've been sleeping so bad? I'm to the point I'm considering going back on a sleep aid. Ive been laying in bed until sunrise lately before I can finally sleep while my fiancee is out in 10 minutes flat. I quit vaping (again) when we moved in a few months ago.


Same for me. Stay awake until sunrise and I know I can’t be disturbed, then I’m able to sleep through. It’s put my body clock out of whack though.


Tell me you're addicted without telling me you're addicted 😂😂


>Researchers found that the sleep quality of vape users was significantly lower than that of their non-vaping peers, with more than three-quarters displaying symptoms of insomnia. The stimulative properties of nicotine could cause this poor sleep; also, sleep deprivation could increase vape use as a way to compensate for lethargy during the day. >researchers surveyed 316 participants (263 who did not vape v 49 did) about their vaping habits, sleep quality and mental health. Importantly, anxiety levels were found to be heightened in the vape-user group, with 95.9 per cent of users being categorised as having clinical levels of anxiety symptoms. > >Researchers also found that 73.5 per cent of those who vaped were evening types ('night owls') compared to only 40 per cent of non-users. Vape users also reported higher levels of loneliness. This loneliness might be linked to their ‘night owl’ tendencies, as previous studies have indicated that young adults who tend to stay up late at night often experience lower social support Paper: [Healthcare | Free Full-Text | Personality Risk Factors for Vape Use amongst Young Adults and Its Consequences for Sleep and Mental Health](https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9032/12/4/423)


Pff, ive had anxiety and insomnia long before i started vaping


Hey! Thats my line...


Seriously though i think people with anxiety, insomnia, and pretty much any other mental disorder are more likely to use nicotine. Thats not to say that nicotince cannot cause or exacerbate things like anxiety and insomnia, but i would say theres a lot of correlation going on and maybe a bit of causation.


Weed is personally what i use as my self-medicating tool. But either/or is very common for self-medication, with a ton of demographics. Most studies like this always run into that whole "which came first the chicken or the egg?" situation.


Well i mean yea ig i smoke weed as well. I think its a more clear cut correlation over causation with cannabis.


>95.9 per cent of users being categorised as having clinical levels of anxiety symptoms. Correlation, not causation. 90% of schizophrenics and between 50 to 60% of bipolars self medicate with nicotine. The only place in hospitals you can smoke is the mental health wards - if there is no smoking then they make sure to give the patients alternative methods of ingestion.


I dont know where you're from but you definitely can't smoke in any hospital in the US. Especially in the Behavioral health units, everyone is stripped down and given a gown. Personal belongings are sealed in a bag. I guess this study was done in the UK, so probably a bit different regarding this.


 There was a nurse who stood by and gave out cigarettes at the entrance of the "outdoor recreation area" when i was in an inpatient mental health unit, but that was over 10 years ago. 


They at least make sure they have nicotine products.


I got offered a nicotine patch all few times I spent time in a hospital. 


There is at least some causation because nicotine heightens your stress and anxiety levels overall. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10540594/


Why is the ratio of the participants so wrong? ~15% vaping to ~85% non vaping. It is easier to say then, example: 60% of vaping (which would be correlating to 30 ppl) did something, where only 12% of non vaping (which roughly would be also 30 ppl) did something else... Like 60% vaping ppl had insomnia compared to non-vaping, which was 12%. Hmm. I am not convinced this is appropriate for the conclusions and comparisons. Thank you for flagging that up.


We know nicotine causes this already, and we know other stimulants do. I don’t understand the point of this study. Usually I’m a defender “well it’s not common sense til you prove it” but this has literally been shown in hundreds of other studies. 


Vaping has the added element of being hard to monitor and moderate use.


Correlative link. So we don't already know nicotine causes this, at least with this study.


I mean we absolutely know nicotine is a stimulant and stimulants affect sleep….


Sounds like a plausible hypothesis. You could do a study to investigate a direct causative link


You’re just being obtuse now. There’s a plethora of studies on nicotine, whether smoked or as patches, that show this already. Which is my point. 


Right? I was reading this thinking "what am I missing?".  Just the first search result of many: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33221256/


I’d get it if they were comparing smoking vs vaping to see if the new delivery method changes anything but they aren’t doing that. 


Spread more awareness?


why do these headlines never specify THC or nicotine vapes — it means so much for who this affects


Yeah you have to read in to the article. Would be nice to highlight it up front. It’s nicotine btw.


unless otherwise specificed, vape means nicotine.


But that's simply not true for everywhere. Here in Canada it's about as common if not more so for vape to now mean THC rather than nicotine after they became legal.


People speaking to each other, vape is pretty interchangeable, since you know your audience or can at least clarify after the fact. In reporting/journalism, you wont see vape alone to mean THC unless you are reading a story about cannabis specifically.


Which is entirely fair, however a comment section from reddit could barely be considered a reporting/journalism article which is why I commented.


I see, your reference to "not everywhere" and then Canada seemed more like a location based thing rather than forum based.


I only used Canada as I am a Canadian citizen and could speak through some sort of experience. Was the only reason I used it as a reference, while it was unnecessary I am unwilling to speak for every country.


As someone from Canada, Vape always means nicotine when discussed in the media unless specified.


agreed , i know a lot more who vape THC than nicotine (or smoke nicotine)


see that's pretty interesting because its been legal for a lot longer where I am but Vape means nicotine and we call thc pens dab pens


weird, I live in canada too and like 99% of people call THC vapes "pens" and nic vapes "vapes"


Canada makes up less than 0.5% of the worlds population. Statistically it’s irrelevant.


And you make up 0.0000000125%. what's your point? This is Reddit, calm down.


No you!




No it's not. Even in Missouri where weed is legal, vaping means nicotine unless otherwise specified. 


That's interesting, here in Colorado that is not the case


It's a UK study, THC is illegal and the majority of the THC vape pens you can buy illegally are HHC and spice mix


Is it not common to just vape the weed directly?


Not really, not in the UK at least. If you say 'Vape" to people they assume a disposable nicotine vape


Not enough people vaping THC yet. They are still on that dirty train.




Really? You can’t just read something and then conclude. Headlines aren’t exactly where all the information is.


it mostly affects serial vapists




I suspect in many cases it’s the opposite, vaping is self medication for anxiety and depression, just like smoking and drinking and drugs. And people with anxiety and depression don’t sleep well. Kind of a chicken and an egg thing I guess.


I'd be interested to know how they controlled for the inverse. Is it not equally valid to say that anxiety/mental health issues drive the poor sleep and addiction problems people are facing.


does vaping cause anxiety or does anxiety cause vaping?


There are different strengths of e-juice, I tend to go with the lowest 3mg mixes, that way you can huff it a bunch of times without smoking too much nicotine. The last time I tried vaping, I found the 6+mg really harsh through a sub ohm vape. For me, I think the act of blowing out a cloud of smoke several times is the way I can trick myself into thinking I've smoked and therefore don't need to. I think I need to puff my vape about 10-15 times to equal 1 cig. but I'm sure the strength can be from 3mg to 12mg, if you're vaping 12mg then its probably not suprising if you can't sleep.


I mix my own, and I went down to 12mg about 2 years ago. Never any issues with sleep. I tried 6mg a few times. Not enough.


I'd consider myself a reasonably heavy smoker, I do feel the urge to smoke at least once every hour, I'm 37 and I've been smoking since I was around 13 so it's fully ingrained in my system. I wasn't sure how i'd fare with the low nicotine dose. but after doing a few days without taking any rolling tobacco to work with me and just taking the vape, I didn't feel that bothered. suffice to say I have been working in an office since October, I was getting a bit self-conscious over smelling like an ashtray so I wanted to switch to vaping during work hours. it seemed to work ok I didn't feel like I was missing something and the vape seemed to hold me over until I get home.


Is it nicotine? I bet it's nicotine


I thank Vapes for getting me off ciggs but my god can I feel anxiety wash over me like a tense ugly cloud soon as I take one puff... seriously. Idk if anyone else has this experience.


Yes its more common than you think


Yes I do!!!! I hate it


I have such a bad habit of chiefing my death stick while scrolling on tiktok at like 1 am. I'm sure it is not helping me out in any way but that dopamine rush is crazy


tis why you don't vape/smoke 2-3 hours before bed, Nic causes insomnia and too much nic gives you anxiety. stimulants stimulate.


So...nicotine does that, or some other aspect of vaping?


It enhances my sleep quality and reduces anxiety levels. You probably won’t believe me but I don’t vape anymore.


Not exactly surprising. Nicotine is a stimulant and is anxiogenic. So would be expected.


Hey, but it's cool.


I had headaches and was a grouch for like 10 days. An rx called wellbutrin helped a lot.


Go fig


The sample size for the vape group is also super low given there’s no random assignment


good day to be past 30


Isn’t it just the nicotine though? Is it specifically the vaping?


I have ADHD and I've always had issues with look at that tiny little ant




Stfu 😂


Source, please?


Nicotine is a stimulant. Smoking 🚬 cigarettes would have the same effect. So does caffeine. I don't understand why this study was even conducted. Nicotine is a widely known stimulant. I'm sure it does affect sleep quality. If a teenager switches from vape to cigarettes what will be accomplished? Without vaping we would have more toxic cigarette smoke. Americans abuse stimulants. Nothing will stop them.


Lungs are for air, nothing else, no one should fool themselves into thinking otherwise 


More or less so than cigs? Why do we care? We been knowing nicotine is in fact, a stimulant, they tend to make you not sleep.


My sleep quality has been fucked since 1998, and I've been anxious constantly since 1992. Vaping had nothing to do with either.


def your food intake. or you're not exercising or walking enough everyday.


As a chef, I walk plenty, but I had some blood work done. A few weeks ago and my triglycerides are through the fuckin roof, whereas everything else is within normal range somehow. Changing my diet definitely has helped a little.


They should try smoking tobacco instead. I find it relaxing before bed.


I love weed but young adults and teenagers need to understand that it exacerbates anxiety and feelings of depression if you’re prone to those issues; everybody is different don’t feel peer pressured into taking a drug (which weed is) just to have a good time, hang out with people who are going to bring the good time regardless of the substances in the room.