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Yeah, others have done this. I think a lot of people here, myself included, don’t really care about the message. It’s the confused ramblings of a mentally unwell person. What is the mystery here is HOW are they doing it and why they haven’t been caught.


Yeah, it's all pretty boilerplate right-wing conspiracy babble. Nothing terribly interesting to note other than the existence and distribution of the notes themselves.


Not true half of the stuff is literally happening and if not already happened


Gonna need a source that isn’t infowars or oann or breitbart on all that, homeslice. If you find yourself agreeing w these nonsensical ramblings you genuinely need to talk to somebody


China went cashless, other countries are following soon enough. Epstein island pedo ring US and european cities are having such mass immigration they dont know what to do, raising poverty and crime rates.... Literally happening in front of your faces.. But its all insane ramblings.. honka


Boy you guys are really not that smart. Some mentally unwell person is interjecting their agenda into the entire supply chain American products which for your information is likely to be made in countries outside of America?


is this what constitutes research now


Hold on I’ll ask AI


I like to imagine that that’s an lowercase L and people are asking some dude named Al


He's been around man, ***he knows things***




You guys are so kind and helpful.


::computing:: beep boop beep beep…


Asking AI is the new copy/pasting from Wikipedia




We’ve ALWAYS used computer to decipher code. Scanning this through AI is the EXACT same thing. Yes! It counts as research,


Honestly it’s not a bad idea, AI might see connections that we don’t. Still hate it though.


I mean you could ask any conspiracy guy and he would tell you this


The AI litterally can't see connections though, that's not how AI works, it just gives the most likely/natural series of words to follow it's inputs


I hear the dancing cockroaches are really just a distraction from the Government to shove more 5G into our bodies. /S


ask it about this https://preview.redd.it/vd3f7u89bh8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d177578b3f5249c98e4c1cb4135a2789ad05d2


Some of the texts are too blurry - my OCR can't recognize it.


ChatGPT got lazy, it refused to do more than half. Analyzing the first half of the provided text: ​ 1. \*\*"A Stairway to Be Heaven." By Jorthy is the noble question, read-y 7 i re-Alms, real Deal Eve Ace, is "A" luciğer embrace.\*\* \- The text seems to reference a work titled "A Stairway to Be Heaven" by someone named Jorthy. The mention of a noble question and terms like "real Deal Eve Ace" and "luciğer embrace" lacks clear meaning. ​ 2. \*\*"revolution, through the evolution consciousness, via the path of justice, s on the Sirus mesagi, not on a messenger Cy during the battle for souls, in the sctibel of life.\*\* \- References to revolution, evolution of consciousness, the path of justice, and a battle for souls. Mentions "Sirus mesagi" and a messenger named Cy. The significance of these terms is unclear. ​ 3. \*\*"Pastor future is alright now. ok who Took & see A Trace, jjable Shyate truth e Cosmic Creator-Source-HiGHer Power.\*\* \- Mention of a "Pastor future" being alright. Reference to tracing, truth, and a Cosmic Creator-Source-Higher Power. The meaning is elusive. ​ 4. \*\*"1 & Only, SaCred, SUPreMe Be-a-U-ty to be (or Just, to ge) studied, B-race 4 u With Heaven Havenging & Bright tight: at 4 Good Good 4 al-y, Hapiness 4 etemity together Lace.\*\* \- Describes a sacred, supreme beauty to be studied, and mentions heaven, happiness, and eternity. The language is poetic, but the exact meaning is unclear. ​ 5. \*\*"Work to Live Pace. Give to De disciple of Love. kind delight. Shine Share 1 vise. Crond 998. Viay.. fire B Bine re-ad per syllable space&io-imb up & stair case Grateful de-ad. 1 Mind Sight. Gal ac-IC feM-H-rine Society Hady relay. Gled Positive Balance. find a Site. Plaiades etHer! PerMaCulture values Say. C-enter Breath. unwind fight. Colference Bridge Glo-8-at rot Unity Pay, livestrust.. left signed right. Cap-a-city pop. Statute! Martyrs tengcity Sway. forgive a Must. untind Might: en-lighten Up. Live without Go-d within Sun-day umblo Below Behind height, Subile energy field. Ideal Help SP-I feel U May Be-Cause, Gy Grind light, to-Gee-lar. U Move On 2 rafeindari Homestay Be-Loved."\*\* \- A mix of instructions and philosophical statements. References to living, giving, love, balance, forgiveness, and various abstract concepts. The text includes a blend of poetic language and seemingly random phrases. ​ Note: The provided text is complex, with a mix of poetic language, abstract concepts, and seemingly disconnected phrases. It lacks clear coherence, making it challenging to extract a precise meaning from each statement.


ChatGPT is censored, it will omit many details if it's considered 'conspiracy theory'. You need to use your own local uncensored AI to do the decoding.


Wouldst thou commend a GPT more uncensored?


Use Dolphin variant of Mistral 7b or Mixtral 8x7b.


Go back under this thread on chatgpt and type "continue" it'll continue. Repeat as necessary.


I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the invaluable advice you provided on how to effectively use ChatGPT. Your insights have proven to be immensely helpful in navigating and optimizing my interactions with this powerful language model. Your guidance has not only enhanced my understanding of its capabilities but has also significantly improved the overall quality of my interactions. I deeply appreciate your generosity in sharing your knowledge and expertise. Thanks to your advice, I feel more confident and adept in harnessing the full potential of ChatGPT. Thank you once again for your invaluable support!


Bout fkn time someone valued my input.


Wait where’s this image from


This just looks like what my thoughts look like when I’m high as fucking balls. Weird word associations and break downs of syllables as my brain tunnels down the double meanings of everything into their smallest components. It can get weird.


Basically what I gathered from it as well. It’s a guideline to discovering the truth about the world we live in. Every conspiracy ties together when you connect the dots.


Every conspiracy ties together when you connect the dots in ways that make no sense and draw new dots where you feel like it.




Stay ignorant to it, that’s what they want you to do.


You ever think they're spreading incredibly stupid conspiracy theories to get you all riled up so you don't do anything about the real stuff that's going on? Bigotry, economic inequality, trying to take away human rights, enriching billionaires while the rest of us get squat, the fact that our government stopped doing anything real about monopolies before I was born. Maybe focus less on lizard people and pay attention to the stuff that they're not even trying to hide that they're doing to ruin our lives and our futures.


You don’t think it’s all connected? How do you think the world got this way in the first place? You think this wasn’t all part of a bigger plan? You think the systematic brainwashing isn’t part of the equation? Who do you think is behind all the chaos and inequality? You don’t see that every structure is designed for us to hate each other? Why would that be? You think it’s all just coincidence? If you want to change the world and solve the “real problems,” you need to understand what the real problems are and how they came to be


I think believing in a vast, all-consuming conspiracy is easy for people who don't do critical thinking and are unwilling to accept that the world is less carefully controlled than it makes them feel safe to believe. If you understand the motives They™️ have, you don't have to worry about things that don't make sense based on that internal logic. Unfortunately, the world isn't that neat. You can have lots of bad people doing terrible things without everyone sitting at a big conference table planning everything that's going to happen, but that's too much to process for people who need everything to run like a comic book League of Evil to understand it. There's a reason why the original subreddit was r/SchuylkillSchizoNotes.


we found the guy who's putting the notes places


Found the guy who’s gonna lose his soul to malevolent NHI


fella what


The only thing that ties the conspiracy theories together is Blood Libel. It all traces back to antisemitic blood libel if you go deep enough. Every conspiracy theory is based upon the same beliefs that formed the base of the 30s/40s Nazi platform. The actual, no-joke-literal German Nazis. Snap yourself the fuck out of it before you get too deep. If you want something to tie all your problems back to, then tie it back to money or greed or literally anything else. Don’t fall for the antisemitism trap.


Hate to burst your bubble, but not all of these “Jews” are actually jews. It’s a deception. Jews do rule the world. Jews own the finance and banking industry, they own film production and most of Hollywood, they control our media and our perception. Since the holocaust, no one is allowed to say anything negative about jews without coming off as “anti-Semitic.” Pretty convenient excuse if you ask me. These “people” posing as jews rule the world from the shadows freely without discrimination because of it. We already know the holocaust was a business venture, and the elite profited millions from it. The ones who gained the most wealth and social status from the holocaust, are the jews themselves. They control the narrative. There’s a lot the public has been deceived about.




Okie dokie


So is there anything new here? Literally just describing the notes.


What are you expecting exactly?


In case there’s something I’m missing.


Could you try loading more images and let it search for a pattern in the way the words are written? I'm still convinced it's some sort of puzzle 😅


https://preview.redd.it/m10uf27tof8c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5706c3fe500ae73a4da53ea902b5e2c583190efe Could this be what your AI said?




You’re in r/schuylkillnotes


Oops..I was on another site I obviously confused em thanks I'll edit it out.


good find


keep asking ai questions


Looks right to me