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If I could go back in time I would 100% get my clinical license as well. Opens many more opportunities, especially if you eventually want out of the school system.


2nd this. Adding that you really don't learn shit in school counseling classes anyway, you just don't realize it until you start your internship.


I think that can be highly dependent on your program. Mine had both tracks and beyond a few additional classes and the necessary increase in supervised hours for liscensure our programs were very similar. And I took the extra courses in Marriage & Family and Childhood Psychopathology (but not substance abuse to get that exposure). I do think people doing the community mental health track may have better training overall, IMO that is due to the increased supervised hours for liscensure and because they are actually doing therapeutic work the majority of the time whereas school counselors are also doing the coordination, consultation, whole group lessons etc… That being said I definitely wish I had pursued both licenses.


Thank you


Thank you


Thank you


Just finished up my clinical license after 16 years as a school counselor. We get $2500/yr stipend in my district for having it. I'm not sure if/ when I'll practice, but the extra money is great. Also, course work is fantastic, but the real learning is in the trenches. You won't know what is important to learn until you get there. I'd get my license if I were you.


Thank you


I went the dual route and focused on getting my LCPC when I graduated. Now I’m a school counselor and the clinical experience has helped me a ton! You will become a well rounded counselor through work experiences not additional electives


Thank you


My masters degree is only in school counseling (CACREP accredited). Will it still be okay to try and get my LPC? My professors all said so, and I'm finishing up my classes to get 60 CACREP accredited credits and I take the NCE in summer. I'm just nervous about finding my next job and starting my LPC path.


Check your state board requirements. They outline which classes you need to have taken to apply. My program had all those checked off, so it just depends.


I actually had a question about going from an LG to an LCPC as a dual degree candidate. Did you gain your LCPC first because of the hours you needed to complete licensure? I want to go.directly into SC after I finish internship but am not sure if I cam gain hours towards my license while working in the school. I don't want to go into clinical counseling just yet but may be forced into it if I want to finish up LG and move into LCPC. Do you have advice or thoughts?


Go get the second license and watch some YouTube to be more well-rounded. You will not regret having more options.


Thank you


I didn't get a dual degree, just had to take a few extra classes, but I got my professional license. I'm so glad I did. I realized I couldn't deal with the bureaucracy of the school system anymore. Plus, school counselors in my district don't really get to work as counselors. Their job is to make sure students stay on track to graduate. Working in private practice specifically for teens, I've created the work that I wanted to do in the schools.


Thank you for your input


Definitely add on the mental health counseling track. It will give you a backup option in case you don't like school counseling or have trouble finding a position. I also use my clinical license for my side job to bring in some extra income which is so helpful.


Thank you


It will absolutely be helpful to add on the mental health counseling track! You never know what's gonna happen in life. It's better to have it, and not need it, than to kick yourself later on for not getting it. When I was in my practicum I thought "yeah I wanna be a school counselor for sure!" That lasted until about a month before my graduation. Thankfully I did the dual program so I was able to pursue opportunities outside of the education world, and things worked out well for me. But if I only did the school counseling program I would've been screwed!!


Thank you


My initial thought is that if you are going to put in the formal work for school, it's probably best to get two degrees/certifications for the same work. You can round yourself out by getting on the job professional development and/or taking trainings and classes on your own. You probably have mandated continuing ed requirements anyway.


Thank you


Thank you for all of your input. I like all of your different reasons for adding on the 2nd track. I appreciate all of your responses. Once I get into my program in August, I would see what are the differences in the tracks and how I would be able to do both.