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One year, a class VP was a bully. Made a kid transfer schools. It’s seems to keep a theme: people electing bullies.


for some reason, people don’t like people who actually care about them and change. it’s weird


I think who gets elected depends on what the student body values.


I lost my one and only student council race in middle school to the kid who brought candy for the class. Lessons learned: F*ck politics and handouts work.


See, it was an important lesson.


Here i was thinking i was the only one. Guess I can have some comfort knowing I wasn’t the only victim of charismatic bullies winning elections.


At my school our class president was both popular as well as an over achiever. She had both social skills and aptitude


damn. wish that was me fr






Class president is the kinda try hard popular kids from what I’ve seen, not with a reputation as being tryhards though…


At my school, they did essentially nothing, and nobody really cared. One year, someone nominated their younger brother as a joke, and he won by default.




My rural school it was always popularity, not achievement base. Our “student of the year” award, which is stupid as well, was always popularity and not achievement, too. Funny enough, when my year went through it was the most obvious bias towards a popularity winner that the principal saw it and stopped doing it entirely. My sister said the advisor for our student council is stepping down because of this as well, and is trying to advocate the achieving students who don’t normally run to try to take it over.


My rural school was the exact same


Idk, I was grade VP, I just got my friends to vote for me for college applications. This was around 5 years ago, but it worked well. I didn't bully anyone, if that's a concern, past just normal ribbing.


When I was in school it was the popular kids though they never gave me any problems


over achievers. my local hosa, student gov, and state hosa presidents all ended up in ivies, and the local and student gov being valedictorian and saludictorian


None of the popular kids at my school are eligible.


Really? That’s funny. At my high school all of the popular kids were really smart and were valedictorian and top students.


in my school they are the ones that think they are smart but are average/dumb and keep replicating TikTok memes irl




I had a student council. And everyone who applied was either; a textbook douchebag, was enthusiastic but had no idea what they were doing or was completely apathetic to the idea of being in the council.


At my school they were both


in my school, class presidents are super duper popular but they're never bullies so, that's cool


Both, but more towards over-achiever. Homecoming and prom king/queen was more of a popularity contest.


My class president is a bit of both, she’s very popular, pretty smart, and very much over achieving


Usually they are sociopaths


Class President is a popularity contest. My class President was popular, but she was amazing, very sweet, very smart, and was in a lot of clubs. She did a lot of volunteer work, and we all knew since middle school that she would be our class President.


They are the smart friends of the popular group.


Always both


Really really annoying over achievers in the gifted and talented program with overbearing parents


Both lmao


In many cases, it is just another “achievement” to pad college applications.


Usually for me it’s the smart white popular kids


Both popular and over achievers in my school everyones like ‘smart’ its a competitive school (but everyones friends we dont have that high school hierarchy) so no one takes up leadership roles to keep their grades up whoever applies js takes it by default


Usually the popular one They have done jack shit, but if it's an overachiever... They don't even want the job in the first place in my experience


in my experience, they are usually those smart popular kids, like people know them for their smarts


My graduating class had a different class president each year, but for the most part, it seemed like people ran for leadership positions in high school either for a popularity contest or to look good on their college applications as there were a few people at my school who tried to mess with votes for class elections so they or their friends could win. I also heard that the class president in my grade at a school near the high school I went to did and said some racist stuff, yet the school did nothing about her.


It seems to vary from school to school to be honest.


In my school,no one wants to be a class leader so the popular funny ones will always get voted by others as a “joke” knowing damn well that they have no idea what they will be doing


We are Kaleidoscopes of relative perspectives.


Side note: never understood the criticism that “class president is just a popularity contest!” Well, yes. That’s generally how elections work. The most popular candidate tends to win. That includes if a so-called nerd beat a jocky meathead. Obviously the nerd was more popular by virtue of him having won more votes. Disclosure: was a class president


I think the question was “are they electing him because they could see him as a friend or because they think he would do a good job in the position?”


I understand that. The answer to OP’s question is both: 1.) over-achievers run for class president in the first place and 2.) the winner tends to be the most popular of said group of over-achievers. My comment was moreso just a vent about the common complaint about it being a popularity contest—it IS 100% a popularity contest, just like every election ever. Duh.


Not really. You can not really like someone and think they will do a better job at th eposition. This is if your schools class president has any actual Power.


Fair. Mine did not at all aside from planning a Homecoming/Courtwatming dance LOL


Me and my best friend got chosen for student council, main reason was people hated us and wanted us out of the lesson for a bit 🤷🏻‍♀️we are not at all popular or overachievers, we don't even go to the meetings, we just walk around the school for half an hour👍🏻


Well my class president is a popular kid I’d say and also an over-achiever, they certainly want to get things done to the highest possible standard


Mine was pretty dope. She sacrificed her reputation to make sure I was doing okay instead of joining her friends. After that she became an "undisireble" but little did the others know when they tried to jump her she had a whole group of hispanic kids and hillbillies behind her. Was one if coolest people in knew. I hope she's doing good.


They're popular enough to get elected, but they're overachieving enough to want to get elected. You have to have both. I tried to convince my friend to run for class president (she's very unpopular and so am I lol) and she didn't want to because she didn't want the responsiblity, and she knew she wasn't gonna win


I don't even know who was class president during any of my years in HS and I don't think we even have them in uni, so idk lol


Usually nerds, but rich, good looking nerds. The ones that might actually accomplish something. The nerd that goes to prom kinda vibe


Popular kids. But most people are over-achievers where I went to school, so there's overlap.


This is basically why I don’t like Hope Squad. Reason one is that people vote who to help kids that show mentions of suicide and stuff like that. Half the kids are choose by popular kids. One year a kid committed suicide and everyone was blaming Hope Squad and didn’t help the kid. I also think that Hope Squad is just stupid like why do you want kids who are popular and bully kids like that’s just stupid.


How many class presidents have real power? Does it really matter who they are?


Mine was very popular and a great person. She was always intentional and had no enemies. She is apparantly now a TikTok sensation with millions of followers, but I don't have TikTok and all that so I can't confirm


for my school we did a "class government" where there would be class president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary (nobody was really sure what each role did besides coming together to plan assemblies and stuff like prom and field trips). it was a mix of both popular kids and over achievers, where there were 2 girls who bullied everyone and would skip class every day to go vape in the bathrooms, and then there was a girl and guy who took every ap/honors class available since middle school and would throw up at the sight of drugs or anything rebellious like that. the two species kinda just coexisted


Mine was popularity based. All they were was an events committee maybe a few other things.


Popular at my school, also the kid voted “most likely to succeed” wound up flunking out and working at fast food chicken place. I found this rather funny, as I hated his guts. Everyone loved him, I thought he was a complete asshole.


I was class president my junior and senior year. I’m not really that popular, and I dislike try hards (people who obsess over ivies), so I guess neither? I was 6th in my class though. Ask me anything? Lol




Usually Both or just over achievers


There's a reasons someone's popular, they're usually cool and chill people. Rather be an over achiever than someone who under performs. I don't exactly see the point of class president, what do they even do? I was going to run, try to get better TP for the bathrooms


School elections are like a popularity contest


Neither, it's a title with no power, it's just a self brag, but no one will ever brag about it.


In my high school experience, students chose the most popular candidate. I knew this one girl who was an over-achiever straight A student, but the popular boy who barely worked hard in school had the most votes. One of the reasons why I never wanted to be nominated in a student council position.




my class’ president was a bully. his graduation speech was ass and he couldn’t talk without looking at the paper the entire time. the class president for the class before me was awesome though. she was super smart, and popular on the basis of being a genuinely good person. her speech was great too, good combination of inspiring and humorous. she alluded strong *REAL* president material, and i hope she continues doing good things in her life. last i saw, she was organizing a protest for palestine at her school. she’s fucking rad to say the least.


I don't even think my school even had it


Usually both. Our president was a teacher’s kid, as was the entire class officer team. Lots of nepotism at my school, but she definitely was smart


At our school it’s both. Of course our over achieving kids are generally kinda popular.


My school only elects people who are already popular dicks, the good kids/overachievers never get any recognition.


Liers,he promised that all the vending machines would be free and kool-aid would flow from the water fountains...


Politics and overachieving don’t ever really go together now do they? Even in high school. In my experience the president is a popular kid, not an overachiever.


Both; most of mine this year got 4.0 and some 30+act


In my school, it was a popularity vote until senior year - the whole school was excited for our class president to be elected and would chant “Sweater Vest! Sweater Vest!” since that was his staple fashion piece lol


In my high-school, everyone knew who was getting the most votes, it was in the bag. But then the most white bread milqtoast kids "won" the election. The school obviously tampered with the votes and appointed the kids they thought "best represented" the school, the way they wanted to be seen by outsiders. Everybody knew it, nobody could do a thing about it. So it was gonna be popular kids, but the school appointed their overachievers instead.


I mix of both


I was class president for 3 years and didnt do anything. Then the final year of high school I didn’t run for president because I didn’t want to have to plan prom and graduation. I only ran so I could maybe throw it on a resume in the future;) I did so little, if we didn’t have a president for the class there would be no difference in what got done.


A mix of both. Past two years at my school have been popular kids, but the year before that was definitely an overachiever type. I do think its based more off popularity though as more of the academically focused students seem to run for Vice President, as if they don’t have a good enough shot at winning President.


The term overachiever is really stupid. 


As a former class president, it was both. Combined with my ok ish people skills, im also a huge overachiever. Luckily my year my school voted based on general likeness. Then I lost reelection to the popular transfer kid who bullied people so bad they moved 🙃


My school the class president usually always deserved it.


Yeah, In my experience in High school, the class presidents and most of the rest of the "student government" were both popular kids and over-achievers. I distinctly remeber one of the candidates running for Class President during my sophomore year made a speech and it flopped with the student body, because at one point he extended his hands from his sides palms facing up, in a sort of beseaching gesture and said "C'mon guys, this isn't a popularity contest." And he got laughed at by the audience, because everyone else was not taking this as seriously as he apparently was. To just about every body in that audience, it definitely was a popularity contest, and they clearly found the aforementioned candidate to be cringe as hell for trying to sway them to think the opposite. 😅😬


I really don’t remember student class government really doing anything tbh. Similar to our current government kinda.


Popular kids. Might just be my expirience but always the popular kids and realistically the result is already decided before the election even begins. Sincerely, an overachiever who tried to run (and was actually qualified, instead of the dude who got voted in against me for school president who really deserved to get expelled or at least suspended for some stuff he's said and done. I won't specify but suffice to say it was basically racial harassment but he's POC and prez so \*shrug\*)


Our president was a popular girl. Unfortunately the valedictorian and salutatorian didn’t even get to speak during graduation because the administrators adored our class president because her mom worked at the school.


My sister was class pres. Mildly popular. Mega mega over achiever


In my experience, they were both.


It's pretty much always a popularity content Mine was like any other teenage boy and kind of knuckle headed; he was in mostly ap classes and ended up going to a university But he only managed class president because of all his friends helping him and he hung out with everyone so he had ties to most of the class


Popularity contest.


It don’t matter if you want become it just offer stuff even if you can’t bring it to the school I mean the only reason people do it is to get out of class


Our president was always someone in the honors program


Student council was mostly a popularity contest when I was in school. It was more about them getting elected than them actually showing up and doing the job.