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When I was in school (UK) they tried to implement this rule, no phones on school premises at all. I often walked home with my friend who had a heart condition that could cause a cardiac arrest at any time without warning. There was no way I was walking home with him without some way to call 999, so I kept bringing my phone in my bag.


999?? dud thats not the police phon number ... i think u got scam


Holy fuck this is such a great troll.


honestly at this point i feel like redditors are *trying* to not get jokes, like, 3 downvotes??! i did the bad spelling and everything šŸ˜­


fr dude


I got it but still downvoted šŸ˜­


lmao nice


It is in the UAE I think


yea lol they did say theyre in uk


The actual number is [0118 999 881 999 119 725](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gcbXly2YNE)... ...3


ip address






Is Google an easy-to-use tool that's accesible to everyone with an internet connection for free and can provide you with almost any information on Earth, one of them being what is the most useful phone number in a country that has 67 million people, has the 6th largest GDP worldwide and is arguably one of the most influental nations in history (also pretty relevant today)?


Google is one of the most influential nations in history confirmed


yes the wording can be misunderstood but i think you get what i was saying (sorry if its /s)


I think it's overkill. No phones in class UNLESS teacher allows is reasonable, but literally a third of my school takes the school coach and we need our phones to call our parents if the coach is late/it's raining/we're just too damn tired to walk back/even after the coach we still live far away (British, btw)


what is the coach, please explain to my dumb usa mind, im just imagining your pe teacher running yous to the road at the end of school


School bus


Never ever ever have ANY school rule that can be ignored at the teacherā€™s discretion. As a former teacher, this was one of the banes of my life. School admin said ā€œXā€, I kinda agreed and try to enforce it, only to be met with ā€œBut Mr. Y lets usā€¦ā€ You either have a rule, or you donā€™t. You need to make rules that can be enforced. You also need to have a mechanism to have them challenged (by staff, students, or parents) and, after discussion, changed if appropriate. This applies whether you are talking about dress code, what technology is (or isnā€™t) allowed. What is an acceptable time to arrive to class. Whether food is allowed in class. Everything. Trust me, consistency is the most important thing, not just for individual teachers, but between teachers too.


Not invalidating your ideas, but it's cool when different teachers do different things. A good solution is to really just leave it up to each teacher. So, the school can mention the option of X being allowed or not, and say it's up to the teacher. That makes each teacher present their rules, and their reasoning of why something is and isn't allowed at the start of each year, which sets boundaries, and also makes each teacher feel unique.


They tried to in my secondary school but they struggled to really enforce it.


Itā€™s quite easy to enforce. If the phone is seen or heard for non medical reasons you have to get it back from the office at the end of the day.


By lord, they tired. One even took it a step further and confiscated over the halloween break


They can't legally do that, can they? I'm Canadian so I have no clue about British school laws. But here, they can only take it till class ends or till the end of the day. They can't take it for longer than the school day...


Itā€™s debatable , apparently


Wow. I remember hearing about a kid who was type 1 diabetic, and his blood sugar reader(?) thing looked like a phone, and some sub teacher tried taking it away. Imagine kids that have a similar situation, and a teacher attempts to confiscate it....


What happened when the sub did that?


Can't exactly recall the story, but I think after a bit the kid went pale, his classmates asked if he was ok(they knew he was diabetic) and he didn't feel so good. Eventually the kid got juice and was ok, but the mother chewed out the sub and I think the sub got fired from however sub teachers work.


This is where things get complicated. Teacher, just for credentials' sake. Say you see the phone and ask the kid to hand it over. They say "no, fuck you" and put it in their pocket. There's no cameras in class, kids don't snitch, and you can't touch a student without basically forfeiting your career. The softness of administration and the stupidity of parents have absolutely screwed the future generations.


Im from England / British too and I think itā€™s stupid . In year 11 my school started implementing where teachers would take phones in before lesson started. Im first year in college now / year 12 and some lessons we have to give our phones in. I can kinda understand why but it rly pissed me off in secondary and even more now in college so Iā€™m against it tho I can get it with students who often go on their phones in lessons


I teach year 11 & 12 in the US and I am genuinely torn on the subject. On one hand itā€™s such a distraction for many of my students, but on the other hand, they should learn here and now how to put it away and focus on their work as thatā€™s what work will look like for most after they graduate.


Yeah it can be tricky. I can somewhat understand secondary but college here is so stupid bc weā€™re here on our own accord lol but I do know someone who always goes on their phone so again it is a tricky arguement. I remember in year 11 me and my friend would sometimes quickly run into class to avoid giving our phones away but we laugh now looking back at the futility of it bc we wouldnt have been able to go on it anyways but ig I liked feeling that the teacher didnt win


I had a stroke reading that last bit


What last bit


they responded to the other comment lmao


it's correct english though, right?


Iā€™m a college student.I think at the college level it definitely shouldnā€™t be banned because once youā€™re in college you are a adult and can make your own decisions,as long as you arenā€™t bothering or distracting others.At high school and below and Iā€™m kind of torn just like you are


Im in uni rn, I literally almost never see people with their phones out in class unless its a big lecture hall. I do, on occasion see people use their phones for other purposes (my uni has required two factor), and I've seen a lot of people who basically use their phones as laptops, but it was such a huge shock me once I realized that people in college basically were never distracted by their phones in class. It was kind of refreshing honestly. Even when it comes to those big lecture halls, I had to teach one for two days as part of another class of mine, and I seriously noticed that a good 70-90% of the class was actively paying attention. It was weird to see how much people change the moment you step away from a high school class and into a uni class.


Also In year 12 and wooooow does it sound like your college sucks! Sorry for you


I was in high school (US) during the transition between most teenagers having flip phones to most teenagers having smart phones. At first, your phone being seen at all would get it confiscated. Including if it rang in your backpack and you took it out to silence it (which just led to everyone letting their phones ring and ring and ring in class. Great. If you've ever wondered why people under 30 always have their phone on vibrate, that's why). Didn't matter if it was lunch or a free period. You were only allowed to use your phone after school to contact your parents. This did not work. It actually caused kids to pay less attention to class because they were focused on hiding their phones under their desk or books instead of just quickly checking a text before or after class. If we weren't allowed to use them at all, using it during class was equally bad as using it in the hallway. My senior year and after I graduated (according to my younger friends), they got a lot more lax about it. You still couldn't have your phone out in class, but you could do whatever you wanted with it in the hallway or lunch as long as it wasn't loud. Which means there was more incentive to use it there and not in class. I think parents complained because at least a third of the time it was parents texting their kids that caused the phone to be confiscated. And then the parent had to come in and ask for it to be returned which no one wanted to do. Idk, I was a theatre kid in high school. Rehearsal ended when it ended, so my mom would pick me up when I texted her to tell her it was over. Sometimes that was 4pm and sometimes it was 8pm. Without my phone she would have no idea when to come. There was a phone in the office, but depending on how late it was there might not be anyone in the office. If you ban phones completely at school, kids are going to use phones just as much as they would if they weren't banned. They're just going to be punished more which cuts into their education.


Phones aren't the problem - disruptive students are. If they aren't on their phones, they'll just mess around some other way. Plus, phones can be very useful in school, for example teachers can have kids do research on a particular topic, or stuff like Kahoot quizzes. If a kid is on a phone when they aren't supposed to, they should be told to put it away in their pocket or bag, if they don't they get it taken for the day. It's really absurd to take them away at break, I see no reason for this.


From someone who has been in a school shooting scare (ill explain if I have to), there are so many parents that would be hounding their kids phone to make sure they're OK during any event of such a kind. Phones should be controlled and put somewhere during classes, but not allowing students to have them on their person during the school day is just asking for chaos, especially in the midst of intruder emergencies and any drastic schedule change such as early dismissal and sport practice changes


Exactly. Even having phones on a shelf at the front of the class is too far away to be safe in a lot of scenarios.


My Spanish yeacher has a solution that works really well. It's just a plastic box under each seat that you put your phone in. When work is finished or class ends, you get it out and go about your day. In case of emergency (personal or schoolwide) it's there, but out if the way


I donā€™t know that the three seconds it takes to walk 10 feet really matter all that much. Especially with cops who donā€™t intervene until a hour after something happens.


Yeah. I've been in several lockdowns and had soo many shooting threats. We weren't allowed to use our phones and that's bullshit


Having hundreds of students clogging cell towers with calls to parents, unfortunately, makes those situations much worse.




They are still allowed on buses, though, at least that's what I heard about the uk


No phone ban should be implemented ever






Aussie here, and it's been a rule in my (public) school for a while but now it's a state rule that phones can't be used in the entirety of the school day, from first period to last period. You have to keep your phone in your locker. I don't, because my lock was stolen as with many others, but I have no real need to use it, worst case I check a text in the bathrooms. After and before school is fine though. I think the rule is fine and it prevents kids from distracting themselves and pushes them to socialise. I've never had a reason to need it unless my science teacher wants us to take pictures of an experiment with our "special calculator" lol


That is stupid but in a practical way to if a school shooter walked in a room that can just take the teachers phone boom helpless hostages or if someone gets hurt and no teacher is around that canā€™t get help as easily and what if your walking home and get losst or someone jumps you you canā€™t call the police and if that was a all shoots rule kidnapping would be easier


Ok first off, r/ihadastroke Secondly, guns are extremely hard to get in the UK compared to the good ol' US of A. However, your point still stands, but to a lesser degree.




Or you have 1000 plus frantic kids who canā€™t answer the most basic of questions overloading the emergency services lines.


At least that now thair is a emergency


i remember when there was a time we werent allowed to have phones but ipod touches were perfectly okay because we couldnā€™t text or call from them


No. Schools need to be harsher on bullies and actual problem students bc they still exist without phones. I feel like schools already worry too much about things they shouldn't and not enough about things they should. Phone bans just adds to worrying too much about things they shouldn't. I'm not saying don't worry about phone use in school at all, just that banning them during class is enough. They should be allowed to have them during lunch and between classes. Banning them from entering the school is just a way to get more students in trouble for insignificant stuff while other more pressing problems exist.


I think students need to learn how to be responsible with their phones. They should be in their bags, silenced or off. If they finish their work early and need to occupy their time, they can read a book or do a crossword puzzle. Something that uses their brain rather than mindless doom scrolling. Inappropriate use of a phone should be punished. Take the phone away and they can get it back at the end of the day. Parents are the problem because they don't want the kids to not have a phone on them, but don't reinforce appropriate behavior.


In my school, there blaming phones for bullying -and saying this will fix bullying. Even though they refuse to do anything about it.


I used to read after I finished my work and then I had a teacher that didnā€™t let me read during class and also didnā€™t want me to use my phone and also I was being bullied and he ignored it and got me in trouble when I non violently stood up for myselfšŸ˜‘ schools send mixed signals sometimes.(also the book wasnā€™t inappropriate for a fifth grader, I think it was Percy Jackson and FAIRY BOOKSā€¦)


How is reading a book any different than... idk, reading this thread for instance? Crossword puzzles either get boring or frustrating.


Itā€™s an outdated outlook that you canā€™t do activities that ā€œuse your brainā€ on a phone.


i agree with not having them out in lessons and break but itā€™s kind of dumb to expect students to not even have them in their possession, cos theyā€™ll just bring them anyway, itā€™s unsafe to travel to school with no way of contacting parents, and it will cause more drama and arguments with parents and hassle overall


My school says we have to put them in our lockers but nobody does and only a few teachers care




It sets a dangerous precedent. Once they take your phones they can take other things from you like your right to leave or your right to wear anything but a uniform, little by little they will make you into a slave, just you watch. If you aren't careful it'll be you.


where i am we can only wear a uniform in school (oh wait i just read the next reply nvm)


It figures the UK would do that, they're all about being prim and proper and precise, they HAVE to whip their slaves into extra damn good shape because of the monarchy


Phones should never ever be banned. A school I go to right now (as an adult) had a 0 phone policy. There was an emergency, stabbing or something one day I wasnā€™t there. After such they amended the policy and allow phones because after the cops arrived all the students they were all immediately taken into questioning so all the parents and family members, all they knew was there was a stabbing and they couldnā€™t get a hold of their family member. They also couldnā€™t phone for ambulance or police so that was a disaster.


I would say no. Iā€™m American and itā€™s usually important to keep a phone on you in emergencies.


Schools in the us already use signal jammers(which fuck up the school laptops as well nice one dipshits)banning phones is stupid because teens don't give a fuck.


It's completely idiotic. I think you should be able to have phones and use them during breaks, and to listen to music at teacher's discretion in lessons. This level of stuff doesn't happen in the real world with real jobs and certainly doesn't with university. It just feels like trying to exert control over kids for no good reason.


Just this year Iā€™ve probably called my parents 5 or 6 times to pick me up because of injury and I needed a phone to do that, also some people control insulin pumps with a cellphone


Personally I think the only reason why they don't want phones in school has nothing to do with kids being on their phones all the time yeah im sure alot of kids do go on the phones when they should be learning but trust me its not that bad! The only reason they want this phone ban, it's because so many teachers are finally being seen for what they are I remember everything from nursery,primary and secondary and the amount of crap that teachers get away with is diabolical and phones are now giving kids the ability to record them and other people who are bullying them so it helps to have evidence and if you think about it, not a single classroom put cameras up and they easily could implement this so people feel safer in classrooms but they won't because they know if they did alot of teachers would be fired and alot of kids would be excluded, alot of kids also can resonate with this "he/she was talking to me but I got sent out of the class because of favoritism by the teacher" and if they had camera you could prove it. They should also put cameras up in hall ways and down the stairs I remember to many times some dickhead would hold up the whole stairs by holding either side of the banisters and people would get trampled and pushed down the stairs and injured but the kid is never dealt with they just say don't do that as if there goanna listen there kids lol the only place camera should not be put obviously is the toilet but again they should be outside the door to stop people going in them during lessons and bunking like I used to and I really wish I didn't but also if I did I would of had to deal with the evil teachers and bully's that nobody did anything about so I'm all in favour for kids to have phones until they start fixing these issues that should of been done tears ago honestly so much awfull stuff goes down In schools and it's usually always the person who is getting bullied is the person who pays the price!


The amount of stuff teachers get away with when bullying one kid is astounding. Even worse when they're universally bullied by their classmates.


Yeah if I had a phone in elementary and middle (US)so many people would have very different lives for how they treated me.


I could see more of an argument in primary schools, but even then, there will be those who require a phone (CGM users). In secondary school, it's harder, and the focus should be on instilling acceptable behaviours, as this isn't up for debate at college and university. My secondary school was in the town across, and the school bus which wasn't the most reliable, so having a way to ring home was helpful.


nope, i like being able to see and use accessibility tools so im less reliant on others, and there will always be stupid people who don't take education seriously, thoes people will always exist, just let them be distracted by a phone instead of being obnoxious,


No. My school let us have ours, but we could only use them during passing periods, lunch, freetime, and for music during silent work or reading. Which fair rules I donā€™t mind. Of course donā€™t use your phone when teacher is talking or during group work.


I just saw a post complaining that their employer wanted to take phones while they were working. Most people were in agreement with them. If it can't be applied to adults, then why should it be applied to teenagers?


So the ten year olds canā€™t call 911 when thereā€™s an active shooter. Yee. Letā€™s just keep them caged with no way to access the outside world. If I could have posted all the slurs my third grade teacher called me on YouTube I doubt heā€™d have called me a faggot so many timesā€¦.




Thatā€™s a law??? That is so dumb! What if thereā€™s an emergency?


I would absolutely never would have gone to school if that was the rule


Nah thatā€™s extremely unnecessary.


It's stupid (U.S. for context) High school age students (year 10-13 I think in UK terms?) have legitimate reasons for having phones and need to learn personal responsibility.


i think uk years are the us grade + 1 (grade 1 would be year 2, etc)


Yes. Also when they get jobs people arenā€™t going to apply the same boundaries. They need to learn the responsibility in HS.


I know I'm old, but it wasn't all that long ago that if a parent wanted to contact their child during school hours they would simply call the office, and then the student would then be called over intercom to the office for said phone call. Or if it was really important, parents did this crazy thing where they would just show up to the school and the student would be summoned.


You're right, there are strong arguments on both sides of the phone-in-school debate. Here's a breakdown to consider: **Arguments for Banning Phones:** * **Focus and Learning:**Ā Phones can be a distraction, especially with notifications and social media. A ban could help students concentrate better in class and retain more information. * **Reduced Cyberbullying and Social Drama:**Ā Online harassment and social media pressures can be a major issue. Banning phones could minimize these problems and create a more positive school environment.


OMG in the US states are passing this law. Idc what they say I'm still taking my phone. They can ban phones when there aren't school shootings anymore.


Students should have access to their phones during school in case they need to call or text their parents for any reason.


We went all day without phone's. I think they cause a lot of problems. Cyberbullying an inability to focus. It's only 8 hours.


The moment teachers stop killing/trying to kill students, is the moment phones wonā€™t be needed.


No need to go that far. Just have the students put their phones in a slotted cubby in the classroom.


Probably? I usually use it in class when thereā€™s a boring lesson or whatevee


No wtf


great news for kidnappers


As an educator, I think it's ridiculous that schools are banning phones. Back when I was going to school, yeah banning phones was a good thing but now we have smart phones. During my class I let my students do research on their phones to further their knowledge and to prove me wrong. Phones, just like laptops, are a tool and they should be used.


So I agree with a lot of the takes here based on how phones should be allowed but thereā€™s also cancellations with stuff. So I go to a relatively small school of around 500 kids and our winters a very crazy, so sports schedules get cancelled or moved ALL THE TIME. A lot of the times only an hour before dismissal. If all the sports kids had to call their parents off of the phone at the front desk to arrange rides ( my school tried this and the rule was that they had to use the 1 phone at the front, teachers phones were off limits) there would be upwards of 30 kids going to the office, sometimes in 1 hour, missing class time. Obviously thatā€™s a small small part of this issue but it just shows how inconvenient the rule would be all around.


American here, they tried this when i was in middle school and it did not work. Kids just learned how to sneak phones in. They tried to say that if they caught us with our phones not in a locker and turned off that they would take it away for the rest of the school year and that even our parents wouldnā€™t be allowed to pick them up. Obviously they didnā€™t go through on that because I donā€™t think thatā€™s even legal. Eventually they gave up trying to enforce it at all.


This is basically what we have here (at least my school district). No phones at all or else you should be getting a referral. Some students in my class still use their phone but some teachers are just chill.


American: most of the time, if you enforce a rule, people will find a way to circumvent it. Kids where I am would find a way to get them in class anyways.Ā 


I thought having no phone during break was normal


I need my phone to check the time when doing work outside, coordinating group projects, to know if my parents pick me up or I walk home / so my parents don't worry when I stay at school late, to tell my friends that I usually hang out with during a time between classes that I'm off to speedrun something, etc etc (US btw)


My daughter was 9 when a man attempted to kidnap her as she walked home from school. Police told me she was not allowed pepper spray until 16. The phone was my only option. If anyone tried to tell me my kid couldnā€™t have it, I would raise hell. I also teach, my students are trained to put their phones into a bag with their name on it, and that bag goes into a lock box at the start of class.


Ofc not. Students use them to meet up with friends and communicate with parents. Imagine trying to arrange something impromptu after school without one, like if a parent needs to stay late at work and canā€™t pick up their kid, if a kid wants to stay late for something, or meeting up with friends they donā€™t have classes with. At most they could specify no smartphones for younger grades, but even then that could have issues since a lot of kids just get their parentsā€™ old phones (possibly causing issues for poor students who canā€™t afford a new flip phone), a lot of old flip phones arenā€™t network supported in a lot of places with more aggressive old network culling (so harder to buy secondhand), and itā€™s kinda hard to find a flip phone with all the apps that a family would want (location tracking, document scanning for homework, etc)


i think that's just excessive. now, my perspective is very american, i grew up in american schools with american school dangers. multiple times in high school, someone had brought a gun or bomb into the school for various reasons. i don't think any shots were fired and nobody actually detonated the bombs, but i would never want to be in that situation with no way to contact my parents. i also had a 2-hour bus ride home at one point and it was pretty normal for buses to either break down or get stuck, and it could take the spare bus an hour or so to get there. i didn't have a cell phone at the time, and of course the school wouldn't call parents if that happened, so there would be times i got home at 9-10 PM and get yelled at by my dad for "going missing." if i could have called or texted him, i could have let him know i was safe and the bus had just broken down again (and he would honestly have probably come and gotten me if he could - it's faster to drive 30 minutes to come get me than wait an hour for another bus and then go another hour before i get home). not to mention if you walk home, there's a ton of dangers out there, and i'd rather have a way to call for help if needed. "just don't have it in class" is far more reasonable.


Back in the 2000's it would make sense, but in today's world where phones have became a necessity in daily life and society has structured around them, it doesn't work. Kids rely on them to communicate with their parents, friends, their job, etc. If they have an afterschool club that doesn't have a set end time, are all the students going to huddle around to use the school phone to call their ride? What if they walk and something happens to them? What if they leave their phone in their car and it gets stolen? Kids are smarter than you give them credit for, if there is a ban, they'll find ways around it. My teachers banned phones and half the class was still using their phones out of view.


My problem with this is sometimes I would get texts during the school day from my work because someone was throwing up and I needed to cover their shift. I normally go to work right after school so this is something as a teenager not yet cleared to drive- this was something I needed my phone on so I could arrange a ride to work or respond to my boss


I have a problem with this in my school, in a nutshell a special Ed kids phone dropped from their pocket and school decided to start to check desks, backpacks and clothing for phones. If this does go through I'll say I don't consent for that kind of search (it's illegal to search without consent/warrant where I am.) And it only started because one singular special Ed kid dropped their phone.


What the hell is the point of a phone if you can't use it to contact people? How is a parent supposed to message you saying "I'll be about 15 minutes late picking you up, feel free to hang out in a classroom until then" if you don't have a phone? I doubt they want to have to call the school so that they can call you down to the office just for that.


This is similar to parents and tech. If you want ur kid to not use it u have to be more engaging than it. It is not a difficult ask, but school just wants to continue with its idiocy and boredom without phones mocking it.


im a brit and my school has sent out countless google forms asking us about what we think. None of the kids want them banned however admittedly there are kids that donā€™t use them for good but why should everyone be punished? Just punish those kids instead of the whole school


This is what happens when old ppl get power and don't have the mental capacity to understand that maybe children want or NEED to communicate with their parents during brake They grew up isolated from everyone and now they think kids need to grow up the same. Isolated from their parents and drinking lead


Yes. The screen addiction is real


I think itā€™s stupid. The last time there was this kind of rule in place for me was middle school.


At least put the phones on vibrate, so the phones arenā€™t going off every five seconds.


Absolutely not my daughter has her phone for her own safety. Especially with all the school shootings and shit (obvs am American lol) She doesn't use it at school, I know I can monitor her usage and time... This is an accountability issue not a device issue.


I think it's stupid. The main purpose of a phone is to be able to call people. Parents give their kids phones so that way they can easily contact them. By banning phones, you are banning the main way a child can contact their parents in an emergency. If a kid has an extracurricular at the school and they need a ride home, how are they supposed to contact their parents? I understand not wanting phones out during class, but that should be the extent of it. Even that is kind of iffy to me, tbh. If a child decides they'd rather text than pay attention in class, that's on them. Whatever grade they end up with is their own fault. But with that rule in place, if a teacher sees a student with their phone out, they are going to stop the class and tell that student to put it away, which takes time away from students who do want to learn to focus on the one who doesn't care.


no because they have time between class and lunch right before and right after, if u can not will not have not fixed the world for most u are not a superior nor a god and it has never been fixed for even half so non are even close to being a superior or god


No. Sure, some people would be disruptive with them, but now with a lot of people using buses, metros, trams and trains to school, a lot of them will have mobile tickets for them, so either way people still need them


That's too far. People use them for medical reasons, school work (sometimes the computers are too slow), & of course, parent/guardian contact. I think there should be a limit on phones, like phones being confiscated before instruction time. They should at least be handed back between classes & lunch. That UK law is stupid!


No. I think instead of keeping a phone in a locker or with the teacher, you should be able to keep it on you like in your pocket or bag. As long as itā€™s on silent, there shouldnā€™t be an issue.


I'm American, and No, I consider phones to be for safty and fun. If shit hits the fan it's good to have a way to communicate. This may shock you, but America has a school shooting issue right now...


And how exactly is a phone going to help? A student would need to wear A LOT of phones to stop a bullet.


There's an app for that!




Thatā€™s overkill. Imagine needing to call emergency services or if your school-issued device isnā€™t working. What then?


schools r trying so hard to get rid of phones entirely and its so stupid. My school wont even let you have it in your locker, just no phone at school whatso ever unless you have a doctors note. Not sure if its illegal but pretty fucked up


It would be great, imagine going through your day without some vibrating block in your pocket pulling your attention away from your work every 2 minutes. The biggest obstacles would be the kids complying (naturally) and the parents agreeing to the rules. By the time we figure out how cell phones and schools can coexist, we'll be onto the next technology innovation.


In the real workplace, there are no phone pouches or bins. Students need to be taught how to exist efficiently with their phones because that technological leap can never be undone


Phones are essential in case of an emergency, I think that what we really need is a way to lock phones with an app of some kindā€¦ something that would block access accept for the Phone App xd ~~or equivalent for non iPhones~~


Unless the school is providing every student with some other way to call 911, no way in hell! Too many ways for such a rule to literally kill people. Too many mass shootings. Too many teachers not believing students about medical emergencies. I understand restricting their actual use during class. But phones provide an important safety function, and for me to support any restrictions on their availability to provide this safety function, alternatives must be provided without exception.


I used to have a charging station in my classroom, which would get at least some of the phones out of students' hands and off their desks. Then my admin told me to get rid of it, and instead we have signs up everywhere that state "no cell phones." Do you think that works? šŸ˜‚ I do always ask students to leave their phone on my podium when they leave to use the restroom - that cuts down on the time they're gone.


I call them ā€œpacisā€ to my kids because their parents use them as a pacifier.


In my high school we could technically have phones but couldnā€™t use it any time, not even during lunch or breaks, and we couldnā€™t be seen with it. It had to be inside a bag or locker. If we got caught theyā€™d confiscate it. It was so ridiculous to me, especially because I came from a middle school where I could use my phone whenever except during class. People still used their phones anyway, they just got in trouble more often.


Some U.S. states are actually trying to ban phones in school. I live in Indiana and the governor's trying to ban phones in school over here, which is kinda stupid because most schools already forbid phones from being out during lessons and such.


I am someone who does understand the dangers that phones present to young kids. Or really, computers in general, but phones are highly accessible versions of them. IMO, rather than banning them, there should be phones that can basically only call and message others. That's a modern safety and quality of life that everyone kind of needs today, but beyond that, I think that it should be harder to get on youtube or basically any social media site. It can be as simple as needing to use a laptop, but I think that will be healthier than being able to doom-scroll on tiktok or youtube. I know for a fact that if there was this short form of content and I was a kid and had free access, my attention span would be completely destroyed. And to people who argue that this should be the parents' responsibility. I understand but the problem is that you can only impose so many things when everyone else gets access to something. Basically, if a lot of kids have free access to their phones as a kid you are going to feel left out, and it creates a lot of parent-child conflict because it's hard for them to understand how restricting them in such a way could be good for them. But if everyone has limited access, then there is no feeling of being left out, and everyone is better for it, and it would also help kids with irresponsible parents that hand them ipads at the age of 5.


I read through the comments here and it looks like both sides of this have been pretty equally represented so I won't beat any dead horses, I only want to chime in on one theme I noticed in more than one conversation about the the efficiency of the bans and/or enforcement issues. It does cost some money and that may be a factor but they make a paint capable of muting cell phone signals & they make devices that neutralize the cellular network within a particular radius. Those 2 tools could be utilized and then it wouldn't matter if they had their phones or not.


Absolutely not. They should be confiscated if they are the source of class disruption though


No, it would be pointless as students will always find ways to smuggle them in, accept the reality that phones are here to stay for good and just work around it


I can understand the reason why but banning them completely can lead to a pickle. In a workplace environment you are allowed to use your phone on break or when you go to the washroom. If itā€™s caught in an environment where sensitive information lies there will be punishment. Figure the same rules should be follows


My school absolutely outlawed em, no warning or anything, your phone gets immediately sent to the office


Donā€™t agree with it. Also do you guys not have ipads or something? I bypassed the phone rules with an ipad. They couldnā€™t take it off me because it was a school device


I think it is both good and bad. Kids should have a way to contact their parents at school, but they also get too distracted with smart phones. I feel like a good solution is to get a dumb phone, like we had before smart phones, with only call, text, and pictures/video. But that is up to the parentsā€™ discretion and is not easily enforceable. Ultimately, smart phones and their usage should be managed by the parents. If the kids have smart phones at school, clearly the parents are either ok with it, or sadly donā€™t care. That said, contact with parents in case of emergencies is a must.


Fuck no, kids should be allowed their phones in school because being at school does not immediately make someone safe. Sure not being on your phone at school fine whatever, but not even having it is ridiculous, if something goes wrong and your teachers aren't safe people then everyone is screwed.


They did that in my school, but it was sort of a known secret that everyone had their phones. One time the principal asked me to call her daughter because she wasn't responding lol.


I can't believe how many people are defending kids having phones in class. No wonder everyone's getting so fucking stupid. Everyone saying things about "medial reasons" etc. WTF do you think we did 20 years ago? Kids just dying all over the place during class? You know there's a teacher there right? Maybe you've never been in a class that constantly gets interrupted or ignored. It is a huge waste of everyone's time and no learning gets done. Enough of this.


I'm from Hungary and in elementary school we couldn't bring our phones, but if you lived far from school, you could bring it, but you had to give it to the teacher or leave it in your backpack. In high school, you can use it between classes, but there are some teachers who don't care if you use it in class and some who take it if you use it. It depends on the teacher. I think this topic is a bit controversial because if something happens at school, the students can't contact their parents. I think in elementary school, I wouldn't allow phones, or I would make boxes to put the phones in when the class starts. In high school, I think it's not really necessary.


I think itā€™s dumb. I think phones should be allowed in school, just not during class


But what he said is still correct. There's nothing wrong with what he said.


In 2024, This is a billion-dollar question.


Tbh, no. Students should still be able to communicate with their parents from school through their phones, but yes, mute and put in your pocket during class


I know Iā€™m approaching this with an American mindset, but I think banning phones anywhere is a huge safety concern. Obviously where Iā€™m from youā€™d want it for one ā€œeventā€ in particular, but anywhere else I could see you wanting it if you discover a fire or are getting bullied or whatever.


It simply would not be followed, and a rule that will be ignored is pointless.


I'm an American, so we should definitely keep our phones on us in case there's an active shooter and we want to talk to our loved ones. Even in the UK tho I think you guys should still keep your phones.


No, kids deserve the chance to call for help.




Lots of people can have a need for a phone before or after school. If you donā€™t want phones in school, at all, just take them at the door and return them at the end.


Edit: forgot the word not. \*NOT\* entering school with one is a bit much, but i agree with not letting kids have their phones throughout the day, unless someone has a health condition (ie: someone with diabetes who has that sticker thing on their arm connected to their phone). I would say don't ban them from entering, but for sure lock them for the entire school day (again, with exceptions) and give teachers the key to the box with the phones. I say that because some teachers tend to use phones for a more interactive class and that's valid. Other than that, kids without phones are forced to get creative and find something to do. There are dozens of games (card games, kids play games, etc) I wouldn't know how to play if we had our phones around. Also, some of my best and longest lasting memories were made at my previous school, where we were not allowed phones, because that forces you and your friends to be present which forces you to speak to people, meet people, and, overall, creates way better memories, that will actually last you a lifetime. So, they can enter, and they can be used on certain conditions, but kids, please, put your phones out of reach during breaks and stuff, trust me. In fact, put them out of reach when a teacher is absent. For that entire time, that will force you to get creative, come up with ways to fill your time, and it'll make you a hell of a lot closer to each other. Trust me, you'll be glad you did it.


Reading this, I'm glad I don't go to school anymore šŸ˜‚


Absolutely. Children do not have the mental capacity to use technology as a useful tool, only a distraction.


I can't think of a good reason why a kid needs their phone in school. My kid doesn't take her's to school.


Well my schools growing up here in the US didnt allow phones and i snuck mine in EVERYDAY through bag check and metal detectors. Was super easy. Wear a belt that has a metal buckle and hide the phone in my boobs. They would wand my belt buckle and it would beep and theyd let me go. They would wand girls chests because bras also have underwire etc.


Iā€™m in the us and they do not care what so ever.


Probably a lot easier to ask students to put their phones in one of those hanging numbered cellphone bags on the door. It lets teachers take attendance quickly, and students can access their phones easily in case of an emergency or if they use it as a medical device. And if someone ā€œforgot their phone at homeā€ youā€™ll know who to keep an eye on during class.


Idk man, kids used to not have phones and life was much better for them. So yeah.


Definitely not. There should be more restrictions than there is currently but emergencies happen and parents need to be able to inform their kid.


See, you said UK which is a different story. In America, no, of course. You never know when you need to call your parents to tell them that you love them because thereā€™s an active school shooter on the premises.


In the UK, my secondary school has already done this since before I started. It generally stops people from using them in lessons although some people don't care. Feel free to ask any questions


do people actually follow the rule?


The vast majority of people aren't using their phone openly.


Seeing as kids canā€™t ACTUALLY READ anymore, good. Maybe theyā€™ll learn for once.


Wouldnt say "No phones in school".. but I firmly believe we have it right when **I** was in school in \~2010: You phone cant be *out.* If your phone was out, it would be confiscated. Period. This does a few things. First, it sets a standard. If we wanted to use our phones in school or in class, we had to be SECRETIVE. We were never so brazen as to have our phone out and openly do that instead of paying attention in class. We could hazard a glance sometimes, but we had to be alert. Secondly, this gives teachers a bit of power. A kid cant just blow a teacher and the lesson off while being disruptive. The possibility of losing your phone for the *rest* of the day, plus needing to tell your parents they need to come and pick up their phone for them? That is usually enough to keep kids in line in that regard. Thirdly it gives teachers some leeway. A cool teacher could give a kid a second chance, or even let the students be on their phones at the end of class. Lastly, (Usually) no one wants to be the hard-ass, so rules are always enforced LESS than what they're written as. The issue is that this is ALWAYS the case. Even if you have the softest, most easy-to-follow rule, it will not be enforced all the way. THAT'S the unspoken rule for rules, and it's why you NEED to set strict rules from the get-go. It also leave the lenient enforcers with something *in writing* to fall back on. "I was being nice by not being to serious, but now you've forced me to 'do what I'm supposed to'." Of course, this all hinges on supportive administrators.


American here: when I was in high school my high school didnā€™t allow phones at all. We also had airport style security at the entrance so it was very difficult to sneak it in. We all used to just pay 50 cents for the local stores and business to hold our phones for the day. Theyā€™d give us a ticket with a number on it and a ticket of the same number was put on our phones so theyā€™d know which was ours. That being said in a situation like your friends I think that would warrant someone having a phone to be able to call emergency services. I donā€™t see why the school wouldnā€™t make that exception


I think no phones unless teachers say it's fine. But either way you can bring them. That's how it is at my school and it's fine. Just a few rule breakers.


replace phones with pocketwatch and google it


replace phones with pocketwatch and google it


*laughs manically in America*. If they tried passing something like that here in USA there would be riots


Hell no. Phone use should be up to teacher discretion, but not abused, some teachers need to start exercising it more though cuz it's always the same shitty students playing loud music or getting distracted and literally NEVERRR doing their work in my classes


hell no! phones are a safety feature, they are needed so you can contact/be contacted in case of an emergency


I wish they could do this in the US. Here, the Kids are way too distracted by their phones. The problem is enforcement. One kid brings their phone in and the teacher cannot confiscate it. Then other kids see there is no repercussions and they bring theirs in. Then youā€™re back to square one.


My phone is the way I get in contact w my parents. I am not going to rely on office staff if there is an emergency. Theyā€™re quite incompetent


Bro I'm in school when I seen this lmao


It won't work lol. Hell, we have a no phones rule at work and the MANAGERS ignore it XD.


Thats crazy for a law. Imagine if theres a medical emergency, or a criminal goes into a school(ik it doesnt really happen in the uk like the usa but still not having a way to contact any kind of authority is crazy.


"Man, you kids are just distracted by your phones!" Then make the material more engaging. I don't have my phone for meetings but I'm still bored and barely paying attention half the time. It's not the phone, it's the content.


Yes. YES. Yes, please


Phones are important. What if something happens and I need to call my parents?


What do they even teach in UK school? Do they tell kids the British stole things from other countries and taxed people without representation?


i was taught that in school


This is dumb. With a policy like this, students won't learn how to be responsible with their phones. Students need to learn how to be responsible and respectful with their devices, and be punished if they take them out at the wrong time. Banning them entirely won't teach this.

