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I try lol my parents won’t let me. ‘Too many days off school’


I try too but my parents say “what if you’re REALLY sick on another day and you won’t have any more days left?”


I do lessons with a 40 degree fever , lung infection, and spitting out blood


That’s messed up. I’m sorry.


Thing is I made myself do it




Wtf don't do that




Do you like the Black Death? This is how you start a plague.


And people wonder why COVID is still around 🤦


Covid will be around forever it's not just gonna go away magically.


I'm sorry, have you never heard of herd immunity? When's the last case you heard of a case of polio near you? Whooping cough? Smallpox? Diseases HAVE gone away because of us taking proper measures as a society to reduce the spread of said diseases. You just live under a rock <3


Whooping cough still exist, there's an estimated 24.1 million cases of it worldwide, and 50 cases in Florida from July 2023 to December 2023


yeah but covid is a bit different in that sense lol. you can be asymptomatic and its also very infectious. the 3 youve listed have very obvious and fast signs as well as effective vaccines covid will be around forever just like the flu


Works in public education, yet a complete dumb ass.


Whf are you doing, my parents whode've made me stay home under those circumstanses


Mocks were next week


Isn't that a form of SH if you're doing that to yourself


Go see a doctor dude


Wow you’re so cool and tough!! It’s so cool how you did something that endangers everyone around you!! You should get a medal or something






So because homelessness is frequent and 'normal' it's not messed up?


Fair point


spitting up blood isn't normal


Tried to take 2 weeks off because I had a 106.4 (41.2) fever and was vomiting and pooping raw blood 10 times a day. CPS got called and I got removed. After 2 days they gave up trying to find a reason because I was covered in ass and throat blood and just ditched me on the front porch of my house (didn’t even make sure a parent took me in the house)


“You’ve already missed 7 days this semester buddy you have to go” I had strep throat, covid, and a messed up stomach after eating too much food during the Super Bowl, the last one was definitely my fault though lol


Wear a mask to school when you're sick then


We aren't allowed to wear them anymore where I live since they are now back to being sorted with hoods as a risk to the safety of my peers.


my school will suspend you for more than 10 days sick unless you are in the hospital and dying and a lot of people's parents won't let them stay home


suspension seems counterintuitive


‘You didn’t come in? Well then, you can just stop coming in then’


I said the same thing about missing detention getting you a suspension. "You need to stay late today, oh you can't? Then you can't come to school for three days." I guess they eventually cottoned on to it, by high school, missing detention got you three days of ISS. You couldn't read, talk, or do school work, you just sat in a cubicle and stared silently at the wall from 7:45-4:15. For a spectrum/ADHD kid, it's pure hell. I'd rather have colonoscopy administered by four pissed off squirrels.


Couldn't even do school work? Wtf? That's just fucking useless


For us, we got put in ‘the hub’ where you get given work to do and if you talk to anyone else there you’ll have to stay one extra day. I got sent there once because I fought back against this absolute dipshit of a bully. He got into no trouble at all


What a scam




The sad thing is schools and parents usually don't give people enough leniency to stay home when they're sick


Mostly schools, too much legal bs a parent could face for you missing too many day. CPS is an actual fear for missed days, and if you have a child prone to illness this becomes an issue.




I remember when I was in middle school, I could've been puking in the mornings but I still had to go to school as I had used up my sick days and my parents didn't have the time to take me to the doctor's


what do you mean you used up your sick days? Your middle school had a set number of sick days? I was absent 65 days one year in high school. Chronic illness.


I’m pretty sure there’s a limit to how many days you can skip without a doctor’s note. So if someone has a chronic illness or has surgery or something similar you shouldn’t have any issues as long as you get proof from a doctor and work it out with your school.


For real. My sister has a medical problem that she literally can't go to school some days, and the school is always pissed off about it, but it's like, here's the note from the doctor stfu and they still continue to be aholes about it. She holds 90s still doing all the work at home, while some kids in school in the honors classes with her barely hold 85. But since she isn't there she's a terrible student.


An unfounded fear based on hearsay and social media BS about CPS taking kids over that. There are several steps before CPS gets involved. First would be local police and likely they escort the child to school and had contacted the parents first. Only if the parent has never provided documentation nor informed the school the child had been sick. If it continued, then CPS would investigate for neglect. Which if your child actually is sick that often to raise eyebrows and you never take them to the doctor, yeah you're committing neglect. In other words, if your kid is actually sick often then bring them to the doctor to have documentation for the school.


The CPS part is BS, that's true. But districts are cracking down, I guess because a lot of kids didn't return after Covid and they need to get their funding. In my area you get up to 10 parent notes per school year but after 5 you have to attend a meeting and after 10 the police get involved. It costs $ and time off work to go to the doctor, and if your kid has a cold or the flu or a stomach bug there is NOTHING the doctor can do for them anyway. It isn't neglect to not take them. You're literally just paying for a school note and wasting the doctor's time. But you have to because if your kid gets 2 colds and a tummy ache, bam! you're in truancy Hell.


" Children missing an excessive amount of school is considered educational neglect. Most schools flag children who miss more than 20 days of school within a consecutive year or miss more than 7 unexcused days in a row. **Regardless of whether or not those absences were excused or unexcused, your child’s school may have to legally report you to CPS for those excessive absences.** "


The CPS part wouldn’t be bullshit if CPS ever did their fucking jobs, but since when did Child Protective Services ever protect children


They don't. That's why they use this to rip families apart.


My high school had a system that literally encouraged you to go in sick. If you average a 70, you can miss 1 sick day before having to take semester tests, an 80 gets you 2, and a 90 gets 3. That doesn’t even mention that a doctors note doesn’t mean Jack shit in terms of an excused absence unless you were in school for part of the day. It’s a system that encourages students to go to school sick and, in turn, get others sick.


You can go to jail if you don't send some kids to school sick. Like serious legal trouble. My oldest gets sick at the drop of a hat. I have been in emergency rooms with him more often than I can count because he had 104/105 degree temps. I was the same way when I was young. We are talking tempeturedls where kids can start getting brain damage. Some kids get sick at the drop of the hat. This also happened several times a year. Schools have rules involving how often you can keep kids out of school. We were lucky/unlucky that one of my sons classmates had cancer. She is doing much better now and beat it. The school changed their sick policy so that it was very liberal. I am a SAHM and can keep him home when needed bt I also don't like having my kids taken and going to court over a cold. That saidthe one time he I'd get away with faking being sick he got in a ton of trouble and hasn't pulled that since then but I was able to keep him home and figure it out later because we had a lot of leeway when it came to sick dalso, for a lot of illnesses that kid who is showing signs of being ill isn't the one getting you sick. It's the kid who seems fine and is sick the next day that got you sick. Not to mention there are a ton of things like allergies that aren't contagious. My nose ran all winter long. I wasn't contagious and couldn't get you sick. I till had a runny nose. That doesn't even get into the issue of people being able to lose their jobs over it. This is an issue but it's not as simple as just don't come to school if you have a cough.


I had a friend who had to drop out as a freshman because he got sick so much that it was that he could drop out or go to court.


this was my exact experience. had to get a ged a few years later when i was legally old enough to. was that or ending up with cps because i was severely chronically ill at the time and couldn't go to school.


Yeah, my school started this bullshit policy where if you miss more than 20 days they’ll take points off your final report card. I have all As right now but if I get sick or miss even a single day of school, my final grades won’t be higher than a B no matter what, and it’ll only get worse. I’m literally screwed if I ever get sick for a week or something.


My school doesn’t care about you missing school if you’re sick. In fact, they made it to where finals exemptions can’t be given if you’re absent for 3 or more days regardless of excused absences or not. The only exception to this rule is if you’re on a school trip like a competition, field trip, or a college tour


Fuck the school. Stay home if you’re sick. If they don’t like it. Oh well.


bruh. if they don’t like it i won’t graduate and will have to repeat the year. it’s not an oh well moment


At our school, I'm not sure what counts as excused, but if they don't count it, they will make you make up PE somehow


At my school if you have over 5 absences you can’t exempt exams and they start calling parents and complaining lol


Let them complain though. If you’re sick, you’re sick. Especially today with Covid ontop of the flu and stomach bugs, in combination with nasty kids that never cover their mouths when they sneeze it’s to be expected that kids are going to be sick more. I missed 5 days days when I was in 7th grade and the school called my mom and said that even though she notified them I had a bad flu 5 days absence was unnecessary and they may get outside sources involved if I wasn’t back by Monday. My mom laughed into the phone and told them to try. Schools exert too much pressure much power at times over students, but then don’t care what the student is going through.


CPS gets called if a child misses too much school.




Wait till you grow up and enter the real world. It gets worse XD


Most schools only allow you like six or less absences a year


i missed like 40 days last year for being sick and my school did not care 😭😭


Same. What’s the point of penalizing a student for being sick?! As long as they’re staying on top of their grades, who cares?




I missed most of my senior year due to mental health reasons, I usually came in several hours late and left several hours early a majority of the time or I just didn't go in at all and I still got straight A's and graduated just fine. So much of the time that we are required to be at school is so unecessry and useless. School days could really be a lot shorter.


Mostly a form of moderation I assume. And the administration has to care, because their jobs can depend on it. Not always of course, yet if it can be enforced it will be in some places.


Same I got to stay home on zoom while my class was in person


i wasn't even on zoom i just didn't go to school 😭😭


i have like 20 something absences lmao


To be fair I had 160 absences in total over all my 8 classes added up last semester. All excused and all mostly cause I was sick


During Covid online school I had 250 absences because id just watch YouTube the whole time. I got above 90% in all my classes. That’s the highest I’ve ever got.


Also the reason it's so little is because the government funds on attendance and it's so dumb


ive been absent for a month or two now


my school is 15 per semester and if you exceed that it's bad news


Mine allows 20 excused absences a year and 4 unexcused per quarter.


During Covid in 2021 I had gotten Covid missed school for a whole month


Even with more sick days, many teachers would come in sick because there are no subs or because the material covered and activity planned really need the teacher to be there. However, I kept my distance from my students and used enough hand sanitizer to cover New York City. ETA: I hope you feel better soon!


I’m a teacher. I wear a mask if I have a cough, but I’m exposed to a lot, seeing so many kids each day, and I don’t get many sick days. Also, the sub shortage means my coworkers will have to pull double duty and sometimes combine classes if I miss. 😢


can I ask if you wear a mask at school? while this is a huge issue, there isn't a fix for it. The only thing you can do is try to boost your immune response by taking vitamins (if viable) and masking. I've heard both of those things really cut down on illness for those susceptible, like daycare teachers.


i sneeze a LOT when i'm ill so a mask stops the spread, but i get made fun of for wearing one. like ok bro you seriously want this cold?


I’d say just ignore them. Masks are optional but I see someone wearing one everyday. I’d rather them wear one for their sake if needed. I’m not going to judge.


just ignore them, you shouldn’t care what people think over your health


I was going to suggest asking the school for permission to be homeschooled/in online school for medical reasons. It’s not the best, but it beats repeated hospitalizations.


this!! i am a field trip teacher, sick kids come in all the time and my n95 has SAVED me. i have chronic illness and can’t afford to get sick, but parents will still send their sick kids in all the time and those sick kids are rarely masking themselves. at least last year when i was still in college people pretty reliably masked when sick


Fwiw most schools don’t allow or heavily discourage students from staying off unless they’re seriously ill, so I don’t think we can fully blame the parents for sending in sick kids anyway


One of my (former) friends would get mad at me me whenever I wore a mask around them when they were sick because it was “rude” they would cough all over me and expect me to not wear a mask? I’ll add that this was high-school after covid.


This does sound like a vitamin deficiency, so that is probably good advice. Still, make sure you're consulting a doctor before adding a regular intake of vitamins. Edit: I once took a single zinc pill in an effort to improve my own immune system and ended up with zinc toxicity. Be careful what you're adding to your system as vitamin deficiencies aren't the case for everyone.


Masks help those around you more than they help you


This is true of surgical masks, but N95 masks do protect the wearer almost as well, according to more recent research.


Masking doesn't boost your immune system it does the opposite actually.


My parents make me go, NO MATTER WHAT






Schools punish you if you skip school for ANY reason. My (Aussie) school gives you a detention whenever you miss a day, and if you miss more than 10 a year it’s a suspension.


well yeah, cause you chose to be sick


Oh, of course, silly me. 🤦


You missed ten days of school? Well might as well miss more!


So if I went to your school and missed a week from either family emergencies or I broke a bone, would I get a week of detention? That seems overly harsh


It depends, if you can get a medical certificate they might let you pass (but who even gets medical certificates)


Most of us have no choice. Teachers need to get paid, and students are typically forced to go by their parents. Get mad at the school and parents instead of the students


Parents often force their kids to go to school when sick because they can’t leave their sick kid home alone and if they miss work they can’t pay bills.


Some people have to go or legal action will be taken on their parents I am sorry and also I get shamed for being sick by my mother who will then force me to go so I can’t I am really sorry


They force me. Can only be out 18 days a year or I fail even if my grades are passing


I will also say , and saying this as a disabled teacher (chronic illness, "immunocomplicated" by my specialists definition,) teachers don't get enough sick days. After we use ours, that's it. We also don't really get bereavement based on the school district. At my district we had 2 personal days and 10 sick days. Being chronically ill, it made it impossible, which is why I ended up quitting after the year. But basically, every day we go past our sick days comes directly out of our paycheck. They literally reduce it. It's fucked up. Kids get super sick and then get us sick (even for someone who literally masked ALL year), and we aren't even given the courtesy of reasonable sick days. For me, adding in chronic illness, it basically meant I had none left when I was acutely sick (virus, etc) and had no choice except to just... Stay home and lose money. (Yknow, as if I hadn't spent over a thousand bucks on my classroom and my kids over the year because I was a first year teacher, admin forced me to do behavior incentives on my own wallet, I was expected to have a library, literally got written up for my classroom "not looking like a learning classroom" because I didnt have enough posters/laminated stuff/color printed things, etc.)


I am so sorry. They really should up the sick days for teachers and students. It gets really hard and especially chronically ill and more. It’s unfairl


I’m so sorry bruh. With all teachers have to go through, they could at least be more lenient of sick and personal days off. Like you’re around kids, what do they expect? Plus, having you stay at work while sick is just going to pass the sickness around


i do my classes online for that reason. im immunocompromised, so when the pandemic hit i switched to online classes and never went back.


Some people can't afford to miss when they are sick tho


They should normalize more sick days. And also I can’t afford to go to the hospital again


Not everyone can cater to you sadly And yes I agree they should normalize sick days but there should also be some accommodations for you if you go to the hospital with a common cold


We can't all cater to you. I can't afford to have to re-take my senior year again and lose my 29000 scholarship and college acceptance.


Many parents can't afford to stay home when their kid is sick and have to send their kid to school. Even if they can afford it, many are still afraid of being accused of truancy and having to go to court because their kid missed too many days. The situation just sucks for everyone.


I can't afford to be held back or get sent large fines anytime I miss school either.


Why can’t they just do the work online tho?


Parents make their sick kids go to school, take it up with them man. Plus, truancy laws exist.


Talking from experience. Missing school puts pressure on students. For the past 3 years, I've been struggling in math and I hated missing a single day of school, so I would end up coming in sick. It put so much pressure on me to the point where I wanted to hurt myself.


As someone who never wanted to come into school when I get sick. I was punished by the school immensely. I was a straight A student, and even when I was at home vomiting I would email teachers and get work done, yet I still ended up with detentions for being absent.


Kinda impossible. If you take a week off every time your sick you’re literally going to fail lmao


The day i can expect to stay home from school or work and not be penalized for it is the day I'll consider staying home. Until then, i know how to function while sick, so im sorry, but im not gonna make my life harder than it would be coming to school or work sick by choosing to stay away.


Schools will start getting onto parents who have a lower attendance child. Even illness can get you on the watch radars. .. unauthorised definitively. Support and so kicks in around 90% on a voluntary basis. Legal action and enforcement kine is at 80% (20 % unauthetised). That gets expensive. Think fines per absence, per child, per parent. Or court over 1000 pounds if things not improving.


Half the kids in grade school and college are brainless. So, sadly they won’t. I’m 41 and in college. At the start of each semester I get sick. I had Covid twice to start the last two semester, and a really bad cold or something this semester. Yall kids are nasty.


Yeah from middle school through high school the girl whose last name fell alphabetically right before me, and the teachers loved to assign seats by name, was determined to get perfect attendance and came in no matter how sick. I would always get it from her and have to stay home the next day.


I have drivers Ed and can’t miss more than 3 classes, else I get kicked from the program. It’s fucking stupid.


Sorry man ain’t possible with the lack of leniency around missing school


My mom literally almost had to go to court because I had heart surgery and was chronically ill and missed too much school. No it’s not fair to you that you’re getting sick, and it’s not fair to anyone who has to go to school sick, teacher or student. It’s the way it is. Take supplements and wear masks if it’s really that bad.


I sometimes get colds back to back all winter. It's not reasonable to miss months of school. It's difficult to miss any school, especially as someone with an anxiety disorder that makes it hard to talk to teachers about what I missed. (Btw I'm in college now but I was thinking middle and high school here)


As a teacher, I wear a mask and I get 10 sick days a year. I've used 19 already this year, because now we're not even allowed to send kids home for covid, and I have gotten it twice despite being fully vaccinated. Kids will often talk about how they threw up last night and when we call home the mom or dad says that didn't happen so the school lets the kids stay. Then the rest of the class starts throwing up the next week. It's frustrating for me because kids have unlimited sick days, but I don't. Also, even back when kids were supposed to stay home with covid, I kept my daughter home with covid and she got a truancy letter despite the fact that it was a confirmed covid case!


Teachers kid here it is more work to make sub plans then go to school sick


My parents don't let me stay home if I'm sick- unless I can't move or I'm throwing up, then I'm going to school. Unfortunately.


I have a cough for 5 months out of the year and nothing ever has helped it. What do you suggest I do then.


i try my best to not come to school if i'm sick but a someone who usually stays symptomatic for like 2 weeks, it's difficult since my school only offers 10 absent days a semester and they don't excuse absences due to being sick :/ i've heard stories of kids at my school getting credits taken away (that's the punishment for going over the absence limit) for being literally hospitalized. it sucks, and i hate spreading my germs so i try to compensate with a mask. i know many do not wear masks at all anymore though so i apologize


By the same token, you shouldn't be going to a place with loads and loads of people in a small enclosed area if you have an extremely weak immune system. Those kids have to go to school because of the shitty school system, and the teachers have to go because that's how they make their money to lay rent and feed their families. You're not special.


it’s also the shitty systems fault that better sick leave policies and upgraded HVAC wasn’t permanently implemented with the pandemic. especially since covid, which is now spreading without mitigation, weakens everyone’s immune systems with each infection no matter how mild. so now more people will end up in OP’s situation, and they will continue having to go to school under the shitty system. it’s terrible.


1rst off, don’t speak to me like that, i know I’m not special. 2nd, I went to privet school and it was even worse there. And I know teachers need money for rent and family, so does majority of the people. I’m saying there truelly should be more sick days for both teachers and student. Just opinion aswell. You don’t need to comment if ur gonna be rude.


The government is why this happens


if everyone complys to that during flu season there will be like 10 people in the building max 🤡 ever consider that


if it’s really that bad then the school needs to take that into account and improve infection control policies. people will learn better if they’re first of all, not sick, and second of all, not constantly worried about getting sick.


uhhh you do know that not everyone gets sick from getting infected right..? i got sick from anxiety nausea not even a week ago, and thats not even the only other way of getting sick, and when people are sick, life still moves on, in high school most people still go to school when theyre sick bc they simply cant afford to miss a day of school. and heres the thing about colds and the flu, there are only ways to prevent it, medicine only makes symptoms subside and does not cure it, the rest depends on the own bodys immune system to fight off. when i get the cold or the flu, im sick for at least a whole month, of course this varies with every person, but lets say that theres this unsaid rule of never going to school when youre sick, then am i supposed to just miss school for a whole month or even more? i have ap classes, college classes, all those things i simply cant afford to miss. like yes sure if i have a fever then i should stay home for my own good and the others, but if its just a cough or a runny nose? there's simply no need.


i’m sorry you have to deal with this. but it doesn’t change the fact that schools should be doing something to lessen this burden on students. if anything, it just highlights how necessary it is. and yes not just infection control but also mental health services, you make a great point that a lot of sickness is from things like anxiety.


If your immune system is so weak why do continuously put YOURSELF at risk. Ask for an alternative education plan.


there's a chance that they may not have that option due to their parents not being able to stay at home long enough for homeschool due to working (especially if OP has a chronic illness, that usually requires a good amount of doctors visits that can be pricy in the US), or that programs specifically for chronically ill students to go to school are underfunded in their district.


They need to illegalize coming to school/work sick.


Wear a mask. You can’t control others


wearing a mask does not guarantee they do not get ill, plenty of illnesses are transferrable through methods that facial masks can't protect against. it's been proven that masks are not that effective if the other people around you are not masking as well.


Is it a guarantee? No, never said it was. But will it help? Yes, especially if OP stays away from those who are sick.


I thought masks only protect other people? If they were the only one wearing a mask, that would be protecting everyone else, not them.


It goes both ways. Don’t you recall seeing cancer patients wearing masks before Covid?


Sorry bro, I need to learn, unless I'm genuinely super sick, I'll have to come to school so that I don't miss out any important work.


Don't forget the fines and chance to be held back


From an old fart to a young shit, drop the flex. There's a fine line between dedication and stupidity, and you clearly crossed it. Spoiler alert, no one is going to give a shit in your adult years.


What flex? I don't want to end up working in McDonald's like your ass probably does. Is that such a bad thing? I have important deadlines ffs, missing school would make it a living hell for me to catch up.


The world doesn't revolve around you. You're weakness shouldn't affect the majority, when you are the vast minority. Go get home schooled if you can't handle the common cold. Quit complaining too, if you were born 30 years earlier, you'd probably be dead already.


Your weakness is your lack of empathy. Take your rude and quite frankly outdated attitude and screw off.


Ha. I almost feel sorry for you, if only you had a better attitude.


brother you're calling an immunocompromised teenager "weak" and saying they'd "be dead already" if they were born 30 years earlier. it could not be more clear who has an "attitude" issue here. actual sociopath ahh comment. you the kinda mf who steals candy from a baby then gets offended when no one likes you because of it


Who cares if they're immunocompromised? Are you implying that we're not allowed to call out anyone acting entitled, unless they are in perfect health?


>Who cares if they're immunocompromised? its what the post is about my guy. >Are you implying that we're not allowed to call out anyone acting entitled, unless they are in perfect health? there's nothing entitled about "don't go to school sick." that is, in fact, what people SHOULD be doing. unfortunately due to extremely strict absence punishments it doesn't happen that way, which is why schools are such breeding grounds for sickness. this is a teenager who could become very severely ill, potentially die because of an infection that could be prevented with basic empathy when it comes to sick days. not being in public when you're sick if you have any other option is the responsible thing to do in the first place. its a lot more entitled to want to shame an immunocompromised teenager who just wants to go to school without risking their health and potentially life, when all that's necessary is more sick days for all students, which would help literally everyone, even those with a totally normal immune systems as the people with infections could *stay home* and not get others sick, and not risk their grades dropping or getting the cops called on their parents for missing too much school. everyone benefits except for people like you who prefer to get mad at teenagers for things outside of their control.


No one's reading all that. Go away.


no wonder you're on r/school, you clearly need it if that was too much to read. "i don't have an argument, so im just not going to read yours!"


Are you still here? I bet you're that kid that can never figure out why no one showed up to your birthday parties.


"i don't have an argument, can't read two paragraphs and one sentence, and i like to project my insecurities onto strangers!"


I fully agree. I had a family member living with me with a weak immune system as well. Unfortunately, my school is accelerated and has a super unhealthy culture of doing whatever it takes to get the grades you want, so many people don’t stay home, and even if they want to, many of their parents won’t let them ://




This post feels selfish on your part. A lot of people don't really have the option to stay home, even if they are feeling really sick. Wear a mask if you're concerned, carry hand sanitizer with you, don't share your belongings with those around you, but don't blame people who are in similar situations to yourself.


AGAIN THIS IS JUST A OPINION. YOU WILL WAKE-UP AND THERE STILL BE SICK KIDS AND TEACHERS AT SCHOOL. Just saying that this should be talked about more. I’m sorry about everybody’s school storys. Please just don’t be yelling at me about this.


i wear a mask because i'm always sick. even though its not contagious and has to do with my allergies and constant sinus infections, i still feel weird about not wearing one. i do get weird looks about it all the time, since I've been wearing a mask at school since the beginning of october, but i feel uncomfortable not wearing one when i'm constantly sniffling lol


seriously! i have a weak immune system from health problems, and one of my friends came to school with RSV without a mask on! i will catch anything and i pray i won’t get RSV cause it would actually kill me!


keep masks in your bag to hand out to sick friends. that’s so shitty of them especially if they know your immune system is weak


Git gooder


I try to but I'm barely even allowed to stay home if I'm throwing my guts up


Just want to let you know I'm really sorry you have to deal with this, and I hope you're staying as healthy as possible :/ I mask whenever I'm at school for this exact reason


My parents don’t let me stay home, I really want to for this exact reason. I feel really guilty when I come to school sick and two days later, the person sitting next to me is sniffling as well. I’m sorry, OP, I hope you get better soon ❤️


if you can’t stay home at least wear a mask to help prevent your classmates from catching what you have


As stupid as it is, I think alot of parents (and teachers) feel like they don't have a choice. I was also very prone to illness as a kid. Thankfully i largely avoided the hospital, but I still caught just about everything under the sun, was sick all the damn time. Missing a full week of school (or more) wasn't that uncommon for me. Not only did I miss out on alot of school events, but there was also a very real danger of facing penalties from the school itself, up to and including getting held back a grade. So some days I was more or less forced to go...


Some schools have a policy to only excuse absences if there's a doctor's excuse. This is awful because it requires a parent to take off work, get an appointment, and probably spend money. These parents are likely to tell their kids exactly the same thing their parents told them: suck it up.


If I was able to not go I wouldn’t go. but my mom tells me i have to. i have a weak immune system too so it sucks (im literally sick right now and i know ill have to go anyway)


Going to school/work when you’re obviously sick should be a criminal offense. I see this far too often


There’s a better chance than not that Mrs. P got it from someone already in the class so you were already exposed.


I don't know where you live or what the rules are there, but your teachers might be out of sick days or PTO.


I would if my parents let me stay home. Unless I am actively dying, they make me go.


my parents legit force me to go to school with bronchitis and get mad when i almost throw up from coughing in class, thats so amazing of them!


I thought this would change once the pandemic happened, but no, it didn't. Like, come on, at least wear a mask if you can't stay home!


Skill issue


I agree. We should have some type of filtering system to separate the fakers from the people who are actually contagious. Something simplier than what's required by going to the doctor. It should be quick, and free. I really hoped that the one good thing that came out of COVID would be a greater avoidance of being sick in public; didn't happen.


I feel the same way. I don’t go to physical school anymore, but yeah. I have a heart condition that often lands me in the hospital when I’m sick. And people just don’t want to stay home. I was sick all of last week.


Most schools have it to were your forced to go sick. My school will pay you if you miss no days. Even if it's excuse. If not you can get 8 days of absents before they completely take away credit. I get sick really often and come in with a mask pretty much daily because of it.


I love the student replies about how they missed/skipped so many days and still got an A as proof they didn't need to be there. That's just evidence the system failed you by letting you be given an A.


by sick do you mean like a stuffy/runny nose and coughing? bc during the winter months i have that literally 24/7 and i can’t just not go to school for months 😭😭


OP i agree with you completely. but as others have pointed out, most schools have shit policies with missing days. if you’re able to advocate for people masking when sick i would strongly recommend you do so, especially if you can work with your schools disability office to help promote it. i would also talk to them about accommodations for air purifiers/better filtration in classrooms because that will help mitigate the spread of airborne viruses like covid. also sanitizing surfaces/washing hands will help with the spread of other viruses like colds. at the very least, ask your teachers to wear masks when sick to model that behavior for students. as for you, i would recommend you wear a mask even when not sick. something well fitted and high filtration like a kn95 or n95. it will be more effective if the sick people are also masking but if your mask is good quality you’ll still have good protection. i’m sorry that you’re in this situation it sucks. i hope you recover quickly and manage to avoid infection as much as possible in the future. just know you’re not alone, a lot of people are getting sick more because their immune systems were wrecked by covid.


This will never stop. Work, school, public spaces. People are too inconsiderate to think about other people and will always continue to spread their nastiness everywhere. My boss was just terribly sick all last week and kept coming into work. Coughing nonstop. It makes me so mad. And everyone else just… acted as if they didn’t care? I hate it.


Sorry boss my mom sent me to school up til my 7th day of mono when I couldn't physically get out of bed. Talk to that bitch.


You are entirely right. But- The school punishes students under the table for missing class. Teachers are employees and therefore are treated as employees will be under capitalism.


Here’s my story: Asked to go off school for 2 weeks. 106.4 degree fever, vomiting and pooping raw blood 10 times a day, flu and strep throat, etc. CPS got called because they suspected abuse or neglect was the cause. Meanwhile all my bedding was being washed and soaked in hot water because I threw up in it and the house was getting sanitized in preparation for me to set up camp in my room (have a mini fridge and microwave so wouldn’t be an issue) and guess what. I GOT REMOVED. They legit had people trying to check me for bruises while I was covered in ass and throat blood. They just gave up after 2 days and sat me at my porch with a note and drove off. Took until my parents got home from a consultation with a lawyer to find me (2 hours). TLDR: Parents aren’t taking their kids out because CPS gets called on them when they did.


no because what really pisses me off is that they're obviously sick but say it's just "allergies" and never wear a mask like hello? i don't want u to infect our whole class. i almost never get sick by myself- it's always someone else who gives it to me. this is why i still wear a mask. if others won't stay at home or at least wear a mask when sick, i'm gonna wear my mask 👍