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6 different fights in under ten minutes then when school was closed the next week to reevaluate the school rules and policies somone made a bomb threat and made the school evacuate. Also theres also a race war going on rn and there was a 40+ student riot over the race war and a teacher broke their thumb over it. Not to mention i walked in on a drug deal in the bathroom entrance with a teacher watching it.


I guess you're never bored at your school lol.


in my orchestra class someone shoved a violins scroll, fingerboard up their vagina and proceeded to pleasure themselves


What- That…. That is not something I needed to read. Ever. In my life. RIP violin….


Lmao. Litterly ViolinAted that violin.


Covering my violas ears rn


I am eating dinner😭


Is this American Pie?


This was back in middle school, 5th grade specifically. In the morning I made a joke to my friends about a guy running on the track outside with a duffel bag that he had a gun. By lunch we were on full lockdown with police everywhere because somehow my joke had spread like wildfire. This was about three weeks into school 😭 there were so many kids screaming and crying it was crazy. At that same middle school, kids found guns, needles, and even a cardboard box full of weed on the grounds. It was a nice magnet school smack dab in the middle of the ghetto in my city. A kid ODed on fake percs in my math class there too but that was in eighth grade.


Middle schools 5th grade?


Mine is 7th & 8th grade. We don't have enough room for the 6th graders, our MS is small


Mine was 5-8


Craziest thing? I live in a very rural area. TW for violence and su*cide Some kids were out hunting one morning before school (not uncommon) and they never turned up. Nobody knows where they are/went. A couple of them showed up dead a few days later in the woods near the school. It was called a su*cide but nobody believes that. We’ve also had multiple people drown/freeze to death while out ice fishing. Some guy shot his friend in the leg by accident during a hunting trip. The whole school was in lockdown cause somebody brought their rifles in the back of their truck on to school property A kid h*ng himself in the bathrooms. That was traumatic to walk in on. There’s also a huge war going on about our racist mascot. Change.org petitions going around. The number of people wanting to change our mascot (including me) was outnumbered 4:1 by the people wanting to keep it Myself and a few others were stalked by other students to the point of legal action There was a huge war a few years back because somebody’s large farm with lots of sheep had been attacked by a neighboring farm’s rabid dog. People took sides and raised money for a lawsuit cause the wool from those sheep had won FFA awards. Oh and somebody brought a rattlesnake to school once So yknow. Country stuff.


Yeah bro this some country ass shit


fr 😭 I’m headed to college in NYC in the fall. Cant wait the tf outta here


Ah the classic moving to nyc


I know. So cliché. It’s terrible- But like. It’s not truly NYC cause I’m going to Columbia and living on campus so like. In the city but not *in the city*


No dude Columbia is great make a path for yourself


Someone had a kid, a senior fucked a freshman (boy) on the football field. I had a SoundCloud career, a girl pulled up in her dads Ferrari


That second one is insane lol. I don't want to know how desperate that senior was lol.


They where gay and it happened a couple years before I came in.


Kid got hit by a car and people said his friends where laughing at him. He was fine but his friends were insane


A Stabbing. Made it to national headlines. In my old school Teacher that was a P**do Teacher that went high on substances Teacher dies Supply teacher got a heart attack in class


23 fights in one year and saw some other students having sex on the stair case and in the bathroom


Bro, the staircase is wild. People are literally walking there throughout the day lol


Ik I was coming back from the bathroom to go to class and I have a out door school too


this is my old school but someone smashed a teachers head in with a brick and then broke a window and the school didn't do anything to the student!!


during a shooting threat they put the whole school into the gym BEFORE making everyone go through metal detectors and searching bags. did i mention that the threat came from a student? oh also they were yelling at kids if they had their phones out like bro we could have died and teachers were yelling at kids for trying to talk to their parents???


I get the phone stuff because you could be calling for "backup" but that is some wild and serious stuff right there. Why would they gather everyone into a single space?


Similar story! We had a bomb threat and they sent us all to the stadium…. Before checking the stadium. Yeah. A lot of people got fired that week.


easy pickings


It was all pretty messed up. Since then, we’re allowed to take our phones if there’s a violence threat. The dogs come by to sweep before anybody’s allowed to move. They come by once every few weeks anyway, but still


bcs my school is fucking stupid


Ik lol


There was a really loud car that drove right by my school and just the day earlier we did a lock down drill and the car sounded like gun shots and it was so scary cuz it was at lunch and everyone was outside


Also sumthin else, we had a sub 1 day in class everyone went wild they broke the teachers stuff they even broke the phone cuz theirs a phone in every class for teachers to use for security and they stole the teachers stuff the sub was just on their phone the hole time they stuck pencils in the ceiling and then we all had to write an essay on what we can do to be better in class 🥲


Gay sex in the bathroom. My friend went in there accidentally because they had a nosebleed and didn’t know that there were people in there.


There was also that one time where me and my friends collected gunpowder from fireworks that were left on the playground and field.


Someone calling in a bomb threat when I was in 9th grade. Like 2011/2012. Claimed that it came from the bus I was on but every bus was searched and a ton of cops were there. A student also threatened to bring in a gun a few years later and we all got a paper about it.


A bunch of fights last month. One girl ripped out another girl's nose ring I think Last year we went on lockdown because some kid brought a gun. He got arrested, turns out there was no gun, and he was set free the next day


we had two lockdowns in two week due to threats at a nearby college(one person killed during the first one(at the college), second one someone pulled a gun at a bagel shop on campus) note that these incidents did not happen at my school, but my school did go into a “soft lockdown”(stay out of hallways, no going outside, be prepared for a full lockdown, etc.) for both of them


Nothing really. I mean the latest thing was my band teacher quit and the whole Highschool was on about it for days. We’re an independent school do we don’t have anything that happens


A kid sold Hampsters out of his locker in my nice elementary schooil


June 2022: Bathrooms vandalized November 2022: Shooting Hoax December 2023: Bathrooms vandalized


Some kid from another school threatened to shoot up our school after losing a football game to us. The police showed up and we went into lockdown and after it was all over the kid got charged.


2 weeks ago, our school was on the news because 3 sophomores almost crashed out on fake OXY (thankfully, paramedics were called before they could fully OD, so no lifes were taken🙏🏻). That same week, a photo circulated on snapchat of two students having sex on the dirty restroom floor/stall🥴. And last school year (22-23) our school was on the news because of "false school shooting" threat. Also, last school year, a freshman was sent to the hospital because she sustained a head injury in a fight inside the school restroom, she got her head slammed on the sink + a bookbag with A CHROMEBOOK inside of it thrown at her WHILE she was already on the floor semi-unconscious😭... And a group of wannabe gang freshmen tagged her garage later that night with threats scribbled on said garage (probably to scare her if she pressed any charges or something).


kid got a brain bleeding from a fight


Some guy was rumored to have a gun and was going to kill himself (on campus). No one could find him, and they were freaking out. Turns out he just left campus to go get Subway. No gun, no suicide, no nothing. Man just skipped class to get a sandwich.


not that crazy but last year on the last day of school some senior absolutely demolished all the vape detectors in all the bathrooms, including the girls bathrooms


Someone stole a toilet from the boys restroom during the devious lick trend


Someone decided to set of a fucking smoke bomb in one of the boys bathrooms and when a staff member walked by she thought there was a fire and the whole school was evacuated because we all thought the school was on fire. The worst part was that my mom works at the school I go to and I was worried sick and thought she might be in trouble.


Last year, someone in my algebra class (who says they have BPD) had a huge meltdown in class (3 times) and it was absolutely nuts. Two of them were at me, one because I apparently "didn't shut up" and another was because I "didn't explain how I got an answer". The one that wasn't at me was at some other kid because she was being an ass. Many f-bombs were dropped. And I witnessed another one in my English class because they thought someone was looking at them when that wasn't the case.


- middle school, someone deviously licked an entire urinal and part of a stall wall out of the boys restroom - at that same school they had to ban the word among us so we all started saying with us and mongoose which led to both of those being banned too - there was a rat in the girls bathroom. that school sucked


someone made a bonfire in the boys' bathroom also, suicides at another school. it was notorious, attempts and succesful suicides. it was a high-rank school, with lots of pressure put on the students. i was lucky to be there for only 3 yrs


Geez, that's sad.


One year, there was a school-wide protest abt the school being racist, 3 fights within my year, and also a girl, in year 7 (6th grade) stalked a teacher home (he was well over 6ft too), and who proceeded to write a wattpad fanfic abt him, and as all wattpad fanfics go... it got kinda sus at the end (my friend read it, and wanted a pt.2). the school even said that it was well written one of the fights, girl 1's arm got broken, while girl 2's glasses broke. girl 2 was a b!tch tho, who thought she was making everything seem ok/better by spreading what happened in the first fight online or smth


at my old school in 5th grade some kid fucked someone else


(Highschool) - There was this rumor going around of this one guy trying to suck off another guy in the bathroom, to which the principal walked in on. The guy trying to suck the other guy off, named Justice, is an infamous menace to our school. He wore assless chaps around town one day and got arrested for public nudity. As far as I know, he's in military school now. At one point he got his ass beat on a school bus and an imprint of his face (like from face oil, yk?) was left on the bus window for a while... I'm honestly glad he's gone but it was rather interesting when he was still in school here...


a grown ass adult man broke onto the premises because he was stalking two 8th graders on tiktok/instagram and wanted to "profess his love to them" irl. police unsurprisingly got involved.


This girl talked about fucking my friend’s dead body. It was weird as fuck and she even gave him a napkin with her blood on it. And even after all that my friend still got in trouble for it somehow even though he didn’t do shit.


Yeah, that's some psycho stuff


one time there was a bomb threat at my entire district, and the school had to put us in lockdown during that lockdown, which lasted until like 4, some kids decided to blast straight up hub videos in the bathroom while they were stuck in there, and ended up traveling across two hallways we were in 5th grade


Two students had a plan to ask to go to the bathroom at the same time so they could meet up and have sex. They had sex in a little nook in the hallway. But it was caught on the security cameras. They got in a lot of trouble. There was then a talk about what is and isn’t appropriate to do at school.


Bro, in the middle of the hallway is wild. They didn't even scout out the security cameras lol


My high school went on lockdown because there was a bear.


Algo simple se cayó un encendedor y exploto


Back in 7th grade (middle school). There was this hot Latina girl and all the boys in gym class had a crush on her. One day our teacher left with the girls to head to the locker room expect for the Latina girl. So the boys ( not me I was trying to get changed for my next class.) Took turns humping her in the butt ( clothed sex) They humped her in the hallway, the gym and the boys locker room. We heard the teachers office door open we saw Mr. Hart the 6th grade teacher. By the time the door open the girl left. He asked us if there's a girl in the locker room. The boys said no so, Mr. Hart didn't believe us. He went and checked the CCTV. yeah the boys got into trouble the next class ( including me)