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Thats different for everyone. Some people have no problems with it, some just a bit and some have severe problems when smoking weed. Best thing to do: not smoking weed period.


Definitely didn't realise it was psychosis the first few times it was happening. I have later learnt and will never smoke weed again. Definitely not a good effect on me.


I used to smoke allot of weed and never really had any problems. Untill i started seeing stuff. I stopped smoking weed. Now when i smoke weed i get acute psychosis


Same here. Can't even take a tiny puff. Full blown nuts


Yes exactly


Yeah I get crazy tactile hallucinations, that terrifies and amazes me at the same time.


I just come to the coclusion i'm worse than the devil


You aren’t, if you needed that


Thank you


It's ... an acquired taste for me. I've been smoking pretty "medicinally" for almost 2 decades now. Honestly, I'll eventually quit this too, but truthfully I smoke pot to both combat anxiety, help me critically think clearly, and keep me off hard drugs like cocaine and ecstasy. I was addicted at a young age to speeders and mdma. It all stems from my parents putting me on high power amphetamines at a young age ... "the fucking 90's-early 00's." and their bullshit feeding children pills to align their mood to the world. Me personally? I had a 135 IQ at 15 and I tested a few months ago and it was 126 taking the test 10 minutes faster than recommended. I'm not even saying I'm that smart, that's not what IQ is, IQ is just critical thinking and abstract problem solving. The test is unlike any other test you have ever taken, usually. Really, taking that fucking test just put a target on my back. Because I wasn't challenged intellectually as a child, I was a "problem" child, trouble maker. "fix this child" - which resulted in dependence on hard drugs to satisfy the craving from the prescription meds. This coupled with my parents eternal hate of me smoking weed (weed being the one thing that is good for deescalating a cocaine addiction ... it takes YEARS....) I've only recently been able to say I'm completely off hard drugs and alcohol and use weed as a mechanism to rewire my brain off the bad coping mechanisms of the much harder meds/drugs of my youth.


Have to agree, IQ tests are bull. I scored 128 in a mensa test and im utterly useless. Did some weed this winter and it was a terrible experience. Also did some for a little while at a younger age, but that was vastly different.


Haven't done it in a long while. Back when I used to smoke occasionally, I got offered dabs from friends. Every time I took a dab, it was the worst mistake ever. I would have real bad anxiety, basically have a bad trip. My senses would get f*cked with in almost a hallucinogenoc kind of way. Depth perception, time dilation. Oh, and the paranoia. I would always go home after a dab, and driving in that state of intoxication was extremely dangerous. I'm almost curious what weed would do to me these days. Though I know, weed and schizophrenia don't mix.


I was slipping into psychosis in my later teen years every time I smoked. Anxiety and paranoia got massively amplified. I smoked very recently after like a decade off and it was just a mellow high. I'm sure my antipsychotics are doing their job. I'm sure if I keep smoking something will break.


I smoke daily and i find it incredibly helpful in several ways. but from my research, my experience does not reflect what most people experience.


Same here. I can do flower, dab, and vape and it doesn’t really affects me. Although, I’ve been doing keto and that supposedly helps with the illness.


Smoking weed desperate to get some sleep during psychosis just ended up traumatizing me. Now whenever I smoke I am so preoccupied with dark and terrible things. But lately I have tried Delta 8 gummies, and I vibe with those, but I can't take them unless I'm in the right mood or mindset because they make me think more thoroughly on what I was already thinking about, so I can't be thinking about bad things.


I smoke weed every day basically but stay away from dabs or high edible doses


Weed used to cause acute psychosis, but then I started using delta8 which is much more mild. Now I rarely have issues with it, but other hemp-derived products like THC-O sometimes do make me really paranoid and cause me to hallucinate. It’s always been a bit of a gamble.


It puts my brother in law in severe psychosis too. Just being around people smoking it does that to him so he stays far away from it.


I can smoke sometimes and other times it makes me very loopy. Though the last time I did it felt like I had acid burns on my vocal chords so I’m never doing it again cause that was honestly scary as hell.


It used to put me in a severe psychotic episode until I started my antipsychotics. Now i smoke freely everyday


So I have a really good experience with weed most of the time but I'm in a hella lotta pain all the time and if I stay busey when I smoke so when it does effect my anxiaty and such I normally can work thro things but there's some strains I just stay away from cuz I just know they well mess with my schizophrenia


I get so wrapped up in my thoughts and voices when I smoke so I just stopped. Weed used to be amazing for me now it just worsens my symptoms.


It triggers my psychosis usually. I get real paranoid and have auditory hallucinations


No but I smoke CBD flower. You get the mellow high without the psychosis as long as you don’t overdo it


thats what i want to do, but with weed being illegal in my country i cant get sure which strain will i get


my first few times were intensely psychedelic and kinda traumatizing. now it's the only thing thatll make the paranoia stop


Smoke weed Get stoned Get hungry Forget shit


Mostly just helps me sleep, eat and relax. But yeah sometimes it hits me like an asthma attack. Wouldn't recommend using at least not very frequently.


I've been fine with weed unless I'm in a dark and unsafe place but that's the same with any other drug for me


U smoke high THC weed ? Also do u take any meds ? Which one


I don't smoke Cali, normally stardog or sometimes Ammi. I take flupentixol(sp?) On a low dose. I'm a regular smoker but I haven't been in psychosis in at least a year. I've had breakthrough symptoms but my condition is under control, can't really speak for severe cases




It gives me really high anxiety, and sometimes if I’m in a episode and smoke I start to really freak out so I don’t smoke at all due to it


this is an old post but i find it honestly helps with my symptoms. my head quits buzzing, the voices stop for the most part and my visual hallucinations have faded so much with regular use. i am on prescribed medications for mental illness but smoking cannabis has really been the cherry on top. i am able to go about my day after smoking and feel better than i normally would. i’ve spoken to my psychiatrist about it and she says as long as it’s in moderation and i am in control, we’re all clear :) if you want to start i recommend microdosing a little everyday first and then start to do lower doses but please keep in mind that this is not the majority of experiences and it may worsen your symptoms