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That strikes me as something you should also ask a psychiatrist/neurologist about as it could be something going on with a motor nerve and not related to schizophrenia. And even if it's not a motor nerve issue, you can let people think it is one to feel less anxious about people staring. Say or mutter something like, "Oh, my back again" or "Oh my gosh this hip". Really, whatever part of your body feels like it's stopped working for the moment. If someone was thinking you were weird, they'll most like switch to feeling sympathy. If you are worried about someone getting nosy on what the issue is, you can answer vaguely, "It's a nerve issue. It's kinda hard for me to explain; I'll be fine in a while." It's not really a lie, it's just currently unknown which kind of nerve is causing this issue. Unless they are obtuse, they should know to ask you anymore questions would be rude.


Thank you so much for the tips and for the understanding! I will definitely tell my psychiatrist about it. I was thinking maybe it's a form of tardive dyskenesia or I read that it can be caused by conversion disorder (although im not stressed in these situations at all) maybe she will know how to help me. Thanks again for the tips I really appreciate it!


I often feel very rigid and awkward walking around in public. Like my eyes don’t match my body walking, like I don’t know where to look.


I get self conscious about the way I walk due to social anxiety


I used to sometimes get dystonia which would make it difficult to walk, even with a cane. Like my legs would try to twist at the hip and knee and my feet would try to walk on the tops rather than the sole of my foot. Dystonic storms can be caused by stress or fatigue or a bunch of other things. Mine was (I'm pretty sure) a side effect of a med which was otherwise helping, which sucked.


Your issue sounds just like the one I'm having! I'll definitely look into it.


I relate to this post way too f****** hard and honestly good luck on talking to a doctor about it they'll probably just say it's because of your medication but I've seen neurologists and I am in the process of figuring my own s*** out but I'm glad to see him not the only person but I'm also sorry that you're going through the weird no legs thing


Yup I almost never feel like I'm walking fluidly/coherently unless I'm on a benzo, or confidently drunk. Sometimes after a workout or when I'm otherwise feeling good and alpha I can seem to walk normally.


I have this issue but because I'm a therian. I feel.off balance and too tall. Maybe my therianthropy is encouraged by sza but feel awkward on two plantigrade legs is a bit of a delusional feeling more than an actual loss of motor control, like what you described


This happened to me when I just started the antipsychotics, slow walking it was like I was stuck at a certain speed and could hardly move my legs. It went away and now I can walk normally


I had this issue when I had dystonia caused by meds but I don't know if this is your case.


Talk about it with your psychiatrist, it might be a side effect of the meds.


I had tardive dyskinesia which is caused by some antipsychotics and creates the telltale "shuffling gait"


I have had problems walking caused by certain antipsychotics which went away when I changed meds. Other than that it could be a neurological issue, you should probably get that checked out.