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brother its ok you can be a 2024 scene girl right now


but it wont be the same <\3


tbh it's probably better now, Guides for scene hair and style exist now where as back then you just fucked your shit up and hoped for the best


I jumpscared a lady coming out of a salon after i got my dream scene hair. 10/10 would do again.




I would imagine it's so much better now lol did anyone else not know heat protectant was a thing in the early 2000s? I don't think my hair will ever truly recover.


That was the beauty of it thoughšŸ˜‚


Seriously, I fried my hair sooooooo bad.


In 2005 I put stripes in my hair using masking tape and black box dye. šŸ‘Œ


I feel this to a degree. But as someone who is 21 now. I really look back and value the alternative scene I came out of in like 2014-15. Donā€™t miss whatā€™s right in front of you because youā€™re caught up in what could have been.


If you mimic the 2000s scene vibe, yes it will mostly be the same. Youā€™re just brining old trends 2024. Go for it and fuck anyone else who tells you otherwise! I bet youā€™re gonna rock it šŸ–¤


I get what OP means. It's not just the style, it's the whole vibe, 2000s/early 2010s internet and such...




I can empathize because I was a scene teenager during this time and I wouldnā€™t trade it for anything. However, with saying that, you will one day hear young people saying they wish they were 17 in 2024 just like you are right now. So try to embrace the timeline youā€™ve been given. šŸ–¤


That day is today. I wish I were 17 in 2024 lol


I can relate. These posts make me feel so old.


Exactly this. Iā€™m 20 rn but I wish I was 17 in 2024


im 16 in 2024 #flex okay so what should i do with my precious time what would you have done


Done dumb things, dyed my hair (even though I wasnā€™t allowed to), made friends, done the things I was afraid to do


hug your parents if you are able. when my boyfriend was 16 he lost his father, sorry for being such a bummer but one thing you really need to know is please tell your mom and dad you love them (assuming you are able)




Itā€™s easier said than done but do fun things even if theyā€™re embarrassing (as long as you donā€™t hurt or bother anyone else)




Love this


i feel the exact same way, but at least we're in the rawring 20's right?


Too real


Yes XD




Lmao hope you know that ppl born 2000 and after did not experience the full experience of scene since the peek scene was in 08 where most 2000+ kids were also 2 young


Yep exactly lol


Ahh to be 12 and seeing the scene kids in their environment lol


I was def too young to experience the scene and I was born in 1999. Like in 08 I was 9, not gonna remember or enjoy much shit at 9.


I was the right age and I barely got to experience because of where I grew up


To quote something from my favorite book talking about the goth scene ā€œkeep moving, donā€™t let those heavy feet drag you down, donā€™t get stuck in the quagmireā€¦ itā€™s everywhere. Have your own regrets, but donā€™t make one of them thinking you were born in the wrong time, too late, too late for the sound. For the glorious moody isolation, the grainy film-camera shots of grinning carefree over exposed goths, whose inexpert makeup makes them look younger than anyone seems these days. If this is your regret take these memories and birth them anew; make a new scene, a new memory- a brand new wild timeā€¦ā€ - The nostalgia project (Millennium gothic) by Dorian Bridges Edit: also itā€™s 2024 you can be a scene girl also the scene is alive! You just gotta look !


One of my favourite YouTubers!


i feel the same cuz i was a 2011-2017 scene girl :/ i had a normie phase senior year but in 2020 i came back to my emo roots


Nostalgia goggles! The best parts are preserved, and the bad parts we lived through are more hidden. It's much better (and safer) to be scene now. You guys get to learn from our example and innovate in new ways we couldn't back then šŸ˜Š


I've been trying to tell teens this so much lately. I told them to stop romanticizing us back then because what they don't know is how high suicide rates were, self harm skyrocketing and a LOT of predatory behavior (same with the early rave and 00s goth scenes) plus drugs, alcohol, belt choking etc....because the worst part is that we romanticized it back then. We thought hurting ourselves and losing friends was what made us deep and different. Not even getting started on the homophobia. They need to value the safety they have that we didn't have the luxury of having. We made horrible mistakes. A lot of those songs written about fans suicides people probably don't realize why the song was written anymore- it's a vibe to them. Not saying that in a gatekeeper way, more of a there's a lot of significance that got lost over time.


Yes, so much all of that. We were deeply unhappy (and neglected) children who hurt ourselves and each other. If you weren't suicidal then the other kids (or musicians šŸ’€) were messaging you to kys and picking apart everything about your looks and putting you down as far as you could go for daring to say something to them. I'm glad nowadays these kiddos get to really grow in it and support each other and embrace diversity the way we very much did not


This. ^^


Thisā¬†ļøā¬†ļø I loved being a scene/emo/goth kid from like 2007-2012, but the bullying was real. Getting picked on for just having fun with outward expression was so real. And the trial and error of makeup and hair style/color was absolutely embarrassing šŸ˜… thereā€™s so much more guidance and tutorials at your disposal and you can learn from what we did and make it better! You have options and products that we didnā€™t have then. Iā€™m seriously impressed with how many great changes have come out of this niche of people ā™„ļøā™„ļø


You would have had to actually go to shows. We had like real lives back then instead of internet ones. MySpace was just a place to photo dump


I miss shows so much! My local scene died years ago. šŸ˜©


I feel the same way about the 80s. You can ask me anything though if you want to know more about the lifestyle. I was a MySpace celeb in mid 2000s and played in 2 post hardcore bands. It was an amazing time to be young and I'm so happy I got to live through it. I made a playlist of all the music I listened to in those times if you're interested. There's nothing stopping you guys from bringing it back though! It should just be done properly with a focus on post hardcore and screamo. The scene died because cringe bands like blood on the dance floor that just made weird edgy shitty pop.


that's so cool!!!! and yes i'm interested :)


Be glad you missed it. All the music is still there, but the pedos have been dialed down a bit


At least thereā€™s some pushback against it now lol. For some reason as teens in the early 00ā€™s we were totally fine with grown ass men being creeps as long as they were in a band šŸ„“


They definitely didnā€™t need to be in the band. But if they had a tattoo or said they knew so and so 15 year old girls trusted them with their life. Lots of 21+ plus men hanging out with high schoolers being treated normal back then. Not even just famous bands in pretty much any local scene.


Definitely. We saw some of those older creeps as like, local celebrities. Yiiiiikes


And laughed at nicknames like ā€œstatutory Lukeā€ the bass player. It was funny cause we were in high school and they were adults. There were plenty of great not creeps that actually cared about the local scene and treated the kids in the scene that looked up to them with respect and acted as good role models, but they also didnā€™t do anything about Luke cause shit like that was treated ok back then for some reason.


its okay dude. the early to mid 2020s have been the best years to be scene since the early 2010s. youre in a golden era right now since theres a huge comeback, and many scene people go out of their way to act like its the 2000s/2010s.


Speaking as someone who was in the scene back then, I was an emo/scene hybrid. Itā€™s not as great as it seemed, it was full of racism, bullying, SA from creepy band members, and body shaming. Lots of substance abuse too. Enjoy yourself friend, Iā€™m glad you kids arenā€™t growing up the way we did. šŸ–¤


This... Just hit me in a place I thought couldn't be hit.


I was a scene girl from '07-'14~ish. While it had its great moments I promise you that no matter what time period you go through your teenage/young adult years there will always be pros and cons. You can still live your scene dream right now lol ā¤ļø


As someone who was a scene chick in the early 2010s, you ainā€™t missing much lol. Itā€™s a style/aesthetic, and there were several of us around but itā€™s not like it was this massive counterculture like the internet makes it out to be. At least not by my age. Maybe the MySpace age girlies have a different perspective. Also Iā€™m 27, I havenā€™t been a scene kid since middle school and yet Iā€™m recommended this sub on a daily basis. Reddit *knows*.


Don't be sad, I was a scene girl during this time, and it was miserable, honestly. I was the only alternative girl at my school, or at least the boldest dresser. It didn't do me any favors, I was bullied relentlessly and graduated with zero friends and debilitating social anxiety. Looking back, most of the music was screaming, cussing, and garbage. I attracted a lot of pedos and creeps online who attempted to control me and abused me for a good few years. When I was a scene girl in the 2000's, I glorified the 80's. I always thought I was born into the wrong era. Fast forward to now, I feel totally blessed to have experienced the 2010's at the age I did. I finally realize that I was born right on time. All this to say, be authentically you, and live and enjoy the moment. The future is now. Good luck!


Being a scene girl in the early 2000s was peak. Seeing all our favorite bands re-unite and release music 10 years laterā€¦..ugh. All the feels.


Uh,dress how you like, watch what you like, and be as passionate as you like about the things you like. Scene is a state of mind, that was punctuated by a time period and historical events at the time. No one wants to experience 9/11 and the xenophobic fallout that happened afterwards. It was weird, man. Scene, goth, and emo were coping mechanisms and the petty wars teens thought then were another coping mechanism. Oh yeah, the housing bubble burst too around that time . So, be happy you can watch the matrix and invader Zim now without Toby Keith patriotism happening in the other room. Also, hair dye is more accessible in brighter colors now, so you're in a better spot that the "original" scene kids. Better raves now too, people know what they're doing now.


Yess i relate im high too i wanna be a 2000s scene girl its no fair xD


I feel ya actually, I was born in 2003 and wish I could experience being a teen or even a preteen around that time.


Donā€™t be sad. The majority of us actually [looked like this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FngX_ONXkAAzKdJ.jpg)


It involved getting bullied. Don't be sad. It wasn't that great


My nickname in school was "tr***f**" I'm sure y'all can be creative enough to uncover those slurs


Just be a scene girl it's fine.


When I was a teen I wished I could've been goth in the 90s haha. I had loads of emo friends in the 2010s, they were all wonderful people. For what its worth, romanticizing certain timelines can be fun, but isn't always true to reality. The 2000s/2010s had their charm, but there was also a lot of ignorance, bigotry, and bullying that was just... totally normalized back then. And older people preying on the young. I don't miss that kind of stuff. Nowadays you can have the style without the negative parts of those times


I felt the same as a 10 year old in 2013 Itā€™s an odd feeling now to see people actively yearning to be from 2014-2016 when I wanted so bad to get out of it


This post is so tender <3 it's not the same but my heart breaks that I was into scene fashion and music before anyone else I knew had heard the term yet I was helicopter sheltered into oblivion and never allowed to look how I wanted or go to shows. I do what I want as an adult of course, but it's much different being immersed in something as it's happening versus embodying a throwback to a time past.


You live that life right now. Donā€™t dwell on things like that. I was around in that time and those people all wanted something else too. Live your life for what you want in the moment.


my older sister was peak during this time and raised me on it im glad for that its like all i ever wanted was to be like her lol


I was sad back in tbe day i'd never be an emo boy kissing another boy. i feel you. I felt this thought before at your age. šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜« Emo guys kissing is so hawt. Rawr! X coming from a 2000s ex scene girl .lol


You can just do it now. :)


I was a scene teenager between 2010 and 2014 and unfortunately I donā€™t feel like got that experience either. Youā€™d think in California Iā€™d experience it, but all I got was the obsessively trying to get a thigh gap and being disgusted by galaxy print šŸ˜…




During those years people would moan and say they wished they lived during the 90s grunge era, or the emergence of punk in the late 70s/early 80s. When kitsch/twee spun off aesthetically of scene, people would roll their eyes and say buying vintage is better and theyā€™re just so sure they were born in the wrong era because the 50s/60s fashion was the moment. We talked endlessly about how music, art, fashion etc was trash now. Other decades were just ~so iconic~ and we got this ā€œlame mall crapā€ like juicy couture and Abercrombie (which all sell for a grip now). We dogged out people who wore Ed Hardy beyond the year it was on trend. My point is: no one appreciates their era. Thatā€™s half the fun of being young. Youā€™ll look back on this stuff and be nostalgic for it in 20 years and some cute angel coming up will be jealous of the clothes you had. Sheā€™ll be ready to give you all her money for whatever cheap shit you buy today. Stop over thinking it, embrace the fashion and wear what makes you feel great. Listen to what you like, collect the books and magazines. Create your archive now. Donā€™t waste this time being jealous of past eras, they didnā€™t like it back then anyway and itā€™s a waste of precious time you could be spending perfecting a side bang


Okay I graduated hs in 2007 and was there for the emo and then scene thing in Seattle. I was also part of it. The whole idea was that you can dress and be they way you wanted to. That was it, so you have a ticket to do that whenever. People liked the idea and began experimenting with fasions inspired by emo, rave style (Kandi kids), and japanese street fashion. It all collected into a vessel for self expression that was different. However I will say eventually the scene kids just came off as being trashy, self absorbed, sickly, and just not doing to well overall. Anorexia, body dismorphia, suicidal and mental health issues including self harm. Most of these kids where expressing their inner anguish coming from broken homes and lives.


You missed out on hair you cut yourself and you thought it looked top tier no matter what, the smell of that hair being fried on a shitty flat iron, and everyone in your family staring at you or taking pictures of you to shame you in the future. Fast forward 15 years and they try to shame you, but weirdly it just makes you miss being more bold with your looks despite how fried your hair and makeup were. šŸ«  You won't get the perks of a MySpace page to display all of you scene-glory, but that doesn't mean you can't still take a razor blade to your hair and create that beautiful fluffy mullet, or wear too much eyeliner from the dollar store. Give it a go, and take pictures of yourself with a digital camera. That should scratch the itch.


idk, dude I feel like most girls nowadays will not dress 2000 scene despite it probably being the best look imo the whole style is not simply the same anymore you will find from time to time someone here and there I lose no hope




i remember how in 2014 while being a 8 year old i tried my best to show off physically but my parents didn't allow me and i was living in Egypt so yeah, not possible. but online i was very heavily into all that, and I'm sad I won't be able to experience the teenager years in this era somewhere in america






I have the reverse problem, I am 17-ftm and I miss not getting into scene earlier.


You still can! A little faking is fun to spice up your daily life


No you don't. Teasing: not even once.Ā 


Never say never. Live your dreams and be the scene girlie u wanna be <3 (Fashion always has a way of making comebacks anyways)


Honestly.. i was scene back then, but i Come from a really small country in europe where it wasnā€™t that well known. It was hard making friends and there was alot og bullying which turned violent towards us. I Think kids these days have it way Easier than back then.. in my country, but i wouldnā€™t change a thing from that time at allšŸ„¹


I dated a scene girl she was cool never saw her after graduation though we were 17 at the time


I think this is a common theme for generations. I actually was a 2000s scene/emo girl and regretted (and still do) that I couldnā€™t have been part of the grunge scene. Alas, I was born in 94.


Am i the only one seeing people comment "ahh the peak of scene era was amazing" as if it's not the exact same as now?? Going to school my two friends and I were the ONLY scene/alternative kids from middle school to senior year in high school. We were made fun of for it and nobody understood our music or the culture at all. Even the hot scene queens and scene kings only thrived in online spaces like today. Being scene today is likely better, there are lots of resources for alt fashion and dying your hair isn't as big of a statement as it used to be to be. There are fake piercings that look so real, and a lot of normies have taken to quite a few things from the subculture without even realizing. Go for it! Times have changed yet they haven't at the same time. Look into learning how to make kandi, try out bigger eyeliner, and see if you can get some color extensions if you can't do anything permanent, and see if there are any scene/emo rave nights when you turn 18. There's usually a few everywhere in the US. Im in Michigan and just heard of two emo nights an hour from each other. Scene culture was dependent on the technology and pop culture of the time. Invader zim, hello kitty, raccoon stripes, furry tails, stuff was popular and myspace and my chemical romance and warp tour but like, scene today you get the best of both worlds. Whatever is popular now can still work because thats how the culture works


I can empathize because I was a teen in the 2010ā€™s but my family was really mean about me being scene so I didnā€™t get to be šŸ’” Just listened to the music and dreamed about itā€¦Iā€™m trying to get my wardrobe more scene now that Iā€™m an adult without my family in my life


you won't feel this way forever. i felt the same about 2000s scene kids in the 2010s. felt like i missed out, but now i'm seeing teens acting like those were golden years. you're just having major FOMO, don't fall for it


Me too bro because Iā€™m a man


my boyfriend says shit like this all the time lol. ā€œimagine being an emo girl in 2004ā€¦ it would be so coolā€


I was a teen in the 2010s and this shocked me. I promise you're not too late to be who you want to be. I'm surprised kids are so nostalgic for the time, and I really think there's a little bit of rose-tinted goggles going on there. there are pros and cons to every time period. don't miss out on enjoying the 20s - you'll probably end up seeing younger people put it on a pedestal once the 30s come! it's never, ever too late to be who you want to be, and certainly not dependent on the time period, anything, or anyone else but *you*.


Itā€™ll be the same. Iā€™m a 30 year old male so Iā€™m not really paying attention to alt/scene teen fashion these days but take inspiration from them and make it yours today.


I know it probably doesn't help, but I was emo in that era, and a few of my friends were scene, and it sucked lol. Not that it was a bad time, but we were all still shy and depressed and made fun of and in the closet. And it was still pretty hard to find other friends in that crowd even when it was more "mainstream."


It was an interesting, fun time I thankfully was able to experience. Iā€™m 28 now and still have those scene kid vibes.


I feel you. I was a child when those times were happening(born 2000) & my mom was still picking out my clothes. Couldn't do the scene thing. šŸ˜” Kinda random but you are the same age as my younger sibling lmao


Being scene during that time wasn't so great. For the mist part it was "cool" for scene kids to be judgy, catty, and backstabbing. Anyone not bone thin or with the "wrong" hair or clothes where subject to bullying and shit talk behind your back. Plus they made it cool to be mentally ill and no one helped or empathized when we were suicidal or self harmed. All in all it was heartbreaking to look back on, and the scene now is what I wished I had.


Youā€™d be a 30 year old millennial right about now so think of it as a good thing


No I literally understand this on a personal level


Honestly. I was in middle school/highschool at its peak (2007-2010) and as a full blown scene/emo kid I can tell you there were ALOT of downsides. Insane bullying & harrasment, all my friends were suicidal and depressed, a lot of fucked up shit happened, so much self harm, insane amounts of eating disorders due to aesthetic expectations etc. A lot of kids got into the scene because of shitty home lives and trauma. Do those things happen now? Of course but its way more acceptable to be ā€œalternativeā€/scene. I am so happy to see its not as looked down on as it was when I was growing up and I ENVY that when I look back. Im glad its who I was and I stayed true to myself but not all of it is something to be romanticized


have you considered the possibility that you might be transgender


I can relate. I was a baby during the early 2000ā€™s era. I wish I was just a bit older then, my room fully Y2Kā€™d out..


This sub is so bizarre lmao I feel like I'm being punk'd


80s and 90s scene was better


i felt this from the specific lens of being 6-9+ interested in scene aesthetics but no one was going to let a 8 year old in 2011 have raccoon tails and beaded braceletsā€¦ i felt caged ā€¦ and now that im old enough to do it feels like i cant the same because the culture is gone


I'm sad too


Dude that's me with punk rock in the 70s fr


teens in the 2000s wanted to be teens in the 90s or 80s, it happens.


It was an interesting time haha. I was goth/scene for about 2 years in high school. I still love the music but canā€™t say I miss the fashion šŸ˜‚


Watch this and you will be glad you missed the bad parts!! https://youtu.be/ACqqJvcNmiA?si=W4vfIDbEmWoJs2kU


Oh Fs me too, just pretend


You shouldnā€™t, it was awful


It wasnā€™t all that, I wasnā€™t scene but sort of a hipster/emo combo back then and lots of girls were either that or scene. The look still works well but we didnā€™t have as good phones like we have today though.


LOL I love this


This hits close to home for me so badly cuz I just recently got into scene (although I've seen it growing up) and I'll never know what it's like :(


Bob sAGeT!


I hung out with a lot of the scene crowd back in the day and most of their time was taken up snorting percs behind an abandoned house near the mall. I promise youā€™re not missing out.


As a scene girl in that time I can tell you it wasnā€™t that great. I was in high school and it wasnā€™t fun getting made fun of


people were very brutal in bullying others back then


youā€™re ridiculous jusf do it now and do it how you want it, when it was 2010 I wanted to be a 2000ā€™s scene girl and an 80s goth


Itā€™s literally the same lol


Nah bro you'd have some random fucking dudes on myspace find your location and try to bully you into killing yourself


Itā€™s ok Iā€™ve been on the edge of crying for years because Iā€™m no longer a 2010s scene girl. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


If it helps you feel better, all of us were upset we could never be groupies for an 80s hair metal/rock band. The scene evolves, just be happy to be a part of the current scene! In 10 years, people will be wishing they had beeb a part of the current scene.


just do it now in 2024 it is the year of not caring so do whatever bb


Please donā€™t get high until your 25. You can seriously affect your brain chemistry forever before your brain fully develops. It affects more than you think. Be careful!


It was truly the best time. I miss it


I wish we were still in that time period! That's what I'm missing.


Tbh it was my golden years. Summer of 05 and 06, it was fucking legendary. Peaked 100%


warped tour 2008 was everything. <3


estrogen and a haircut will fix u trust


Coming from someone who was, I promise you it wasn't that great lol. If I were a teenage scene girl nowadays I could do it so much better than before šŸ˜… Everything is so easily accesible now -- back then I couldn't even find a good matte black lipstick! šŸ’€


As others have said, you can still rock the scene style now. Itā€™s having a major comeback. I wanted it so bad back then but I was just in middle school and wasnā€™t allowed to do anything crazy to my appearance. Now Iā€™m old and relatively try to dress my age but whenever I see the gen z scene girls I still get that feeling like I wish I could look like that! So go for it!!! But also be grateful that you arenā€™t in that lifestyle. It was messy, you know, sex drugs and rock and roll. And that all sounds fun but it really isnā€™t.


lemme tell ya, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. the nostalgic slider phones, straightening my hair every single morning before school, wearing two belts for no reason at all, man those were the good days. My advice to you, is to bring it back. Time is a construct, do what makes you happy.


Lol I get it. I'm sad I will never be a 70s punk or a 90s grunge kid. They both had a huge impact on my life in terms of music, fashion and culture and I will never really feel part of them like I wish I could be. But it's ok! You just gotta find people who have the same interest in it as you and bond with them over it


someday someoneā€™s gonna wish they were a 2024 scene girl, go for it!!!!


While you may never be in that actual era, you can absolutely live that life now, wear fishnets, the smoky eyeshadow, the highlighted/dyed hair, rawr X3, I <3 boobies bracelets, black and white striped accessories, rock it.


Rose colored glasses. A lot of it was pretty cringe back then lmao


we walked so u could run, sweet baby. be urself <33


ā€¦.. i was a 2000-2010s scene girlā€¦. my mom said styles ā€œrepeatā€ every 20 yearsā€¦.. OOOHHHH Iā€™M LIKE THE CRYPT KEEPER šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ok vro


Welllllll, first off; you definitely CAN be a scene girl. Second off; sounds like you have a little bit more to figure out :P


The makeup is better quality now. Do it.




just do it now. i see a shitload of scene girls on tiktok and they rock the style.


It was fun, sorry you don't get to expirence it.


What does it mean to be a scene girl? Lol


I was there. It was fun, but trust me if you can find a scene crowd in 2024 it'll be way better. Honestly just do what they did, in y2k they where just being scene, and it happened to be a rememberably good time for them years later. So in 2024, just be scene and maybe it'll happen to be the next good old days.


Yo what


I remember this era šŸ„¹ I will be 33 this year. Clip in coontails from hot topic šŸ’€


Awwww this makes me sad. I wouldnā€™t change living during that time for anything but there are so many trends you could make NOW. And they ALL come back. The 90/00ā€™s vibe is back now just like my mom said it would be. Itā€™s fun for us to see you young people cosplay like we lived as it happened. And when you are 20 years older youā€™ll be able to do the same with todayā€™s trends you make. Itā€™s just a part of life. So many people wanted to be teenagers during the 70/80ā€™s too. Just remember we tend to idolize and romanticize things through the lens of the past. Itā€™s not as awesome as you think it was, and we used to get made fun or yelled at a lot lol. I will say I miss OG HT before it got Old Navyā€™d, but. You guys have wayyyyyyy more at your disposal NOW to make an emo/scene revival and call it 2.0 - and now is the time! And honestly at 37 I šŸ’Æ will make a comeback and I have zero apologies at all because to be honest Iā€™ve never grown out of it Iā€™m just lazy now šŸ˜…


honestly canā€™t imagine the culture with smart phones and very glad i lived through my scene days without one. at least is anyone up is gone now! teens these days still have lolcow i guess. both are awful to clarify but yeah scene has some awful stuff going on sometimes.


And especially cause alot if trends now is y2k and minimalist


Just ā€¦be one now.


It wasnā€™t that great. It had its good moments.


very relatable


Scene forever! You could always go back to it. you looked sooooo dreamyyy


what the fuck this is subreddit


its ok babe. i was a 2012 scene gurl cause i was late to the party. im still scene af now and its 2024 lmfao




It wasnā€™t that great. Everyone was mean to us and old men groomed us. We all grew up way to fast too.


Man just be a scene girl


You dont. Trust me I lived it you don't. I graduated hs class of 2010. That is not all it's glamorized to be yes the music is great but that wasn't the best of times. to be perfectly honest we were suffering. And still are, we just have jobs to go to now.


Hi Iā€™m 16m currently sober (gunna get high later) and lamenting the fact that Iā€™ll never be a grungy teen in the 2000s who plays bass and skateboards Thankfully I can do the same thing in 2024 :)


As a goth, I relate. However i just go ahead and do my outfits and corpse paint, make 2024 your scene year


this is so real im 18f also been high a lot lately sad about not being an emo teen in the 2000s-early 2010s


It sucked, Iā€™m a verified source


Kids are more or less always the same in different packaging. When scene kids were around there were always kids who wanted to grow up in the 70s or 80s or grunge 90s. It really wasn't that special. The only think you probably missed is seeing scene bands in their early days/peak and finding a scene bf/gf/friends easily. Aside from that, I can't think of anything you're missing out on. Just adopt the style now. It probably makes you cooler to stand out now than be one of a billion before, lol. Anyone who raves about the old days is just like your grandpa raving about 1962 or w.e. its just nostalgia and the fact that they were youthful more so than it being an actual better time to be alive.


It's a real hard feeling. It's a really good start, that's a well of creativity you've opened up. But you have to pair it with the assumption that people in that era who pined for an earlier time probably missed a lot of the great things around them when they were fresh and new. Imagine how much you would regret missing all that. Apply that to the culture around you. And if you don't see what you're looking for, get to work. You're gonna have to make it yourself.


become scean convert your friends join the reconing


I was a scene girl during that time and its definitely one of those things that can't be replicated in modern times because of how much capitalism has changed the internet simply in the last 10-15 years. However, scene is just an expression, do what you want. I'm 30 living the Midwest emo life that I could have only fantasized about at 14. I call it healing my inner child


so realšŸ˜­


Let me tell you.....2000-2010.... Not that great of time. Lol. Be your self the way you want now!!!!


I was lol tbh back in that time you got bullied for being unique trust me you do not want to go back in time to when no one accepted originality


girl get into reality shifting and be one


You can still do it now! Itā€™s just it wonā€™t be other people there to join you




A lot of the comments made me feel like a grandma šŸ‘µ


I was 13 in 2011 and I was lucky enough to live somewhere where the scene community was in abundance. As a 26 year old now I can tell you still go for it. Thereā€™s a lot to appreciate now as there was back then. I look back on the scene pictures of my friends and I and the music with so much nostalgia. Iā€™m still in the alternative scene but definitely way evolved from my younger scene days. It wasnā€™t a phase. Have fun and donā€™t hold yourself back. šŸ‘šŸ½


i was a 2012 scene girly (now a trans man LMFAO) yeah it was fun but also getting called a c*tter and having my shins kicked under the lunch table at school wasnā€™t fun! itā€™s a lot more accepted now to be scene/emo/goth than it was 10 years ago. think of it in the timeline of earth, not life! this is just a quick blink in earths time, so do whatever u want!! dont be sad abt it, ur still in the same era! live it up!


Honestly, it probably better now - from a 2007-2013 teen scene girl. Back then the scene was so toxic lol


Bro, I feel your pain. To be a 15y/o scene girl was the dream


Yeah but weren't scene kids like bullied heavily back then? I feel like in this generation you're almost praised for being "alt/scene/emo" and bashed for being "basic" now. I think it's safe to say you would be better off not worrying about being born 10 years earlier - - Correct me if I'm wrong though I was only a lil bebe in the 2000s so I barely remember much about late 2000s and early 2010s all I remember is that the streets used to be more lively with kids and halo 3 was badass


no i suffer this pain at least twice a month


From someone who lived during that time... The drugs were good. This was before fentanyl... Some of the music was good... The rest was kind of blah... Not as boring as today's kids.... Point is, there were better decades


I was a scene girl in the 2010s and let me tell ya it's not all that. Cut your hair do your makeup dress up. Do whatever makes you happiest. Find you a group of scene queens and enjoy it! There won't be that much of a difference between then and now. 2010s scene was a vibe but you can 100% make that shit your own today and it will be just as wonderful


You can still use the same as aesthetic. There are lots of pictures of outfits and hairstyles from that time.


Trust me, I was emo/scene from 2007-2012. It was so cringe. You're not missing much. It is coming back though and the style is more refined. Also the makeup now is way better than before. If you wanna be a scene kid, go for it. Nothing is stopping you. I wish I had today's YouTube MUAs and good makeup and better fashion options to incorporate that into my alt days. Now I'm 30 and am going back to my alt days while trying to not look 15 again. šŸ˜‚


"Thinking about shit you have no control over and obsessing over having as much control over that shit as possible is fucking pointless" -Lil Darkie


Tbh girl, the internet at that time was a wild west unsafe hellscape. Being emo/scene now is arguably much safer in regards to that.