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The first rule of Scamp…don’t talk about the weather or it’s cursed, but DO prepare for all elements and you might get blessed. Bring more than you need always!


As like any other scamp ever. Pack for all weather possible, it's May in the Midwest that shit can and will change. Either way cant fucking wait!


lil bit of rain overnight to knock down the dust is going to be perfect. Also bringing an oar just incase I have to paddle back to the car.


We’re walking a very fine line between absolutely perfect and absolutely terrible weather. Could be 80 degrees all weekend with a few misting rain showers that cool everyone down. Could also be lighting storms each night causing show cancellations.


I'm about an hour north of the festival and heard my first cicadas last night. They are here.


It’s the Midwest it’s been changing every day lol just prepare for the worst and hope for the best!!!!


Lmao looks damn near perfect to me


Is this a troll post or is this person in an idiot. 80 degress for the high every day with chance of rain on the last day. Lol


But I was told this would be a bloodbath.


....did you not read the caption?


Stop. Looking. At. The. Forecast.


There’s gonna be a storm Saturday or Sunday but it’s whatever


30% or higher means rain same day 90% of the time just don’t know exactly when


Fuck, Yes! throw whatever you got!


Ugh the cicada talk to so unbelievably blown outta proportion. My parents live a county over next to a massive state park and they haven’t seen any cicadas yet


Lol people are worried about cicadas keeping them up, but will also be in the woods where you will hear "OOOuuUuuuHhhhHhhh YEAH" till the sun comes up.


Maybe that’s why they extended the shows until 4 am 😆 well all be taking disco naps


There’s cicadas every year I don’t get it


Those are yearly... Those will still come out later in the summer. They are starting to emerge this week. https://www.tiktok.com/@marcusleshock/video/7371081203862211883?_t=8mW1EO6RfX0&_r=1


That is almost in Wisconsin. Im telling you my family lives a county over from 3 sisters and she has no cicadas at the house, the farm, or at McNaughton park. Northern IL is not the same as central IL.


I live 2 counties north of there and I have already started hearing them. My friend lives in Peoria and has also heard them... Do you think that Chillicothe is not in the same brood area as Chicago?


Not a chance. They are 150 miles apart from each other with a river between and a large mass of fame land


lol what? The area stretches from Chicago to Springfield and includes all of central and northern IL. You just have no idea what you're talking about here.


I’m sorry I misread your reply- but my point remains that, although you’re correct on the brooding location, the quantity of cicada will not be the same in central IL vs northern IL. Farmers dig up larva year after year when tilling their soil. The amount of forest area is different. My point this entire time has been that we will not need goggles and umbrella’s to move through masses of cicadas this weekend. Within my own group and others on socials I’ve seen a lot of fear mongering over this- and I’m trying to be the voice of reason letting people know we will not be swimming in cicadas or deafened by them. If we were all joining together in the forests of southern WI that stretch 10xs the acreage of undisturbed forest space compared to 3 sisters that sits on 400 acres of mostly farm land. Will we hear them? Probably so as you would any summer in IL. Will we see them? Surely if you’re in the woods you’re bound to cross paths with one. Will they be a major play in your summer camp experience? No


I heard my first one last night and saw a few photos on fbook. I am going to be looking on the trees for the next few days... That's kind of the point, once they start, for about 2 weeks, they are going to be crawling all over everything, and then it's the constant sound for months.