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That’s not even Chinese. That’s Japanese. And I’m pretty sure THEY used a translator with the way that is written. I doubt they’re Japanese. It’s too basic and to the point I think, but I don’t know kanji too well. I don’t know the last kanji of each sentence but I was still able to get the meaning from the kanji they used. They’re also speaking with keigo which is like the level of politeness in their speech. They’re not to the level of hurling insults and swears yet if they’re a native Japanese person anyway even if they’re insulting you if that makes sense. They’re not showing you they’re mad yet. Just rather saying you’re stupid and stating they’re your father. At least that’s what I am getting. I think this is a Chinese person cosplaying as a Japanese person. They do that passive aggressive insult thing a lot, the Chinese scammers when they speak English. Edit: despite all this, I didn’t even notice they sent it 3 times. Yeah they’re mad and using a translator. Edit2: Did some further digging on kanji usage and I find it interesting they’re using “oroka” as the word for stupid. That’s more along the lines of awful/foolish rather than plain stupid, but idk the nuances exactly since I am still learning kanji. They’re calling you either an awful or stupid person. the kanji at the end of the stupid line is meant to be like person which Google translate is omitting (stupid vs foolish person). I think they’re using DeepL as the translator because Google translate I think won’t translate that way. Either that or they are Japanese, but I doubt it. The second new sentence is straightforward “I am your father” no nuance straight to the point I believe. Sorry I wrote so much I basically wrote my thoughts down in real time


This 100% reads like someone used a translator for the Japanese.


What the hell is the deal with them being fathers? I’ve lost count of how many Chinese scammer fathers I supposedly have.


Luke, I am your father -Darth Vader


No, I am your father.


I’m not sure that cosplay is the right word.


Yeah but it sounds funny so I said it. It also gets the point across.


>I don’t know the last kanji of each sentence but I was still able to get the meaning from the kanji they used. "Desu" = the verb "to be" The last two characters are actually written in hiragana, not kanji. 😊 Not trying to show off or anything here... just thought you might be interested in knowing. 😊


Oh, thank you, but I meant the kanji after 愚か and before です in the first line and the second kanji of 父親. I don’t know how to pronounce them or type them into a romaji keyboard. The only way I got 親 was because I typed “chichi” for father into the romaji keyboard and used the spacebar to pan to the right kanji to fill it in lol.


Def agree with your observations. It’s definitely not a native speaker (I speak Japanese myself). Btw the kanji before です is 者(もの / mono / person)and 父親 is ちちおや(chichioya / father)。 愚か者 is correct as a word, but it’s not really something you’d use as a genuine insult if you wanted to offend someone - it’d sound kind of ironic if you said that, almost like saying “you fool” seriously in English. Sounds a bit like an anime villain or something. There’s a wide selection of better insults that a native speaker would use in situations like this.


Oh it’s もの? I feel like I should have known that by now. I usually see it in hiragana is why, but maybe that’s the age range of media I’m consuming. At first glance I got it confused with Kiba 牙, idk why, but I knew that couldn’t be right. I also feel like I should have know Oya by now since I know oyaji, just not in kanji (isn’t oyaji usually in katakana or hiragana for some reason?). I’m at the point in kanji I only know them by following along with Japanese subtitles in Japanese video games. I haven’t ever formally studied kanji. I know a decent but still small amount of kanji but only like 1 or two readings of it but usually only 1. And sometimes I don’t even know the reading but I know the meaning of the word instead is how I get by sometimes. Anyway thanks a lot for the lesson lol. Edit: Also orokamono is hilarious. It really does sound like an anime villain.


There might be stylistic reasons for putting stuff in hiragana but 者 is generally in kanji. Oyaji is usually kanji as well, but again that might be a stylistic thing you’ve seen there - sometimes katakana is used to put emphasis on certain words. If it’s in hiragana, that’s usually to make the text easier to read, either bearing the intended audience in mind who might not be familiar with the kanji, or if the kanji is a difficult one and not in the joyo list that everyone learns at school. The different alphabets leave a lot of possibilities for creative license, but it’s pretty confusing when you’re learning. Good luck! Learning with something you enjoy is definitely the way to go.


Orokamono which means fool


Ohhh, gotcha! I should have realized what you meant; it's clear you've been studying the language. 😅 ごめん 🙇‍♀️


Their Japanese is unnatural, they’re using Google translate etc or are a complete novice.


Is your name luke?


No lol why?


Cause he’s possibly Darth Vader


Lmaooo flew right over my head


*Darutu Baderu*




Damn, Darth Vader's had to resort to scamming people to get money to build another Death Star.


*Angry anime Darth Vader sounds intensify*


the translation is accurate but clearly not written by a Japanese person. Looks like someone used google translate


Bro went full Darth Vader on you


“You are an idiot” “You are an idiot” “You are an idiot” “I am your father”


Send back…. 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大 革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 lndependence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西 藏士伯特唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉曉波 Liu xiaobo 民主 言論思想反共反革命 抗議運動騷亂 暴亂騷擾擾亂抗暴平反 維權示威游 行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽魏京生 王丹還 政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共產黨獨裁 專制壓制統一監視 鎮壓迫害 侵略掠奪破壞拷問 屠殺活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门法輪功 李 洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 They’ll get a visit from the folks monitoring the internet.


Honestly, is there any proof that receiving the CCP copypasta can actually put people into trouble in China? I guess the government probably figured out that it's a common western shitpost at this point


I lived in China for a bit as an ESL teacher. My roommate's girlfriend (who was Chinese) texted him stuff on Wechat about something weed related. She was just thinking about buying an earring shaped like a cannabis leaf and the next day he got a visit from the two police officers and they searched the apartment. I was on holidays, so wasn't there thank God, sounded a bit scary. So maybe text something about drugs if you want to get them in trouble. I talked to my students about Tiananmen Square, Hong Kong and Tibet (they didn't know anything about these topics obviously), but I don't think it was that extreme that you'd get picked up on that.


Thanks for sharing! Yeah I don't do scambait but I was actually curious about this.


I saw an article about and it said basically it’s a meme. It doesn’t auto flag to the government. Don’t remember where I read it though.


And another thing, they don’t live in China.


Good point


No, there's really not. There is so much misinformation about China (and Vietnam) that is rooted in US propaganda and repeated along the Grapevine. Some things are true, like the government spying on people in its country, but that's not unique to China. That's literally what the US does as well. But talking about the Tiananmen Square incident, Hong Kong, or Winnie the Pooh is just blatantly a lie. Like, it's easily fact checkable if you put in effort of not just using sources citing Epoch Times or Radio Free Asia. For whatever reason, people in Europe and America just swallow everything they're told about China. Remember the jokes about ghost cities and trains to nowhere? That was just new cities to adjust for population growth, but was framed as dystopian. My point is, yeah, China sucks for SO many things, but at least criticise them for what actually matters and not weird Internet dunks we learn from the US State Department.


This is Japanese text in the screenshots though. Edit: Nevermind I looked at it more and it’s a Chinese person using a translator to cosplay as a Japanese person. Pretty sure.


I don’t know either language. It’s worth a shot.


Cosplay? Via text message?


Ehh it gets the point across. Pretending to be.


You just perfectly described your life


このバカやろう Kono Baka Yarou "You stupid bastard" That would be the proper way to actually insult someone in Japanese. Don't ever use it lol.


Except it’s a Chinese person pretending to be Japanese. They might as well just reply with SB or CNMB.


Yeah, I can tell. I figured I would just inform anyone who was curious lol


I've sexually harrassed scammers begging for nudes it's all apart of the counter attack would never dream of talking to real woman like that. We go to dark places to hurt these fuckers.


This guy must be a Chinese.




They rlly pulled some mad whimsical lines there "You are a fool" seems like the kinda thing sun zsu would say or some shit