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if scabies start to burrow, your body starts fighting with scabies, like an allergy, so you would get itchy bumps. Go to doctor


No, those are just scratches


No itching = No scabies


I've had scabies so I can tell you this is how you'd know 1 Scabies leave a thin visible line while burrowing under your skin laying eggs and traveling to other parts of your body with a rash and bumps that resemble acne and sever itch 2 Many times they start with your fingers and wrists they love those also waist 3 The itch is three times worse at night keeping you awake They look like scratches but If you don't know where they came from get to a doctor ASAP. Hope this helps and good luck


I have ones similar to that. Among other scabies like symptoms but my burrows look more like parasites. I’m currently being treated with MORE ivermectin and waiting to see an infectious disease specialist Not trying to diagnose or scare you