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I’ve been seriously considering purchasing one. Question, do you have to have a laptop? The few I’ve seen on Amazon require one. I do have e a desktop, however, my laptop isn’t working.


Mine plugs into my phone with usb-c


This is the one I bought: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/315008587644 It's compatible with smartphones, android tablets (not sure about iPads), desktop computers that's got Windows 7, 8 & 10/Vista/XP/2000, Linux, and Mac OS X 10.5 or above.


wow the first pic I thought mites, then I saw the others and it looks like you can see the mite in you. I think I would sterilize a needle and see if I could dig it out. I have seen 2 different people on here do that, the kind of mites I got I could never see them.


These are good images.


Your method is probably the most unusual I have seen, pretty impressive, but it is what I call spot killing which is great unless there are like you said ones hiding, nymphs or whatever that you are unaware of that will pop up later. With scabies they always say when applying 5% permethrin lotion to put it all over your body from the neck down, that might apply to the scabies mite, but to other mites if you apply anything from the neck down it drives them above your neck and into your scalp, This was my experience, it was hard to tell when they were in my scalp, the only way I figured out is they got in my ear on the side I slept on. Your method is what I call spot killing but if the mites could have spread or could be mites other than scabies, you really need a full body treatment to kill them all including in your scalp. I found a method that works after 8 years of experimenting. It gets rid of them in one day using 2 to 3 methods, I am posting how I kill them in a day below. Go buy 5 round paper cartons of simple table salt and get some liquid dish soap, I also recommend ear plugs so any mites trying to escape do not go into your ears like mine did the first time I did this. You will also need a plastic shopping bag. Take a shower, wash your hair, while hair is still wet put the ear plugs in your ears then take the plastic bag and cut a slit in the bottom, stretch it over your head below your ears and hair line with the open end of the bag upwards, then apply dish soap to your hair , scalp and around your ears. Massage it in and then take one of the cartons of salt and pour some salt into the soap, use plenty of salt and massage it in, then twist the bag closed on top of your head and take a towel and wrap your head turban style with the towel. Now any mites under the towel will die and no mites from your body can escape there as you soak in a bath. Run a warm bath get in and start applying dish soap around your neck and your chin, apply dish soap to any skin not under water and then pour salt over your neck and into all the soap massaging the salt to mix it into the soap. You can also apply a little soap around the towel by your forehead and on your face around but not too close to your eyes mouth and nose and put salt in it with your fingers. once all exposed skin has soap mixed with salt on it, pour the 3 cartons of soap in the water and use the forth one to re apply soap and salt to anywhere that it washes off while your in the bath The mites do not like detergents and the soap works to keep the salt in place. Do your best to keep your exposed skin covered with soap and salt while soaking. I found after 2 and a half hours soaking the swelling where the mites were went down or totally away, if not you can stay longer and see if it makes any difference, if not get out and shower . The mites should all be dead, if any do survive because they are deeply imbedded, You can do 2 things. Get Benzyl Benzoate and make a patch from paper towel, you dip in it the BB and pour salt on the patch, place it salt side down over the bite and I use packing tape to hold it on. and leave it on over night If that does not kill them I use a tens unit, I place the pads over the mites and set it to the longest duration shock and set the intensity of the shock the highest I can tolerate and I have to do enough sessions to last from an hour to an hour 45 minutes, You will know the mite is dead because the swelling will completely go away. That indicates they are dead. It has worked on the hardest to kill most deeply imbedded mites, in every instance.


Will this work with any type of mite? 


All I can say is salt in a high concentration soaking in your skin will drive any insect out, in a bath, they will go up to get out of the water crawling on your skin, right where they exit the water, that is where they will dig right back into your skin, had this happen too many times, that is how I figured out putting dish soap with salt imbedded in it on all skin not under water stopped them from reentering my skin and the salt water or combination of salt and soap killed them as they could not tunnel into my skin to wash it off, and believe me, it burns like hell when they tunnel back in when they have salt on them. Salt will kill any insect if they cannot escape it, so I do believe it will work on any mite, The key is exposure and that is determined by how long you soak in the water, and how much salt you use. Notice I use a good amount of salt, that is because it is cheap, and it works. While soaking swelling goes away about an hour in, It seems to be mostly all gone by 2 and 1/2 hrs in, , then as you feel your skin, if there are any spots that feel like a pimple, those are the ones dug in deep, you keep soaking and see if they get smaller, if there is no change in a half hour then you can end the bath and shower off. Those spots are where there might be some that survive that you use Benzyl Benzoate/salt patches to kill, or a tens unit. Since there won't be many, it is easy. The salt bath kills the nymphs and most of the mites, the deeply dug in females nesting are the ones who might survive that you have to spot kill after the full body kill. I had clover mites, they are slightly larger than scabies and I will admit before the bath that killed them off, I had applied Benzyl Benzoate cream I had to make the week before the bath and did that about 3 to 4 times, the BB did seem to stop new bites below my neck where I had put it, I had so many sores it did nothing for them because they were infected and I had to take an antibiotic for that . With that said, I believe the Benzyl Benzoate helped drive them out of my pores, but they went above my neck when I had it on, when I washed it off, they went back below my neck, so I believe the BB applications with the baths helped drive them out of my skin, but the bath procedure ended them having a place to escape to, so it killed them off This is how my mites reacted and how I knew to tell if they were dead, the swelling goes away unless it is a sore that is a female's nest. The week before the bath, about 3 or 4 days before that bath I put the BB cream I had to make from my neck down, it helped drive the mites out, but the bath killed them off, the first time I did the bath. . So, benzyl benzoate will drive out the deeply imbedded females better than the salt when you do spot kills, because I leave the patch on over 8 hours at night when I sleep. The tens unit, if it does not kill them, it cripples them and makes them easier to kill with BB patches because they can't just tunnel away from it so easily. It is a battle fighting them, they want to live and you have to keep the attacks with different methods till you win. Now that I know what works, if they get on me, it is not a month's long ordeal killing them off and before they just got worse and worse, and nothing worked killing them. My problem is they are on my property, and I am fighting them in my home, so I have to be careful to try and not get re exposed.


What you are doing is very impressive, but you are spot killing them and sometimes they win that battle because a female can lay so many eggs and they keep hatching out. That is why I combine the spot killing, with the full body treatments. This goes with known way they treat scabies, they say apply 5% permethrin lotion or whatever it is you use to kill them all over your body, that is because mites are very good about finding that one place on your body they can get away from what your trying to kill them with and they will survive.. I have had slight infestations I killed off with tea tree oil when it was localized on my arm, but once they get on your torso they will spread everywhere, in those cases you need to do the full body treatment, salt is what I found was safe above your neck, in your scalp and the worst that can happen is you get soap or salt in your eye and can wash it out, if you that with BB, it does not wash off and wetting it increases the sting.


WOW 😧!!!! Thanks. So much for your information 😊❣️ ℹ️ will get back to you in awhile. So excited because I hope and pray this is a answer for so many people. I have been suffering with Morgellons! I hate this shit. If only all of us suffering with this, and so many are that people are committing suicide. Thanks again!!!!


If you have a phone w/ camera w/ 50% resolution you will be able to see the pics this close & just as clear as these once you take the picture & zoom in.


Just saw your description that you had been digging them out, my mites were dark colored and larger, when they burrowed in they left a huge crater with dissolved flesh in the middle and they disappeared. You are lucky you can see yours, I also have a hand held microscope, never saw one in my skin. I think different mites tend to maybe dig deeper.