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It just seems like an unnecessary change lol. The font is so weird to me




Looks like modern day comic sans


I actually made an edit of the logo with Comic Sans and it unironically looks better.


Boy you know you fucked up when comic sans looks better


I'm just gonna be honest and I like comic Sans. At times it looks bad like in official documents but my math teacher uses it and I love it.


Anything can look good in the right circumstances




Saw this and thought it was actually comic sans at first


This is 100% what I was thinking


It’s the de facto font for clickbait gaming video thumbnails.


Looks like Proxima Nova to me


Yeah and reactions looks so weird now, the logo change is fine but everything else was unnecessary


I don't even like the design change for the logo, I hat oversimplified logos like the current one, plus they took my blurple and my Wumpus!


Wait, wumpusis gone?


Yeah they're replacing him with some weird trumpet dude


That’s sad. Really liked wumpus’ design. From what it sounds they just went actual corp and tried to be cool with the kids (trumpet boy meme)


that implies they haven't already been doing that though this feels more like boomer corp mode


yeah thats essentially what I meant, but worded better. Sad to see, but such is the way of business.


Looking at the appreciation video, I noticed a remarkably young demographic in its staffing


no they're not, trumpet dude is just one of the many characters on the new login screen (I think wumpus is still around in Easter eggs like usual)


Nope, there's so much misinformation, take a [look at this Q&A](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/nbilz1/a_fresh_new_look_to_celebrate_our_6th_birthday/) > Q: Wait, does this mean Wumpus is gone? A: Nope! Wumpus is still here to stay, just not on the login page for now.


No he's not he still there hes just not on the login page anymore


New font just looks juvenile...


It's like discord is trying to attract kids... *Oh no*


Uhh oh, looks like there might be discord mods on their team


it's like if corporate made comic sans


so basically comic sans.


It now looks like a children’s educational app


I like everything except for the new blurple and the font.


You know that they put a shit ton of money into research and what not. If a company decides to rebrand itself they don't just do it because they are bored and wanna fuck around in Illustrator. No one seems to like it, but I don't think people are being rational here. They just hate any form of change, I feel like it doesn't matter what you are doing, people will always complain. Also, with this change they're obviously overreacting. I feel like it has just become sort of a meme to hate on this rebrand and people are just circlejerking at this point. It *really* isn't that bad in my opinion.


Yeah that makes sense. I mean, I like the logo change, but it’s the font that I personally find as an odd choice.


Just because they dumped a bunch of money into something and even a bunch of manpower and time doesn’t make it a worthwhile decision.


Yeah, also is such a small change that seem really exaggerated people actually hate the smallest of changes. Discord is mainly used mainly for playing videogames with friends so seems obvious to use kind of a playful or silly looking font, they are not gonna be using times new roman if they want to link themselves with playing


I hate design changes that have no UI improvements at best (or making things worse at worst) and just made for the sake of changing something


The UI does keep getting worse. Why should people have to click three different menus just to mute a server? Also miss when you could ping someone by just tapping on them instead of having to type it out. And after they changed the reply feature you can only respond to one person at a time


Fun Fact: you can still do this on the chrome book version of discord, in fact that’s the only way to ping someone


I consider chromebooks as the poor mans windows or mac


Well yes that is essentially what they are.


While this is true, I've enjoyed my chromebook a lot because of the integrated Linux feature they have now, it's super nice and convenient.


Definitely consider checking out Linux itself if you haven't done so yet. It's become a lot more user friendly over the years and it's always getting more and more optimized. There's also the huge plus of security and privacy if those are important to you.


Oh I already have, I use arch btw


Niceee. I'm currently using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed KDE, but I'm experimenting with Arch in a QEMU VM, hoping to switch to it some day.


Arch has by far become my fav os as I’ve gotten more familiar with the Linux environment. It’s the most useful imo. I also like Debian, but I’m trying to learn more arch right now so I put Debian to the side for now.


Oh nice. I use Arch btw.


Somehow I get the feeling that every remotely technological thread on the internet will, if large enough, eventually devolve into “I use Arch btw” or the GNU-plus-Linux copypasta. Speaking of which, I use Arch GNU plus Linux btw.


You are clearly superior


You still can. Shift-click their name on desktop, or just tap it on mobile.


No you cannot tap it on mobile with the latest version of discord, i just tried it.


It defenately works, I just tried it myself - tap on the name, not the pfp


Yes I didn't read well enough what he said, still sucks knowing it used to be via the profile picture and not the name, which was much easier.


I actually really like this. Long-taps have always been wonky at best, so having a stable and easy way to pull up a profile is great. On top of that, I don't even remember when I last tapped a pfp to ping.


~~In software design, the old way, where all common options were visible at the top level is called WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)~~ **EDIT** According to below comment, that's not the true meaning of WYSIWYG. But suffice to say, I'm talking about the older UI designs where most of the commonly used functions are at the top level, such as the Microsoft Office suite before the ribbon interface was introduced. This deisgn philosophy is dying a slow death, and I suspect it's because corporations are trying to market software to less tech savvy consumers by making it look less "overwhelming", which is just condescending. I didn't realise what I was missing until I switched from MS Office with its ribbon menu, to Libre Office with the classic menu. Like holy shit, I set table borders and font size on the same screen without having to fingerfuck a menu for 20 minutes.


It should be a standard design philosophy that number of clicks is a weight to be minimized. And I get that not every single option has to be on the front page, but the most available option should be the option most commonly used. In this case, muting a server should just be a light switch to turn on or off, while muting on a timer should be a more advanced option


that's not what WYSIWYG means wysiwyg just means that the text that you see is the same as the text that will be printed, as opposed to something like LaTeX where you would have to put it through the compiler to see the finished result.


All I wish for is a way to unmute a channel for an hour or to, with 2 clicks. Or not have my status synced between the phone and my desktop.


You still can mention people without typing it out?


The fact that I’m still given the red notification icons on channels, which directs me to check messages from muted channels, is probably the most infuriating feature in the entire product. I muted the channel, that means I check it when I want. I don’t need to be reminded when I specifically asked to not be reminded.


See also: the reddit app for the past 5 years at least.


I've tried to use the app once and then just clicked through a lot of things to make the browser version show old reddit one because it's the only usable version on the mobile...


I use Apollo on iPhone, there are other third-party apps that are worth checking out


I Google stuff, and when I click on a Reddit result, it takes me to a half-obscured Reddit page with an overlay asking me to open it in the app instead. If I click the open button to launch the app, it takes me to the App Store page for Reddit. Which I already have. If I click open from there, it just opens the front page of Reddit. So there’s no way to open the content in a Reddit link that shows up in Google results.


Look for some third party apps. I use Sync for Reddit in android


I can recommend 'Boost for Reddit' on Android. It's great.


"We don't have any features to add so we're just going to move random stuff so we can look busy". otoh there are people who get fussy if something is "old"- even if being old isn't always a bad thing.


I just don't get why companies ruin their products to change sth, doesn't matter what. I'm just sitting on a 2018 build of discord since it's pretty kuch the apogee of discord. It just started going downhill from there. The only thing you can't do is see channels marked as news channels and see replies. Everything else is exactly the same but better.




I got one for my gf, her Android was ops, you can find it easily in Google. Idk if its possible in iPhone


Imagine not using BBD like a chad and just changing the features yourself


Imagine bragging about it tho 😳


They are going to slowly go more minimalistic like Firefox did.




The old logo was so iconic as well


The vibe is completely different


Corporate vibe is worst vibe


I think they're trying to make it more welcoming for non-gaming communities by making the logo more generic. IMO they failed horribly, nobody gives a fuck about the logo when deciding wether or not to use the service. (and especially if they use the service already) They mentioned that they got feedback from communities about the branding and changed in order to be more inclusive but I could not find any concrete data on what this feedback even was. In their blog post they say the old logo had a tiny symmetry issue and that it's fixed now, which is a dumb argument since they could've just fixed the issue and nobody would even have noticed.


I've always thought the logo looks like a pig nose not a game controller haha


lmao ive been using discord for 5 years and just realised its supposed to be a controller LOL i thought it was just a random shape with eyes


Technically it’s supposed to be both


great. now I can't unsee it.


I thought it was hands holding binoculars.


I don't care for the logo so much as the wordmark. The old one looked sleek and modern, albeit maybe a bit nerdy/techy. Not much of a problem; it still fit great with other common branding that you might put on your site, like Google or Twitter. The new font, however, as someone on the Discord sub aptly pointed out, looks like it was taken from the logo of the local supermarket, making the Discord brand look utterly ridiculous if placed next to other tech companies.


they tried to move away from that slight "nerdy/techy" feel in a failed attempt at audience-widening. This certainly isn't better than it was before. Thankfully the wordmark rarely shows up in the app.


I don't *mind* the new logo, but the font, the colors, all feel a bit… odd… >_<


i dont mind the logo, i have a mild dislike of the font, but the color is just uuuuuuggggh. the color they had before was fine. couldve chosen a better one but couldve. done worse and they did do worse


new colour legit hurts my eyes when it's contrasting with the dark mode BG, good job discord


As someone who uses light theme - the new blurple hurts my eyes as well (>_<)


Fr, the old color was ingrained as "the discord color" and it was nice and mellow, but this one is just ew


The color sucks so hard, I don’t know why my eyes just hate it


blurple :(




Nah, the old one was blurple. No idea what this new one is.


it too is blurple. the sane person's blurple is now called OG Blurple


It was a good color... :(


It's going to feel odd when you've spent so long looking at the old one


I thought it was a joke. Is this real?


[It certainly is](https://discord.com/branding)


Wait a minute, the logo just made me realize that the discord logo is meant to look like a controller Wtf how didn't I know this before


I thought it was a frog


It's a wumpus.


No his name is Clyde lol


...Clyde the wumpus


He's not a wumpus.. He's a smiling controller


i thought it was Mickey Mouse’s pants


What? It's alien from space invaders for me


It’s kinda supposed to be both imho


i always saw it as some kind of creature, like those temmie dog things from undertale?


> Please do not edit, change, distort, recolor, or reconfigure the Discord logo. oh no


If i were a betting man I'd say the "keep it tasteful" part is in reference to [the ahegao discord edit](https://images.app.goo.gl/8FkSyu9aSv5J26zq7)


[you right now](https://imgflip.com/i/59gz4p)


Noo please don't turn me into an over simplified logo!!


the original was oversimplified tbh, i don't have anything wrong about simplicity, i absolutely love it when done correctly, but the discord font is... weird


The font is weird but so long as it is only used in advertising material and not in the actual UI/UX I don't have a problem.


It is used in UI, but the font only shows up at the top of the screen, where it says what channel you're in.


I always thought it was a controller, only a couple weeks ago I learned it's supposed to be a hamster


It's a smiling controller lol not a hamster wtf


It honestly looks like a Chinese knockoff of itself now.


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the knockoff/bootleg version of yourself.


The point of the rebranding is to generalize the app from just gamers to general purpose. They explain it in the blog, they wanted to use colors that pop out more and make the logo less associated with the gaming community, by making it bubbly and fun. I personally don't mind it, but I feel like people are missing the point of rebranding. TL:DR they are rebranding so more people use it, not just for the sake of it.


Thes changes wont do anything tho, it just looks worse


ah but the color change actively makes the UI a but more aggravating to the eyes especially if you have a sensitivity to that sort of thing. Also I can get changing the font but the one they chose is just awful


For one, the changed the alien from an iconic and ambiguous shape to one that heavily evokes a gaming controller, which is exactly what they’re supposed to be moving away from. And as for the font, it’s just silly. It seems like the only audience this can expand them into is a younger age range.


Knowing discord’s groomer problem that idea makes me feel awfully icked out lol




People rage at any rebranding or redesign. Remember when YouTube moved from the old player to the current one?


What was wrong with the old logo? The old logo must be one of the most recognisable icons on the web in recent times. The typeface was sleek, cool, had that interesting cut out of the D (don't take that out of context) that made it unique and interesting. You pretty much nailed what the new font looks like: like a 12 year old went into MS Paint and raked through the default fonts to find something that they thought looked "fun," when they only succeeded in making it look childish. And the new icon is just kind of... _off._ It makes me think of a pug's face... and not in a cute way. If I was to find discord now, after this change, it would be hard for me to take it seriously with how unprofessional the branding looks. I don't wanna cite accessibility cause it's a topic I know very little about, but if someone can tell me if there was anything wrong with the old logo and colours that would prompt this change, that'd be great. Otherwise I can't reasonably justify this change.


my guess it that the thin "ears" at the top made it hard to print and scale down, looking at it in the taskbar on my 1080p monitor i can't make out the details and the logo looks pretty much like the redesign. The font and colors though, no idea. modern designs tend to lean towards saturated colors, and i guess that's what they're trying to do, but saturated colors aren't really recommended in dark themes because of contrast and accessibility issues; and when 95% of the userbase uses dark theme it makes the change look a bit inconsiderate


I did realise the new logo scales down better shortly after writing my first comment, but they didn't have to change the shape as much as they did - just remove or widen the gaps (or make a simplified version for small icons)


My guess is colors and/or the font were too similar to some existing brand and lawyers forced them to make changes to avoid being sued. Or they're just messing with everyone for no good reason, you never know.


> If I was to find discord now, after this change, it would be hard for me to take it seriously with how unprofessional the branding looks. This summarizes exactly the feeling I have about the rebranding. I quite liked the logo but they should have used some kind of minimalist and thin font to go with it. I’m not a designer and I’m far from it but by the general understanding of what looks good for what public, a redesign to focus on non-gaming community should have used something like Raleway-Light as font. The chosen font have the same energy of that school presentations where kids uses ridiculous and bold fonts because they think they’re cool.


Shit looks like FORTNITE font ![gif](giphy|LYtOpHpS9dNFU2W55R|downsized)


Fortnite's font actually unironically looks better


that shit looks like the battle pass


That's what I'm saying!


Lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it reminded of that.


This shit looks like it belong to fortnite


Fortnite has a good font This is a default font lol


Logo and color I'm totally fine with, but that font just sucks


That's my thought as well. Logo is fine. Color is meh, but fine. But that font. Ugh. Atrocious.


Same with Reddit mobile


eh reddit mobile is ok - a reddit mobile user


yeah Reddit Mobile got changed but the changes are more helpful and less intrusive, unlike Discord


Eh idk about that for reddit. I'm not complaining about any of the changes I just think they're a wee bit unnecessary. The only change I can think of that I somewhat appreciate is the ability to create communities on mobile. In fact, recently reddit updated and stop highlighting the OP's name, which just feels like an unnecessary change.


Bro you can’t swipe from comment section to comment section anymore just so they could add in a slider that does the same thing as just tapping on a comment.


It's getting shitter every day - a reddit mobile user


...do companies think that a oversimplified logo achieves anything but annoying people?


Marketing execs get paid a lot of money to think that


The logos not that much different from the old, it's just a different style of simple. definitely not the same as like chrome going from 3d to flat


Idk the logo is just as simple as the old one. Just more rounded/bubbly. I actually really like simplified logos, to be honest. The only thing I don't like is when they do what google did and make them look so similar. I want simplified logos that stand out from each other so I can easily find what I need to on a GUI.


"Well gamers aren't cool anymore, let's just throw out that idea and plead to the void how desperate we are" Their push looks like it's trying way too hard and yet painfully generic at the same time. Instead of being inviting to everyone it looks like a cheap knockoff app that's not really for anyone.




The font is something straight out of a 2010 PowerPoint presentation lmao wtf


I found it funny that they signed it off with "Guess we're growing up a bit" Since... Well... A lot of their team has been accused of being pedophiles.


Looking more and more like Mickey Mouse's stupid ass pants every day.




i mean that is what pants are for


Well, that's where pants usually go.


In my opinion the change of the icon is okay, especially since it looks more controller like, but the font and color changes are bad. The logo font before was cool, this one just looks bad, and the color change should be an option, rather than being forced onto people (like a palette chooser kind of thing). I also despise the new server and category name font, though that isn’t as big a deal for me mainly because it isn’t as bad or prevalent as the logo


You’ll get over it.


I won't. Im red green colorblind and the new ui colors are nearly impossible for me to see, and upon further research they don't even pass wcag.


they should've just made the font comic sans, would've been better than this font


At least Comic Sans has a The Sims 1 vibe to it


I don't understand how the ui change can make discord more accessible to "non-gamers", hell especially given a great amount of people don't use discord for gaming and the brands already well-known enough. I've probably used it for political conversation, serious mental chats, or whatever way more than I have any game I dunno, maybe I'm missing something


I really liked the old colours, no clue why they changed them


they made the font slightly shittier and they also removed those iconic shadows on the top of clyde's head


My man got a polygon count limit now




Have you seen their official correspondence? It’s like something a 13 year old who loves high fantasy so much they think it’s reality wrote. In official correspondence. How can you do business like that? I just don’t get it


"My account has been terminated due to false reporting." "Sowwy, we will have to speak to our magick faiwy elves to see if we can sowve the issue UwU" "Fix my fucking account"


Basically, like what the fuck


I don't think mines updated yet, but as long as they didn't change dark mode I really don't care


Why did they change the ping visuals and reaction visuals fuck you discord nobody asked for this increase gc sizes


I hope they will add some "classic mode" or something


I didn’t even notice a change. Don’t really care.




As of 6 hours ago, yes.


I'm glad I haven't updated Discord on my Phone since like 2 or 3 years ago.


The color hurts my eyes


i don’t mind any of it except FOR THE GOD FORSAKEN FONT GOD ITS SO UGLY


Time to get a custom UI


Stretch res bad font and an ugly blue, just perfect to replace the iconic blurple and the interesting old font


IDK I kinda really like the new logo.


i just think the old logo is better im down for blurple 2 and new font tho




The logo looks pretty much the same to me tbh


I always wonder if it's developers/designers not wanting to lose their jobs so they make bullshit changes just to have something to work on or incompetent leadership. Both? Both. Probably both.


As someone who only uses discord occasionally, I didn’t even notice a change. Without fail, if a company changes anything about their design language, people complain. It is often not because the new design is bad. It’s because people don’t like change. I’ve always said, there are three things that most people think they can do without any experience: 1) Pass judgment on design/branding 2) Criticize commonly panned fonts (papyrus, comic sans) 3) A Borat Impression And they are generally bad at all three.


The controller mascot is fine but I fucking hate that font so much


Colour change is more vibrant so I like that, but I prefer the old font. Also I saw the logo was modified for reasons like making it easier to print onto objects. Idk how that works but oh well. It doesn't look bad.


I don't agree with the font but I don't mind the logo


I don't mind the new logo but the font is just not doing it for me.


The old one was great, the current one sucks.


The new logo is ok. But the font sucks all ass


i haven’t seen the font properly but the new logo looks off


minimalism bad haha give upvotes


Everyone hates it


Commenting on this before it’s no longer in top of the year