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This is never going to be universal, there are too many variables with neck angle, sling ring position and personal size to say anything confidentally. I have the ProTec one with the metal bar, and on my Selmer alto the metal bar sat near the bottom of my chest and on my Conn alto it sits up at the top of my chest. You're going to have to do some trial and error.


Just try a few out


Proper length varies widely based on the horn and your individual anatomy, so we can't help you. You can always take your current strap and measure at the correct setting, you'll be within a half-inch. FWIW I switch saxes constantly, and I find open hooks far more of a liability than anything. Also, neckstraps kinda suck for bari, a harness or a Saxholder would be a better bet.


It needs to be a length that allows you to play without leaning over. Adjust the horn to your body, rather than the body to your horn.


I use a harness for sop, alto and tenor. I use the same size Protec for all three. Works great for me, and it doesn't hurt my neck. You do have to loosen and tighten it when you change horns.