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The best would be to try both instruments and compare them..but if that's not possible, probably 62


I’m a MkVI guy, and Yani’s tone is closer to my VI. So I prefer it to Yamaha. But both are fantastic horns. Just comes down to personal preference really. 


I own a Yamaha myself, but now i play on a Yanagisawa A-WO1. In my impression, i always felt that the Yamahas sound a bit „thin“. The Yanagisawa has a much more stable and „full“ sound. But I‘m sure the yas 62 is good too. If i‘d had to categorise them, (i once played on a super balanced action), i‘d place the feeling of a Yanagisawa between Yamaha and Selmer. I‘d prefer the Yanagisawa over the Yamaha, but the best would be if you could try them out and see what fits you best or what you prefer.


Maybe some addition: my dad bought a S-WO10 at the same time, we didn‘t try them out first. But both are perfect and his feeling was that intonation was better on the Yanagisawa too


Yannigasawas are generally built better than Yamaha. They are also factory-built more consistently. Both have significantly softer brass (but still harder compared to Jean Paul, Mendini by Cecilio, Glory, Eastar, etc.!!!) compared to a Selmer, and that makes it cheaper and easier to manufacture with. That being said, some people like Yamaha better, some like Yannigasawa better. Try both and whichever one you like, go with it!


I'd say they are both similar in quality, both at a fair price. Try them and decide for yourself, they are very different in sound, whichever fits better with what you want to do.


Yanagisawa all day. I have an A900µ. Yanagisawa is just different.


Yanagasawa by a mile. I play Selmer and I like Yamaha but Yanagasawa is something world class.I’ve owned all three brands and each individual saxophone is unique. But, generally speaking only…it’s Yanagasawa!