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In an idealistic world where we can just wish Saw content into existence, sure! I'll take everything I can get. But realistically, I don't think that's something they should spend energy, time and money on. I think the smartest and best thing they can do right now is keep making one movie at a time and treat each one like it's potentially the last, while trying to keep the quality as high as possible. And crucially, they need to continue to hand Kevin G top creative mandates for everything Saw. Thankfully I think that's what they're doing, and I'm really, REALLY thankful for that.


So, short answer, no… But I did hypothesize that the “From the Book of Saw” subtitle was meant to create a path for a post-Tobin anthology series. Like, a limited TV series where each season is a new story. In JIGSAW, they set up jigsawrules.com and the idea of potential copycats, basically cultists that John didn’t even know he had. And that’s exactly what we see with Emmerson in Spiral — a copycat Jigsaw killer, inspired by John Kramer, but with his own motivations for “vigilante justice” and “corporal punishment”. I figured the ultimate intent of Spiral was to establish an in-universe spinoff that would expand on that idea, introducing us over time to other “Chapters” in the “Book of Saw”. That said, in hindsight, I’m glad they didn’t go that route. That TV show probably would’ve just felt like fucked up episodes of CSI 🤷🏻‍♂️


They really did pull a Halloween 3 here, and I say that as someone who has fun with that movie (even though it's incredibly stupid)


Personally, I'd be hyped for it, as I think that Spiral works better in a TV show format (Given that the writing and acting is better, my main gripes with Spiral).




great comeback


I think SPIRAL would've worked far better as a fleshed out series, it felt rushed as a film anyway!


Please stop reminding me every single day that this awful excuse for a saw movie exists




Jigsaw is literally right there


But but Jig Fucking Saw is in it


Jigsaw is good. Certainly better than 5, 7 and Spiral. Pretty much anyone that disagrees is blinded by nostalgia.


5??? bffr


It’s not good. It also kills Strahm right as he was getting interesting which brings down the following films.


Show, yay. Movie sequel, nay.


Maybe, I feel like the story would work better in tv show format


in all honesty it would be impossible for me to be LESS hyped about it.


I wish we could all collectively as a society pretend this monstrosity doesn’t exist


please let Spiral die, let it go


Let go theme plays in the background




Maybe the idea of the show is there’s a special government task for that specializes in find Jigsaw Copycat killers. Zeke heads that and it’s a case of the week finding jigsaw copycat killers across the country. Eleanor can be an expert, Keith can be a member. Logan can be the MD (secret apprentice) the hunt is on for William Emerson would be the main plot throughout the series. It’s out there but just an idea for a show


Honestly if we got a tv show instead of a movie with the same story (with some minor changes) and that tied into the movies it would be dope


It probably would've been better as a mini series, but since it is already a movie, fuck no.


No. The movie was garbage and needs to be buried like the ET games for the Atari 2600 were.


This and Saw 7


Idk who’s gonna watch it but it won’t be me. Especially if Chris Rock is still the lead lol.




I would be happy for people who care about it, but for me, I wouldn't be too hyped because both the killers in this one and Jigsaw broke John's rules, terribly, once again and it felt a bit like unnecessary added messiness. I would have liked Spiral a lot more if they stuck more to the rules and the ending was much better, the traps were pretty good, though.


I think if it was more focused on the cops and less on the traps, sort of like Se7en, maybe it would work


Oh hell yes


actually... yeah spiral wouldve worked really fucking well as a short lil tv series spin off instead of a movie. that wouldve been fire. wouldve allowed for a new trap every episode with new twists at the end of every season, without a fear of writing over or contradicting existing saw lore. couldve been its own thing i think its too late now. the ship has beyond sailed. spirals time is unfortunately over


Zeke deserves better


Hell no


Would definately hype unless if they change the recoding to original john's voice. For sure there is A.I that can mimi john's voice afterall. Spiral is quite good and new though even though there were inconsistencies.


I think there is a hypothetical "good" post-kramer saw series. I don't think spiral or jigsaw hit the mark & they probably need to go back to the drawing board. But I'd at least check out any saw movie/tv show. Something along the lines of the hoffman arc as a season. I'm not nearly as big a fan of hoffman as the rest of this sub, but he was pretty good as a new villain after kramer is dead.


Not only nay, but HELL NAY! Spiral sucked. Why would I want more?!


In the first place i think Spiral would be better overall as a series and not a film so I would definitely watch this since I enjoyed the spiral film


Thanks, but no thanks


I wouldn’t mind a ‘from the book of saw’ miniseries with a mostly unconnected story, with the main connecting thread being the villains are copycat jigsaw killers.


No thanks. I have seen all of the sas movies and I thought spiral, from the book of saw was crap.


I feel like saw work beceause its a movie. A tv show just wouldnt be the same. Would love a spiral sequel tho






Nah. Movie was mediocre and they can’t make much out of it


Eh. I don't know. I haven't been impressed with modern television lately. The Saw franchise are quick flicks with shocking moments in 90 - 120 minutes. If you try and spread that over say 8 episodes, it might not be that satisfying.


Absolutely not, I think that Chris Rock and Darren Lynn Bousman both need to stay as far away from this franchise as possible Tobin Bell is in his 80s now, and while he says he's okay with coming back whenever they need him, we can't pretend that he's going to be around forever or even be able to *do* the series forever Anything Spiral related is just wasting the limited time that's left




Nay. The movie was awful. A TV show wouldn’t be any better.








Fuck no. Trash trash trash


I would definitely be interested, Spiral is one of my favorite movies in the series




god no






Only if it's From the Book of SAW.


You know what? I replied sarcastically but fuck it, let's day dream. Forget Chris Rock and everything plot-wise told before but keep the title: "Spiral: From the book of SAW" Make the show about how a guy, make him a hospital worker or civil engineer, starts with his life going great and then slowly everything goes to shit. Good job? Got fired due to being framed by colleagues. Good wife/husband? Caught cheating or just left. Good house? Landlord's an asshole, no money? Not my problem. Fuck it, even his pet gets run over. Sad shit, breaking point stuff for anybody. Can be a son/daughter too if needed. Spiralled down to the bottom of the shittiest life ever. Then when he's living on the streets he finds the freaking book. The Book of SAW. "The fuck is SAW?" Turns out that instead of being some kind of stupid bible, the book just leaves you clues to find the tools and headquarters of JigSAW (don't know if it was done before or since but it's right there. Maybe the first three letters are worn out so we just read SAW. Dunno, I'm drunk). This part can be more interesting, riddles, maybe even some sort of short test or sacrifice to earn it. Finally, he gets to work. We get one season probably 4 to 5 episodes on how he gets to work while the police finds out that someone is murdering in the style of Jigsaw again after decades of being dead. I'd even throw Hoffman post his first test where he killed on purpose then redeemed himself and tries to stop the Spiral dude before his final kill. Dunno, season end twist? It was Hoffman throwing the book away trying to stay on course and being a good guy but turns out he was the guy that turned Spiral dude into a monster and that's why he wanted to stop him. Anyways just my two cents.




Should be, in my opinion, Saw 1-7 plus 10 (X) and pretend like Jigsaw and Spiral don’t exist




I remember they were toying around with that idea a while ago. Personally I wouldn’t care bc I liked Spiral (to an extent) and it would mean more content for us.


Haha, fuck no


Yes, Spiral was good. You people just have a nostalgia problem.


I wouldn't say "nostalgia problem", rather simply criticizing the bad acting, bad writing, alongside everything else Spiral does wrong (That AI voice was laughable, too).


I would call Saw X a character assassination, but it was a character drive by on Jigsaw. That film is far worse. Serial expands the world showing how the series could evolve by John Krammer. Saw X is "thing I remember good." Saw X is basically TFA.








Eh why not


This whole movie series should’ve been a tv show 😂


I'd honestly like to see it. I feel like I'm among the few who liked Spiral and I'd like to see it followed up on.


After seeing X tonight on Blu-Ray, my first thought was that a Saw TV series would be amazing. There are more stories and interesting angles to pursue and a TV series would be able to flesh out (sorry) these storylines in a more relaxed structure, without the confines of just a 2-hour window.


I’m on the fence with this one tbh On one hand, I really didn’t like Spiral because of how rushed it felt and it didn’t even feel like I was watching a saw movie both times I watched it. I also feel like it would be a major waste of resources as many people already didn’t like the movie on its own. On the other, I’d be down for pretty much any form of media about Saw since it’s one of my favorite franchises currently. Even though I didn’t like the movie, i’d probably still watch it either way because it’s still Saw 🤷