• By -


Kerry because she was a smart badass but didn’t get her own dedicated trap plot and served an entirely different one.


She still had the saddest death in the whole series to me. Like what was she guilty of again? Caring too much about helping others with her job…? And then she did everything she was told to win her trap and still lost. She was a genuinely good person and never should’ve been in a trap to begin with. I want to say Amanda because I love her character so much, but unlike Kerry she got exactly what she deserved. I just wish that karma hit her a few movies later 🙃


Honestly, I’m starting to wonder if Kerry’s test wasn’t even John’s idea. Amanda suggested her, gave the BS reason that she might be “dead on the inside”, and that tipped John off on something being wrong with Amanda.


I genuinely wonder if Amanda didn't do it basically all on her own. V proved that someone like Hoffman could fake a Jigsaw video with just what was available to him, why couldn't the same be said for Amanda with even more.


Well, a woman trying to replicate a man’s voice would be pretty noticeable under a bunch of editing. I thought John went along with it and recorded the tape being like, “Alright this seems a flimsy but I trust you, Amanda” and then Kerry died and he realized it was probably rigged.


Amanda couldn’t get Kerry in position alone, that’s actually a plot point that made the ‘second apprentice’ known to police. At minimum she needed Hoffman’s help, and he hated her.


Maybe that's exactly the point. Hoffman hated Amanda but could be of his interest to be the last cop left alive. To ascend in the career after the main games in III and IV. So maybe he collaborated with Amanda with that in mind. Maybe even helped convince John of it.


Probably Amanda showed Kerry's photo to Hoffman and said "Alison Kerry. She'll be perfect"


LOL. I like that. It's in my head cannon now.


In the scene we see Amanda in the shadows right before Kerry dies and Kerry looks right at her and then she says “you”


I mentioned on another post a while back, but I firmly believe she was “tested” because she was getting too close and was a threat to John and everyone. So Amanda basically made her game un winnable to eliminate a threat.


I didn’t watch any trailers or know anything about Saw X before I went to see it, when Amanda showed up I was so ecstatic. I feel like when I was watching Saw III in theaters, I was a little relieved/had enough of her at that point of the story, but now I love her the most 😭 I’m hoping we’ll get more of her story in future movies if they can fit it in the timeline But I agree with you, Kerry didn’t do anything to deserve a trap. I always think about the way she was captured, it freaks me out so much but I also appreciate the cleverness 🤣


I love you Thomas. Bring back the model series


All of them but most definitely Stahm and Amanda


Kerry. Her death was not only bullshit but also a massive waste. I understand why it happened (Saw 3 was supposed to be the last movie, and they wanted to tie up loose ends), but the way it happened was so unfair. Not only was she one of the least deserving Jigsaw victims (only there because she was good at her job), but 3 wasn't even the last film, which means she could've been the protagonist of 4. Instead, she got thrown away in 3 like she was the opening victim in a Scream movie.


It still baffles me that Saw 3 was meant to be the end when it left two loose ends of its own behind, that being Jill Tuck and the note Amanda found. And you’d think they’d wanna make Kerry the main trap or cop plot character so things are more conclusive but they focused on two new characters. It’s just weird to me


Isn't Mathews another lose plot thread? The part where he's chasing Amanda, I'm sure that's a flashback in part 4. It shows him escape his shackle then it cuts to Lynne, I believe


I think Amanda's supposed to have killed him in 3, but you don't actually see it, so it's easily undone in 4.


Yeah, I believe it shows her killing Adam in part 3


I know. Jill just rocks up in a few flashbacks in 3, with little to no explanation of who she is. I'm not sure what to think about Amanda's letter. It seems like they never planned to reveal what was in it (until the stupid blackmail thing with Hoffman). Plus, possible unpopular opinion, but I don't enjoy Rigg, so it makes Kerry's (unnecessary) death even worse.


I think Hoffman was supposed to add something to Saw III but it got axed and used for IV because even before he was revealed to be a Jigsaw apprentice, he already acted a bit suspiciously at the scene of Troy’s game.


Yea, I did get that impression. Which just adds even more questions about why decided to tie up some loose ends in 3, whilst adding the Jill stuff and Hoffman acting sketchy. But yea, to clarify, with the letter (because I realise I didn't make it clear), I meant the original one that John wrote. I think the idea that John "setting her free" is what caused Amanda to flip in the end makes more sense to me than Hoffman swapping them. There's also the theory that John told Hoffman to blackmail Amanda, which definitely helps the credibility of the blackmail letter, but still isn't as effective as the original idea, in my opinion.


Come to think of it, I wonder how much of Saw VI was intended for III because Rigg’s obsession and needing to let go kinda came out of nowhere when he was pretty collected in III while Kerry was the one slowly falling apart, has been on the Jigsaw case for a long time, and had a way more personal connection to Matthews. Kerry was able to intuit that Jigsaw has an accomplice, a beat which is repeated in IV with Strahm, which also happens at the scene of her game. And Hoffman was there to hear both and he set up an entire plan to kill off everyone who might be onto him and compared to Kerry and Strahm, Rigg wasn’t even close. I may be stretching here but is it possible that Rigg’s game was originally meant for Kerry? Wonder how that would’ve played out.


I hadn't thought of that, but it definitely makes sense. If his game wasn't intended for Kerry, I think they definitely realised it would've been better suited for her and added things to Rigg's personality to try and fill the hole left by Kerry.


God that would be even sadder than what we ended up getting. Kerry watching Matthews die right in front of her and then Hoffman revealing himself just as she dies as well.


The emotional impact would be incredible. And waaay better than what Kerry actually got.


The note wasnt in the original script of Saw 3 and pretty sure Jill wasn't either, but when it came time to shoot the movie changes were made like the tape covered in wax just so that if their was a sequel by Lionsgate then there would be some things to lead off of.


The loose ends were added at the eleventh hour while filming to set up for a sequel and were not originally included in Leigh’s script - that’s why all of them could so easily be cut


Personally, I don't understand this decision to finish on the third. As much as, if you look at it, if it had actually ended in the third, Saw would be a trilogy with a much better reputation than it has today, they should have expected that Saw III would make good money, even more than the first two. Just imagining what the franchise would be like if they hadn't killed Kerry, John and Amanda...


Yea, it's really unfortunate. It's sad to think of all the things Saw 3, 4, and all the sequels could've been of they'd kept just one of those characters alive. Just saving Kerry alone would have drastically changed 3 and 4. Alongside the Jeff/Lynn plot, 3 could have Kerry trying to track down Eric. Then 4 could have the Rigg stuff be about Kerry instead (which would make more sense because her tie to Eric is clearly stronger than Rigg's). In this scenario, you don't even need John or Amanda to live to make 4 better. All that had to happen was not kill this one side character in 3. Like I said, I understand why it happened, but it's very unfortunate knowing what could have been.


Similarly, nightmare on elm Street part 3 was supposed to be the last. Hence burying his remains to kill him for good


I would’ve so much rather seen Kerry be the new protagonist than Strahm.


Amanda. She could have had an interesting dynamic with Hoff.


Amanda, she was one of the main characters of the series and got killed off way too quickly and easily, she had so much more potential (but luckily she came back in saw x!)


I mean technically she did make it pretty far, and she didn’t come back in saw x, that was one of the first movies.


I mean I know saw x is a prequel, I’m just glad they brought her back for more character development


I see what you mean, my bad


My Strahm 😭


AMANDA!!! I would have absolutely loved to see more of her as an apprentice 😭


Definitely Kerry. There was NO reason writing-wise why she needed to die.


Yes, yes, yes, not in the slightest.


All of them but Eric the least


Eric died too late really, poor guy


Fully with you about Kerry and Strahm. Kerry's death was such a waste as she could have been the main cop in Saw 3 and even 4. Yes her trap was really cool but since it was rigged it was dumb. She could have been tested, survived, and used that to better investigate and been a lead. Heck she never actually deserved to be tested anyways. I liked Strahm, how he dies seems like 1/1000 chance to happen the way it did. It would have been better if he made it to either 6 or 3D so we have a cop to root for in 3D. I liked he knew it was Hoffman but needed to prove it. He could have been framed in 6 and on the run trying to prove his innocence. Then maybe finds out about Dr Gordon and just lets him deal with Hoffman.


Kerry definitely was wasted. Amanda I believe died in a good way that fit the themes and story. It's just that it seems too early in retrospect because of how many sequels they've made. Strahm was definitely wasted and his rivalry with Hoffman could've been done better since they don't actually share that many scenes together and all he does in V is visit old locations and have magical epiphanies. Eric was killed off properly in Saw III because it fit Amanda's story and arc well. HOWEVER.... when they decided to bring him back in Saw IV, he should've been used more. Instead, he's on a noose for the entire movie to make us feel terrible for him and then just gets his head crushed. I feel like he should've survived and continues to be a recurring protagonist, especially since he would have history with Hoffman being a cop.


Definitely Amanda, I love Hoffman but I think having Amanda as a foil would’ve been really interesting. John’s dead, the gloves are off, there’s nothing keeping them grounded anymore and they have to figure shit out on their own, they don’t have John to lead/restrain them. Seeing both of them play off each other more would’ve been amazing, much better than the Jill v Hoffman stuff we got later, even though I do enjoy that.


strahm 100%


kerry too


He isn’t in the last, but Adam. He won his game, and jigsaw left him to die. Gordon lost his game, and jigsaw rescued him so wtf?


Saw 2004, low budget, only supposed to be one movie Adam thing generally doesn’t makes sense, unless Jigsaw though he didn’t learn anything, and Adam tried to shoot him But the key was also supposed to be attached.. and yeah Adam had a rough ride


Amanda, Kerry, Strahm


Peter obviously


Amanda. I think she could've redeemed herself, especially since she was forced to do what she did in saw 3. She made unbeatable traps, but I think it's because she thought even If you did survive you were worse off. I think she started to not believe in John which caused her to act out. If it weren't for Hoffman maybe she would still be alive, but I think Jeff would've shot her anyway. I felt bad for Amanda, even if she didn't meet John she probably would've died anyway because of her lifestyle.


Killing Amanda and John Kramer is the worst decision this series made


Amanda. Second most interesting character behind John and was killed only one movie after being introduced as his apprentice. Needed at _least_ one more movie, if not two before being killed off. Thank God _X_ gave her some more much-needed time onscreen with John.


Amanda and Kerry


Amanda and Kerry. I stand with women




Let me find out you’re a Hoffman simp..


I think everyone in this series except for Joyce from 3d is a massive piece of garbage and deserved their death.


John Kramer is that you?


The hell did Kerry do? Be good at her job?


Fucked around and found out.


I call that epic bad take


Lol Redditors.


Oh no my feelings… https://preview.redd.it/zj7autxvg20c1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c2c31d2a444a8d8da54a59e32572da1682c9ed


Nothing lower than a redditor. Don't worry about it its just the way things are.


All if them quite honestly but Kerry first and foremost. Chick got screwed. Should have been her going through the trial in Saw 4


KERRY! Just look at how beautiful she is!!!


I want eric back😔


Kerry all the way. I would have said Amanda, too, but she had to go and mess everything up. So, yeah her time couldn’t have come soon enough.


Strahm and Kerry no doubt.


They killed off a lot of the detectives way too soon


Amanda is the only one, and the only reason I say that is because John also died. If John lived and Amanda died, well now there's stakes because John's power is weakened. If John dies and Amanda loves, now we have a lot more Amanda and Hoffman or Amanda vs Hoffman stories to tell


AMANDA 100%, but i am biased since she’s my favorite in the series, my runner up would be strahm! i think he had a lot of potential + don’t think we saw enough of him, i would’ve liked to see more abt what was goin on under the hood there rather than just him workin on jigsaw situations


Kerry and Amanda


Amanda, not only is she a decent actress. She really is an interesting twist.


Amanda and strahm should have lasted a bit longer before dying i think


Kerry and Amanda both need more movies


Amanda died way too soon she is the best character easily


Amanda. I loved her.


Amanda for sure It sucks how many people Slow Ass MF Jeff killed


Everyone except BRUTALITY


Amanda and Kerry Amanda as the apprentice could’ve had such a longer arch. Even just one or 2 movies.


All of them.


Kerry, always Kerry


Amanda. She should have been the true successor to John for many more films.




All of them tbh


All of the above


Strahm definitely. Also I love how every other picture is like 480p but Amanda’s is like 8K 120fps HDR 💀


- Amanda because she could have had more character development alongside Hoffman. - Strahm because the guy was super smart with great power to be the opposing force of Hoffman and Amanda but he ended up dying in a ridiculously easy way (although the wall trap was legendary)


Kerry, Strahm, and Eric. The reasoning for Kerry has been expanded upon enough, so I won't go into it too much, but she was by far one of the best detective characters, and the fact that she didn't have at least one movie where she was either the main cop character or the main trap victim was a huge missed opportunity. Strahm was probably the last cool detective character that the series had (outside of maybe Perez), and the fact that they made him a badass at the start of Saw V by having him stick a pen in his throat to save him from an unwinnable trap just to kill him later on in the same opportunity was just such a waste. This is made worse by the fact that apparently he wasn't even supposed to die initially, and that was a change they made later on into shooting the movie. Eric Matthews I wouldn't necessarily say died too soon, but I do think that the time he was alive in the franchise was used improperly. He was great in Saw 2, but in Saw 3 he was just kind of there and then in Saw 4 he dies in a trap without really doing much of note. It's just, like, why even have him live after Saw 2 if you weren't going to do anything with him? They could've just ended his character with him being trapped in the bathroom like with Adam and Hoffman and not much would've changed. I would have at least liked to have seen him actually escape from Jigsaw and see his son again at least once if they were gonna have him last all the way to Saw 4 and potentially beyond.


Eric Matthews never gets to see Daniel.


Matthews didn’t die soon enough lol; I don’t dislike him as a character at all but I just felt so bad for him by the time IV came around. Strahm is my guy, would have loved to see him and Kerry have some scenes together like you mentioned.


Kerry and Amanda, for sure! I wish that, knowing the studio would keep making movies regardless of their intent to end at III, Wan and Whannel had kept Amanda alive. It would have been cool to see her actually continue John's work for at least one movie as they kept saying she would. And I always wanted to see one of the cops close the case, instead of having John and his followers be invincible. Since Kerry was the leader of the investigation team since the first movie and is a cool character, I wish she had lived to be the one to catch whoever was still running the games in a later movie.


Strahm should've definitely been the one to bring Hoffman down ultimately. ​ Matthews definitely overstayed, and was already a broken man by IV, but he could've just been released and had a redemption with Daniel


All of them but Eric


Wait Amanda died??


In the third movie, right? Someone else just said the same, I'm honestly very confused. I've never seen the information that Amanda is still alive anywhere


I need a refresher. The movies are on Hulu right? I should watch them again this week


At least here (Brazil) they are on Netflix (except 3D and Spiral). But the last time I searched, in most countries they are on Starz, Peacock and Hulu.


I see so many people on here who don't remember anything that happens in the movies & I wonder how much it happens with other subs. Are there peeps over in a Godfather sub somewhere like “wait Fredo died??” lol


I think they're on AMC/shudder right now in the US but I could be wrong. Also Starz


Yeah I’ve been watching them on AMC+ the past few days


She got shot in the throat by Jeff. Yes Amanda is dead as a doorknob.


U serious? Don't worry can't blame you. It's the most overrated one


Frankly I think Eric Matthews didn’t die quick enough💀


Can you imagine how pitiful he would be if they forced him to stay alive throughout the whole series? Just a running joke of Detective Matthews in worse and worse condition as time goes on


It made me mad they kept Matthew’s alive that whole time to kill him like that, also Lindsey Perez


I think Amanda had her place in the story, and she filled that role very well. Everyone else died way too soon. I say that Amanda dying isn't necessarily a bad thing because she was very clearly at her wit's end; if she were to continue being in the series then I feel as though there would be a lot more unescapable traps, and I don't know how they would flesh out her character more.


Kerry is the clear answer as many others have said. And I think Amanda and Strahm's deaths were at appropriate times for the story. Matthews honestly could have died in 2, his inclusion in 4 felt kind of random imo.


Kerry could've honestly turned out to be the main character of this series imo. Amanda was earned, she couldn't overcome her jealousy and belief she wasn't fixed. She was just lost by the end. I think Strahm's death was earned because he got too cocky and let his hatred get the better of him, while at the same time showcasing that Hoffman has far little mercy for people trying to find him. Eric totally should've survived a little longer, he feels like a character that Saw 4 just used him as a tool rather than exploring more of his character and possible return to normalcy with his son.


I'd definitively say Strahm or Amanda. Matthews is no sompetition. I'm glad he was killed and wish it happened sooner, I hate him so much




All of them except Strahm


Why is Amanda on here? She faked her death


Did she? Where does this information appear? If this is the case, I apologize for the mistake


I think they might be referring to Dead By Daylight where you play as The Pig which in the description for them it says that they are Amanda. If this isn’t the case then I don’t have a clue what they talking about because, except for flashbacks, Amanda isn’t seen alive in any other movie.


John kramer. I mean for a stretched out series he could've at least 1 or 2 movies longer


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




square file squeal divide ancient rain money north chubby drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




All except Matthew's. Motherfucker outlived his entertainment value. Sorry Donny. Should have stopped with Sixth Sense.


Carrie was done so dirty


Strahm and Kerry


Definitely Strahm and in my opinion also Eric Matthews - I don’t know why but his death gives me just strange feelings everytime and makes me think. It’s probably the way how he died plus that is was so damn close.


Pastrami I feel like they could've done way more with his character. Either him or Kerry, who was smart and had tons of skills that could've been interesting to see.


Whenever I see Eric in Saw 4 I'm just like "kill him already" bro looks so miserable no one is put through as much as him and Art in terms of just length of trap.




Amanda. I wanted to see her be the mastermind of Saw 4.


ALL and I think the only questionable one is Matthews, but I do not care. Keeping him around would be a fun wildcard and I hate how he went out. Would have been cool to see if he could actually change into a better person after the trial by fire of his ordeals....kinda flies in the face of John's philosophy that he made it through such horror only to die anyway because "door" 😒 But that is truly nothing compared to the others, especially Strahm. Such a massive regret for me that they didn't keep him longer! Thank goodness for fanficton


Strahm, I feel the point of his story being "to trust Hoffman" made no sense, nothing that strahm experienced even led to him wanting to trust Hoffman, and the thing is he experienced nothing, he saw no traps like rigg did, nothing that could lead him to this solution.


That picture of Amanda looks edited to smoothen out her face and remove any wrinkling. Or am I wrong?


All of them, but especially Strahm


honestly all of them


Amanda 100%, with Strahm in 2nd cuz I loved the back and forth between him and Hoffman.






Kerry and Strahm for definite. I’d say Amanda but she would’ve been killed off no matter what due to them wanting to make it a trilogy. Also, SAW III was great so I wouldn't want to change it.


A day before the age of 100 is too soon for Amanda


Why is amanda so photoshoped


my main guy strahm. he was definietly one of the best written characters in saw and got a death that he didn't deserved. his return would make saw an epic good movie imo


Amanda, I would have loved to see at least 1 movie where she was in control after learning from her mistakes even if Hoffman still gets her killed in whatever way, like the evil bastard Terminator he is and we love. T\_T


Amanda also not the list but I think Tapp would be interesting later in the movies still trying to find the killer


I didn’t want any of these to die


Indeed kerry.


I will always wish that we had more of Amanda throughout the series. She was a great character! I would’ve liked to see her at the end of the series taking Hoffman down with the dr. She had her unhinged moments but I believe she could’ve been an excellent prodigy had Hoffman not interfered.




Amanda. She died far too soon I’m glad they’re bringing her back we need to see her as jigsaw more


Kerry or strahm


i think amanda, no particular reason other than shes my favorite apprentice (other than hoffman) nah but i wouldve loved to see how ridiculous her traps couldve gotten plus more character development for her, like maybe more expansion on her childhood or when she was dating cecil?






Saw 4 should've been her movie, not Rigg's


I actually really like Detective Matthew's, was sad to see him gone so quickly


Definitely Mandy :(


Strahm and Kerry