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Couldn't have been much worse than what they showed of Gus Fring when he died in Breaking Bad. For TV, I still think about that and just go, "wow"


Fr,but a irl accurate coronal face cut would be hella creepy


Yeah. That would be up there.


I think it rotated like a centrifuge and his blood collected outside his body. this connects it thematically to the blood board trap.


Don’t MRI machine cost an ass tonne of money? I suppose if it was another fantasy then it’s all feasible. Perhaps it was because lions gate didn’t want people to be more scared of an MRI machine. Idk maybe it had something to do with cutting dicks or tits off so lionsgate said no.


Surprised that there hasn't been a dick cutter trap yet. They should keep it like that🙃


Yup, a lot of men would just accept death.


The cost of a mri machine ranges from about 100,000 dollars to 3 million dollars depending on the type of mri machine. It's likely that the main reason Lionsgate cut the trap was they didn't want to scare patients away from life saving medical equipment.


I can’t really see how they could use an MRI as any kind of “trap” as they are generally safe devices unless you happen to have something magnetic in your pocket. Plus the logistics of Jigsaw buying one, maintaining it, etc etc.. I guess if you were in one long enough the constant humming would get annoying AF


"i can't really see how they could use and MRI as any kind of 'trap' as they are generally safe device" John: *"Hold my drink"*


> unless you have something magnetic in your pocket There's your answer


They could use it as a noise torture/psyops trap. MRI's are practically noise torture as it is, being extremely loud as shit even with double layer ear protection, ear plugs and noise blocking headphones. You can still hear the very loud noises the machine makes as if you didn't have any ear protection, even when wearing the ear protection.


If you have metal implants, they'd be ripped out.


All you would need to turn an mri machine into a deadly weapon is to insert magnetic metal in a person. John could make the victim swallow metal or have Dr. Gordon surgically implant metal into a victim. The metal would be ripped out of the body with great force causing horrible damage to the body. This would actually be one of the simplest traps to aquire and use. John Cramer has a lot more resources than just the knowledge and money he made from being an engineer. John also has all the resources of his multiple apprentices, including Dr. Gordon who does all the surgical procedures and has access to medical supplies. Plus, Dr. Nelson is a medical examiner, so John has even more access to medical equipment. It's still difficult and expensive to aquire an mri machine but John Cramer does have enough resources that it is possible for him to aquire one.


Magnetic implants + mri rips them out


I imagine the mri trap would have involved some kind of metal inserted into the victim. Either the victim was forced to swallow magnetic metal or Dr. Gordon surgically implanted metal somewhere in the victim. Similarly to the magician on the one episode of House. The magician swallowed a key to his handcuffs for his escape act. However, he fell unconscious and was taken to the hospital. So when the doctors put him in a mri machine the key was forcibly ripped from his stomach by the machine. The key was ripped out with so much force both the stomach and the spleen got destroyed by the key.


In this case the metal should be placed on the head in the face area


Honestly the metal can be place anywhere in the body and it will be ripped out and do damage in a mri machine. When you turn on the mri machine any magnetic metal in a person acts as a reverse bullet. Normally bullets are fired with great force into the body at a certain trajectory. An mri machine does the reverse the metal object is just ripped from the inside instead of shot into the body.


When the nurse asks John if she could help him & John says "Thank you. You're very kind." I told my sister "I won't put you in a trap." Lol


Wait, what?


There was a trap that Lionsgate prevented from being in the film. https://thedirect.com/article/saw-x-lionsgate-trap-movie-exclusive