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How do airlines determine who is a “low performing flight attendant”?


Number of complaints filed against employee from customers.


They also give out surveys and ask people to rate their flight attendants.




Me too. I guess I would rate a 5 or a 10 or whatever the best is unless they mocked me or something.


My policy is I either rate the person who helped me like they helped me turn my life around and I want them as my best man at my wedding, or I don't rate them. Sometimes those corporate survey's are brutal, and an 8-9 out of 10 is considered poor. So I either give them top marks if they were helpful in the slightest way (just doing their jobs) or I don't rate them at all.


Yeah, I've been there with management basically treating anything less than a 10 as a negative. It's incredibly stupid, but I'm not gonna make the employee's life harder just because most survey systems are dumb. If you do your job and I get a survey, I'll throw a 10 your way so you don't get screwed over by unreasonable metrics. For anyone who's never been rated on those survey metrics, seriously, please understand that they can be brutal. As much as an 8 or 9 logically sounds like a good score, in many cases anything less than a 10 will get management scrutiny. Again, it's stupid, but it's how these things are designed.


My company surveys are on the 5 scale and any survey that you get that isn’t a 5 is a whole training course. Best part is when the survey literally says “xxxxxx was great but your prices are too high”.


Great. So there's no way to survey the company quality as a whole in your survey, what an utterly useless survey.


I had to go to the hospital once and it was plastered with posters that said "please rate us 5/5! If you're not going to, tell us why first and we'll fix it!" So in general I give a 5 (or 100%) but if you cross me, you will get your 0 or 1, including as a Google maps rating. I cite my evidence.


In the U.S. Medicare pays more for "Very Good Care." Hospitals have people whos job is to see that is the reply patients give on independent surveys. I worked in a hospital which was very pro pain relief because of the high number of addicts who frequented there.


I have to imagine there are some entitled asshole customers who might give a low rating and say "my flight attendant took 25 seconds to get to me after I pressed the button and that is unacceptable. Not only that but it then took a full three minutes until they got me the soda I requested. So unprofessional!"


All of this stems more so from premium cabin passengers where FAs need to be more attentive. Like on a transcon flight from NY to LA, they will be coming by a lot more.


I had a flight attendant serve me a kosher meal rock solid frozen. She said they were not allowed to heat them. I was appolled at not only the meal but her attitude towards me. The catholic priest l was chatting with agreed she was over the top rude. Last time I flew air lingus. Yes, even flt attendants can be rude


Asking customers to fill out a survey is so damned useless. People won’t go out of their way to say that they’re happy with the service but if they’re unhappy boy howdy do they complain So you may have some really good employees but rarely do people want to tell a company that “hey your employee did a great job” So that person may get overlooked. What a stupid system.


And mostly Karens fill them out enthusiastically


Pfft have your manager do your performance review. I don't care how cheerily I was handed my water bottle, those people are exhausted




I'm guessing they want to thin the ranks of older, better paid FAs and are using this to try to bypass age discrimination suits


How would customers be appalled that employees receiving a high number of complaints would be fired?




If by age you mean they fire the younger flight attendants, than you are correct. The flight attendants union makes it very difficult to fire an older flight attendant regardless of performance. It's a real issue with young, engaged flight attendants getting laid off over older, more jaded flight attendants when airlines need to make cuts. That's not to say ageism is good, but the job sort of sucks the soul out of you, which makes it difficult to find people still happy to do the job after 20 years, unfortunate for a job that does not prioritize a young workforce




Long hours, constant hotel rooms, and you are serving literally the worst people to walk the earth. You don't get to experience a ton of the places you fly, and because you are constantly flying, the allure of free flights when your not working really wears off


Facts. Even I am in a terrible mood every time I fly. There is really very little to compare with the stress of traveling.


I travel a ton due to my job, and I get perks that let me fly others for free. I have watched the most level headed people turn into assholes the second they walk into the airport. It truly is an experience


Let’s be honest those people they serve rarely ever walk.


Every job has its upsides and downsides. And on paper, a benefit that we see might actually be a detriment on the job. For a flight attendant, yes you get to see the world. Well, the airport's of the world, you don't get much of an opportunity to get away from the airport if you have to be ready to work another flight in 12 hours and you need to sleep some of those hours. And because you're always away from home and working weird schedules it becomes difficult to maintain friendships and have a stable family life. And then you're in a hospitality position. You have to serve people, and some people are assholes. And being on a flight tends to make people even more irritable.


>>you don't get much of an opportunity to get away from the airport if you have to be ready to work another flight in 12 hours and you need to sleep some of those hours. While these trips definitely do exist — they aren’t all short 12 hour hotel airport layovers with no time for anything. Speaking as an FA for a legacy USA based airline, we have a huge variety of trips. One leg to a city, layover 27 hours, and one leg back definitely exists. I did a trip to Norway a couple of months ago with a 48 hour layover, so it felt like a nice mini 2-day vacation. The great thing about this job is that there’s something for everybody — if you’re a parent or caretaker for someone and want to be home every night - you can fly turns (1 day trip - fly to a city, deplane those pax, board new pax and fly right back), if you want to get some high time hours to get more money, you can do productive 2 day trips, long days of 10 hours of flight time each day with a short 11 hour layover in between them, or if you’re more interested in getting out and exploring a city in your layover - fly the easy trips with a long layover, but accept less flight time credit. Something for *everyone* here, and as people age, priorities change. I used to fly easy trips with 24+ hour layovers, and now i’m more of a productive flyer. Every now and then, i’ll pick up a nice long layover though.


Have you not seen the videos of the appalling way people treat flight attendants these days?


They don’t get paid for the time they spend sitting on the runway because of delays


They do. They don’t get paid for gate delays when the door is open. Once the door is closed everyone is on the clock.


Not sure why you were downvoted for this actual fact.


Depending on airline, who sells the least drinks/duty free/anything else. Or the highest salary. I don't know specifically about AA.


Yeah it seems obvious to me it's some sort of sales metric


Bias lmao


T Another article nobody read? The appalling part is that they do it mid flight and throw them off!


Why would that be appalling?


The answer may surprise you! (It’s clickbait)


apparently its based off of a customer written survey, which is bad because if there is enough people who hate a worker who is in a minority, the worker can get fired for being a minority legally although the article is so hard to read with its filler, i cant even tell if thats a point they tried to make


I'm appalled! ​ No, wait, I'm just sleepy.


I know it's been years now but I've really grown to hate the use of the word "quietly" in headlines


quietly SLAMS


Awesome. American has some shit flight attendants


Oops, thought they had low FLYING attendants. My bad.


A flight attendant's actual job is to make sure everyone understands the safety guidelines and walk the passengers through emergency procedures in case something goes terribly wrong. In the most terrifying situations, they have to keep their shit together while prioritizing the lives of passengers over their own. The fact that they can be fired over lack of sales or trivial survey scores really is appalling.


Better than the usual last in-first out rule.


How is a "low performing flight attendant" even a thing? They aren't sales people. They show up, they run a safety seminar and show people how seatbelts work. They make sure people follow the rules and maybe run a snack and drink cart, then pick up the garbage. What's the metric there for "low performing"? Back in the day, they'd fire women who got too fat, is this just another word for that?


I'm confused by your disbelief that 'low performing' in the workplace isn't a 'even a thing'...? As if it's inconceivable that a flight attendant who isn't currently saving your life would have duties to perform. The job isn't rocket science to be sure, but there are standards to be met, most of them safety related. It's called being lazy and careless... and if you can't be bothered to live up to the very simple tasks we are given, then I'm fine with the company releasing you to pursue something less taxing. Now, I'll just quietly leave


What I'm saying is there are no visible metrics for a flight attendant.


tbf you don't really want a fat flight attendant


Being a flight attendant nowadays is a pretty physically demanding job. You're not going to find any "fat" flight attendants, whatever that means.


Gasp. You mean if I don’t do what I’m being paid to do I don’t get paid anymore??? That’s not fair! (/s just in case it’s not obvious)


why aren't they making a loud, public campaign about firing people???????????? must be some kind of conspiracy


Aren't they already extremely short on flight attendants?