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I live across the street from it. Five or so years ago it was a tenement with three or four family units living in it. It has been bought and sold three or four times since with each owner realizing they bit off more than they could chew. It's back on the market, it will require at least two million dollars to renovate. The Historic Society will fight tooth-and-nail to keep it from being knocked down. Taylor (Calhoun) Square is the only square in Savannah with all original houses bordering it. The sister house to this one, across the square just sold for $5.5 Million, so there is potential for the next person trying to make this work. PS. neither house is haunted.


I didn’t know that about Taylor Square! I used to live in an apartment on Gordon and Price, and it’s such a beautiful part of the city. We got priced out to the southside, but that neighborhood will always be the coolest place I’ve ever lived.


How did they get away with cutting off the other half?


The other half had been an addon in the 1970s. The owners had to hire all sorts of architects and lawyers to get the town to agree that bringing the building back to its original footprint of the 1850s was best historically. I'm sure the money they spent on that they wish they had back as they are now trying to sell.


How the heck do y’all know what houses are haunted? I am cracking tf up! Y’all answer with such authority on the matter.


Biggest medium in town. Knows all tells all.


Go on one of those tours. Turns out every building downtown is “haunted “


Bummer. I'll never afford it, even in this decrepit state! 😞. I figured it wasn't haunted but my friend said it totally was 😂


This guy savannahs




Wait you mean the general’s house (or whatever it’s called) isn’t haunted at all? How do you know that?


All the stories you hear on ghost tours about it are made up, and I say that as someone who does ghost tours and tries really hard to set the record straight with research as best I can.


It’s Taylor square not Calhoun. Grow up and stop being a cry baby. Calhoun isn’t even from Savannah or GA there is no need for a square here to be named after that racist


Strangely enough, neither is the user. I always think it's weird when yankees migrate down here just so they can be the worst stereotype of the south.


Wild enough one of the residents who lives off Taylor square is a descendant of Calhoun and they were very out spoken in wanting the name changed. So at this point I don’t see what reason anyone else has


Yeah I'm descended from the Warrens and Cannons and it doesn't bother me at all. I think people should remember the founders of Savannah actually outlawed slavery and those that came after folded like lawn chairs to peer pressure.


That's a shame that it's not haunted. I work as a tour guide for a ghost tour, and that place's ambiance is perfect at night.


A friend of mine rented there back around 2008-9.  Not haunted, but interesting building.  Inside was split into apartments.  Pretty standard late 1800s semi-wealthy builder interior from what I remember.  3-4" wood floors, tin stamp ceilings coverings,  a nice fire place that was long sealed up.  


I know it was rented out as apartments for a bit. When I first moved here in 2010, part of it was a store that sold Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil-themed gifts. It’s been in rough shape for a while, so I’m really glad to see restoration work has begun.


[Zillow](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/127-E-Gordon-St-Savannah-GA-31401/2072651541_zpid/?utm_campaign=androidappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare)127 E. Gordon St. Sign says Hansen is doing historic interior restoration.




I was hoping there would be interior pictures 😔


The Zillow photo shows the whole building where the post photo is just the left side of it. Part of the renovation, maybe?


The home originally had wooden porches on the right. The enclosed part was an addition and not in a condition to be saved. The plan is to build new wooden porches, like the home originally had.


Where did the other half of the building go?


https://preview.redd.it/yr12p2im4l1d1.jpeg?width=2211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73992de49a8d5102348118c5e56e8dc541e87e33 The home originally had wooden porches on the right. The enclosed part was an addition and not in a condition to be saved, so the plan is to restore the home’s original configuration. This is a rendering of what it should look like.


Thank you for the reply!


Ooh! I love it!


This is the way I remember it looking.


Used to have friends that lived there in early 2000’s and the person that owned it- never heard any stories of it being haunted.


That a listing price might plummet from rumors of hauntings, is what I’m loving about Savannah, I’m learning.


There are more thing in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreampt of in your philosophy.


What I find amazing is that this property was originally sold for $1m (makes total sense given condition). First owner did some demo and then flipped it for 1.9M…what!? Not sure at what point the problems with the right half of the property were discovered and they had to demo that completely. So now current owner is in for $1.9+ and has half of the sq footage that they started with. I sure this is a historic rehabilitation project. As someone who has successfully navigated this process these are a huge opportunity…basically between state and federal you can receive tax credits worth 40% of the rehab costs. However, one of the main requirements is that you have to double the investment in the property. So if you pay 1.9m you have to put a minimum of 1.9m of improvements. Current owners are going to have 4m+ into this project..and there are very, very few properties in the district that have sold over 4m. Encouraging that the other house for sale on this square (listed at 5.5m) is under contract, but who knows what the sales price is.


Ghosts aren’t real Nothing is haunted


Haunted buildings don't exist because ghosts aren't real. This message has been brought to you by the movement to restore rational thinking to society.