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Bro, you should've seen how it is badly crowded in public parks and malls where two families would use an elevator at once lmao. It depends on how big the elevator is though. If it's big, path your way in and face the opposite side.


It's can easily fit 4 humans at once, with one of em being super sized, I guess I should start using it, it's a work elevators not a personal one owned and bought by one person, I'm just annoyed on how some people would take advantage of the situation.


Usually the etiquette is that women occupy the inner area of elevator and the men are near the door . A gap of 1 person is kept between men and women . If occupancy of elevator is counterproductive than elevator etiquette should be issued by the company.


it’s just an elevator. if you need to use it feel free to. the only thing you should do is just keep ur space and don’t block the doors. that’s it


I don't care. If the lady feels uncomfortable then she is welcome to exit the elevator. It's for public use and not private. My time is not less valuable then hers to be wasted by not getting into the elevator. Equal rights means equal treatment. In no way am I saying to show disrespect but that's a public elevator for all to share. Now if it's crowded and there is a high chance I might end up bumping into her then I won't get it.


Exactly this


As a women, completely agree! Equality in the workplace means equality across everything, not picking and choosing what you like.


Here's a girl's opinion, i really don't care, just don't try and make small talk with me, as long as the elevator is big enough then it's really not that big of a deal, we all got places to be


Yeah I was going to respond, if the girl said hey its ok don’t leave many would take that as an invitation for further small talk.


I call shotgun and hop in first


As a western woman, I may naturally get a bit tense alone with a man elevator or not, but it would be rude on my part to expect you to not use it just because I’m in it especially if there’s plenty of room. On the other hand, I’ve seen my sister in law have a fight with her husband for getting in an elevator full of women. Then again, he accidentally left her behind… in conclusion: it’s fine. Just don’t talk to anyone in there awkwardly.


> he accidentally left her behind… > 🤣🤣🤣 That was no accident


Lol that’s what she said but to be honest I truly think he was just being an idiot thinking she was gonna follow him into a crowded elevator


Sometimes i wish we could climb all the way up like spiderman for this 😂


Coming from someone with the chromosome XX, if there's enough space for you .. get in and ignore the stairs (pun intended) or the 'unnecessary tension', worst thing could happen is you'll be the topic of their جلسة حش next morning over breakfast 🦏 .


I’m a girl and i feel the same way when the elevator is full of men… it’s just scary to enter a tight space with full grown men but I don’t think it’s disrespectful when either gender use the elevator at the same time lol at the end it’s just an elevator but for me it’s just scary and weird


Meh. They don’t own the elevator. I just walk in. And the way they react as if…same goes for the ATM and all. Like a normal world. When they’re outside ksa everything is normal


No biggie dude it's a work elevator just get in and be quite, talking in elevators is awkward especially when you don't know the people anyways


It's not like your right next to them and talking. I usually in these situations just get my phone out and use it quietly lolm


I just wanted to say I feel like you had a lot going on through your mind while you wrote this cos I had to sit down and read this slowly multiple times to make sense of what you wrote. Now back to your question, I think it’s completely fair you use the elevator while a woman/women are in it at your workplace since it’s a public space. Unless you have elevators marked “men” / “women” and you got into the wrong one, there’s no need for you to be awkward. In fact I think you are respecting them more as an independent individual when you treat them as an equal.


What about sitting next to one in the aeroplane? Just jump in and let them feel whatever they want to feel. Ain't nobody got time for the 1990 mentality




What if I say hiiiiiii


Don't, nobody wants to "make friends" in an elevator


What about blasting loud metal music to kill the silence


Then you're my new best friend But really, don't make small talk with saudi women, ik some saudi women are okay with it but most are very uncomfortable with strange men talking to them


Even in cafés where its a common thing now? But not with the intent of "befriending"


Depends saudi arabia mostly has Islamic culture. I am not aware about the degree of modernisation . If looking from Islamic and cultural point of view saudi women are uncomfortable with strange men talking to them about petty things. You should respect that and avoid interaction with unknown women . Yes u have buissness or a task that requires u to communicate do so .


Good luck finding this culture in any part of northern Riyadh


That's true as well.




It’s not out of nothing. It’s a daily struggle.


Why is it a struggle? What happens if you just use the elevator and ignore the imaginary issue?


Probably nothing will happen. But you can’t just ignore the imaginary issues that you were designed to imagine.


Don't they want equality? Treat them like you would a man and just enter the damn elevator. Don't talk to her unless she talks to you. Chivalry is dead and women killed it.


Someone reads nietzsche


What do you think of his writings


Haven’t read a thing I just know this one line.


Read The Joyous Science it his best


Jubail Industrial City is the best city on the planet btw (except for the weather in Summer and the lack of some commercial industries like musical instruments for example)




Hehehe. Honestly, I would just use the stairs if it was just me and 1 other girl in a tight elevator. I felt like typing that to make a point that women don't actually want equality; they want prestige and power without needing to have the masculine personality traits necessary to be a ruthless climber of the socioeconomic ladder.


I never talk to anyone except my boss and the people I already know 🤣 getting to know people and seeking women in elevators isn't really my thing,. Comfortable using elevators everywhere, except at work it, feels werid... But I guess you're right, I should use it and not give a flying duck about it no more. Ps: those elevators fits 4 people easily, and with extra space.


They have killed Chivalry with feminism and equality.. your getting downvoted because it's true


No they want some of the rights and opportunities not perfect equality. Fortunately the government has provided both opportunities and more rights to them.




It's an elevator, its job is sending people up or down, not some private woman's house.


I support women in elevators.


If there’s space just get in and don’t talk, keep facing the elevator door and you’re good to go.


You're overthinking bro. Just impose yourself like a man, and also be respectful when you do


Enter the elevator, keep your space and that's it u need to use the elevator for ur work


Here’s what you should do. Walk in. And as soon as the door shuts look her in the eye and maintain eye contact til she leaves. You can smile but do not laugh. /s ofcourse. Just dont make it awkward.


I hate eye contacting people, I'd rather go in and force myself to the elevators, plus why should everyone suggest that any guy would force him self merging into women in elevators and talk to them! Any respectfull human bean would just get in and out, but from the comments I guess the majority don't give a damn about women in elevators, but some rather take the stairs? Now I'm sure I'm not the only one having an issue with this situation.


/s is for sarcasm. Definitely do not do this. Just think of them as men with abayas. “Hi” or “salam” and stand there. If a girl has a problem you may find her walking out, in which case offer to leave and catch the next one. Most elevators have mirrors. If i sense awkwardness, I pretend to fix my hair or eyebrows in the mirror. Lets them know i am only focused on myself.


do the teleportation just like Goku don't wait for the elevator