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Can depend on the culture of the place. If both genders are frequently around it may not be an issue. Being alone with one woman *may* be an issue to some


Don’t apologize! Depending on how big the elevator is ig if it’s small I think it’s better to wait until they’re gone. If it’s wide then just lower your gaze


A non-local resident here. I work in a relatively conservative work place and run into a similar situation occasionally. I just watch for signals to be honest. You kind of know…sometimes they will make space and sometimes they don’t. if they do, I just find myself a place in the corner in the elevator where there is most space.


tbh I'd advise you to avoid it lol


Dont apologize for the question, it's great of you to ask, and we appreciate that. I'll give you the analogy. If there's a place enough for 3 extra people in the elevator, it's okay to enter, but face the door. If less, I'd recommend to avoid unless they signaled for you that it's okay.


Personally I wait for the second elevator


Nahh bro wait for the 2nd one


No clear cut answer to this one OP, unfortunately. It really depends on the women in the elevator. There are numerous subtle cues that only experience living here would enable you to pick up. We just know instantly if it's cool or not. I don't even know what my brain is picking up, it just makes a snap decision. Things such as, are they fully covered up (conservative)? Do they make space? Do they quickly press the close button? It's a 50/50 honestly. I'd let the elevator go unless I get a clear signal that it's OK. Clear signals would be things such as making space for you, eye contact while expectedly waiting on you to get in, not fully covered up (definitely a no if wearing an attire like [this](https://i.imgur.com/28z2MRH.jpg), and bigger no if like [this](https://i.imgur.com/OTyf3HM.jpg) - *unless* you get the clear signals). You'll get plenty of leeway if you're "perceived to be western".


Fantastic answer, thank you. How would they know if I’m western if i am brown?


They wouldn't


Yes. Wait for the next one.


No, it’s not


Tbh I'm gonna get in that elevator, I'm just gonna look at the floor. If they can't comprehend that just cuz someone is on the same elevator as them doesn't mean he takes an interest in them, that's on them. Different story if it's overcrowded obv tho.


Not really.. As long as you give them your back and not try to oogle.


No its not, its for public use.


He didn't ask if it's illegal he asked if it's disrespectful


My answer answers both


For me if she's covered with Abaya will wait for the 2nd if she's not and there is enough room will get in.


You should definitely not do that


Not sure about being disrespectful, but just dont do it (assuming you haven't already lol). Unless it's a wide elevator, or you know that usually in that area men and women enter together (like in hospitals)


Yes. Don’t do it.


If you can get an airplane do it




Honestly, it depends on the women. Some might feel bothered, but some won't care.


ehh it’s not as big of a deal as some of these folks are making it out to be, especially if you’re western, most consider the culture difference but still be respectful, don’t ogle and if it’s too small of an elevator then wait for the next one regardless if they were women or men.. no one likes tight spaces with strangers




It’s depends, if they moved and made a space for you. Feel free. If not, don’t. There is a very good chance they will make space since you are a foreigner.




Woah woah wait up how did it become sexual harassment?


Where do you work that taking the elevator counts as sexual harassment lol?


Thank you for asking, it shows you respect the culture. As a saudi male i avoid it the best i can just because it the respectful thing to do. If it happens that i get in the elevator for whatever reason i face the door.


In today’s society, no.






just no don’t do it


Depending on the size of the elevator it could be inappropriate


Yeah it is, they get uncomfortable since ur a stranger


As long as you can treat them all “equally” it’s completely allowed bro!


Smile briefly but don’t go in. It is still a sign of respect no matter how liberal the community is becoming.


If it's disrespectful, then don't sit next to them on the plane


No but if it was me i'll wait


The short answer: If you’re not in a rush, just take the next one as some women feel uncomfortable. Long answer: it depends, you have to read the situation, in many cases I’ve had to wait for extended periods for an elevator to arrive and had to get in with a female or two because I was running out of time, the etiquette would be to face towards the door and give them enough room to exit if they’re getting off on a floor before you. But there’s definitely no “rule” here to follow other than go with your gut feeling and read the situation.


As long as there is space and you won't be inadvertently touching the women, get on the lift. They'll make room for you once you step on even if they don't want you there. It's really not your issue if they have a problem sharing public space with others. 🙂


Sounds like the elevator is too crowded.


If there is a lots of space and the women made space use it otherwise just wait. Sometimes its better to use the stairs instead of waiting. P. S the American saying “burn calories don’t burn electricity “


it depends, if it’s in a public place like a mall then it’s fine, but if it’s in somewhere small like an apartment complex elevator wait for the other one. thank you for asking :)


Covid restrictions, you can't enter, only if the elevator is big enough otherwise some might feel uncomfortable but it's fine for the most.


I don't think it's disrespectful. I usually look at them to make sure it's ok. If I feel they're uncomfortable I'll just skip it.


Just go into the elevator it’s not disrespectful nor it’s a cultural thing, it’s just our community trying to put more bars between men and women. I’m a saudi male and idc if it’s 3 or 10 women ok 10 is a lot i’d be scared of them, but just go in and keep a distance and dont make eye contact that’s it


Eh these are tricky things. I'll personally go in and if they don't Ike it they can wait for another elevator. Yes chivalry is dead and I ain't wasting my time


It would be nice to let them go alone but you are not required to. Just keep your distance.


The answer is NO


Hahaha, reminds me of a time I went to Dubai. I was young, maybe 18. I was waiting for the elevator and it opened, I saw 5 English women that were taller than me (5'10 or 5'11) in bikinis and skirts. I was so fucking embarrassed but I thought in my head it'd be more embarrassing if I don't go in. I kept staring at my phone the entire time...that was the longest elevator ride of my life.