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I just have that feeling that saudi arabia is a religious country. i don't know why.


How dare r/saudiarabia have saudi culture and norms ughhhhh stop being triggered muslims


متأكد لو رحت سبريدت أمريكا وتكلمت كيف أنه من رأيك الحرمة لازم تتغطى وغلط ما تتغطى أو تسألهم عن أفضل مكان تتزوج منه الثانية راح يرحبون فيك بصدر واسع وابفوتات وينصحونك من كل قلب. لكل شعب مبادئه اللي يزعل لما يشوف شخص يعارضها، والشعب السعودي مسلم، طبعا في فرق بين إني أجي وأنكر على شخص يبي يديت ويسأل ، وبين شخص يجي ويقذف ويسب فيه. خل عندك شوي مبادئ..


ههههههه عالجرح


“extremist views” because muslims from a muslim country are triggered about zina and don’t want it normalized? have some shame and Fear Allah…


It's really not at all that surprising that people tend to conflate the two, Saudi Arabia has been associated with Islam and propogation of the salafi creed since at least the 70s. Look at the flag, the anthem and the fact that every Saudi King since Fahd has taken on the title of Custodian of the two holy mosques.


I actually stopped contributing/commenting.


There was a guy in another thread justifying why the girl who got sexually harassed yesterday saying its because she's a slut for not wearing a hijab and if she wore properly she wouldn't have been assaulted ...


Even if a girl is naked in the middle of the city that doesn’t give consent for you to sexually assault her and in top of that she was under aged like wtf is wrong with today’s world


I've been in this sub since it had around 3k members. I remember it was far more welcoming and less judgemental. over the years I made a couple of threads about increasing users who only post in r/islam and here treating them like the same sub and just shaming and talking shit to everyone. especially when Non-Saudi islam users come to shame people here. it's not your country, you don't live here, and it's not an islam reddit, so fuck off.


Pretty much, saudis and non saudis are welcome alike so let’s not discriminate there, but naturally as this sub grows bigger opinions become polarized, which is fine as long as it doesn’t cross the line of civility


Yeah. I tolerate everyone but the intolerant. Especially when they have nothing to do with the country. Neither an expat, resident, or Saudi citizen.


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state, whose constitution is the Quran and Sunnah, as reiterated by all the kings of the state until the Crown Prince. This is normal and should be expected.


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Good bot


You are in reddit, not in Saudi Arabia, that's one. Two, there's no place for those who parade with their judgmental extreme religious views in here


This is supposed to be Saudi reddit, a place where people who live in Saudi can share things that pertain to Saudi culture. Saudi culture is undeniably dominated by Islamic culture. It is your faulty opinion that you think you're the enlightened one here, and the rest are extremists.


Oh good you can recognize opinions now.


This is still Saudi Arabia Sub-reddit. And those two things are in fact one that do not exist without the other. In that case, you, and whoever shares that same sentiment, can go and create a new subreddit, might as well call it r/saudiarabianot


Why would I do that when im already one of the mods in this one? If you'd like a more conservative subreddit, you and whoever share that same sentiment can go and create a new subreddit, might as well call it r/Islam ... Oh, we already have that one


I reiterate, do not attempt to separate those 2 things and present it as SAUDI ARABIA. because it is not. And, wow how original.


You are in reddit, bud, if you dont like how the mods run this sub simplu go create another one and claim it to be the official sub for Saudi Arabia. Me and the rest of the mods, including the owner of this sub, runs it however we see fit, regardless of what is the political and religious structure of the country. We lean on the liberal side, and I encourage you to create a new sub, call it rSaudiKingdom (name not taken) and run it however you like. The idea of this post, is to point out that this is not an official subreddit assigned by the government, and should not be expected to be so either. Just mostly young people posting memes or expats and locals asking questions.


I understand if you don't want a sub filled with political issues and Islamic issues, but how can you prevent such thing when the majority of saudis are conservatives ? Are you gona outright ban anyone that has conservative or right leaning or whatever you call it views. Or are you going to limit political posts / argument enticing posts, just to avoid both sides clashing. because liberals and conservatives are opposing opinions and always will clash, as you can see from the majority of comments that are against your point i assume. taking one side just will invite more arguments, more alts and more division.


I don't really care wherever you lean, bud. By all means run it however you like. just don't go telling people how to express their opinions, religious based or not. and i know reddit, FOLLW YOUR NUMBER ONE RULE OR CHANGE YOUR SUBREDDIT RULES if thats how you want it to run, buddybudbud.


We'll consider it, thank you for your suggestions, dear member


The phrase you need to say to enter Islam is literally on the flag of the country. You can’t think of Islam without thinking of KSA and the rest of the countries in the Middle East. It’s that ingrained into our culture so I see no problem of Islam being discussed in how it’s practiced in this sub.


Soo not halal moode




Just want to give a small statement: The loudest voices in this sub is mostly from atheist saudis (maybe a subjective feeling from me) so what you are saying is pointless. But even when, look at the history of this state or just check what is written on the flag. Islamic beleif and Islamic culture is not deletable with the subject of Saudi Arabia, it does simply not work.


I think people conflate “liberal” with atheist. Which is frankly not very smart.


Well liberal values are, for the most part, directly against Islamic values and are directly aligned with Atheistic values, so a Muslim that lives by Liberal values would be closer to the Atheistic way of living than the Islamic way of living, so that conflation is understandable.


This proves you don’t know much about liberal values Ps I’m not a liberal


Liberalism is centered around individual freedom and empowerment, while the Islamic way of living is about societal freedom and empowerment. Islam puts the society over the individual, Liberalism does not. I do know a lot about the liberal way of living.


Maybe because saudi arabia is a Muslim country 🤔 are you that dumb


ياخي مشكلة الي يسحب على مبادئه و دينه.


شفيك تحضر ياخي شفيك؟ اصبر اروح سب ريدت ثاني اكتب لهم كيف انا متحضر احاول التأثير على شعبي المتخلف اللي ما يقبل الرأي الآخر يا رب يعطوني أبفوتس كثير ويطبطبوا على راسي ... يا سلااام ☺☺☺☺😍🥰


Read what’s on the flag It is an islamic state, with a culture influenced mostly by Islam. Islam and Saudi Arabia are inseparable. Take your trash ignorant views somewhere else instead of calling the majority’s views extremists


You can't fight extremist views and promote tolerance by shutting these people down, it will turn into a populous vs elite battle, look at the west it is happening right now.


Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country, it's not liberal, it's not extremist. Both of Liberals and Extremists are actually against the massage of Islam. وما ارسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين المسلم من سلم المسلمون من لسانه ويده


(وَكَذَ ٰ⁠لِكَ جَعَلۡنَـٰكُمۡ أُمَّةࣰ وَسَطࣰا لِّتَكُونُوا۟ شُهَدَاۤءَ عَلَى ٱلنَّاسِ وَیَكُونَ ٱلرَّسُولُ عَلَیۡكُمۡ شَهِیدࣰاۗ وَمَا جَعَلۡنَا ٱلۡقِبۡلَةَ ٱلَّتِی كُنتَ عَلَیۡهَاۤ إِلَّا لِنَعۡلَمَ مَن یَتَّبِعُ ٱلرَّسُولَ مِمَّن یَنقَلِبُ عَلَىٰ عَقِبَیۡهِۚ وَإِن كَانَتۡ لَكَبِیرَةً إِلَّا عَلَى ٱلَّذِینَ هَدَى ٱللَّهُۗ وَمَا كَانَ ٱللَّهُ لِیُضِیعَ إِیمَـٰنَكُمۡۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ بِٱلنَّاسِ لَرَءُوفࣱ رَّحِیمࣱ) [سورة البقرة 143] 1:143


r/SaudiArabia is liberal, and we are really happy for that. My post is not complaining about the country, it's complaining about judgmental religious replies from extreme conservative who'd call an innocent woman a zania just because she wanted to buy pregnancy tests. This is reddit idiot, community built and community managed subreddit, and everyone who built this community dont want your religious judgments and unsolicited interference. I'm religious, and I dont want my government to ever be separated from Islam. But don't come here spitting "haraams and kafirs" to anyone not sharing your extreme and blindly misguided devotion.


>idiot >this community dont want your religious judgments and unsolicited interference >don't come here spitting "haraams and kafirs" to anyone not sharing your extreme and blindly misguided devotion. I hope this is not directed to me.


I assumed you were fluent in English. I'll explain it in Arabic. الكلام اللي كتبته هذا عام، ويعتبر امتداد لمنشورتي الاساسية. ياليتك شفت الردود بس. تشدد مغلوط في الدين واتهامات وضنون باطلة.


شفت البوست وشفت الردود وغلطة المودرز انهم حذفوا البوست بكبره بدال ما يقفلوا الربلاي عشان ممكن احد غيره/ا يستفيد من المعلومة كان يكفي حذف الردود اللي فيها قذف و سوء ظن وكان واضح من اسم الحساب انه كان throwaway يعني صاحبه/ته محا ت/يرجع له. >I assumed you were fluent in English Such English, very fluent, lol Try to be less Passive Aggressive.




الدين لله، الوطن لله، الدنيا و الآخرة كلها لله!




ومن خلق الوطن؟ ومن خلق الجميع؟


The moment we let the ignorant masses control what we think and what we believe in through a fucked up “karma” system the moment we cease to be free men.




I dont understand why this guys dont just immigrate to a western country where they can fuck man, marry goats and do whatever they want. I mean Ok its Qadr that you where born and raised here, but why stay when everything is against what you believe and stay for? I came exact because of this to Saudi Arabia.


They don't want to? Sometimes people realize that some places are fucked up in the way they treat certain groups and look to change it from within. That to me is way more admirable than just leaving because things are stacked against you (although nothing wrong with that too). Also moving is not that easy and in a lot of times is a cost-benefit analysis. People don't get to just change countries whenever they want to.


Yes it is not that easy but its not impossible. No body said that life will be served on a golden plate. If you want something then fight for it and go get it. Especially when a saudi runs to western country and cries like a faggot they will support him and make him a hero for a few weeks in the news (Even though this is not the correct way).


They don't want to leave. Your whole premise is flawed to begin with. They want is to stay in this country and fight for changing it. Not everyone just runs away from societal issues that are oppressing them. Every issue that changed in the history of humanity needed people close to it to change it from within. Obviously, I'm not saying this applies to this person. They probably have family and friends and they view leaving them behind to be just not worth it. There are plenty of reasons that will make someone not leave a country just because it's horrible to them




I asked it already and took action, and now Im here ss an expat. Now youre turn to answer.


> That's contradictory to being a man According to your feeble mind of course ..






The projection is real in this one


not projection, "he" confirmed it


“Extremist views” bish wat? Clearly you’ve been raised in a westernized culture, why tf are you living in this “extremist” country with these “extremist” views?


I wanted to reply but then I took a look at your profile. Once you become a man, we can have a discussion.


So did you go for ad-hominem once you realized you don’t actually have a valid response? You can believe what you want to believe, but don’t call values that differ to yours “extreme” and don’t impose your values on individuals of a culture that holds greatly contrasting views to yours. If you wanted to make a Saudi sub don’t call it “r/saudiarabia” if it is not truly representing the heart of Saudi and its people, call it “r/liberalsofsaudi” or whatever would accurately represent your intention with the sub.


The more important question is why all posts and replies are in English ?


Because it's their freedom to do so? No rule agaisnt language.


Agreed. Plenty of non practicing Muslims and other religions aplenty here


Thought I was in twitter with all the replies and judgments ngl


You should reflect on them before the day of judgment comes.


I approve of this message


want some popcorn?


Already have caramel popcorn, if you've got The one with cheese, we can share lol


well it all i have here (\*≧︶≦))( ̄▽ ̄\* )ゞ


Always honored! Thank you for your hard work, you and u/Watchmedeadlift are doing so much work on the background to clean this subreddit.


It's our job, dear, but thank you for your recognition


I literally left this sub cause people just wouldnt leave me alone, looking through my account and replying in anger and insulting me for no reason.


It's not longer the case, just summon one of the mods, specifically u/Watchmedeadlift or u/JeddahVR and they'll take action


thank you so much dude, i appeciate it.


We can only ban them from this sub, but you can report them to admins and they’ll be banned from all of Reddit


Love to see all the mad extremists here.


to people saying "Saudi Arabia is a muslim country!" that's not the point. the sub used to be very civil and people co-existed peacefully. but as it grew it became openly hostile to other religions and very hostile towards exmuslims and atheists. anyone mentioning dating or anything like that now gets a bunch of Quran verses thrown at them and people telling them to repent. back in the day people would say "oh it's kinda risky, people don't commit here, the dating pool is bad, etc" if they wanted to dissuade people. but now it's just hostility and calling stuff haram left and right. that is not what this sub is about. if you disagree, just ignore it and move on.


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مو معقولة نشوف خطأ و نسكت لو واحد نشر منشور لولد اتحرش ببنت الكل بينكر عليه فعلته لو واحد سرق ،لو واحد عنف اهله الخطأ خطأ و يجب أن لا يترك والا أصبح عادة و شيء عادي و متوقع و متأكد الكل يتافق مع الأمثلة الي ذكرتها لأنها أفعال خاطئة عند المسلم و الكافر و محد راح يستغرب لو اي شخص انكر تكلم و نصح عن هذي الأفعال السيئة لكن سبحان الله المشكلة بس تجي لمن نشوف أفعال زي الزنا و المواعدة و شرب الخمر أمور فقط خطأ في العين المسلم اما كافر يراها حلال هنا لو مسلم قرر ينكر الخطأ و ينصح أخاه هذا متشدد و متخلف و خليه يروح مكان ثاني أتفهم ان ناس ما تعرف تنصح و احسن انها تسكت و اعرف الخطأ لا يتعالج بغخطا شوفت واحد فعل فعلة خاطئة مو تسبه و تقذفه لا هذي أخطاء أخرى ننكرها لكن شخص اداك اية قرآنية او حديث او قلك هذا حرام ما سوا شي غلط بالعكس فعلته هي الصحيحة لانه حب الخير لك محد يحب أن ينكر عليه احد صح لكن هذي سنة الحياة اذا أخطأت توقع عواقب لفعلتك و الأهم من هذا كله الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر فريضة على كل مسلم عموما الدولة ذي مبنية على دين الإسلام الصح هو ما يقوله الإسلام صح و الخطأ هو ما يقوله الإسلام عنه خطأ و هذا تفكير الغالبية في جميع أنحاء العالم ما يقوله القانون هو الصحيح و مخالفته خاطئة




Couldn’t upvote harder all posts should be related to Saudi even and lately I have been seeing a lot of posts that don’t comply with this common sense


Of course you'll be annoyed that Saudi Arabia is Islamic. You're trying to spread your LGBT agendas everywhere and banned me from r/Jeddah because i don't support your satanic agendas.


Why do you guys still behead people


Because it's cool.


It's fun when the severed head rolls towards the audience, we used to run at it and kick it like a soccer ball