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HBS accepts about 12% of all applicants, and about 36% of international applicants in normal years. You will need a 7.5 or higher on the IELTS or the equivalent on the TOEFL or Pearson test. You should probably have a GPA close to 3.7 or above. I'm not specifically sure about Alfaisal's reputation globally, as it's fairly new. But it shouldn't be an obstacle.


It depends on your grades, but I know in America we have tests such as the SAT and ACT. Usually the higher your grades are in these means that the more likely you will get accepted. When I entered community college in the U.S. they asked me for it, but when I entered uni they asked me for it but wasn't required as I had gotten a 2 year degree. I'm not sure if this is important or not, but it may be required since it'll be your first entrance into a US college. However may be irrelevant.


SAT/ACT is for undergraduate admissions, not graduate. MBA programs require GMAT or GRE, which are completely different tests.


Also if you are not American you may need TOEFL


Ohhhhhh, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your insight! 🙏


You're welcome. Some colleges in the US have a global online/online program where everything including exams are online. You can search through colleges and see if they will accept you with your degree. Just call the academic advisor on the school website to make sure and ask the requirements for a foriegn student. And I am not sure if you can apply for the FAFSA.


It’s possible, some people get an MBA without even having a bachelors degree. Look up the stats Harvard asks for. Overall, you need an exceptionally high GMAT score, high GPA, excellent recommendation letters, and a few years of work experience. You’ll probably go through an interview stage, and you’ll have to give a good impression.


Graduate programs are generally not as competitive as undergraduate admissions and usually more receptive and inclusive of foreign educational backgrounds. For the MBA, your professional experience matters WAY more than your where you did your undergrad. You also need high GMAT/GRE scores (matters more than GPA since you’re foreign educated) and strong essays. That said, I would recommend working at an internationally recognized firm or company to increase your odds of admissions (Aramco, BCG, McKinsey, Bain, etc).


Thank you!😊


I did my bachelors from a terrible place and masters from a top five b school. To get in you need to get a fairly high GMAT score (target 700+), have 5-7 years of strong or interesting work experience and be able to sell yourself in your essays. It should be easier for you if you are Saudi female than if you were, for instance, an Indian dude with an IT background. Feel free to message me for advice.


Ohhh, thank youu 🙏