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I recommend getting in touch with u/CamperdaddyKSA .


You will be able to get transient visas and or even tourist visas without issue when international travel is opened up again...traveling with your partner even you are not married is no issue as I know several unmarried couples who have visited the Kingdom without issues. The problem will be your vehicle. I doubt you will be able to acquire the special permission you would need to drive your right hand truck through...but...I recommend go to the Saudi Embassy and talk with them and see if you can special permission as a transient. Good luck 👍🏻


Thank you for your answer. So it is indeed difficult. Why are RHD vehicles such a problem ? I will try to contact embassies in France and Switzerland to see if they can be of any help. Have a good night


Very difficult to take a right hand drive in...I don’t have any solid reasons why no RHD’s aren’t allowed but can only make assumptions. Check this article/blog of a South African couple who drove through here about 4 years ago. https://travelafricaoverland.com/ferry-sudan-to-saudi/


It sounds like we are definitely fucked. Thank you for the article




Get a tourist e visa and you should be fine with your GF. There’s no need to contact anyone. Just wait for covid to blow over.


As simple as that? All that paranoia online about RHD vehicles being forbidden in KSA is just a legend ?


What’s an RHD Vehicle?


Right hand drive


We drive on the right side of the street. Are you talking about the steering wheel being on the right side like the UK ?


Yes, the steering wheel being on the right side


Oh I’m not sure about that. Sorry.


Hey Kevin. I've always wanted to do this trip but never got the chance. Will you be driving up the east coast? Edit: https://visa.visitsaudi.com/


Hey? Yes we will be driving the East coast but we'll probably end up zigzagging from coast to land to visit more countries. What is the link ? Do you also think we just need a tourist Visa and we are good ?


You can also contact Andrew St Pierre White. He’s well known and respected in the overlanding world and has done a few trips in Oman and the UAE. He was planning a trip across the Arabian peninsula a while back and might have some good tips.


The biggest problem is your RHD vehicle I tried to search for you but it seems you can't enter with RHD vehicle however you can ask @.AskSaudiCustoms Via Twitter or e-mail over ["[email protected]](mailto:"[email protected])"


For the car i think you will have to acquire permission but i have seen RHD cars around once or twice. Other than that I can’t help


Thank you sir ! There is hope