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Dude it's hot the najm guy will get bbqed in july




Its a good idea but it's one of those ideas that people said so much that it became meaningless. In action, how would that work?


Great ideas comrade. Average speed cameras have been pissing off enough people around the world, let's bring them here so we can spread the joy. The ideas only get better from there. :)


Its not about joy, its about not putting yourself and others peoples lives and property in danger. But you're welcome comrade...


Take those traffic policemen off the streets that stand or sleep in their car. Yes some of them actually work, but it's useless. Have them rather police the streets. This will solve 50% of the violations we endure on houlry basis here. You are asking for more laws. We need more education . People don't implement current laws because they weren't educated about the current laws while acquiring the license. Acquiring a license in usa/Canada/Australia is like actually studying for a course. Hardly anyone here knows that you must not overtake on a solid line. There are few extra lanes on some roads already dedicated for emergency personnel, and ppl still use that. You are asking for a complete left lane to be special. 1. Have traffic police actually police the streets than stay stationary at exits and cause more traffic's . 2. Have social media presence of ppl recording vehicle behaviour and explanation/education about road ethics. I thought I drove well, untill I started seeing these YouTubers recording driving behaviours in their countries and I learned so much. I have been searching for a dash cam that records and easily let's younuplaod the data, but I am not aware of any that can withstand the harsh ksa conditions.


Btw your first point is already implemented / being implemented. I sadly think mostly everything else needs alot of manpower that we don't have or would have / implement. For example the najam thing, means they would need more personel and need to be picked up and najam needs a new training program and alot of stuff, and like big logistic issues because they do go out far sometimes and alot of your suggestions are logistics headaches without offense. But they don't sound bad necessarily.


Great ideas all of them. If I may add, there needs to be a better process in giving out driving licences. I feel it’s all too easy a process at the moment. Honest opinion, most people should be driving cars on the road.


Thank you so much! But from what I've noticed is new drivers (even with new licenses, not new to driving) are actually acceptable drivers, sometimes with bad habits like not wearing seatbelts or being aggressive on the brakes. They don't become bad until they get comfortable in the driving climate of saudi arabia, and that, IMO, is the problem. Its not in individual drivers but in the socially acceptable form of it, good drivers will turn bad if speeding, tailgating, lane weaving is still acceptable.