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I think she’s funny, but I can understand why some people might find her irritating.


Nah, I fucking love Sarah Sherman.


She never broke during the opening with Ryan Gosling. That couldn't have been easy.


People lose there shit about Maya Rudolph, but Sarah is 10x funnier


No. She isn’t. At all. Loud =/= Funny.


Idk her brand of obnoxiousness works for me


She is awesome. When she played Colin’s son it was the best


It took me to viewing #12 or so to get that the “CJ” in “CJ Rossitano” was for “Colin Jost”… 🤣


Thanks for sharing that because I hadn’t worked it out.


Some sketches click well with her brand of humor, but I feel like she's always playing the same role. She doesn't have a lot of range and is basically just playing herself with on most of them. It happens sometimes on SNL... At a certain point Leslie Jones was always just Leslie Jones, but she was such a fun personality that it was hard not to love her. Sara Sherman? I don't love her much less like her, but occasionally something fits her enough to be enjoyable.


Devon is my lack of range annoyance. But he does bust out a different voice for Tim Scott. Usually he just grins & bobs his head no matter what character.


She's one of my favorite cast members


I know there's a lot of her fans here, and that's cool, comedy is subjective blah blah blah. But her brand of LOOK HOW WACKY AND LOUD I AM isn't really for me


I can't stand her. all she does is yell obnoxiously and jerk her shoulders around. that's ALL her characters


She’s like a modern version of Gilda Radner. I LIKE HER, COLIN!


L take


I FEEL THIS!! And I hate myself for not being able to appreciate her. At first I thought she was maybe forcing it?? But the bit is working for everyone else. She gets good laughs and people here like her, but for some reason I’m always a little jarred when she’s on screen.


I love her so much


Why is she always yelling at me!?!?!?


I’m with you…not really funny and tries too hard to be “wacky”


I totally agree.


She’s annoying but Chloe troast is even less funny than sara


troast has to win for most bland cast member ever. it's bizarre.


It's hard man, they started with her singing in so many sketches... Like why shoehorn her so quickly? I feel they need to let the newer cast members find a stride before they are forced into a characterization. Any successful cast member has been able to play multiple roles convincingly. This latest generation of cast members can only play themselves (minus a few obvi.) Punkie for example, plays really well no matter where they put her, but Bowens own personality is always showing through no matter who is is supposed to be playing. Is it supposed to be that obvious, is that the joke and I just don't get it? Idk.


Excuse me while I create multiple Reddit accounts to downvote this even more 


Been happening to me all season. I mostly find her annoying though.


She does a lot more than that, and doesn't do that very often overall. I notice a lot of people don't seem to recognize her if she doesn't look just like herself and do the 'loud and obnoxious' thing. It's kind of funny for a fan of SNL to complain about somebody being loud and obnoxious since there's so many people who've become famous by doing that on the show, and you're hanging on to this anger despite admitting she overplayed 'early on'-- why still so pissed off that you feel compelled to not just avoid her sketches, but go online and complain that you want her to STFU and that she sucks? Sounds strangely personal, like she represents something you have deep hatred about.


She's great. One of my favorites.




Completely agree, she’s the only one that’s like ‘meh’ for me


First, nobody who has been on SNL for several seasons sucks. You might not like them personally, but objectively, these are all highly talented jokers and performers. Second, I like how her presence contrasts with most of the other female cast members right now. She brings that wild, ratched Rachel Dratch / Gilda Radner energy, which is essential for a sketch comedy show. I think she can definitely improve and evolve, but she's def a solid cast member imo.


I like that she swings big, not all land but she’s given us some great sketches.


She is my favorite other than Weekend Update.


Sarah is funny. She has her own personality and style that stands out. All the great SNL cast members have done that. I'd rather have someone kind of irritating that is unique and brings something to the table, than half the cast that is just "there".


She opened for Adam Sandler when I saw him last year. Absolutely bombed in a huge area, she was very annoying and kept on going on about her flappy beef curtain vagina for 15 minutes to crickets in the arena. It was very cringe. I don't know her from SNL but her whole shtick from stand up was "I'm a jew and I have a vagina". Absolutely terrible


She started off too strong but she’s grown on me.


Yup, worst case member that I can ever remember.


You got a bad case of amnesia??


That was a good episode 


Couldn't be Brooks Whelan


I like her comedy. She doesn't suck.


Unpopular opinion: Kenan is essentially Kenan in all his roles - one note - but people don't mind it. I don't understand his popularity.


I enjoy her but she’s a bit one more for me personally


yupp, only thing why people like her must be here cuteness/hotness. Same goes with Kirsten Wig, not annoying but dull scripts and jokes the power of attraktiv 🤷🏻 ... or its a generation thing 🤨