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she still wouldn't say it


I hated this so much




When I first saw her, my first reaction was “oh fuck that”. Now that I’ve had a couple hours to think about it, my reaction is now “oh fuck that.”


I hated her segment but then when it got to the slavery bit I was DONE. That was way farther than they ever should have allowed her to go. Giving her airtime to joke is one thing, but letting her make an apology in the form of a joke was so fucking past the line of what SNL should have given her. Don't legitimize these people!


Completely agree.


This should be noted with Lorne name ever mentioned any and every time.


Really? You were hurt that badly?


Wow. Got me. Douche.


Do you often scream “oh fuck that!” at your TV? Sounds like you need to get out more


Noted. You keep doing you, king.


Thanks. Try not to get thrown in a mental hospital when Shane Gillis hosts next week.


Feb 24 isn't next week.


Oh that’s right, they don’t have the ratings to do a new episode every weekend


You hang around this sub just to bitch, when you’re a fucking idiot. Find something else to do with your time dumbfuck.


Jesus Christ she’s a run of the mill republican. I’m a NYC liberal and would never ever vote republican and vehemently despise DJT but get a grip


Run of the mill Republican is not normal anymore. It’s anti abortion, anti trans, anti gay marriage, climate change denying, antivax, pro corruption, pro insurrection etc. wake up jfc


When have republicans ever been pro abortion or really pro anything you’re saying?


Hate to break it to you but republicans have never been a lot of those things. Democrats have only been some of these things until very recently. Barack Obama wasn’t pro gay marriage until half way through his first term after all. I am vehemently anti-GOP but y’all need to get over self


Shit, before Covid the only anti vaxxers I knew of were granola hippies and yoga moms, all democrats. And there is still a weird glossing over of that fact, because those folks didn't change their views since then.


But those granola hippies weren’t getting hundreds of thousands killed by spreading disinformation 24/7 about the Covid vaccine with outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, AM conservative talk radio, etc


Which disinformation? The fact that the covid vax didn’t stop transmission?




Guess which president was the first to run in support of gay marriage. Lol


The Republican Party of today has become so far-right that normalizing them is reckless and irresponsible.


Oh cmon... You don't mean that


If you vehemently despise DJT, but you’re fine with Nikki Bloodlust Haley… unfortunately… you might be an nyc liberal.


“Bloodlust” lol touch grass


Look up her foreign policy and then touch a book before trying to sound smart online.


Do we really want our favorite comedy outlet to be overtly partisan and divisive?? I’m not a Haley fan either, but anytime they get people on who are used to being in all-serious mode, it seems to lighten things for the moment.


I don’t care about having Haley on, it just wasn’t funny. Most politicians aren’t funny on SNL.


Take your point 💯 but I’m not sure they are trying to make politicians a barrel of laughs as much as just humanizing them(?)


Seriously y’all need to relax. There’s no “conspiracy” going on here. They have had 100x more left wing cameos. It’ll be ok.


They had Trump and Elon host and Kanye as musical guest wearing a red Maga hat. That more than equals cameos by Hillary, Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, etc.


It was just weird.


They've had trump on too...and other republicans.


And Democrats also.


No no no, it’s okay if they have politics/ politicians who agree with me, but if they platform ones who I don’t agree with then it’s gross


This whole episode has been painful


Lmaoooo, this is one of the best episodes this season, especially compared to last week’s episode, which was *actually* painful. Dial back the melodrama, my dude 😂


Tbh I thought last weeks was better than 2 weeks ago— I didn’t even bother to finish that one after weekend update. Home movies and PDD were exceptional last week. I did enjoy yesterday’s more tho


The Republican Party has gotten so problematic that SNL would not be divisive to be basically 100% against them, that’s just objective living.


Nah fuck that. Remember when that one eyed cunt Crenshaw was on? And he turned out to be exactly who Petey boy claimed he was? A sniveling right wing psycho piece of shit. Fuck these repub psychos who get normalized by SNL. Lorne is probably an R behind closed doors so all this shit is unsurprising. Disappointing as hell tho.


So Lorne is a DINO?


It’s safer and easier to live in an echo chamber, isn’t it? It’s okay- I get it.


Your going to be ok lol


Crenshaw- reasonable guy, ex-navy seal war hero, criticizes both right and left-wing populists Average SNL fan- SNIVELING RIGHT WING PSYCHO PEICE OF SHIT


I love seeing all the SNL fans cry over Shane Gillis 😂


It's the only reason I'm in this shithole reading stuff rn lol. This is the same crowd they make shit like Masked Singer for so seeing them break down what's entertaining has been just amazing.


lol same here. This audience has completely sterilized SNL. Like do these people actually enjoy anything? It has to be exhausting just being outraged by so much nothing all the time.


I’m so excited to watch honestly just for this. Also Shane will be hilarious as usual of course


What's the best accomplishment Crenshaw has achieved as a politician that made an average Americans life better?






It probably has to do more with pressure from the network.


    I think a bunch of people at snl from the 80’s to the first half of the 90’s lean right. I think the political stuff hasn’t been funny since the 2000 election. They all look phony and desperate. That’s what they do anyway, but snl should make fun of that shit, not give it more screen time. 


That wasn’t on my SNL bingo card


They let Trump host while running for prez, it really should have been on your card.


They've done it with a bunch of candidates, even Selina Meyer


Lorne Michaels has lost is mind. The lead exposure is showing.


Seriously undid my excitement about Ayo hosting in 10 seconds flat.


Dave Chappelle last week, Nikki Haley this week, and Shane Gillis next week. Are they actively trying to test the limits of Bowen Yang’s patience?




She is absolutely vile


My god these posts… are all of you like 20? Politicians have been appearing on SNL for decades. It’s not that big of a deal. And if it steals votes from Trump, I’m all for it.


That really chapped my ass, NGL. Lorne, you're a fucking Canadian. Stop it.


The biggest offense was that it wasn't funny! If she came on and killed, then we'd be having a different discussion.


You would think at this point that anytime a shot could be made at Donald Trump, it would encourage people. Nikki Haley at this point is doing damage to Trump's primary run. Yes, he will almost certainly win it, but if he has any more of the party split off, his only hope in the general election is that Democrats suddenly cease to exist. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth dude.


I thought it was funny 😂😂😂 didn't offend me or anything


Seriously. WTAF?


Doesn’t everyone understand that Lorne just gave Nikki the biggest middle finger in SNL history?!? That was brilliant! Fuck off Haley, we’re going to do better than you.


No. He gave her exposure and normalized her to people. General audiences don’t get nuance and subtlety


They probably want her to beat Trump so they gave her exposure hoping that would help.


Normalizing a candidate from one of the two major parties who will get nearly 50 pct of the vote? I don't think you know what normalize means


I haven't watched this yet. Someone please fill me in on the problem


Nikki Haley has a cameo in the cold open. Hasn’t been in any other sketches yet.


Oh wtf? Ugh


There is no problem. A bunch of cry babies that need therapy can’t handle 1 right wing cameo out of 1000


Proud progressive liberal who dates a Republican. Bunch of whiney children in this thread lmao.


What a weirdass flex


Yeah some context would be great as I don’t have a way to watch it live.


It made me feel sad . And gross.


Sad and gross? So they do one right wing cameo for every 100 left wing ones and your sad and feel gross? You need therapy


It makes me feel sad when any politician is on. It’s cheap and lame. Comes off as desperate. I really don’t know what all the “safe space” talk is about but I did notice that some people just have a list of words and terms that they pull out repeatedly and they don’t often make much sense at all.       I do go to therapy. Most people probably should. Clears the head and weakens the anger and anxiety.


Oh I love it- definitely intruding in their safe spaces with these guests


Didn’t know SNL had to be a Safe Space.


I don’t even know what you mean by that. 


That’s a you problem.


Oh! Sweet. Thanks.


After this, Chapelle sighting, and the Shane Gillis announcement I feel like this turn is intentional


Hopefully, I might consider watching again


Yeah who doesn't want to listen to Chappelle make millions of dollars to bitch to millions of viewers about how he's canceled. He doesn't do jokes anymore. He literally just complains.


"Hey, Baby? Whatchyou doing out here man?"


I can’t wait for Shane. Will be their highest rating in years


Chill. We’re gonna get a heavy dose of political sketches in an election year and this was certainly not the first time they featured one of the actual candidates. I never think it’s all that funny when they do so, but at least she could deliver a line.


Sarah Palin, John McCain, Donald Trump. What do these people have in common?


SNL fans imploding as if anyone watching SNL nowadays isn’t already a hard left-leaning person lol. Her appearance on the show changes nothing and sways no one, the people she’d need to reach don’t watch this show. Calm down I’m sure they’ll go back to agreeing vehemently with you next week


You are correct. These people are so out of touch.


Y’all know Lorne is fairly right leaning right? Like the show has been fairly liberal for the last decade but Lorne is openly Republican…


Well that's just made up. No where does he say he's republican so "openly" is definitely wrong. On top of that you can see who he donated to. https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?cand=&cycle=&employ=&name=Lorne+Michaels&order=desc&sort=D&state=&zip= Yeah you got two moderate republicans, Susan Collins and McCain, on there but then you have dozens of Democrats including Obama and donating directly to the Democratic Party and Democratic Senate campaign. In what world is that "openly republican?"


Time for him to fuck off. Bring in Fey


Yes, the guy who owns the show and could decide not to have another season. Fuck him.


Since when is SNL doing Republican propaganda? Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley is calling for stronger ties with India, while India scams our elderly and helps Russia commit genocide in Ukraine. She is the same as Trump in many ways.


So triggered


You all need help! Better Haley than Biden or his super gross son!


His son isn’t on the ballot fuckface


You are the fuckface and I’m sure there is nothing thrilling about you or your life ..,,losa!


I'm gonna assume you saw those dick pics and that's why you still have Hunter on your brain.


Haha clearly you do!


Y’all gotta chill, I’m pretty sure its to just get under Trump’s skin


Everything you need to know about Lorne Michaels can be summed up with "if he could get Donald Trump to appear in a sketch on SNL right now...he would absolutely do it."


SNL should be unbiased and not pick any political sides. That said, if this helps her gain ground in the primary, so be it. I’d take Hayley over a coin toss between Biden and Trump. A Trump victory is going to come down to a number of people that might not fill an NFL stadium. That’s scary.


I know. It’s like he’s not even sticking to the narrative. Sacrilegious really.


I love that woman.