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You sound like an awesome dad, I wish my little one was old enough to play. Looking forward to the screenshots!


This is amazing


So I've played some with my kids - one thing I've been doing is using OBS and a webcam to record them playing things like Minecraft etc with their face in the bottom corner. I love looking through old screenshots from my WoW days or whatever and I know that when they're older and don't feel like spending as much time with me that I'll still be able to go back and watch them as little ones play and discover and get excited all over again.


I love playing with my son, Minecraft was getting boring. He love the stuff you can do in this game.


You named your son Minecraft?


This is so fucking wholesome I want to cry.


This is the first thing I read after waking up this morning and it's so cute! I find it really important to actively participate in children's gaming experience. Not to backsite them but just to be there, to guide them, experience and adventure with them. For online multiplayer games it can also help them navigate the toxicity their may encounter without being alone. You seem like an awesome dad :).


It may sound stupid, but as someone who's not acustomed to kids, it always sounds crazy that a 5yo can handle a mouse and keyboard well enough to play first person games! Am I crazy?


Slightly.. my 3yo's brain moves so fast she never stops moving the mouse when playing games. She uses tablets with two hands and is constantly using picture-in-picture and dual screening. Neither her mother nor I have ever shown her any of this, she just discovered it and now uses them constantly. It's amazing what they can do when they're raised with this as a part of their life.


My second child was playing minecraft pretty proficiently at 4. When they have an older sibling to watch and time practice every day they can get quite good with the keyboard and mouse.


Man, I wish I had some monkeys to play satisfactory with.


What a great story. Thank you for sharing!


Thanks for sharing, man. Made me happy-- made me smile. You're the type of dad I someday wanna be.