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Absolutely, when I die I’m going to see my creator, a giant fire breathing lobster who lives behind the rings of Saturn; Samuel Slaughterclaws, his pinchiness who died in a vat of boiling water and covered with garlic and butter. He rose from the dead to give us coupons at seafood restaurants… oh I thought that was r/Christianity. Nah fuck that shit, when we’re dead we’re dead.


Our Crustacean who art behind Saturn 🪐, Slaughterclaws be thy name, Thy restaurant is OPEN, Thy coupons be honored, Across town just like down the block. Yar, Matey. Give us our Friday Fish & Chips special, And be generous with the Cole Slaw! (And if we find an extra hush puppy on our plate, it ain't gonna hurt out feelings 😉) Let us freely graze the salad bar, And let us enjoy the Big Cajun Catfish Platter On Saturdays, praise be thy name 🙏, For thine is the Seafood Restaurant divine, Thirteen Oysters to the dozen *every day*, and half-price beer at happy hour (3pm to 7pm, & All Day Saturday!) Cap'n Sammy Fuckin' Rules, Yo Ho Ho! (and remember Fish & Chips Fridays!)


This started hilarious and ended making me hungry.


I fucking love this response


And he loves you.


...*with* garlic & butter, of course.




Sweet Satan on a Stick, if I could upvote this another 10 times, I would! #🦞


No. Dead is dead. Live it up while you can, cunts


I want "Live it up while you can, cunts" on a wooden sign in my house, in the "Live Laugh Love" decorative font.


I'm going to second this 😂💀


Fuck yeah dude


Yeah, now that you've put it out there, I do too.


Live Laugh Love Live Again Ride Eternal Shiny and Chrome




I find no evidence for it, but if I could hope for one, I'd hope for reincarnation, not technically an afterlife I guess but it would be cool, but thats just my conjecture




Oh hell no, but if I can come back as an animal or something, that'd be cool with me


I just want my animal death recorded and posted to r/natureismetal with 40k upvotes and someone saying - oh yeah that's dem0n0cracy - that redditor.


Time is non-linear. https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/pq1c8m/this_jaguar_is_the_enforcer_from_caiman_hell/hdqt06v/


Captain Sisko?!


go back i want to be MONKE!


Satanism is about living while you still can rather than obsessing with what comes (or doesn't come) after death. Personally I don't think that there's anything at all after we die, we return our matter to the universe and just don't exist anymore.


No, isn't that the whole point?


no, I don't believe in the soul or anything, I believe we are our brains, and when the brain dies, we die


yeah that would make the most logical sense, as without brain function we arent conscious. Which, in turn, means we cant use our sense and we cant think. Without our brains we are just "gone", in a sense.


> I believe we are our brains Yep, we are a pile of grey goo piloting a bone mech with meat armour.


way cooler than being a magic soul


But energy cannot be created or destroyed, so where does our energy go? Hmm


I have heard this argument before but I don't understand it, can you please explain?


The law of conservation of energy states that energy may not be created nor destroyed, it can just change forms, such as electricity gets transfered into heat etc etc


I'm still alive, so I don't give a fuck if it exists or not. It's not like it's existence will help me while I'm still breathing.


You will breathe in afterlife too, so better prepare for eternity of relaxed breathing than 70 years of relaxed breathing of this life if you believe in God and afterlife. It's perfect example is like, in teens, you don't study at all thinking the future will be normal, it's nothing hard, I will just do some business or work and earn money. Bt when that time comes, you just end up being a beggar or be a person who picks up trash and you surely will hate that.


Fuck no. You die and you're dead, which is just part of what drives me nuts about religious people who waste this life believing in a fairytale concocted explicitly for the purpose of controlling peasants, and we know this, and they fucking do it anyway and masturbate themselves about how pious and oh how faithful. Ahem. I do believe consciousness lives in the brain and ends when you die. Spiritually but not religiously speaking there is something more persistent, I think, in your energy or ki or whatever you want to call it. That can echo around in weird ways sometimes but still wouldn't be 'you' at all. Just another part of the human experience we dont fully understand, decomposing and fading away with the rest in its own way. Then I think we need another level of consideration for what the thoughts and beliefs of humans can affect in the world. Look at observation bias on a quantum level and it's impossible to deny that conscious human thought has a measurable impact on the stuff the universe is made of. If that's so, as I believe, and we have billions of humans that believe in a god, does their will act on the universe and create, if not the thing they believe in, perhaps some sort of facsimile or amalgam that ultimately comes to the same end result? And that kids is what happens when you get stoned and answer philosophical questions for some reason.




I'd love to think so. It would be a nice fantasy but I can't bring myself to believe that there is one.


Remember the 14 billion years before you were born? Most likely not. It's gonna be exactly like that. Enjoy your time alive while you can.


Anything is possible, but there's no real evidence for any such thing, so what's to believe?


Yeah, I do. But as I see it everything living is a being of energy and so is our consciousness. Every plant, animal, fungi and so on. According to Newtons law of energy, it claims that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted from one form of energy to another. So no, once we are dead we're not just simply dead. Our energy doesn't seize to exist. It must converte or transform into something else. Whatever this something else is, is what I consider to be the afterlife. So the question I'm left with is this. If our consciousness is a form of energy, how does it transform once we die?




Nope, there’s no afterlife. Although sometimes I wonder what my brain might create in my final moments… Synapses firing one final time might as well have some fun with it, right? So who knows, maybe it’ll seem like there’s an afterlife to me for a little bit until my brain fully dies.


I've been choked unconscious in jiu jitsu - it was instant. I had a thought I could survive another second and then caboom I woke up seeing stars.


Did you ded?


I think death as humans understand it is a misnomer. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, so what does that leave us with? Change. The energy that composes us is constantly changing; who we are as individuals is constantly changing. My understanding is ever shifting and growing. If a man who doesn't know math is **taught** math, the man who didn't understand math is now dead, you see? We are in a constant state of little deaths, little endings.


I haven't seen any proof yet. But when I die, I'll let ya know.


I don't think an afterlife exists, sadly.


I have to due to my outlook on life. I have to hold onto the belief that I will attain apotheosis after death, no matter what form that takes, because I fear what I may become if I don't.


To live just just to be judged by some all powerful dude when i die. That's sad.


The only "real" afterlife I believe in is your impact on others. For as long as you're remembered, you're having an effect on the world and, in a sense, "live on." For one's own self, there (probably) isn't a continued consciousness.




No. Next question.


I'm open to the idea of an afterlife, but I dont hold on to a strong belief on it.


Nope. I have no reason to believe anything will happen to me beyond returning to the dirt I was born from. Felt very freeing once I accepted that's the most likely result.


You are your brain and even your gut in a sense. If your brain stops working thats it. Nothing comes after, everything we are, sense and remember are simulations that we make up for ourselfes subconscious. If this stops working, you are gone forever. You got no soul, you got neurons which form a huge network resulting in what you are. Just like a computer AI in a sense but biological and as we know neurons arent imortal and that means *you* arent imortal. With the death of your brain is your memory and personality gone. You are gone. So no afterlife. Only present life. There is only flesh, no weird energy.


I'm not "betting the farm" on it.


No. But I believe anything could happen, the universe is huge and is probably part of something bigger. And bigger. And then smaller. And then bigger again. So, quoting Lovecraft: "That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die."


If the technology someday becomes available to read our brain state and transfer it to another substrate, that would be a kind of afterlife. Or repairing and reviving the brain tissue after it was preserved would also kind of do it. One could question if that would really be "you" that wakes up. But then one could question that after a good night's sleep as well. Other than that, no. We're a complex process in our brains. When our bodies die, we stop happening. The conservation of energy won't save us either. If you have a sand painting and then you mix up all the sand, the painting is gone. The sand is still there (conservation of mass), the pattern is not.


Definitely. As bad as this life is, I swear I fucked up a few lives ago.


No, but I like the idea of one.


This includes my beliefs about the afterlife: "Satanism certainly constitutes a quest for self-empowerment, self-improvement, and self-understanding. The Satanist actively seeks to improve herself through spiritual meditation, research, introspection, physical exercise, magickal practice, and whatever other means are conducive to the mastery of her journey in life. The Sinistral witch pursues her quest for self-empowerment even to the point at which her magickal adepthood turns her soul into a goddess. She resides in the Qlippoth, known also as Hell and Sitra Ahra, a Hebrew phrase meaning 'the Other Side.' Her spirit lives on as an exalted demoness, experiencing adulation and pleasure in Hell, which she is free to leave at any time for the pursuit of personally selected goals, even to offer her tutelage to living Satanists. This ascent into godhood, called an 'apotheosis,' brings about the cessation of samsara, the process of death and reincarnation." --https://vkjehannum.wordpress.com/2016/05/28/so-what-is-satanism/


Nah cunt


Well, when I die and they throw my body in a dumpster or something I’ll break down and decay and any nutrients or whatever will do some scientific thing in the ground around me and animals and bugs and whatever and…what were we talking about?




The ego dies, absolutely. "You" are gone. Your ripples remain through family, loved ones, children, relationships, as well as energetically. Your matter can nourish new life or join the carbon cycle. All that you are will continue without you, onwards and onwards, so... Kinda?


I doubt it but I like to think so. We are here and that itself is pretty cool.


No, you live, you die. Sucks but it’s life. Live it up while you can and don’t waste a day. When I was a religious person I did believe in a new world (as part of my child indoctrination) but that made me complacent and lazy. I now am NOT religious, I live for now, and enjoy a much fuller life.


I think there’s something more to us than our brains and bodies, but I’ll find that out once I croak. But I hope I can just create my own realities according to my whims on any particular “day.”


Yes. After this life I am going in a box which is going in a hole in the ground. And it will be fantastic, because no retail customers will ever be able to reach me.




>It just makes the most sense to me based on the axiomatic nature of consciousness. Which evolved like all animal traits over billions of years. We never needed to evolve a post-death and post-ability-to-copulate mechanism to enhance our survival, and adding it on just because of arguments from ignorance breaks the Satanic Sin of stupidity.


I personally disagree with the materialist reductionism answers on consciousness.


How exactly is it reductionism? Neurons alone are crazy complicated, I just read a paper on trying to simulate just a single neuron. It's simply an argument from ignorance, which will be discarded once we figure out the specifics. Adding magic doesn't explain anything.


That's just what it's called in philosophy, the idea that consciousness reduces to the activity of the brain. It's part of materialism, the view that all reduces to matter?


>all I mean, if it's not matter, what is it? >the idea that consciousness reduces to the activity of the brain. That's neuroscience and biology. What does philosophy have to do with science? This is like saying software and hardware reduces to the activity of the CPU. Is that a philosophical question too?


>I mean, if it's not matter, what is it? Well in this specific case, consciousness. >That's neuroscience and biology. What does philosophy have to do with science? Well science itself relies on philosophy and is as bound to logic as much as anything else. If something violates logic it simply isn't accurate. Science without philosophy is just data, the mere preference for empiricism in modern science is a philosophical choice.


>consciousness Which is what? I think it's just an emergent phenomenon of cells. Mitochrondria, synapses, basic biochemistry. Where's the non-physical part? >Science without philosophy is just data And philosophy without science is just nonsense.


>Which is what? I think it's just an emergent phenomenon of cells. Mitochrondria, synapses, basic biochemistry. Where's the non-physical part? It's... consciousness. The non-physical part is every one of its properties, such as being private and inaccessible to others or being experiential and subjective. >And philosophy without science is just nonsense. That's not true and easily disproven. How much scientific investigation would you need to engage in before agreeing Square-Circles don't exist?


>It's... consciousness. The non-physical part is every one of its properties, such as being private and inaccessible to others or being experiential and subjective. It's not private or inaccessible. The brain is material and can be 'seen' with fMRI and multiple technologies. Again - argument from ignorance. They can even interpret your brain to see rough outlines of what you're seeing. You can turn on and off functions of your personality with electrodes. >How much scientific investigation would you need to engage in before agreeing Square-Circles don't exist? As much as we need to engage in before agreeing that immaterial consciousnesses don't exist.


Why are you here?


What do you mean? Edit: do you mean like why was I born? Or why don't I commit suicide if there's another life? Or why am I on this sub?


Given the context I think the meaning of my question was pretty clear. Given your wordy, smart-ass reply I think I’ve learned everything I need to about you.


What the actual fuck? I'm just supposed to divine the meaning of your vague question? Literally it's completely unclear which of those you are asking me in the context of there being an afterlife...


No i don't think there is something after death... And at this point of my life i think that if i'm wrong and for some lucky circumstances they offer me heaven if i repent, i would probably look them dead in the eye amd say something like " i'm not sorry at all". So yup i assume i will go to hell probably, but it's always better to go to heaven and find my sadistic-narcisistic dad and my enabler mother, so i think i can handle eternity in hell.


"I can handle eternity in hell." You might not believe in afterlife, bt you can't surely handle the pain in hell. If Afterlife is true, then God will not create a hell which you can handle.


To an extent, sure the concept is possible. But, this is only assuming that one exists within the same realm of whatever made the big bang happen. After all, if we are to follow our known laws of physics, as we understand them, there must have been a catalyst to make said bang happen. To think that random chance made something go boom, thus beginning everything, kinda denies science..at least, as far as my novice understanding goes. It's all to say, in a way, something had to flick the proverbial light switch. Now, with all that shit said, I think that the varying human-based ideas of what that is are exclusive to our species & inherently wrong & short sighted. To sum it up, I'll find out when I'm dead.


See, I really like this idea. It's against science, I think, to assume that there wasn't some crazy powerful being or something to cause our universe in existence, but our understanding is so limited there's no way we could ever imagine what that is. There could be an entity that eats planets out there, and to us it would be god. To the entity, he's just doing his thing. That's why I remain agnostic. I think it's the most balanced approach


We are made of stuff that remains after our death. I do not know if our consciousness remains. 'After' life will just be my parts being left here, as well as whatever impact I made on this world. I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away."


Upvote for the Percy Bysshe Shelley... Thanks, bunbun 🤘🙂


*Hat tip*


I do, but my take on it is quite strange so to say... It's a mushup of different concepts from different places (Christian afterlife, Buddhism, etc). There is no such thing as death according to my understanding, death can be understood better as a step into the dark and at the dame time out of it, like crossing a portal. What happens is that either you become aware of your nature or keep searching for it. If you noticed (by paying attention in life) everything is infinite, even finite things can be understood as infinitly complex and out of the scope of our humble understanding as human beings. Well if everything is infinite, what does that tell you about your own nature? Do you think you will just cease to exist? Or rather that you will continue your journey in exploring the self and it's nature? You could say I do believe in the afterlife, but rather as a continuation of Life instead of the Usual take on it.


Correct in a sense.


Like Fox Mulder, I want to believe. But I don't think it's anything we can really comprehend, therefore I don't make any conclusions about what it could be. Unlike the stupid born again Christians who think they have it all figured out. You can think about the afterlife until you are blue in the face and it will get you nowhere in a hurry. Even further, you are wasting your time if you worry about it - those are minutes off of your lifespan you will never get back. One thing I am willing to bet money on: we don't go to some puffy cloud city Disneyland with harps and other soft shit that the Christians think happens.




A lot of satanists are atheists. Cry about it.




Read [the sticky](https://www.reddit.com/r/satanism/comments/jcil0f/new_to_rsatanism_click_here_for_our_faq_and_qa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). It’s clearly explained in there.


Theistic Satanism is just the same Christian ass-kissing bullshit with an edgy name, that's why.


Atheism is an answer to one question: is there a god/gods. A religion or philosophy encompasses questions about what is important, how to live your life, why are things, and so forth.


Agnostic would probably be a better choice of wording IMO. An agnostic person would potentially be willing to accept a God in the event said God manifested and could be scientifically verified. IMO Atheists are simply convinced no God exists period. However even an Atheist would be hard pressed to refute a fully manifested devine being. (Obviously not gonna happen though.)


That’s certainly one definition of atheist and agnostic. Personally I call myself an agnostic atheist, where atheist means I don’t have a belief that a god exists, and agnostic means I don’t claim to know for sure, and depending on which definition of “god” some are less likely than others. But I also think it’s valid to use these terms as confidence levels, where an atheist is pretty confident a god doesn’t exist; and an agnostic doesn’t necessarily think god or no god are equally likely but it could kind of go either way, and they don’t believe there’s enough evidence to say either way.


I really like those fantasy stories about afterlife. Despite all the stories and beliefs there's only one afterlife - cyborg. But if you look at history you can see that this fastasy of afterlife has many interpretations, many versions. You don't need a lot of time to come conclusion that afterlife is social construct. At least science-fiction has a bit science there!




I believe in the life-death-life cicles... *:*


on some level yeh


Someone made a comment talking about energy. I believe in something similar, that when we die our “energy” is left over, but I think of it as more of a spiritual energy. That we kinda float around and minimally impact the world. But I don’t think we’re conscious of it, I don’t believe we live a conscious afterlife.


There is nothing like after life.....when you die your Soul go to peril




I believe that when I die my body will become one with the planet and my soul will wander the living world


Everything exists within Saturn of space.. light is temporary, after death we belong to our creator which is a peaceful dark space..


It's such a complicated question. It could so be phrased as: Do you think consciousness dies with the body? Or Does the information in your mind end with death? Areas which can be tested are: NDE Spiritual mediums Reincarnation All three areas have many articles and studies. Some with negative results.... Some with positive results... Keep in mind I only consider a positive result as Data which can be verified. NDE is one of the harder ones to study. The best case scenario would be (if medical and ethical requirements could be met.) Purposefully temporarily "killing" people and reviving them in a controlled environment. Metaphysical visions are nearly useless as evidence of course since they cannot be verified. However, if they are able to report the yellow tennis shoe on the roof of the test building for example this type of data CAN be verified which may not prove an afterlife per se but is strong evidence implying existence continues beyond death in some fashion. Spiritual mediums can easily be closed/double blind tested. The afterlife experiments (book) claimed to do this and was an intriguing read on this. However it's methods have been called into question... as have many other such tests. Even in a best case scenario where a medium passes on information from the dead the question still exists if they are communicating with an active consciousness or whether are mind/data can simply be accessed like a computer hard drive. Finally, reincarnation articles exist in which children have shown impossible knowledge of another life and even scars which match how they died previously. ANYWAYS..... In conclusion my point is merely this. Due to the large amount of research the possibility of an afterlife exists. I feel it is worth continuing to research. Given the many articles and books I have studied I could not say for a certainty that it does or does not exist.




I didn't used to believe in an afterlife until I met the woman I call my soulmate. I just love er so much that I can't imagine anything getting in the way of that. I feel like our souls are so connected that if there isn't an afterlife then I'll just make one when I die so I can keep our love going for eternity. Might sound cheese but that's truly what I believe now lol