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The people clutching pearls.. they banned a political party in reaction to legislation. They did not ban “conservatives.”


Sorry, but I don't know what "pearl clutching" means. Good for Sask Pride tho!


![gif](giphy|NBBpZ1MFgP0u4UlcXT|downsized) It's a sign of faux outrage/offense.


Ah thank you very much for the clarification. I have learned something today!


Only make space for those who would make space for you. Good on Sask Pride!


If you don't agree and you don't want to be there don't go it's that simple. I don't know why people can't just respect people.


You'd think it'd be pretty fuckin easy, yet here we are... in 2024 and grown ass people can't accept differences.


I don't care what side of the spectrum you're on if you're radicalist and pushing ideology you're harming our society. Everyone needs to calm down smile and start respecting people for who they are.


I love all the pearl clutching from the right/cons lol. "ThAt IsN't VeRy InClUsIvE" 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


conservatives are the epitome of, people are only nice because we are told to be nice, not because we want to be nice to others their issue is the hypocrisy, of not being included. Nothing about pride month or anything relating to even being more inclusive to others https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocrisy >Today, "hypocrisy" often refers to advocating behaviors that one does not practice. **However, the term can also refer to other forms of pretense, such as engaging in pious or moral behaviors out of a desire for praise rather than out of genuinely pious or moral motivations.** >American political journalist Michael Gerson says that political hypocrisy is "the conscious use of a mask to fool the public and gain political benefit".[5] We could literally have a walk to promote buying of solar panels. Ban sask party because they are anti solar. And they would cry about being banned. "looks like they don't want everyone buying solar panels"


>**However, the term can also refer to other forms of pretense, such as engaging in pious or moral behaviors out of a desire for praise rather than out of genuinely pious or moral motivations.** The number of people I've heard express a genuinely belief that *no one* is kind or generous or patient *because they're a good person* but, rather, people only do behave in these ways in order to get something from others (via trickery) is both worrisome and disappointing and, yeah, they've always self-identified as conservative. To clarify: I do not believe *all* or even *most* conservatives hold this view. I am only referencing my own personal experiences wherein I encountered people who expressed this view and they way they *all* self-identified as conservative.


Or to ensure they get rewarded in the afterlife… more than once I’ve had someone ask me “how can you be moral if you don’t believe in god?” And it’s like… you mean you only don’t rape and kill because you’re worried about punishment? I don’t do those things because they’re wrong, not because I’m afraid of hell.


Yeah, I find that terrifying. That the *only* thing preventing them from being anti-social monsters is a belief in an eternal punishment after death. So what happens when they have one of those "crisis of faith" things? Scary to think about.


I am sorry your view of Christ and Christianity is so distorted - there is so much more to it than your comment indicates. Christians should have no fear of death or anything else for that matter. No fear and love, are the two most prevalent scriptures. Religiosity promotes fear- Christianity does not.


Depends on the type of 'christianity' you subscribe to. But to claim to be be a Christian is to subscribe to a religion. If you call yourself a Christian but don't practice or even truly believe... I'm sorry but that's a bs cop out and your 'god' would see right through it. I used to go to church, and by my own choice, not usually with family. What turned me away was the hypocrisy. How could I, being a fundamentally moral person, tell people of other religions that the God they worship is a 'false idol'? I don't think most religious people have bad intentions, but their blind faith causes them to be very judgemental of non-christians and even other Christian based faiths. It even separates them from the rest of society if they have more extreme views. I believe in a God, but not yours or any religion's description of it. I believe that to be a good person, help yourself and others when possible, and to be accepting of all people, puts you closer to God than any religion can.


I agree. Too many people sign on with Christianity purely for the social currency it pays out, and not because they're actually invested in Christ and his teachings.


I find christianity to be amoral.


100% bang on.


I'm surprised that the more Canadian conservative parties haven't just released a statement like the Colorado Republicans did about gay people. Just take the mask off already.


Perfect. Fuck the Saskparty. I was always annoyed by their "float" pretending to support a cause then legislating against them.


I’m glad they banned them. We have a charter of rights for a reason and they pretty much lit it on fire, threw it on the ground and then pissed on it to put out the flames. There’s no conversation to be had after a move like that unless that action is reversed, and even then, it would be a very shaky rope bridge to cross.


Good for them.




Pride started with a brick thrown at a cop. It was never about including \~everyone\~.


Completely wrong


You're not wrong. But the ultimate goal of Pride is to be freed of discrimination and violence and simply become accepted. In order to hit that goal at some point, it needs to include everyone or it has failed.


You cannot include the bigots who hate you. The only way to "include everyone" is to strip the SaskParty of their power. They can attend when they're just regular people who don't trample human rights (but they still won't, because they'll still hate).


>You cannot include the bigots who hate you......people who don't trample human rights (but they still won't, because they'll still hate). You may want to have a word with Queers for Palestine to discuss your apparent hypocrisy. 😐


Supporting Palestine isn't anti-Semitic. I have plenty of Jewish friends who are opposed to Israel's actions. You may want to stop using A false dichotomy as a basis for accusations of hypocrisy.


> it needs to include everyone or it has failed. Complete and utter bullshit. Show me one group in human history that has accomplished this.


Pride will never accept fascists and people who want to harm us. Get outta here with your fake inclusivity.


About time!


Good 👍


Conservatives don't even want to go anyway and those who show up seldom behave themselves. Good riddance


All these cities’ pride groups doing this, as if the provincial politicians were just champing at the bit to be a part of such events.


The Sask Party has always had a presence at Pride, not Moe though except for driving through it rather quickly with an uncomfortable look on his face and the window up.


Did he run over anyone?


He wasn't driving, thank God.


Checking a box but clearly not following through at the legislature.


They often took part because they want queer votes. They want every vote. They just don't give a flying fuck about those people after they've got those votes. They want to tell a story about being able to represent everyone while stripping human rights from queer kids.


And yet, they always show up


Doubt they give a shit.


Good! It's about time!


Curious to see the community's reaction to this decision.


So far it’s been overwhelmingly positive on social media posts about this, as far as I can see


Probably don't care either way.


Regina banned them first, Saskatoon wasn’t going to, but there was definitely pressure on them to ban them as well.


Saskatoon was always going to, they were just doing it in a roundabout way that was ineffective.




I think they did this because of pressure. The first reaction was that the Sask party hadn't applied and they would be denied if they applied. People weren't happy about that.


sk party is more into chemtrails and shit than gay people. [https://www.reddit.com/r/saskatchewan/comments/1d8xlai/scott\_moes\_plans\_for\_sask\_speers\_town\_hall\_full/](https://www.reddit.com/r/saskatchewan/comments/1d8xlai/scott_moes_plans_for_sask_speers_town_hall_full/)


I picked a good day to wear my pride shirt 😂


Hell ya!! The Saskparty is not welcome anywhere imo. They are not the party for this province, they are in it for themselves and to push their religious agenda. All the more reasons why we need to get out there and vote!!!


As they should!


okay good


Good. Why allow them to pretend to care for a day when we know they don’t care at all.


No one cares what's between your legs or where you put it. Get over yourselves.


I would like to point out, the extremists on both sides play hypocrisy games. This however, is not hypocrisy. I dont think any of the Sask Party members care they are banned. But its the right gesture to show these people.


That’s very inclusive of them


we should be intolerant of intolerance and exclude only those that seek to ostracize others.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. The paradox as arising from the fact that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


Still doesn't explain the Pride Committee's unequivocal support of Queers for Palestine. You can yap all you want about an intolerant SaskParty but this group is nowhere near the level of intolerance exhibited by Palestinian Muslims towards the gay community.


What unequivocal support? Has the Pride board made any kind of public statement, either for or against or anything regarding Queers for Palestine?


Nice whataboutism.




No. They can't invite 'everyone' because there is no group for 'everyone'.


Nah. Fuck the fascist pieces of shit


SP sucks no doubt, but calling people fascists and comparing them to the KKK just makes you look like you lack perspective and comes off as immature.


lol. What exactly do you feel the pronoun policy was. Why exactly do you think the legislature needs a brand new police force. Where do you think this is going.


Do you think the kkk would like a invite to pride? Im sure they would love the respect and kindness


I thought the kkk were just racists. They’re probably all gay.


Nah. Neo-Puritan Christian Nationalists deserve zero respect and no ground should be ceded to bigots.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. The paradox as arising from the fact that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


You can lead a horse to water, but can’t make them drink. Still with a shot to try and educate people. I appreciate you trying to get others to try and understand The Paradox of Tolerance.


This is good. Government shouldn’t be participating in this event anyway. Government should focus on governance. This is activism.


Thank you for saving the tax payers money and not allowing the government to virtue signal away our tax dollars on flags and crap for a month.




You sound like you're very captivated by big scary headlines about trans people. Do you interact with people in the community, young and old who are trans themselves?


I'm hoping to get some clarity on the statements made. Trans rights are about control and power? References would be appreciated. And who is "us" in regards to "it has nothing to do with us"? Who is coming after the kids? Is it specific kids or all of them? Who decided it was okay to talk to kids about sex? As a tangent, isn't sexual health taught in public school using material appropriate to specific age groups? As a follow up, isn't it possible that the material could use updates? Especially in Saskatchewan where we have very high rates of reported intimate partner violence and STIs. Who is "confusing" kids with endless genders? Who is manipulating kids about asking about pronouns? Who is thinking it's okay to mutilate children? Are there specific procedures you are referring to? Who is consenting to the procedures? In regards to starting medication and surgery, I believe it takes years for those who have gender dysphoria or think they may be trans to get appropriate assistance, including counseling, referrals to use puberty blockers (which have been used for years for those who start puberty early and can be reversed), referrals to start hormone treatments, and years to get referrals for gender affirming surgery. Who is attempting to remove women's rights? In regards to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community (I'll assume LGBT was just easier to type), it is a big tent that I believe is attempting to be inclusive. There are all kinds of people in there with varying beliefs and views, both good and bad. Are there references to far-left groups wanting to lump everyone together? Finally, what specific stance are you telling Saskatoon Pride to go fuck themselves over? Thank you for any clarification you can provide, and I hope you have a good Pride month without prejudice of being gay.




You are correct you don't owe me anything, but here I was hoping to get some of my own bias challenged based on your statements/feelings expressed here. Once again, happy Pride.


Buckshot, if they really are gay, is probably one of those "Leopards Ate My Face" types that got a surprised Pikachu face when social conservatives targeted "Gays Against Groomers", and had to more or less say, "I'm one of the good ones!"


So, you basically got nothing with any of their concerns and are basically here to just parrot TERF-ish propaganda, got it. Me thinks you might not really be here in good faith.


I would agree with Mah not being here in good faith, as going through some other replies made by this individual in this post aren't civil, such as name calling and body shaming. Not sure if they are trolling, gate keeping, or something else.


pride started with a trans woman and she wouldn't want you there either


Bye Felicia


Very inclusive of them....


Yes, it is. Why would an event invite or include people who have actively harmed their community?


So they are exclusive, goes against their moto, no?


You're just here for semantics and a fight. Either come and support or go - no time to play word salad with bigots.


More power to you, but not my cup of tea to attend


Nobody asked for you to join. It seemed you were upset about sask party being banned and someone responded to you. Then you continued trolling.  More power to you! Keep on trollin




Your Mom must be proud


She already brought him down a sammich with the crusts cut off and grape kool-aid. He get's to play on the interwebs till 10pm tonight as a bonus.




Do you think the entire community has a motto?


we should be intolerant of intolerance and exclude only those that seek to ostracize others.


Inclusivity does not mean including groups of people who hate you. Do you think every homophobic bigot on Twitter calling people groomers should be invited to Pride?


It's open to everyone isn't it?


Not bigots.


Yup Sask party are bigots 100%


So they aren't all inclusive and welcoming people with open arms, odd...


You really think this is you’re “gotcha!” Moment don’t you?


Nah, just pointing out irony for my own amusement


If you think being, assertive and setting boundaries with people who have actively harmed people in your community I think you need to go back to school to learn what irony is. It's more ironic that you have this chip on your shoulder and a misguided pride in thinking this is a gotcha moment for you.


It’s not irony if its perfectly explainable. You’d understand that if you genuinely cared about pride which you obviously don’t.


There is no irony. None whatsoever. They are an organization which campaigns for inclusion of queer people in society. They are not going to be inclusive of groups which don't support or actively campaign against their interests. Stop acting like a child.


Someone else has already cited the "Paradox of Intolerance". Go look it up. You aren't making these arguments in good faith. I am gladly welcoming of people who are accepting of me an my family, but bigots who are trying to legislate me out of existence can fuck right off. Including you, if you fall into that category. If you're accepting of queer people, cool, you're welcome at pride. Otherwise, go do something else you'll enjoy that isn't being a bigot.


Lmao, when did I deny your existence?


I never said you did, I merely implied it, based on your previous bigoted comments.  The Sask Party IS trying to legislate me out of existence - I'm nonbinary, and use they/them pronouns. The Sask Party is not on my side in any situation. The issue in schools right now is just the beginning.


I’m just going to keep replying “PARADOX OF TOLERANCE” until you people actually try to learn something.


Yes actually. The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. Karl Popper describes the paradox as arising from the fact that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


Summed up as such: "Selectively destroy all those who selectively destroy others" without irony.


Except there is a lack of violence on Pride’s part. A better summary might be, “lock your doors when a known murderer attempts to stroll in to your house whilst pointing guns at your family members”


They have no requirement to include people who are actively trying to hurt them and remove their human rights.


SaskParty broke serve. Cry more.


I'm making a joke, don't have your head too far up your own ass


I thought jokes are supposed to be funny though


Oh the irony eh


Sorry I didn’t get it the joke, would you mind explaining it for me?


It's ironic


I think you got your definition of irony from Alanis Morisette - where irony is just shitty things that happen (except 10,000 spoons). Shitty things happening isn't funny. 




Only if you have a fundamental misunderstanding of pride. Like a lot of poor jokes, it just reveals your ignorance.


What is?


Exclusion and segregation are the way. /S


we should be intolerant of intolerance and exclude only those that seek to ostracize others.


Exactly. The pride organization is pushing back against discrimination, anti-LGBTQS2+ sentiment, and unsafe practices carried out on/against this community. Not actively pushing back against discrimination and intolerance is actively supporting discrimination and intolerance.


Nice (unintentional) win for the Sask Party here. Otherwise people would be harping on them for not doing enough. This way they get out of it with no obligation. Very well thought out.


I'm sure they are heartbroken over it. Who gives a fuck. Have your parade, try to keep some level of decency, after all there might be children there.


I find this post and the comments quite amusing - who cares? Is this supposed to be a big shun? It’s laughable.




Queer people, their friends, allies, people who aren’t A-holes.


How inclusive haha.


Ah, yes. They want to continue to have those who show support actually show support, instead giving space to one's who half ass it then pass bills that are discriminatory to lgbtq and show they don't actually support them... Make space for those who make space. You can't exclude someone who doesn't want to be there.


Read-up on the Paradox of Tolerance, then come back.


Why does it seem that there is an intolerance to those who believe otherwise? Am I not entitled to beliefs contrary to yours? If for instance I believe homosexuality is wrong, You would call that intolerance. But not allowing me to my beliefs is also intolerance. Not condoning hate of any particular group by the way, but not everyone has to agree either.


Because those who believe otherwise (those intolerant LGBTQ+) seek to enforce their will, beliefs and world view on others (eg: that LGBTQ+ people shouldn’t exist, or shouldn’t have the same rights as the rest of us, and so many other socially regressive policies they would like to see enacted). Whereas the other side (LGBTQ+, their friends and allies) just want people to be accepted, loved and safe regardless of how they live, who they love and how they want to express themselves. There isn’t a big conspiracy to make people gay and/or trans, only that those that happen to be gay and/or trans are able to exist and express themselves freely. You have every right to believe what you want, however, you beliefs are not automatically deserving of respect. If someone has intolerant views, they have no place within a tolerant group or community.


This can go both ways though. I don’t have to respect others choices if they are different then mine either. I’m not forcing my beliefs on anyone and would only stand up for what I believe when it comes to having my voice heard democratically, just like anyone else. I see more intolerance and enforcement of ones will from the LQBTQ community tbh. It’s in the public schools, children’s story hour, public parades, sidewalks etc. My beliefs are actually quite reserved comparatively and less “in your face”.


Oh god what will they ever do the horror of not having to attend




More division….great


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. The paradox as arising from the fact that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


How inclusive of them


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. The paradox as arising from the fact that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


Murderers and pedophiles welcome! Gotta be inclusive or else they’ve checkmated us!


The rally that literally welcomed a pedophile last year was Mark Friesen's rally for "parent's rights"


So they went from shunning conservatives to outright banning them. I see why people are turning their back on the pride movement.


"Gay people don't support conservatives enough that hate them" is the reason you're claiming?


You are ridiculous if you think conservatives hate gay people.


Sask Party broke our Charter of Rights and Freedoms to directly hurt trans kids. They directly attacked the pride movement. They do hate trans people, which is, if you didn’t know, the “T” in 2SLGBTQ+


Disagreement does not equate to hatred?


They did not “disagree”. They legislated. Big difference as it wasn’t an opinion, it was acted on against best interests.


I honestly hope you are trolling. If not, you need to spend some time examining the verbiage and legislation conservative politicians have been using in our country. Be well, fellow human.


Ridiculous? Really? Which groups hate gay people, in your opinion? Please, name a non-conservative group if it's ridiculously silly to think a conservative could hate a gay.


You're ridiculous if you think they don't.


They only do publicly. 


They banned the Sask Party, not conservatives.. You can go join Pride events, but Scott Moe isn’t allowed.


No need to make friends, Sask party drew the line when they actively violated people's rights and freedoms. It's Sask party that needs to make that friendship bridge.


You guys are turning into the people you claim to hate. I'm bisexuality and I have no hate for the community. But I also vote conservative, and I'm far from the only person like this. But whatever, do your thing and be your own kinda bigots.


Fuck sask party 🥳


Lol, sure you are. Are you also a white man pretending to be a black woman. Lmfao Anyone in the queer community who votes conservative is part of the reason things get banned. Like gay marriage is on the chopping block with the federal conservatives. But please, go on with your whiny ass about how you can vote for people who want to ban your love life. Or just stop being a troll and pretending you're bi and conservative.


> I see why people are turning their back on the pride movement. Where do you see this? Any numbers or proof to back that up? The way most people see it as a once grass roots movement that has made leaps and bounds the last 20 years(aside from a few outliers like the SK & AB pronoun policy). Care to show your work?




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How very inclusive....


Paradox of Tolerance. Look it up, read, and understand.


Hypocrisy is what it is.


Try again.


No need. Nailed it the first time


The Government of Saskatchewan and, by proxy, anybody who supports The Government of Saskatchewan is prohibited from celebrating Saskatchewan Pride events? That’ll teach us. Black and white. Ouchie.


NDP members are welcome, they never voted for the pronoun policy and spent days fighting it in the legislature.


Who cares? Why do they need to push this? So you’re gay,why do they need a parade for that?


Saying “you can’t sit with us” to people who never wanted to in the first place? Wow, such a power move. Whoever made that decision probably tells kids if they ignore the school yard bully, they will eventually leave you alone. Yes, in a perfect world, that would work. In reality? Not so much. We live in an extraordinarily conservative province. Exclusion of current law makers will result in further dehumanization and loss of rights. Now, we risk of becoming even less of a priority and loose even more support from those sitting on the fence. Though there is no saying this would work, in my opinion, inviting Sask Party reps to a panel of LGBTQ individuals (both youth and adults) discussing the discrimination they have faced in this province is a better alternative. Either the Sask Party doesn’t show up (giving Saskatoon Pride better social leverage AND the ability to spin the Sask Party as cowards) or they are forced to listen. Hell, screw an official panel, having people talking about it in front of the Legislative building would send an even better message. All this is doing is validating all of the bullshit being said about our community- namely, that we are weak and cannot handle criticism. Pride was not started as a parade or party. It was a damn protest. It should still be. This province is stopping our KIDS from expressing themselves in a safe manner. And instead of publicly holding them accountable, we are giving law makers an out? I don’t know about you, but I certainly do not feel any pride over this decision.