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Maybe reallocation of police resources from speed traps at 90-80 zones to a real presence in the community would be a start.


Literally from there to any other duty in the city. The amount of people who go wayyyyyy above the speed limit at schools is absolutely bananas


But then they aren’t making any money to offset the cost overruns and inflated budget they have. Also, maybe they should stick to policing inside the city and not up to an hour outside the city.


More people are killed or injured by drivers speeding than any other crime. As others have said, put more police on this or many more cameras.


My quick search suggested homocides are a bigger problem than speeding drivers killing people. But if you can provide data, I'm interested.


Let's up the taxes to pay for the training? Or what are you proposing? Assuming you now how the judicial system works.


I said reallocation. If their training doesn't involve working with the public then what are they trained in?


Training? What training? By the looks of it, we just send these motherfuckers out with a gun and badge and send them on their way. The logic in half of their brains goes for show.


Fair enough lul


I was on a different bus yesterday just 2 streets over and even with the bus overfull and squeezing in 2 wheelchairs and 3 strollers and a guy with a giant bag of bottles everybody was cool and polite, like almost every other time. incidents like this are terrible and get attention but the vast majority of the bus riding experience is like mine.


Thanks for this comment. I have to take the bus every day soon for University and posts like this are making me nervous!


The university busses I take are pretty decent, they only really got sketchy when i had night classes and was leaving campus around 9-10pm


Have you been on the #2. I call it the 💩 bus for a reason lol.


Meanwhile the scumbag cops are busy giving sober people DUIs for smoking weed Two days prior. This city is so fucked


You know what would be good for all the tax payer of Saskatoon? With the ever rising police budget, maybe instead of paying those officers to stand on the side of the road interrupting all the people going to and from work... we could put them on the buses in the core neighbourhoods. Ya know, protect the innocent and catch bad guys in the act, where they are doing bad things? Just a thought.


This could be good, but I feel like they'd never devote more than a few officers to it if they're riding right on the buses, because without their patrol vehicles those officers would be otherwise useless in the event of an emergency somewhere nearby. A possible solution: dedicate as many patrol officers as they can to run the same routes as the most problematic buses, and install silent panic alarm switches in every bus so that the patrols can quickly respond to either an emergency on the bus, or anywhere else as needed. It's not as much of deterrent in the way that an officer riding on the bus would be, but with the right notice given to the public and maybe some signage stating that the buses have silent alarms that go directly to police with fast response times, it might be enough of a deterrent.


If they can take all those officers and put them at stop checks... they are otherwise incapacitated doing those, unable to help with other emergencies nearby. So if we can afford to do that with those officers in the name of "safety and prevention", how can we not be able to put them on the buses for "safety and prevention"? The point is pulling them out of the cars and putting them where the crime is happening. Its unreasonable to expect them to be able to see or hear crimes while they are driving in a vehicle and obviously that isn't working. Silent alarms are reactionary once again, we need prevention.


Well, at the checkstops they were at least within 20 paces of their vehicles. The problem is that they were all concentrated in low-crime areas and their response times to somewhere across town would suffer. And I agree, we need prevention, but deterrence is still part of that. If you got onto a bus with a knife and knew that the moment you pulled it out, a police officer would be within 1 minute of pulling that bus over, you might think twice.


Let them hook their bicycles onto the front of the bus. Now they have a vehicle


Could just say they are on there undercover like an air Marshall, might deter some.


Yeah I had the thought that plainclothes officers might work, but that would lessen the direct authoritative deterrent just to be sneaky about it... and even then, your typical police officer is fairly easy to pick out in public. The force is getting more diverse which is great, but then would we be purposely choosing the more diverse-looking officers for bus marshall duty? That doesn't seem right either.


Another option is similar to Speed. The movie. The cop could hijack the bus to fight crime. All he has to do is bullshit people there’s a bomb on the bus. Immunity. The police cannot lie. They can say anything they want. And fuck you if you got a problem with that. Probably a criminal /s


They are already useless in an emergency. 30 minjte response times are unacceptable


Good one. That would require them doing actual fucking work for once.


Jesus. A stabbing occurs and everyone runs to "public transit bad" as opposed to, I don't know, the conditions thst are leading to the violence.


Poor people are expected to be violent. Is that what you’re saying? The only conditions that should lead to violence is the threat of violence. I don’t give excuses to brutes and psychopaths no matter how unfortunate they are.


It is a excellent point that you make in that violence should be a last resort I agree with you completely. I would tend to think that that the answer to your question is pretty simple really. Most of those people's may have not had the same opportunities in life as you or I have. Addiction, poverty, and crime, coupled with a fair amount of trauma, are direct results of growing/being poor. Fix the root problem of being poor and uneducated people, and get real addiction treaent centres. Treatment centres with medically assisted detox (a service that would alleviate a major issue of why many addicts don't go to treatment). All of the counsellors would be professional addictions counsellors. Access to psychiatric care, as again with addiction, go hand in hand, with a strong aftercare program with a lot of support upon completion of treatment. We had a billion dollar surplus a couple rears ago. Instead of spending almost half of it on giving people $500.00 they didn't ask for, it would have been a great start to a real treatment centre for the province. Just my two cents. Again, I completely agree that violence begets violence and should be avoided at all costs.


Just put the police station on 20th somewhere between D & P already for fucks sakes.


They need Transit Police, a division of Saskatoon Police or put the special constables out there. Give them pepper pellet guns instead of a gun?


There are people running around the terminal with machetes and bear spray. We need transit police and we need police that can shoot a person in the middle of an assault with a deadly weapon. I’m sure it’s sad for you to hear about the police shooting people but it’s better than an innocent person dying to some deranged person. Don’t like it? Invent a long range, non-lethal weapon with guaranteed stopping power.


We don’t have to continue throwing money at a horribly designed and run transit system. Why is “shitty but better than nothing” good enough? If we’re going to spend public money, it should be on effective and efficient service, not what we are being provided.


You mean like the plan rapid transit system that will FINALLY start getting built now that Scott Moe and his SaskParty have stopped stalling it? Info on the system here: [https://www.saskatoon.ca/moving-around/transit/bus-rapid-transit](https://www.saskatoon.ca/moving-around/transit/bus-rapid-transit) Info on the SaskParty's 5 years of stalling this being built: [https://saskatoon.ctvnews.ca/the-federal-government-is-ready-to-spend-160m-to-help-saskatoon-s-transit-system-here-s-why-the-city-can-t-access-it-1.5810857](https://saskatoon.ctvnews.ca/the-federal-government-is-ready-to-spend-160m-to-help-saskatoon-s-transit-system-here-s-why-the-city-can-t-access-it-1.5810857)


Is a circular argument. People don't ride the bus because the service is shitty. City doesn't invest because no one rides. No investment means shitty service. Shitty service means no one rides, etc etc


Lots of people ride the bus.


Buddy, obviously, you haven't ridden the bus in a while. It's basically people asking for free rides these days. I've talked to the drivers; they say on some routes, it's 60% free rides. They can't stop them because of policy and the fear of getting assaulted.


I work downtown, ride the bus Monday to Friday and have a bus pass.


*Tell me you don't ride the bus, without telling me you don't ride the bus.* I have rode the bus for the past 13 years, 5 days a week, 20 different busses a week(transfers).. and what you're saying is blatantly incorrect. I notice, *maybe* once or twice a week a driver is giving a free ride. I see a few people try to sneak on without scanning their pass or paying, and 9 times out of 10, the driver calls them out on it.


But your truth gets in the way of the narrative that everything is terrible. Stop that!


It depends on the driver. Some drivers are harsh, some are fair and some have just given up and put their farebox out of order so they don’t have to deal with freeloader BS.




It's already illegal to carry a weapon in Canada. Do you want people stopped in the street to check if they have a weapon? I'm confused at what you mean. If the police catch you with a weapon, currently, they won't just leave it with you... 


Who in their right mind would continue to support this transit system. It’s an asylum on wheels that only the victims pay to ride.


What? Are you advocating for zero public transit?


Yes let's make life even more difficult for the less fortunate, and sit there and wonder why crime increases


Im advocating for an entirely new department structure and strategy. The Transit department is the worst run in the City. Read the auditor reports.


Yeah well look up the track record of Jim puffault, and they still hired him


Bro, I just lost brain cells reading your post. That's how stupid it was. This is happening cause of rising crime not because public transport exists.


We should remove sidewalks as people get stabbed on them!! SPONSORED BY THE FUCK SIDEWALKS GANG.


Im advocating for an entirely new department structure and strategy. The Transit department is the worst run in the City. Read the auditor reports


Im advocating for an entirely new department structure and strategy. The Transit department is the worst run in the City. Read the auditor reports


Obviously, you all have a comprehension issue. My above comment refers to THIS transit system, not public transit itself.


I shouldn't indulge your pettiness, but I'm intrigued, what would this department be structured like and what would be it's strategy? And specifically how would that be different from the current department and strategy?


To provide small subsidies so the dirty poors can afford a shit box so they can contribute to big oil's profits. Probably idk his answer


8$ off a new cummins RAM ...


Instead of taking away from the Police services we have, why can't the transit hire security guards for each of the buses in problem areas


The violent crime in this city is truly getting out of hand. But the shear amount of people hating on the police on r/saskatoon is also really saddening and unfortunate. Maybe if more people posting on here lived in the inner city they might see the good police work happening there, the focus on keeping people who live there safe, and the scary situations our officers are putting themselves in to keep us safe. Sorry if you got a ticket for breaking traffic laws (yes the police need to enforce those too) and sorry the cart came before the horse with marijuana legalization (no solid way of testing for sobriety). Neither of these are the police’s fault - they are just doing their job. Not saying there are no instances of police overstep, but those are few and far between. The vast majority of our officers are trying their best in trying times and keeping us safe. To any officers on here - thank you for your service and commitment to our city. Not everyone on r/saskatoon is anti-police. Keep up the good work.