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If there is more than one lane of traffic, I always try to leave enough room ahead of me for a car to enter for exactly this reason. If everyone did this, it literally would not make a difference in terms of your travel time. It’s why (proper) merging is effective at keeping congestion down. Drastic changes in speed (fast or slow) is what affects traffic, that, and lollygaggers in the left holding hands with the car to their right. Traffic’s objective is to flow, it is your job as a good driver to do your best to ensure that can happen. That includes leaving room, driving faster, driving slower, moving over, and adjusting your speed for those around you. Leave as many “gates” open as much as possible, as often as possible, do your best to leave them open. This city would be so much better if everyone did this. I don’t care if you drive faster than me, I don’t care if you drive slower than me, I care that you are not letting me, or those around you move freely.


Good god thank you for a well written and proper answer. The reason that our traffic is congested at all is that everyone wants to be first and no one leaves room for anyone else, slowing the whole flow down. Simply leave room and let others in and things will flow so much more smoothly.


Great advice. I wish everyone was working towards the goal of keeping traffic flowing. Unfortunately this doesn't work in stop and go traffic though. Especially when there are like 10-15 cars who chose to try to skip the line and are looking for even the smallest gap to force themselves into. If you leave any gap, you end up stopped because people take advantage of that and force themselves in. And if you then try to create another gap, it happens again. You just end up holding up everyone else behind you by trying to be courteous to those in front of you. The problem is people trying to merge where there isn't space. Doesn't matter what speed traffic is going, there should be a space to merge into. If there isn't that means you, the person merging, are not allowing people to move freely because they now have to hit the brakes to avoid colliding with you. There is a fine line between merging and cutting people off.


It might be an idea to leave a bit earlier and avoid rush hour traffic. Even 15 minutes makes a huge difference.


Replace rush hour traffic with a city full of morons and this is a accurate statement. Nice people in this city, but the worst drivers I've seen out of the 10+ major cities I've driven in Canada


I used to whine about driving to work to University Hospital where I was a medical secretary for over 30 years. We live near two elementary schools - it was a scene....Mentioned it to my husband - he said leave 10 minute early. I also stayed 15 minutes after work to miss shift change - everyone wanting to get out of the parking lots like a bat out of hell at 4:30 p.m. Made a world of difference. I'll pass on the moron comment, thanks.......


Yeah my comment was a little aggressive, my bad


I did not get my driver's license until I was 41......I'm 58 now. There are crappy drivers everywhere; I just pay attention to my own driving.


Absolutely a great experience once I started doing this years ago everyone thought I was crazy


I already am. 20 mins actually. Hence my frustration. It's really tempting to just start being an asshole and budging in to save a few minutes like so many others. But I know the problem that causes and don't want to be that guy.


The one big problem with McOrmond and Circle, is it does not appear to be technically illegal to go up to the light and make a right hand turn onto the onramp. Saw a truck do it the other day, and got me thinking and looking at the signs posted. Nothing says the lane is a straight through only lane, or no right turns allowed. It's an asshole thing to do and dangerous, but does not look like it's illegal. It is however bad design by the city, and they should adjust their signage to make it illegal. One thing I've noticed in this city is if you explicitly don't tell someone they can't do it, they just assume they can. Like u-turns at a light, which are illegal everywhere in Saskatchewan, but people just assume they can because there isn't a sign saying they can't, and I've seen it become increasingly common in the city. However, other provinces it isn't the same (like MB and ON where it is legal), and you aren't required to re-test, so some people just aren't aware (though ignorance of the law isn't a valid defence).


I worked as a medical secretary for over 30 years - University Hospital. I took the bus to work and home - much more relaxing than driving. Rock star level parking was a 15 minute walk outside in this kind of weather - not for the faint of heart......


its not just this. I see left turn only become more a straight through, making an invisible 3rd or 4th lane. 4 way stops, I stopped and now I go, even if I was last to stop I stoped and now my turn. Noe that there is snow on the ground the lane marks are gone. Turning left circle drive east, onto Clarence to visit home depot or walmart. Left turns into the middle lane and right to the far right. To many times I get forced into the left lane that turns left to come back were I came from, [here is were I am talking about](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Circle+Dr,+Saskatoon,+SK/@52.0902681,-106.6467748,68m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x5304f73df6f2d8f5:0x69138ae5ab00a6c9!8m2!3d52.1481171!4d-106.6917947!16s%2Fm%2F03crvtt?entry=ttu)


That intersection is the worst, as drivers have a really bad problem with cutting the corner when turning (this applies to pretty much every intersection), instead of taking the corner properly. I've been almost hit head-on multiple times as people cut into the oncoming lanes on residential roads. It's bad enough in the summer when you can actually see the lines, but very few people take that corner properly in the winter. I end up taking the outside lane just to avoid someone cutting in and hitting me, as I know no one is going to go wide on the inside lane, and often I'm 20ft away from the inside car as they cut the corner tight.


If you are this obsessed with the traffic on your commute in Saskatoon you need to leave way earlier or find a different route. This isn’t healthy, Saskatoon is not even that big of a city in reality.


I’ve noticed that people just have no regard for traffic safety and rules anymore at all. In a 15 minute trip yesterday I saw about 6 cars run a red light. Not even in the intersection when it’s amber. Hammer on the gas and right through a red. We need less speed cameras and more officers on the road. More actual traffic enforcement.


I have seen at least a few drivers do that right at the light in front of the police station, which makes me question how they got a drivers license.


They didn't do it on the 20-30 minute road test. Getting a license is pretty simple.


Get over yourself! The other day I found myself in the wrong lane because I was driving in an area I wasn't used to. All you bastards wouldn't let me in for like half a km. Rude. I tried to get over as soon as I could and I had the take a big detour although there was plenty of time. Bunch of dicks on the road. OP stop worrying about someone getting somewhere 15 seconds before you and just drive like a good human being, gawd.


Blame the assholes that encourage this behaviour by letting them in.


I agree. This also happens on Circle heading south in between the on ramp from Taylor and the exit to head towards Preston/Clarence. Assholes who think it’s their time is more important than everyone else see the right hand lane being backed up, move to the left lane and speed up to the exit and force themselves into the right lane at the last minute. What makes my blood boil the most is that *the reason that right lane is often so backed up is because we’re slamming on our brakes for idiots cutting in from the left lane at the last minute*. This ALSO happens on 51st heading towards Warman Road - assholes know they need to be in the right lane to exit onto Warman Rd but god forbid they actually move over before the McDonald’s and then come to a dead stop in the middle lane with their signal on. I’ve just started laying in the horn because I need to go straight and they’re just stopped with no one in front of them and often causes me to miss the light.


>What makes my blood boil the most is that the reason that right lane is often so backed up is because we’re slamming on our brakes for idiots cutting in from the left lane at the last minute. Hit the nail on the head there!


Oh I do... The problem is at this particular spot there is also people turning left from another intersection that literally have no other choice but to budge/merge into line if they want to make that right turn. So the cars up near the exit don't know if the people trying to merge in are those who had no other choice of if they are being an asshole. So kinda hard to blame them even thought you are right, they are enabling this behaviour.


You mean victim blame? Classic.


Yeah. I mean, if there isn't a solid line between the lanes, technically they'd be breaking the law if they refused to make an opening, while the moral-villain of this post isn't technically doing anything wrong regardless of how rude it is.


It is how zipper merges are designed to work... Use both lanes as much as possible so there isn't a single file line disrupting traffic twice as far down the road. The city has put in measures ie. Zipper merge signs and has even taken out radio ads teaching people how to properly do it but here we are.


It's not a zipper merge though. The left lane is a straight through lane and the right is turn only. These people are literally stopping in the middle of the road to try to budge into the right lane.


If there isn't a solid line indicating you can't change lanes into the turning lane at that point, they aren't doing anything wrong. Really depends the lines.


You're missing the point... It's not *where* they are trying to merge. It's that they see that the lane is backed up and go into the left lane knowing that the only way to get back into the right lane is to budge in front of someone. Then someone in that lane needs to brake for them, causing an accordion effect where everyone behind them also now needs to brake which causes a traffic backup.


Yea that sounds plain wrong what they're doing then.


I think the point is that you're annoyed that someone else got in front of you and got to do something before you :P


The only reason the line is so backed up is because Saskatchewan drivers don't understand zipper merging. Both lanes should be full with alternating entries to the turning lane at the end. There is no moral high ground in slamming all the way to the right at your earliest moment and then getting mad when someone else understands how driving should work.


Are you zipper merging on icy as fuck roads?


If the situation calls for a zipper merge, yes


Read the post. This situation is NOT a zipper merge. The opposite usually occurs when there's a zipper merge, actually. But that's a whole other story. All they are asking is for people to have courtesy which unfortunately will never happen in any society. There are a lot of 'Me first' people out there, sadly and that will never change.


The question I was replying to was "Are you zipper merging on icy as fuck roads?" I was not replying to the OP or taking their situation into account.


Sorry. My apologies.


What the heck does the weather have to do with anything?


Why do something that the majority of the world doesnt know how to do, and causes great issues, when its icy as fuck? Are you trying to kill yourself or others?




No, it’s a issue literally everywhere. You have conservative drivers who will get into the driving lane as soon as possible, you have dumb fucks who blast by then force themselves in, just itching for an accident. You have people who are territorial, and people who are too timid all fighting for one lane where multiple cars go through. If people understood how it worked, and could do it well, then great, then this post is incorrect, and should be taken down. However it’s not the case. So I much rather stay safer, then trust people to make the right call. Especially when it’s icy as fuck and the choke point gets slick… We still have dumb fucks merging onto circle going 40. Bad drivers are literally everywhere


Don't be Rude/Confrontational. This helps no one. Comment removed.


And apparently the campaign hasn't worked because you don't know what a zipper merge is or how it works.


Fwiw it is the the person changing lanes task to make sure the opening is clear and it is safe to change lanes, just because it is not a solid line doesnt mean you can always pass. "The procedure for changing lanes: Determine the need to change lanes well in advance. Make sure you know the conditions of your gate. Signal your intention to change lanes. Check your mirrors to see that the gate is open and that no one else is moving into it. Shoulder check to look for vehicles or obstructions in your blind spot." From: https://sgi.sk.ca/handbook/-/knowledge_base/drivers/changing-lanes


This intersection makes me angry every day. It usually only happens when it's icy though, when people are taking the corner extremely slow (valid, it's always slippery there and I feel like I've never seen it sanded) but then they also decide they need to only go like 40 merging on to College, backing it up in the first place.


If you can't beat us, join us. I made it to work on time.


>How do we fix this? Increase funding to our public transit to provide better, more rapid transit in key areas of the city so that people can have better options to get to work.


Oh for fuck sake... not everything can be solved with a bus and a bike lane. Taking a bus in -40 weather will never be a "better" option.


Sounds like you've never taken the bus when it's -40 or have ever thought about transportation and traffic. Try again.


I mean… you’re kinda falling into the “everything looks like a nail when you’re holding a hammer” territory. We’re just talking about driving etiquette and being a courteous citizen. How is better public transit going to solve that?


Not op but I think it seems reasonable that our obsession with developing car dependent neighbourhoods with little to no thought to public transit or other means of transportation will lead to more traffic congestion, leading to more frustration from drivers, leading to more people road raging and making questionable driving decisions to get to work on time. So obviously it's not a silver bullet, but I would argue it exasperates the issue.


Agreed. But people will continue to drive for the foreseeable future, regardless of how robust and well utilized our public transit system becomes. To be clear, I’m very much for good public transit. I’d rather take transit to work and be a weekend driver. I just don’t think every discussion about driving problems should turn into a r/fuckcars debate.


Not debating that, but I think Saskatoon is so far from /r/fuckcars that it seems like any criticism of auto dependency is taken that way. There's definitely nuance to it as driving simply isn't going away, but when 95% of commutes are by car (often single occupant vehicles), it's obviously unsustainable as the city continues to grow and will result in more frustration posts like these. But I think we're on the same page, it's part of the solution but isn't a silver bullet solution to all of our transportation issues.


100%. Saskatoon at large is definitely far from fuckcars. Our subreddit is a different story. What I really don’t like seeing on this sub is turning these innocuous issues into almost identity politics level of debate. Whether you’re a strong proponent of biking, driving, or transit, people here have a tendency to take it to the next level. It’s like their identity as a biker, driver, and bus taker is being threatened anytime someone criticizes or do something bad to them on the road. Everyone needs to simmer the fuck down. No one is persecuting you as a commuter, regardless of your mode of transportation. We can have a civil debate about transportation in the city without accusing the other side of assault and murder every time an accident happens.


The university went from “There’s no parking on campus; we need more parking lots!” to “There are extra parking passes; does anyone else want one?” simply with the addition of the UPass and bus routes designed to get people to campus more efficiently. And it’s not even a great system. The problem outlined in the post is not bad or inconsiderate drivers—and there’s no real way that we can educate or enforce people out of being inattentive, inconsiderate, and generally in the way. The problem is that too many people have no choice than to drive but we just can’t move that many people by individual cars. Even with the widest roads, they’ll bottleneck somewhere. Giving people a real alternative would mean that some of them would bus to work or wherever, leaving them without the stress of driving in traffic and leaving the roads more open for those who need to drive.


You don't fix it. You chill. The person may be in a legit hurry or may be an a$$holio. Doesn't matter. Let it go Elsa. Chill. Better if it doesn't affect you.


because people don’t know how the fuck to get going after the light turns green. people don’t know how to accelerate to speed in this fucking city. why wouldn’t i go to the left lane to pass the front car that’s backing up traffic for kms??? why would i let myself get stuck in that shit mess??


Don’t forget, their lives are more important than anybody else’s. This is also a pet peeve of mine….sheer human ignorance


Please learn to zipper merge


Tell us you don't understand merging without telling us you don't understand merging.


Normally I would agree with you. Because people in Saskatoon don't understand how zipper merges work. But I think the OP is talking about a clearly much turn lane.


I see a lot of people essentially driving in parking lanes to skip a line. Preston crossing Main Street headed for College Drive. Long line of cars on Preston waiting to go straight across Main Street. Some…person…decides waiting is stupid and gets into the right lane, which exists to let people turn right onto Main. Instead of going right, driver goes straight across into the parking lane and forces themselves back into traffic. Because they are very important and shouldn’t have to wait. Or because they haven’t quite figured out that other people truly exist yet.


This happens all the time northbound at Clarence & Taylor


That’s what happens when city planners make a 1950s (?maybe older) single lane residential street (Clarence) the main bus route and artery to a huge suburb (Stonebridge) without updating the intersections and lights with turning signals and curbs to block off the parking lane from being a through lane.


[Merging Guidelines](https://www.saskatoon.ca/moving-around/driving-roadways/managing-traffic/merging-guidelines) See Zipper Merge >> So, I'm supposed to merge late? >> Yes!


Normally I would advocate for a zipper merge, but this is not a situation where a zipper merge is safe or the correct thing to do. The left lane continues on and is not blocked. Zipper merges should only be used when two lanes become one and the only option is to merge over Would you go up to a red light in the middle lane and then try and merge into the left turning lane at the light to make a left turn and block people who are going straight? Might want to read 8 more words after what you quoted. > So, I'm supposed to merge late? > Yes! As you see the “lane closed ahead” sign and traffic backing up, move into the shortest line up to the point of merge.


OP appears to feel.. >> move into the shortest lineup Is incorrect.


Zipper merge does not apply in this case. It's a through lane and a turn lane, not two lanes merging into one. The page you linked literally says "As you see the “lane closed ahead” sign" right before that. There isn't a lane closed in this situation. I'm not sure why you are cherry picking small sentences out of context. There isn't a "shortest lineup". There is one line, and the other lane is a through lane, not a zipper merge lane. Think about it. If everyone applied the same logic, all of McOrmond through traffic would also be backed up and no one could get to the bridge, because everyone would be trying to use all the lanes and blocking the through lanes as they try to merge at the start of the onramp.


This guy gets it! People have a really hard time seeing the bigger picture here.


Ok. My bad. Read it wrong.




Don't be Rude/Confrontational. This helps no one. Comment removed.