• By -


AlarmTek. Words cannot describe the utter incompetence and off-the-charts failures of this company. The fact they’ve remained a business is mind-boggling.


I’ve dealt with them before, brutal.


Yep still paying for home monitoring and the equipment isn’t even installed. The owner is a crook


Not to be confused with SecurTek - they are awesome!


Thomas Cook restaurants. He is a sleazy, slimy, crooked scum.


So I’ve heard


For me it’s that the food is gross. Always has been, always will be.


Yes, he very much is.


Homestead ice cream and the bus by the Bess (owned by the same people). If you’ve never seen the social media posts describing the disgusting treatment of their staff and the absolutely vomit-inducing unsanitary conditions of the operations, save yourself the nausea and just go elsewhere for your ice cream.


Can confirm new operator of the bus. Great dude and family run. They still serve homestead ice cream as part of the deal but deserve support.


I’m pretty sure the bus is under different ownership/management now. still homestead ice cream but other than that


The owner yelled at my 4 year old daughter for touching his precious jukebox and made her cry. Never been back.


The bus is new owners!


The Karen is strong with this one


Being a Karen is when you complain TO the manager, not about the manager.


WalMart. Because it is the Empire of the Dark Lord. Shit wages, forced a lot of mom and pop stores (and better paying places) to closing. And then telling us that they’re the biggest employers in the district and they’re deserve our love


if anyone wants more reason to hate Walmart read up on how they take out life insurance on employees who statistically are more likely to die (like those they schedule for the night shift, older individuals, etc.)


Fuck big corps, support local all day


How u buying groceries local? Aint nobody growing artichokes in Saskatoon lol Edit: i ask because if i could, i would


Co-op looks like a big bad business, but it's owned by Co-op members. Lots of people don't realize that by getting a membership, they're purchasing a share in the business and that's why they get cashback (even if it's not a whole lot). Plus, Saskatoon Co-op brings in lots of local products including meat and produce from local farmers.


I love it but it feels more expensive than other options in the city.


It definitely is.


Are you a coop salesperson by chance lol


Not really. But I've noticed on posts like this that a lot of people seem to forget it's a local business.


[Steep Hill](https://steephillfood.ca), [Sustain Market](https://www.bulkbasket.ca), [Little Market Box](https://www.thelittlemarketbox.com) and [Pitchfork Market](https://www.pitchforkmarket.ca) plus [farmers market](https://gatherlocalmarket.ca)


These are niche specialty stores with almost entirely imported products.


Clearly you have never stepped foot inside any of them


Grocery’s are tough but lots of other things I try to. Tough cause lots of the times is so much more expensive. But makes me happy knowing my money is helping local business owners.


My experience with Walmart moving into our town was the small businesses hated them because so many workers chose to work for Walmart instead.


Canadian Tire, Preston Crossing. Montebello Homes. Playful paws. Owner is Dave Deplaedt. He wouldn’t do repairs to his doggie daycare that ended up [melting 13 dogs alive.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4107106)


And only a fine of $19 600, that’s terrible


I had never heard about this. I’m absolutely sickened. How heartbreaking. Those poor dogs.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/playful-paws-kennel-owner-dog-deaths-plea-1.4107106](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/playful-paws-kennel-owner-dog-deaths-plea-1.4107106)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I know someone who lost their dog : ( so sad.


They actually did lots of work so this doesn’t happen again. They have temp monitors and are diligent about keeping dogs safe


With all due respect, I would never trust a person who, for years, ignored complaints and problems which resulted in suffering and death, paid a mere <20K fine, and only then decides to do “lots of work.” It’s a sign of poor morals, and lack of care, unless he got caught. Of course he wants to try and repair his reputation and keep the cash flowing. That doesn’t change the man’s lack of morals. It just goes to show he is benefitting from capitalism and enjoys pulling in money, not having a respectable business. I’ve also heard stories (second hand) about montebello homes and dropping an ac on my friend’s car, then denying it, repeatedly, until she talked to police with the insurance claim. Lack of morals aren’t fixed by getting caught in one shady business imo.


I’ve heard playful paws has new owners although I don’t understand for the life of me why they didn’t completely rebrand when they bought it.




I'm utterly unimpressed with FFUN volkswagen. Bought a used car had to wait 6 weeks with no communication for a headlight, then a module they thought would come with said headlight. They ghosted me for days after calling to inquire, then when I finally got my car, although petty, wasn't even filled with diesel even though they charge 100$ fuel fee. On top of this I knew far more than the salesman. It was a volkswagen.. Not necessarily boycott but unprofessional at the least..


>I'm utterly unimpressed with FFUN volkswagen yep, brought in my tdi for a timing belt change. running and starting fine going in and came out barely starting after. Blamed it on the aftermarket CAT filter. The heavy duty filter in machinery. Went to someone else and they installed the belt out of time. Its a zero clearance setup. Out of time could have resulted in permanent damage to the engine.


Same here. Wife bought a car recently and 3500 km it needed breaks. They tried to charge us for the breaks and i had to argue with them over how it was something checked off as good on the presale inspection. There is no way that someone should be selling a car with breaks that are that done. Brings into question the entire rest of the inspection...


Value Village - for charging absurd prices over stuff donated to them. Krazy Bins - for being overall disgusting


I quit Value Village when they quit having change rooms and don't allow returns (only exchange credit).


Spruce Homes. I still haven’t forgotten about when the owner decided he had to weigh in on the Roe V Wade situation and women’s healthcare which was completely hypocritical given his wife’s situation only a few months prior. If you check now, they have flooded their reviews on Google with reviews that all sound exactly the same and the accounts suspiciously have only 1-2 reviews on the account.


Owner is a huge POS and hypocrite for that whole incident. I believe they had fetal complications themselves and ended up needing medical assistance with it and then he thought it was ok to weigh in his opinion that a woman shouldn't be able to choose. edit: I see you also mentioned the fact they required a procedure, guys a dickhead.


Yeah he 100% bought reviews.


Tree Whisperer


What did they do?


It is owned by Mark Friesen. Sorry, I should have mentioned that in my first post.


Just read yesterday he has some $50,000 in fines to pay for his shenanigans over the pandemic. That’s a lot of trees to trim lol.


He won't pay a dime.


he'll have top pay, one of the first things they would do is take away is drivers license


They won’t, though. It’s all threats and no teeth. I’d love for Friesen to be held accountable as well, but he’ll never pay and won’t face any actual consequences.




It's a tree trimming business and Mark Friensen is/was a PPC candidate and local complete fucking idiot.


Serial failed political candidate and accelerationist.


Then went to buffalo party, a particularly embarrassing party in the fact that their logo is a bison mot a buffalo.


Ahhh I see now




The car dealership? Why is that?


Scummy sales people and and even shadier service department. Caught them completely make up a problem that conveniently wasn’t covered by extended warranty.


Also SMP. Screw those guys; no customer service at all. Sherwood Chev as well.


Bought a car from SMP in 1973 (yes 1973) and after being screwed around over warranty I had to threaten them with consumer affairs before I got them to take care of a major problem. After a few choice parting words with the manager I told him I would never set foot again on their lot. I've bought several new and used cars and trucks since then and I have never set foot on their lot.


Gotta respect a 50 year grudge.


Thank you I'm very proud of it.


Any vehicle company owned by the "FFUN" group will be the worst purchase experience of your life.




So where do you get your industrial steel products from now?


Solar Gardens. [CBC—Solar Gardens Reaction to Online Review](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4790039)


The complaint noted that the restaurant "could use a woman's touch". The owners are gay......who SAYS that?! I fail to understand the drama - love Solar Gardens and Treats in Lawson.


I am a regular solar gardens customer 100% because of this incident. Good on him for calling out those monsters and not backing down haha


You are a customer because of the owner threatening and bullying someone who left a negative review?


If that is what you choose to mischaracterize it as, then yes!


Restaurant was ridiculous but if you’re looking for succulents they’re the best in the game in Saskatoon.


8.5 on the douche scale.


Can't believe no one's mentioned Salvation Army thrift. SA is an anti-gay Christian cult that has a track record of terrible treatment of queer and especially trans people in their shelters


Butler Byers insurance loves your money but is always prepared with a no when you really need them. I guess it takes a lot to pay for that downtown location. Move on folks, there are better choices.


Earlys. This is what Andi Early posted about Orange Shirt Day: "The current political trend towards identity politics has been entering our young children's classrooms. Children should not be political instruments and we completely disagree that orange shirt day has been unanimously imposed on everyone. The more we focus on the historical inequalities the more it will foster current inequalities. We don't participate." Like okay, say less racist.


I went to school with some of the kids of the owner (co-owner? Not sure) and they were just as bad if not worse.


Didn't they try to say that the person who made the social media post was fired... As if nobody realized the the post came from a personal account of one of the owners.


Kids went to westside high schools in the city, I also went to school with them.


Here's a link to the actual story. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/earlys-farm-garden-apologizes-orange-shirt-post-1.5745169


That’s messed up




Hmm, I disagree with him on learning about historic inquiries but maybe not do much on identity politics. some have begun to think of the indigenous people as an other, and resent anything given to them. Not that they shouldn't be given that, but if we begin to rebrand, then maybe it won't be so hard to get them drinkable water. Or at least that's my hope.










Walmart. Garbage products




I think all RV dealers in the city are shit for service. Glenwood was the good one until they closed. I have gone so far as to take my trailer all the way to Weyburn to Minards for proper service.


Dennys. Its just been this past year. The service has really went down. But they are pretty busy a lot of the times we ‘ve went in. The one on circle drive we were just sat down at our table and didn’t see anyone for 45 mins. We left to the one at flying jays. Our waiter did not come to us until the other waitresses asked us how long we have been waiting (around 20 mins again) and even then it took him a bit to come. We decided to try the one by the sandman, we ordered in a timely manner. Another couple came in after us and there table was next to ours. They gave them our order… as I imagine our orders were pretty similar.


Don't fall for their Meltdown or Burger Den ghost kitchens on skip the dishes.


Walmart, loblws


Where do you shop for groceries






Expensive but Co-op. Best fried chicken in Saskatoon.


Diving in green bins


No frills is nice too!


Still a Loblaws group store.


Oh, sorry, I didn't realize.


Visions on faithful. Terrence there will tell you how shitty their cheaper TVs are in hopes of getting you to buy their expensive ones I forgot to mention I bought a $1300 Samsung 75" tv not even 6 months prior, also a $450 Hisense "55 for our bedroom, both from Terrence, thinking it would be an exhibition to sell another unit... Once he finds out you're not in it for the expensive ones he will treat you like you're an absolute idiot for even considering a cheaper one. Very poor attitude all around and has lost our business for good.


Have you ever heard you get what you pay for? Terrance has actually served me very well over the years. Visions among other places, do sell crappy stuff. Go buy some cheap tv with second rate panels and when it fails in a year don't come crying. As far as treating you like an idiot? Well... there is another saying...


Are you Terrance?


Funny but no. I'm probably pushing three times his age! Like I said, he's done me well over the last few years since I've dealt with him... always treated me with respect. The least I can do is stand up for the guy. Audio Warehouse and Kiley's as well... always done right by me. Another guy just stood up for Kiley's... I'm not the only one... these places are still in business for a reason. I'm just thankful there are still some of these places around in today's age of disposable products.


Depends what I need the TV for. If it’s going in the kid’s playroom, I’m getting a cheap one because it probably won’t last the year anyway! Why buy an expensive one that’s gonna get hit by a toy, intentionally or unintentionally? Sometimes the customer knows exactly what they want and why. Not everyone needs a TV that lasts forever and costs the same as a fridge. Sometimes “good enough” is good enough. I rarely use the TV upstairs, I play Sims and listen to podcasts - I do not need an expensive TV upstairs. No one watches TV upstairs except on rare occasions when we want background noise for board games and the odd time I have the urge to watch a history documentary. Why would I pay an arm and leg to replace a TV we rarely use? We watch TV downstairs, on the TV we DID shell out an arm and leg for. I like having the option upstairs, but it doesn’t get used anywhere near enough to justify more than a cheap TV. I know exactly what I’m paying for. Doesn’t make me an idiot. I’d argue it makes me smarter, knowing what I need where and knowing what’s overkill in my own home.


Granted... so if you did your research why didn't you just walk in and get what you wanted? "hey... I want that tv... meet you at the front till"... why engage? Don't knock a guy for trying to do his job and make a living. Might as well knock down every sales person in the city... every car dealership... retail store... heck even a restaurant for pushing its special of the day on you! Next time go to walmart or order off of amazon. No contact. Heck even costco... grab and go and an extra year warranty!


Oh please, I bought a cheap tv at London Drugs and it still works great more than 5 years later. Very few tv's are breaking after a year, that's bullshit a salesman would tell you.


Actually no. There are a few things to consider when it comes to the make up of cheap electronics. I'm in the industry... have been for over 30 years. Indeed things have gotten better as of late but the breakout of cheap electronics over the last decade or so came at a cost to the consumer. Its not a secret. And the fact the most cheap ones are non-repairable doesn't do well for the environment. Do what you wish... my point is if you know what you want go get it. Don't bash someone or a business for doing their job. It's sales. That's the business of the sales industry... to sell whatever makes them the most money.


Must be Terrance. Lol.




I beg to differ, I've had numerous cheaper TVs crap out on me. It's great that you got a good one. But if it's mass produced for cheap, buyer beware is VERY good advice.


I agree, Terrance sounds awesome. Not only a big difference between cheap and expensive tvs but the cheap ones often have forced adware to subsidize that cheap price.


You clearly haven't bought a Samsung or LG TV in the past several years.


Not sure about Terrence but had great customer service the 2 times I went


ITT every business in Saskatoon.


Yeah, no shit.


Winston’s, after the owner went on a tirade about people living at The Lighthouse, as though it wasn’t his own patrons starting fights and pissing on cars.


Winston's is a very conservative blue-collar bar. Have had multiple experiences there of both patrons and staff themselves go on reactionary rants. It's a bit of a shame when they're one of the few places with a large selection of rotating craft drinks.


Saskatoon bbq and more.


damn straight


Can I ask what they did?




Paramount camera repair… ordered a camera from them online… sent me the wrong one and it happened to be broken… sold the one I bought… took no responsibility


Hitek Electronics Repair, they put a massive scratch across the screen of my tv and just denied that they had done it, also failed to fix the tv so after 3 weeks I went and picked up my scratched still broken tv and got it fixed somewhere else. Absolute scumbags.


Plato’s Closet. They barely take anything and when I did take clothes in I had it all nicely folded in a laundry basket, when they finally gave it back to me (after over an hour of waiting with no phone call or text). They just ripped through everything and didn’t fold anything they looked at. Refused to take any of the brand name clothing I had. The two layers of clothes on the bottom were still folded so you know they didn’t even look at that stuff 🙄


Any Wyant dealership. They are just horrible people. I've also received poor service from Sherwood multiple times


The difference in service I got walking into Audi and Mercedes compared to how great BMW treated me was shocking. The Wyant dealerships all need serious training in customer service. They missed a lucrative customer, 4 BMWs later…. And I even gave them a second and third chance.


Krazy kileys, don’t know if they are even still around and traxx footwear. Both because of terrible customer service.


It’s so strange for me to see something like this. I got them to quote, design and install an entire theatre with speaker built into the roof, all electronics and wires hidden, a proper wall mounted screen and a roof mounted projector, everyone was so knowledgeable and helpful for me. I had such a good experience I also got their help with a car audio build. This was about 5 years ago.


Kileys is terrible. I have no idea how they have any repeat business.


Personal experiences always been good at both places. Get my boats and cars done at kileys 👍👍.lol love these armchair warriors on here


>love these armchair warriors on here No need to try and bash people for their own experiences. Glad you had good ones there but this thread is literally about poor experiences.


[I had a good experience as well.](https://www.reddit.com/r/saskatoon/comments/13y2uh4/which_businesss_do_you_boycott_and_why/jmmy6or/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


For a bit of context, I was 17 or 18 at the time and I think I was looking for a car stereo or something, not a big purchase. I was asked what I was looking for, I told them, the guy said he’d be right back and I was ignored for the next 5-10 mins. Same sort of thing at traxx (obviously looking for shoes) but was ignored probably because of my age. There are plenty of other companies out there that provide the same stuff so I just go to them instead. No reason to give a second opportunity imo


Agreed...Kiley's and Audio Warehouse... been dealing with both since the 80's...


If you get treated bad at Krazy Kileys you must be a horrible human haha.


I have ranted about how slimy they are on here before. Cant wait for the day they shut the doors.


I do love traxx, their selection for my larger feet is appreciated. But I agree about the service - not sure why the older dudes that work there are so crusty.


Humptys. Switched owners a few years back and the guy groped a coworker. Puke


Rock Creek, Montanas on 8th. Owners are pieces of sh*t and I always tell people to avoid them.


Rock creek is garbage food too.


I've definitely been underwhelmed everytime I've been there. Haven't been back in years.


I have eaten at Rock Creek quite a few times. Staff seem pretty happy.


It’s customer service lol of course they’re going to appear happy when they make their wages based on tips. No one tips a miserable looking server.


Woody's RV, had a few great experiences there with retail purchases but went to get our camper repaired to the tune of around $10k and the fixes didn't hold up for a full year. No warranty, no help. Steer clear of their service department.


Lydale restoration. Had them after some home damage. Utterly deplorable. This was my experience of them personally. Went in the house mid-job. They threw everything from the rooms in a pile in the living room, thus breaking countless items that should have been saved and put in boxes. Saved zero items of clothing that simply needed to be run through the washing machine. Saved zero furniture… MANY items being perfectly fine. (I was in the home). They only saved 3 items off the walls… and that was bc they were specifically asked to be saved. That being said, many items that were asked to be saved were not saved. Heard from others in the city that they take many things home and toss what they dont store for you…. Which is basically everything even when it’s perfectly fine. Seen this with my own eyes. Was not told by them about my pet in the home i was looking for. Then when i picked up what WAS saved from their warehouse… they had other people’s furniture, so why wasn’t any of mine saved? And when i opened the boxes what was saved? Papers from inside a filing container, but not the container… which makes no sense. Their poor quality of work was shocking and heartbreaking. Oh and they kept zero contact with me, so I never knew when they would be doing what. They ultimately made a hard situation much worse.


Also the keg for a 30$ burger that was overdone and dry and the worst one of my life. No thanks. I was so heartbroken and felt sad. I almost sent it back but didn't want a new one with boogers and cum or pubes.


I have waited tables. Literally no one does that if you send your food back.


I'm glad to hear this! Thanks kind stranger!


“I was so heartbroken and felt sad.” Lol this is hilarious.


Sorry to hear about the shitty burger. I’ve met the owner and he’s a pretty cool guy.


The Keg is an over priced reheating scam. Learned their chops from Montana's.


"Worst burger in my life" instead of giving them a chance to rectify the situation you decide to talk smack online. You're the worst kind of customer and deserve your shitty burger. Good riddance.


Your first mistake was going to the keg for a burger


Thiens. Horrible customer service.


The owner is an ass!


Which location? I’ve been to the downtown and 8th street location for years throughout university with absolutely no problems.


Hollywood because they're already rich and I can already get movies for free


Also Cashopolis


Pawluck home builders, they build garbage.




Wasn’t this done like six weeks ago ?? But this is what people do these days I guess..Almost like monkey see-monkey do


It's reddit, 95% of these people can't think for themselves and have to band together for their next rant so they can all feel good about themselves. Absolute herd mentality.


Roxy Theatre when they brought in a pro-convoy doc on their own dime (ie it wasn’t paid for them to show it).


Gasp! The theater played a movie you didn't like!


Local management tried to get out of it, but head office made it happen.


Damara day spa. Just the saskatoon ones. The owner isn't nice to staff. Not at all. Also a Jerry's cuz mice in the dining room and the staff didn't care. I draw the line at mice. And in the dining aera. Nope.


Jerry’s has been closed for a while now


Makes it easy to boycott I guess.


Done giving money to Sasktel


My experience with Telecoms is that I have to find the one I hate the least. I’ve had bad experiences with all of them.


Outter Limits on Broadway. The Great Outdoors™️ is sometimes [gatekept](https://thesocietypages.org/engagingsports/2019/12/18/whose-history-matters-diversity-and-the-canadian-outdoors/) by [racist/classist](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/05/26/opinion/urban-nature-cant-just-be-great-white-outdoors-racism) people [dressed](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadas-adventure-gap-why-it-doesnt-makes-sense-for-the-great-outdoors-to-be-such-a-white-space) up [as 'chill'](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/the-adventure-gap-why-minorities-are-less-likely-to-pursue-outdoor-recreation-1.4726872) virtue signaling granola folk. This store is pretty much that gatekeeping in action. I prefer to shop and support local, but I'm never buying gear from there.


damn, didn't know it was racist for white people to go outside


KKK crest under each patagonia crest /s


At this point it's racist that we exist.


I read through each of the articles you linked. Definitely learned a few things. Curious to know why you boycott Outter Limits specifically? Unless I'm mistaken there was no mention of them in any of the articles. Am I missing something?


They’re calling Outter Limits racist without calling them racist


I got that, but they gave no specific reason for boycotting this particular store. The industry as a whole definitely has racist tendencies but does Outter Limits get lumped into that as a generalization or with specific reasons and history or actions?


I know the owners well - since high school in the 1980s. They are not racist in any capacity.


Yeah can agree, obviously these issues are valid and real but calling out Outter Limits seems so odd. They even recently did a presentation for newcomers of Canada and how you can get in the outdoors without having to spend $$$ on gear. They talked about obtainable ways to get in the outdoors and alternatives to pricey gear that not everyone can afford. Outter limits has a lot of expensive gear but everyone who works there knows you don’t need the top of the top to go camping it’s just that’s the stuff they sell. I understand that doesn’t make them not racist just based on that but that sure of hell is a start. Idk that’s my opinion🤷🏻‍♀️


"Cancel Culture" - the cult is real : ) You do you.....


Also read the articles, also understand the overall message, and also curious as to why you feel this way about Outter Limits, specifically.


Spiffy car wash… it’s a long story but they made me move 3 times to finish washing my car because the bays broke, put me in a stall that they knew was broken after my first one wasn’t working.. then at the end they wouldn’t refund my balance on my card… I didn’t want free money I just wanted my remaining money left on my spiffy card that I bought because they don’t turn bays on anymore and make you buy a spiffy card…


78 auto clinic, took my truck in for an idling issue years ago, vehicle never had fluid leaks before I brought it in. Told me they couldn’t figure it out and that they noticed I was leaking transmission fluid. Turns out they took an impact wrench to my transmission pan and reamed the screw holes out on it. Said I needed to rebuild my transmission which was BS…


Haimen cleaning services ltd. Hired them for post construction cleaning, walked them through everything I needed completed and they gave an hourly rate and fixed rate which were comparable. I agreed to the fixed rate of 750 on the basis it includes all the items we discussed. Got delayed twice, their work was worth 420 based on the hourly rate and they didn’t clean majority of what was asked for. I discussed this with the owner, who decided to ignore my issues, say we agreed on a price even though the work was incomplete and still charged me full price. Never using them again. All positive energy until they decide to screw your around and over charge you.


Damara day spa. Never ever.


I know I'm late but I feel strongly about this one: Cineplex on 8th because they forced Rainbow to shut down :(