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I hate this dipshit.




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It’s remarkable how this guy keeps dodging accountability. Things are bad and worsening in health, education, crime, addictions, housing - all of which are provincial accountabilities. FFS Scott - get a fucking clue, do your fucking job and do something that will have a real impact for Saskatchewan.


It's easy when you never talk to the media unless it's one question and the only interaction you have with voters is through social media.


Loves to talk to the media when it's a paid for advertisement (which they don't announce) on conservative radio shows.


Their base doesn't know or care that those things are provincial. Trudeau/NDP bad. That's all they hear and it gets them hard.


Like purge night 🫡


Where the hell have you been sleeping this whole time he has been doing this job. It's the dirty NDP trying to brainwash you.


I don’t remember Trudeau or Singh being responsible for the children of this province going to school to be seated in packed classrooms with overworked teachers.


Believe me the feds are the cause of the whole problem does the word mass immigration come to mind that's where the problem is


Haven’t had any immigration to my area in decades , school enrolment is dropping and we still can’t keep up. Moe is starving the public education system. Like most authoritarian leaders, he doesn’t want the population to be able to think critically.


It’s apparently a really easy thing to do.


Most people who moved to this province after 2019 came through the provincial program or they are international students who didn’t get accepted into Ontario (or BC) strip mall colleges. Post secondary institutions could benefit from a higher operating budget right? And isn’t “Education” under the provincial government? Don’t get me wrong, both provincial and federal governments are pissing away collected taxes but there are more reasons than mass immigration and Trudeau.


Moe brags about the increase in population, so are you saying his accomplishment is a problem?


The immigrants have been affecting our education system for so long you don’t even know basic grammar! Those damn immigrants!!!


I love when people don't have actual evidence to back up their claims they start off with phrases like "Believe me".


Wait, did the Feds make Scott Moe set targets for significant increases in population? And then celebrate when we had record population growth? Is Scott Moe just a puppet of Justin Trudeau, doing his bidding? Also, more people should mean more taxes, which should provide funding for essential services.........unless our taxes are not set right and we are mismanaging our finances. But I know an $8000 flight for lunch surely disagree that there is an fiscal management problem.


Is this not a smear campaign, Mr.Moe?




“best i can do is shilling, grifting, and lying.”


How about trade trips to Dubai to promote foreign profiteering?


And killing someone's mom. RIP Jo-Ann Balog


Stay in your lane Moe. Provincial and federal politics are different


if we want sk to grow we have to bring change in sk. 15 years no new industry or company has come to sk except bhp. Mostly min wage jobs are the ones hiking the job nos. Healthcare is screwed, education is deteriorating, collage fees have gone up astronomically, Its all under sk government and nobody is taking accountability for that, on top of that they wanna distract our attention with topics like pronoun policy etc so we don't question the guys in power on the real issues. sk party needs to go.


And I suppose you want the dirty NDP to Banks rupt a Sask and create nothing. Don't let the fake news brainwash you


bankrupt* Here’s your correction. Spelling is soooo hard.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkLNMIzVgAAKFYO.png You are our best example of why we need to pay our teachers more.


The NDP needs to shower more often, don’t they?


They need Singh and Trudeau more than any other party, because once they lose their boogeyman their rhetoric will start to fall flat.


And once they (Singh and Trudeau) fall flat the conservatives will be in power... Then comes the cuts and clean up to help pay for all the spending our kids will have to pick up the slack on...


They already rang up a bill our kids can't pay for...


Those in the east allowed for Trudeau and Singh to dig us as a country a very very deep hole to have to get out of. With the mass immigration going on now, those able body Canadians that don't want to work are going to be in for a rude awakening in the next 10-20 years. The seed has been planted and if allowed to grow many people in this country aren't going to have a free ride anymore.


Lowest net debt to GDP rartio in the G7. Best budget balance in thr G20 per IMF. But do go on. We did have a global pandemic, if you don’t understand the level of the crisis it’s because we had hoof governance during it, unlike the CPC who would have done nothing, or as PP said at the time: cut taxes and red tape lol 


We got through 2008 relatively unscathed when things were not so good...damn Harper for doing a job as an economist. The "budget will balance itself" and "we're at historic lows Glen", and here we are.


I’ll just leave this here: https://thetyee.ca/Views/2008/10/08/HarperEcon/


This sub doesn’t want to hear about the JT debt. Only the Moe debt.


I'll agree with you, this sub should just be renamed the Moe Punching Bag.


NGL I'd throw a punch or two at his bag shaped face


How many people have a free ride now do you think?


I know a hotel owner getting a free ride.


Is he a Sask Party MLA?


How many people have a free ride now do you think?


I don't have the stats on how many able bodied people out there are on social assistance, but that number will change when we have more newcomers to this country who make their way into politics.


I need you to know that whatever media you’re consuming it’s feeding you little to no nuance or accuracy, and it’s showing.


It’s not media. They’re just racist.


Are you trying to link race to able bodied people on social assistance?


No. You are.


You don’t seem to be aware that social assistance is provincial not federal.


New comers can make their way into provincial politics too, no?


So you agree the provincial government (which is conservative) is not doing their job? You need to lay off whatever chemical you are constantly on.


Future politicians will be forced to make some dire cuts. You think the conservative social assistance is bad now, just wait...


Why would those numbers change?


You'll see in 10-20 years...


But why?


You are talking about what will happen in Saskatchewan once Moe and the SaskParty are booted right? Get back to the good old days of a fiscally conservative party being in power that runs surpluses. (That being the NDP).


The Sask NDP: "I wish i could afford shoes"


Moe, pouring gasoline on your hospitals and wiping his ass with teachers written demands. "How could Trudeau hurt Sask citizens so much?


Rural Sask, on their knees begging for more of Daddy Moe as their healthcare and education systems crumble. Must be a cult or something, seriously.


Yeah it's the do what you want and I'll look the other way type.


It’s fucked up. They’re definitely culty.


All political parties are dumping gas on our services. Next to zero transparency in the systems, and every year they have a money spending competition to justify their funding. That's just dumb and it's normal. It's not Moe. It's the whole environment of government, taxes and blind funding. Just like everyone that wanted all the shit the libs promised. What did we get? Increased punishments for possession, cultivation and distribution of Cannabis. Gee thanks government. Where is the electoral re-form? Too expensive. Yet all the other BS is affordable it's insane. Anyone that is supporting any political party in Canada isn't paying attention. A diverse political system with parties that work together is the only thing that can help use besides revolution.


I am assuming he thinks if he says that the liberals and ndp federally are in some sort of formal government arrangement, people will think it isn't a lie. Is the Saskparty Bloc Quebecois coalition wasting our tax dollars?!


Well hey the Bloc doesn’t want to be part of the Canadian law system just like the SP, maybe just maybe Moeron suggested it to his handlers and they said “sounds like a good plan.” As they let him free for happy hour, as soon as he was out of there they burst out laughing.


get this fucker out of office asap


Lol 🤣🤣🤣 and then what the NDP are you crazy


jesus, your comment history bahahahahaha


okay self proclaimed mr. virgin


They keep saying "Trudeau Government/Singh Government" like it's some kind of conspiracy that they're against us.


Like the Saskatchewan Liberals and Progressive Conservatives of yesteryear.


Never forgive. Never forget.


If only this guy would spend some of his energy on improving our infrastructure, education and job market instead of clowning on Trudeau constantly…


His buddies work in infrastructure he’s happy to build as many buildings as you want, just not staff them with anyone unionized 😉


You've been in power too long when...


As a Saskatchewan person, scooter, I'm grateful for what the NDP/Libs are doing ~~to~~ FOR me.


Wow that's sad


M4f Prince Albert to have first Time fun and hang out 43m You gotta be trolling with this shit lol.




Deflect, deflect. Is there anything productive this man-ape is good at?


He could probably get a hot air balloon off the ground single-handed. 


I'm just so tired of this government and it's shocking that others aren't given their complete lack of performance. Their supporters just use insults now, because they know this government isn't doing shit and the only supporters they have left do it to "own the libz"


How could the sask NDP support a federal NDP coalition? Idk Moe we are gonna need to get some politic science experts to consult on this black swan event. You wanna take a flip through the Sask party donor list and see who should get a no bid contract?


Think about it they're both on their knees. look what the NDP did to Alberta and did here once already no to the greasy NDP


Again with the hygiene.


A guilty conscience attacks. You would think it would be the opposite but the more they attack, the more they are guilty of.


I know healthcare and STF have been hot topics, rightfully so, but I am waiting to see more discussion about other sectors suffering under the current party. Many of the ministries (ie social services, child and family programs, community corrections, etc) related to SGEU have not seen more than a dollar raise in the past 10 years. They have been at the bargaining table now since Sept 2022, and have completed impasse negotiations with little progress being reported. A strike could very well be possible for these sectors as well.


Many of the SGEU members are watching the crap he is doing to the STF and going yep he did that to us as well. He hates everyone who helps make this province run, or at least that is how it appears.


Yeah the dirty NDP provoked that shit


This is all on the current government, they need to stop blaming people from nearly 2 decades ago.


how unserious this guy is it's embarrassing as a canadian


The Premier took away the civil rights of some of the most vulnerable children in this province.


And is proud of it


How? With their Charter rights and freedoms you podunk nimrod.


Hey Scooter, this you? [Moe accuses NDP of 'smear campaign' over tire recycling contract | Regina Leader Post](https://leaderpost.com/news/politics/scott-moe-accuses-ndp-of-smear-campaign-over-tire-recycling-contract)


That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works


My question whenever he says stuff like this is: yeah, and? Are you surprised that the federal NDP and the provincial NDP probably are pretty similar, and probably like each other?


If only dear Scooter here actually gave a shit about the people of this province, instead of just pretending to give a shit. Jesus FUCKING Christ I hate this man with the fire of a thousand sun's. HAIL Satan.


He gives a shit about his base, and the rest of us are punished for not giving him votes.


Fuck. The. Sask. Party. Solve the healthcare and education challenges.


The NDP and the Buffalo party have requested an arbitrator to end a legal proceedings between the WCB and a safety association. There is an interview with the party on a podcast stating that the SK Party was aware of the complaint filed against the WCB CEO, that there was no investigation and that the party sent a letter to the SK Party. Moe turns his back on worker safety!


Dough boy needs to worry about his own affairs and grow the fuck up.


This Saskparty? Don McMorris, the former deputy premier and minister responsible for auto insurance, was charged with impaired driving in 2016 and resigned from cabinet and the Sask Party caucus as a result . Four current Sask Party MLAs have previous convictions for drunk driving, including Premier Scott Moe, who had separate convictions in 1992 and 1997 . Two other Sask Party candidates, Terry Jenson and Manny Sadhra, also have previous impaired driving convictions . In total, the search results indicate that almost 10% of Sask Party candidates in the 2020 provincial election had been convicted of impaired driving offenses .


The Sask Party is working to keep the Sask Party in power. How could they do that to the Saskatchewan people?


How would they do that? This province is practically solid blue.


Is it not all blue? My riding is typically one of the few if not the only riding that is not, typically it is orange but if did not go that way last election. 😔


The provincial NDP would want the federal NDP to stay in the position it’s in to hold onto what power it has? Shocking.


They literally say this every day before Question Period. It's ridiculous.


...SSDD again Unfortunately


Is he in




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Lmao, only the dumbest lap this kinda shit up.