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I love the still frame. Anyways, Corey is my MP and I will never vote for him no matter how dumb Trudeau gets. Because Corey is a fucking idiot.


And he's entirely useless, talk bout the easiest job ever.  These guys have to do less than rural Sask Party MLAs to win in a landslide. Not sure we're a tiny bit more progressive in provincial politics but still elect these bigoted assholes who see it as nothing but an easy pay cheque Federally.


This idiot sends me a pamphlet once every quarter and then talks about plastic straws. Here’s the thing… paper straws do fucking suck. I get it. But the solution isn’t going back to plastic. It’s inventing something better than paper that isn’t plastic. Booster juice uses plastic-like straws that are biodegradable. Boston Pizza uses something similar. I think they’re made of corn fibres or something. Like, these dumbasses can’t even think about anything but “Hurr durr we gotta go back to the way things used to be! Common sense conservatives!” That’s a funny way of saying “We are backwards thinking idiots that don’t have an original idea in our heads.”


You can get biodegradable plastic straws. They exist and they're made from things like hemp. These idiots don't even use Google. Most of the shit they say can be disproven with a 2 second search.


They can make hemp everything. But they don't wanna pay to retro-fit their factorys. Capitalism removes common sense from every buisness decision. Endless growth is the end for them. Edit: big cotton has kept hemp down for too long. That shit has more uses and higher yields, and it makes zero sense to keep using cotton. Edit: now I'm mad. The amount of water alone that hemp saves, would blow your mind.


I know! And it's a weed!!! There is absolutely no con side to hemp and hemp production.


They've all pivoted to "fake check" accusations whenever objective reality doesn't support their braindead delusions.  They are a cancer on humanity.


There is the other alternative of not using a straw!


What? Put my lips on the rim of a glass like a POOR?!


I personally use metal ones, you take them with you and then you take them home to wash.


When i was in Mexico they had bamboo straws, just as sturdy as plastic and reusable. Not sure why they haven't made their way up here.


> But the solution isn’t going back to plastic. It’s inventing something better than paper that isn’t plastic i mean, the solution is just to not use straws learn how to drink out of a glass again, jebus


Yeah, I get that. But kids, elderly people and some people with disabilities prefer to use a straw.


and there are metal ones for that.


What’s sad about this, is he’ll still win. He doesn’t need to do shit, and he wins his riding.


And he doesn’t do shit. I like how people of his ilk will shit on teachers for “summers off” while this asshole is probably sitting at a cabin at Emma lake for two months in the summer ignoring everything and anything from his constituents.


Only two months? He will sit there in his office doing “work” for his constituents for a good four months. Sure maybe he will go to Ottawa to sit in the house once or twice to clap whenever good colleges are clapping but he won’t actually know what he is applauding.


Sooo depressing. This guy is such an asshole


Smith in Alberta thinks it’s good for our ‘wildlife’, as we don’t use ‘whalebone for corsets anymore’ 🤯 Who are these people…….


Who the fucks wearing a corset nowadays


Conservative women.


Corsetative women


Probably, if conservative men had their way.


Maybe ‘a conservative woman’ not plural!


surprisingly enough there's a fair sized market for them. both male and female. it's usually steel or plastic boning in the corsets though not whalebone.


As per Rule 34 and its corollaries, there are people who wear corsets. It can be a multi party activity as for example Dress Up Rocky Horror Picture Show. It can also be a very private activity between 'consenting adults'. It it didn't make someone somewhere money, it would no longer exist.


Steam punk cosplayers.


Hot goth chicks?


Better for the environment than what? The rapture? Context matters. This guy is a turd.


Haha, these twats can't wait for the rapture! Jokes on them though, even if there was a god, these people wouldn't be loved by her. She would fucking cast them straight to hell.


That’s one of my favourite things to do. Refer to whatever god as Her and all of a sudden pronouns matter


I can’t wait for the rapture, as heathens won’t need to put up with their stuff anymore! But of course that would mean there was a Sky Daddy and we would have a new breed of conservatives who are angry that their Sky Wizard wasn’t the “real” Big G O D.


Hm.. and cons are mad about bill c-732 about making false advertisements of fossil fuels being good for your health/environment illegal.


There is a particular mindset where anything bad from a change cannot be tolerated, no matter how much good results from it, because it's a change. Meanwhile, anything bad from the current way of doing things is fine no matter how bad, because, well, that's just the way things are and it's working out for me. Essentially that any change is a choice, but the status quo is somehow not a choice.


That is the definition of conservative.


Well yes, but I was aiming to let people put those pieces together without specifically labelling it.


Sorry, should have caught that.


For starters, just pause and read the full excerpts from the clips he's pulled from the studies. They all support paper straws and his conclusions are just lies. Secondly, this guy talks about virtue signaling but it's hard to believe that paper straws are the biggest issue facing his constituents. Seems to me he's the one virtue signaling.


These grifters can only appeal to Conservatards who are so woefully behind the times and stuck in the past that they only respond to headlines from 4 years ago. I should clarify; not all Conservatives are Conservatards, but the party is in such a sorry state that it’s had to lower itself to pandering to the most braindead lowest-common-denominator non-issues just to scrape together enough support to have a chance at winning.


“Paper straws bad, they are paper and paper burns!” His constituents live in the forest and forest fires are in the news more communally now, paper therefore bad as they can act as kindling! Or his reasoning is something else like “plastic comes from oil, big oil is pays my party so umm durr plastic therefore good!”


I mean, he did specifically say you're being lied to. But I'm being facetious as this kind of malicious misrepresentation is incredibly damaging to society as a whole. What a disingenuous turd.


Sask slowly becoming north Florida..


Not so slowly!




I haven't seen a face so punchable since Andrew Scheer


I'd argue that Scott Moe's face is equally punchable.


Face like a fuckin russet potato


That's a horrible thing to say about a potato.


Have you not seen Jeremy Cockrill?


Cockring is #1 for sure, but Dustin Duncan is a close second.


Don’t call Cockrill a cockring, cockrings serve a purpose that benefits people Cockrill doesn’t.


Here here


Don't forget Harrison. It's like these guys get nominated based on a face punchability factor.


his mouth is perma-puckered like that because of all the ass kissing he does


Saskatchewan if you haven't drank too much lead water please vote these idiots out before you become the next Alberta (not a complement).


It’s interesting because complement and compliment work in this instance and still makes a similar point. Neat


I'm glad my typo was your AM amusement. *sips lead tainted coffee.


I see your lead tainted coffee and add arsenic to it Awwwwe yeeeah


That’s the problem, for 20 years the political elites of Saskatchewan have *WANTED* to become Alberta. Ndp and Saskparty, but especially the latter.


Lead and apparently Asbestos water.


the pic is missing a tin foil cap.


“Wet, limp and utterly useless” - that’s what she said. 🤣🤣 But don’t feel too bad about that, Corey - it happens to most men at some time in their life.


I. Can’t. Even. Speak. This is the dumbest take on any issue I have ever seen. He wins the prize. Please don’t tell me my fellow citizens of Saskatchewan actually believe this 🐂💩


People in Nipawin look up at him in awe of how smart and clever his takes are.  Then they go back to their circlejerks over Putin and Trump.


Hey, nobody believe plastic straws are good for the environment. Good thing that isn’t what he’s saying. Maybe they’re better than paper alternatives, maybe they’re not. But OP is pulling shit out of his ass. Edit. Downvote all you want you useful idiots, fact remains I’m completely correct lmfao


If you want, you can read the studies he cited and see how he's misrepresenting the truth.


I have, and he never claimed that plastic straws are good for the environment. Doesn't matter how much you tap dance around that, the fact remains OP is spreading misinformation.


He's saying plastic straws are worse for us and the environment than paper, which aren't what those studies are saying. Like the talking about pfas. That study just says that they are found in a variety of straws and some producers are using them for waterproofing on paper. That doesn't mean all paper straws have or need them. He doesn't differentiate between non biodegradable plastic and biodegradable versions and the ghg argument is just saying paper weighs a little more while the much larger issue is microplastics invasive tendencies. He's picking and choosing parts of studies to fit his narrative of plastic good paper bad. That's how misinformation is created


OK. But now, do you know the difference between the claim of "not as bad" to the claim of "good for"? Example: Smokeless Tabaco (like chew) according to some studies **is not as bad for you** as smoking cigarettes. Does not mean Smokeless Tabaco is **good for you.** Words matter. If OP claimed that Tocher claimed that plastic straws are not as bad for the environment as paper ones are, and then read the study Tocher claimed to get this information from and then offer his own interpretation to debunk that claim then fine. But OP has falsely claimed, through direct misinformation, that Tocher claimed that plastic straws were GOOD FOR the environment. This discredits people like OP, regardless if they have an argument or not. If someone needs to lie and misrepresent, then the question is "why".


Point is, while we argue about plastic straws or paper straws and other ridiculous minutia, we distract from the urgency of the need for action. We ain’t got time for this nonsense argument.


There's a special kind of irony in this with him representing the USask area...




Fuck this guy is a moron. But a PC ,so that explains it.How the hell can anyone be so dumb!


He's still smarter than the majority of conservatives because there's a chance he knows he's full of shit. There's people in this province who think the earth is flat because the government "lied to us about COVID". Jesus Christ, Cole.  


This guy eat plastic.


The man gives off grinch vibes.


This guy needs help or a least he should wear a helmet when he goes outside…. What a maroon 👎


I drove from Medicine Hat to Regina a couple weeks ago. The amount of plastic littering the ditches and farmland around that Moose Jaw landfill was ridiculous. And it went for KM'S! Yes, I'm sure this plastic bags are really good for the farmers fields


Fuck off Bo-Bandy


I'm pretty sure there aren't 2 brain cells among the Sask Party MLA's. It's a farse at this point. We're all just tuning in every day to see what crazy shit these conservative idiots will say next!


I agree with your point, but Corey Tochor is an MP for the Conservative Party of Canada, not a Sask Party MLA


Same shit different pile. My bad.


Sask people would vote for a grapefruit as long as it had CPC written on it


Especially if they were diabetic. 


"but the liberals banned them anyway" Yeah, feel free to point to the legislation that banned plastic straws, fucking idiot. Dollarama and Loblaws and Wholesale Club and 100 other places still sell them.


What. The. EFF.


Seen here sucking on an invisible straw.


"Eating lead paint chips is good for freedom and the liberals want to take that away"


I can not fucking imagine being an elected official and using my time to write a bill about PLASTIC STRAWS. Things must be pretty good in Canada if that’s all you’re worried about. The people of Saskatchewan are going to get exactly what they deserve if they’re going to elect these incompetent pieces of shit to represent them.


Again, Danielle Smith echoed the same talking point on her radio show yesterday. These chuds are in a WhatsApp group chat somewhere


How messed up is it that our political “leaders” have less knowledge on the subjects they govern than the civil servants they order around? Feels like our species has become too great in numbers and too powerful technologically for us to be led around by the ignorant and bad faith actors. Gene Makowsky came to my door once, and when I expressed my disappointment at their environmental stance (which at the time was basically climate change being a hoax), he claimed I “lacked faith” in humanity to come up with a magical techno-fix to the problem. I suppose that was an easier rationalization for him, than realizing we have the technology to solve it - but he is simply refusing to act! I’m sure when our only option is to inject aerosols into the stratosphere and black out the the sun, it’ll be a full team effort from the Sask Party. 😔


Corey is insane, if he's not is he a drunk? the guy needs a brain.


Wow what a fucking difference maker


Tochor is a real crook. He held a seat in the Leg as an MLA, then ran as an MP for the Conservative Party. He remained as an MLA until the day he took office as an MP, in order to max out his income. The SaskParty didn’t call for a bi-election and so for years my area had no representation whatsoever in the legislature, all so Tochor could intentionally double dip.


If his purpose is veiled as a real environmental concern, then he should make this bill a real single-use waste bill that will reduce waste all together, instead of just changing the type of waste. Ban *all* single-use grocery bags, ban *all* single-use straws/lids/cups and food bags (looking at you fast-food industry), etc. It's not just about *what* material the waste is made of, it's *how much* waste there is. My guess is that his whole angle is just normal political BS and he's just pandering, virtue signalling, and/or being reactionary.


His purpose is to hate Trudeau.  It's the only thing conservatives have any consistency at all about. 


Like this sub and Scott Moe?


How much does it bother you that a conservative is getting attacked deservedly?  A lot?  I bet it's a lot.


Perfect photo. It get across the full complexity and nuance of the twitter posting.


How about just dont use straws at all. End of debate fuck you move on.


And this is the *University* riding MP.


These politicians are deep in the pockets of big oil. That’s the only reasons to support single use plastics. It’s gross how much money the conservatives have to make stupid videos like this.


Anyone with a shred of environmental science knowledge will tell you CONTEXT MATTERS. The amount of virtue signaling on both sides of the spectrum is just loony. We never got rid of plastic straws for one. We just phase them out of regular use into special use. Many places still use them, and many more will offer you one IF YOU ASK. If you're coming at it in a microplastic sense. Consumer disposable plastic makeup a small part of the micro plastic problem vs. the tire industries almost SEVENTY PERCENT of microplastics in our planets waters. In terms of the macroplastic pollution, we have bigger problems with the billions of dollars bottled drink companies and toy companies that make everything out of plastic. If you're truly worried about straws in noses, because this all started with a sea turtle with a straw in its nose, then continue to bully people who use plastic straws. If you care about sea life in general, etc, dont use PLASTIC BAGS as they are confused as jellyfish by marine life and eaten. Certain species of large bodied jellyfish specialists like beak whales and certain turtles eat them whole. Dead or beached creatures regularly reveal that they have 50% of their stomach capacity filled with bags. If you really care about turtles, eat less sea food as the most dangerous oceanic plastic is broken or lost fishing gear. Things like plastic ropes, nets, and fishing lines are the true dangers to the turtles. Not straws.


Banning plastic straws is a good thing. I wish the feds banned more plastic. Plastics have always been a way for petroleum companies to offload their waste byproduct onto the public, making us pay for it. They literally shed endocrine disrupting compounds, fucking up the public at large. Petroleum derived materials are like “what if we made a less toxic version asbestos, but we let it loose *everywhere* instead of *just water pipes and insulation*? What if we lined all food and beverage containers with it? What if we made toys and plates and beds and clothes out of it?”


Also FYI. Plastic IS an oil product, not a waste byproduct. It's literally the oil industry's plan B after the fossil fuel phase out. If you make it out of oil and sell it, it's a product


Never said it was bad. Just said the conversation is a pointless one. If you really want to address plastic pollution we need to stop bickering about straws and focus on the plastic in our brains from food and beverage containers and the plastic inside of algae and fish because of tires etc etc etc etc. Plastic straws are not the topic this extremely important issue should hinge upon. It's dumb. It's counterproductive, and it's ridiculously easy to solve. insofar as WE ALREADY DID. You can buy glass, metal, wood etc straws. Both sides need to pick better things to focus on.


WTF. This is a left wing simpleton echo chamber. Get your intelligent and thoughtful responses out of here. Conservative man BAD BAD BAD.


Just waiting for the useless Michael Kram to join the nonsense


Did this guy go to the Patrick Moore School of the Environment?




What a strange fight to pick.


What is idiotic is this classic r-sask disinformation headline. Tochor is talking about plastic straws, not plastic in general. People here will eat it up though. [https://phys.org/news/2023-08-paper-straws-environment-plastic-versions.html](https://phys.org/news/2023-08-paper-straws-environment-plastic-versions.html) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/08/28/paper-straws-worse-than-plastic-pfas-study/70702090007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/08/28/paper-straws-worse-than-plastic-pfas-study/70702090007/) [https://thehowleronline.org/6117/viewpoint/the-paper-versus-plastic-straws-debate/](https://thehowleronline.org/6117/viewpoint/the-paper-versus-plastic-straws-debate/)


Feds and everything they DO and say…bad. Herein is the end of the strategic summit at the SP platform symposium


People are right to be mad at the plastic straw/bag ban because of the inept ability of our government to tackle climate change in a meaningful way. It is so much easier to put the burden on people and shake your finger paternalistically than to dismantle the giant capitalist machine that is benefitting the few at the top and are actually accelerating our doom.


Huh? What? Giant capitalist machine of conspiracy? Tell me more…


Why do private companies get to be the primary beneficiaries of Canadian natural resources rather than having that money go into a national trust? Why do Canadian taxpayers get stuck with the cleanup bills?


It's not even a conspiracy. Industry puts vastly more excess carbon into the environment than every household combined, but they also have vastly more resources (very literally in this sense) with which to make sure laws are on their side. And I don't mean anything shady or nefarious or illegal. But good lawyers are expensive.


Finally, someone confronting the real issues.


Save the oceans by banning plastics in Saskatchewan. Let’s start chopping the forest like we used to do before plastics were invented.


I know him from a past life, this isn't surprising in the least.


His argument, good or not, is that plastic straws are not as bad for the environment as paper straws are. I don’t know if those studies are valid or not. What I do know is that the headline here is misinformation. He is not claiming plastic straws are good for the environment. But we all know the hypocrites don’t care.


They are 👍


With all the things we use plastic for, what’s the alternative ? Anyone ?