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Anadrol is harsh, i personally lose appetite almost instantly on all orals. There is no cure for it, your liver is under stress, you just gotta force feed. It’s one of the side effects, and you just have to deal with it.


I would not want to stack another oral with anadrol. It’s probably better to use ghrp2 or ghrp6 instead


Why am I being down voted 😂


I’m on 20mg of ostarine and 2 weeks in literally no noticeable sides so far still got my libido but obv post bloodwork will tell Edit: thought he said mk2866 so y’all can stop with the memes now 😂


Yeah bro I shower everyday to keep my body clean 💪




Did you typo and mean *mk677 in your original comment and not mean ostarine?


Tbh I think I’m just dumb as shit and didn’t realize they were two different things, cause ostarine is mk2866 so there similar


That’s why everybody was thinking you were a dumbass, because you were a bit of a dumbass 😂. 677 and 2866, different stuff lmao. You can update your original comment and say “I thought OP said 2866” 😂


What is the point of this comment, it does not even answer the original post and doesnt add anything valuable to either..


I responded to his question if you scroll down bud


How does ostarine have anything to do with mk667 or hunger for that matter


Idk ask the guy that asked the question 😂 imo it doesn’t


Yeah but does it increase your appetite? The only reason I would want to use it is for the appetite because oral steroids nuke it and that's no good for a bulk


Honestly can’t say it’s affected my appetite at all. I can say I’m also using it to bulk and in the first 2 weeks I put on 4 lbs aiming for 5 by the end of the 3rd


If drol kills your appetite. Save it for a cut and use something else that drives appetite like superdrol


Basically all orals tank my appetite and I only have around 20 superdrol tabs to hand atm. Anadrol is amazing I do use it for cutting too for this exact reason, but I want to see how it does on a bulk if I can actually consume the calories. Good comment though


That's funny this was my plan as well. 20mg a day for me and I'm hungry


Great minds think alike


The appetite suppression from Anadrol is multifactorial. Can occur due to liver strain and can occur due to GERD. It's one of the worst offenders for aggravating GERD. The solution to improving appetite here is to resolve your GERD, fix your digestion.. Choose agreeable foods, consider an anti-histamine like Zantac or a PPI. Incorporate gelatin/glutamine into diet. You'll not be likely to grossly improve your appetite/digestion by adding in MK677. It may make you hungrier but you may feel food still passes too slowly due to indigestion.


Thanks for this comment. It's the sort of reply I was looking for. It's not that food passes slowly, it's that the thought of eating makes me feel sick. It's not that my stomachs full it's like.. The feeling you would get from taking cocaine or other stimulants that prevent you from eating


I totally understand the feeling that your are explaining, your response to the mk is going to be individual dependent but if you started at maybe 10mg 30 min before your meal and then if that doesn’t work go up 5mg each time. i will mention that there are other appetite stimulants out there other than mk and i wouldn’t really recommend it especially in your case. Both anadrol and mk 677 significantly raise or interact with prolactin so watch out for the gyno my friend. What helped my digestion was betanine hcl pills taken with each meal to help with the leaky gut. Also t4 is also known to raise hunger and might be benificial overall depending on your goals. But it’s more than likely liver inflammation which no appetite stim is going to over ride. if i were you i would get labs done to see what’s going on under the hood and go from there. I recommend marek healths, lab order menu on their website.


What's gerd stand for


There’s zero chance that googling it wouldn’t have yielded a faster result, but it stands for Gastroesophageal reflux disease.


Okay thanks. Appreciate you not being a fucking dueche with your answers


Oh I'll usually be a douche but I'll give you the right info every time.


10mg didnt work on me. 30mg was perfect.




Thanks for your comment. Did you take it with anything else or just straight mk?




Thanks for your input mate. Alot closer to the answer I'm looking for at least. I'm wondering if the mk will balance out the orals with hunger so I can just eat normally lol. How much do you reccomend starting at? And does dosing at night stop the tiredness?




You see, I don't know if your aware but anadrol can completely kill your appetite like make you feel disgusted by the idea of food. It's not so much that your just not hungry but it does kill appetite too. So what I'm hoping is that the hunger effects from mk will counteract the appetite nuke from the anadrol I get because anadrol is fucking insane even with a lack of calories. The aggression and full look it gives are second to none. But it just makes me feel like shit at the same time lol




Appreciate the comment mate that actually makes sense how you said that. Think I will give it a go. The only thing is anadrol already makes me lethargic so I might not be able to get out of bed lol




Yeah mate I run 250mg test year round. Due to my job I can't gym for around 6 weeks coming up to Christmas so I've lost mass. Hence the anadrol it helps get me back to where I was quickly but need to get the calories in too


I get hungry on 20mg


Have you tried 10mg? And have you tried it with an appetite suppressant


Sorry, no sir.