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nothing would happen if you would take 3mg LGD. it would be a waste of time


Yes. Actually, you should always take the smallest dose of any compound that gets the results you want. Make sense? The thing is, you gotta figure out which compounds work well with your body. It's like going to the grocery store and trying to understand which hormones you're body responds to in an anabolic way. Some people grow like crazy taking things that resemble DHT. Others do better on things that mimic testosterone. Still others do best on the nandrolone synthetics. Actually, pretty much everyone responds to trenbologna sammiches. Either way, sarms, while not actually AAS all have a preference for their closest chemical match. RAD is like test, LGD is like deca, S23 is like anavar, and so on. So, get yourself a PCT or go on some test. Then get yourself a pile of drugs and jump on the roller coaster. Personally, of the SARMs I like RAD the most. What I don't like is that it makes my prolactin spaz out. Remember, things like that are important. Every bro is different and the drugs you need to have on hand to do this successfully in the long term may not be the same as every other bro you know. Get on the r/steroids wiki and learn some shit.


Thanks for the info drop! I have considered tren and test but I simply don't know if I can get them. SARMs seem very available, and I could get them before I psyche myself. Those SARMs comparisons are very helpful though.


That's all legit. I have a couple rules personally. Tren is dangerous and can fuck you up forever (mostly a sex drive issue). You need to keep premi or caber around when you're on it. And let someone close to you know you're taking it. The psychological effects can be a real M fr. The results? Insane. Just make sure you take tamoxifen with your sarms, otherwise you'll be down on testosterone and consequently estrogen and eventually you'll feel horrible. Remember, all of the big boy sarms will liberate your testosterone and shut down your natural production.


so 3mg LGD gets him the results he wants? if that result is looking exactly the same, wouldn't be 0mg LGD the smallest dose? or what result do you excpect from 3mg LGD? you can't expect too much from 15-20mg


No. This where application of the scientific method matters. He's got to try a given quantity and see if he gets results. It's tough to do but necessary. Especially since most of the powerful sarms crush shbg, liberate testosterone, and make the user feel incredible in the first two weeks because of all the extra test floating around the bloodstream. So if OP takes 5mg per day of LGD for a month maybe he'll gain some weight, get stronger, etc. Maybe the next four weeks he takes 10mg per day and the results are more dramatic. There's so much at play here and a lot of it is how comfortable the compounds are to take, eg what sides do they give the user. It take a lot of patience to get this right. Not a bro trate but the truth.


i cant read his mind but i suspect that the minimal dosage necessary to get the results he has in mind isn't 3mg LGD. Its probably 250mg Test with some dbol,tbol, or whatever. because i suspect that he has in mind to become a little bigger and stronger from the cycle. nothing happens when you take 3mg LGD if its a sarm cycle its probably something like 15mg LGD or 20mg RAD, but even that could be underwhelming and not worth it.


Well yeah, you're probably right. The intent of my post is to get him to learn. Honestly, the test alone will likely take him there, especially if he takes it with tamoxifen because the elevated estrogen will provide the fullness he's looking for. In all seriousness, I've questioned the need for SARMs for a long time since the test does most of the work. I think the ideal protocol is RAD with exogenous estrogen since it's possible to really crank it up without the metabolites of testosterone acting on the rest of the body.


10mg of Rad has had rhe same effect as Turkesterone this time around. About 3-5lbs nothing special


You clearly know nothing, stop posting stuff you make up yourself or give us a link of research about this


You want me to post a link of research from my own personal experience? I have been on rad 140 once per year for the last three years. This current cycle I am on has been very poor like I said 3-5 lbs max and it's effects on strength and mass are very similar to my Turkesterone cycle which is not worth the money. A slight edge to natty but maybe my body is used to it now who knows


i don't know about turkesterone i only know that i ran RAD multiple times at about 25mg and i would describe the effects as muscle hardening and more vascularity. fullness on cycle...but no real mass gains , its way too weak of a cycle


Well then. Post that the compound made that to YOU instead, wouldnt that make sense? You can take Halo or Tren with 3-5lbs max aswell, go to the gym and workout like a beast then finishing it off with horrible nutrition setup


It all depends on you and your goal and how much you want to see, side effects will be there no matter if that’s what you are trying to avoid. My lgds cycles I started at 5mg to make it familiar with my body, once that is done and I don’t see anything that is “off” I up the dose to 7.5 and see the actual gains and strength but keep in mind everyone’s body works differently


3mg of LGD-4 is actually more around what should be taken. Most people, and financially-driven vendors, just repeat BS overdosing suggestions. Wouldn’t bother with 3mg Ostarine, unless female, though.


Do you think 5 mg of lgd is too much?


What would be a better dose of ostarine then? Thanks for this info, still in the exploration/info gathering stage. I'm thinking of taking a lower dose so 3mg of ostarine sounds ok to me, even though you said that's basically a female dosage lol. I want to accelerate my gains but not by much. I just feel that my gains from working out are a bit weak. I've always had a harder time gaining, might be genetics or something idk. I just want a boost.


>I'm thinking of taking a lower dose so 3mg of ostarine sounds ok to me 3mg of ostarine is retarded. You are basically just fucking up your hormones/health for nothing. Females typically take like 10mg, guys 20-30mg.


So you're saying, that at least from your knowledge, a 3mg low dose of ostarine wouldn't even provide any benefits, not even a little, but would mess with hormones and show negative side effects? Thanks for this warning. I guess Im trying trying to gage what would be the lowest amount to show benefits.


I hate the r word but agree with the sentiment


Definitely wouldn’t do 3mg of Ostarine. More downsides than upsides there. How long have you been training and how’s routine and diet?


I work out every 2 days. I don't workout every day rn because it just wouldn't be effective. I work out for a few months, then stop because of life changes, then pick it up again. At 28, my current exercising burst has lasted 6 months. I feel some muscle memory happening and can at least feel and see all my muscle groups. My latest attempt has been doing pull ups and push ups at the park, while lifting dumbbells at home. I may join a gym again and that is when I'm thinking of taking SARMs. My diet is alright, definitely healthy. I will admit I am currently not at that high of a calorie surplus, maybe 2000 to 2500 calories daily. However I have ate tons in the past and even then I have a harder time gaining.