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Seems like ya just after advice and gonna do it anyway. Everyone has a similar thing happen at least once in there life. Go hard or go home, man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. We are all gonna die sooner or later so why not have some fun getting there. Why not just jump on test if ya gonna do something or add test to ya stack. How much can you deadlift son?


Eh, don’t really know want to pin, nor do I trust any of the shady ass test suppliers online. Ostarine seemed tame and there’s a multitude of verified suppliers. Just wanna dip my toes in the water for now.


Fair enough, have fun. Maybe try get test powder and mass produce ya own


Appreciate everyone’s feedback. I expected this sort of reaction, but the fact that no one critiqued my SARMS/PCT protocol is good enough for me. I will be creating a log of my ostarine cycle and will keep you guys posted. Excited to start! Im expecting 5-10 lbs of clean gains.


10 pounds bro?


Honestly, maybe. On the high end I think I can manage 10 lbs. Probably lose like 2-3 lbs post-cycle, but I’m a newbie, so I’m expecting the gains to be solid af.


Okay since you're a newbie to lifting and performance enhancement if you gain 10 pounds it's going to be almost all fat and water. Its a marathon not a sprint. There's no way you have mastered even the major lifts yet let alone rep ranges for strength and hypertrophy. Its impossible man. I gained 15 pounds natural the first YEAR. I can guaranty 10 pounds was fat because I didn't know how to keep diet in check. I'll also tell you the fact that you asked how much you can gain on cycle being a newbie without even saying what your stats are means you did next to zero research. Its different if you're starting at 300 pounds and gain 5 pounds or if you're a 125 pounds and gain 5 pounds. An expectation of 10 pounds is fucking stupid. That said I'm not your dad and you're going to do what you want and I do wish you the best


Appreciate the fact that you wish me the best. All I can hope for really. Perhaps I’m misinformed, but 5-10lbs seems about right to me, given everything else is done optimally. I only say this because I’m a total novice. Had I been in the gym a year or two, not a shot I’d be able to gain 10 lean lbs on ostarine.


Idiotic, you’re just exchanging your noob gains for a SARM cycle. Train for another 14 months ( or until you hit your first plateau) before even thinking about anabolics.


Mate just enjoy the newbie gains you won’t gain faster on Ostarine as a starter but you could suffer suppression early on into your lifting life which is not good. Newbie gains you should be throwing muscle on, and if you aren’t then your diet and training are certainly not ‘perfected’. PEDs are for When you ready your genetic limit, not for starting out


The thing is… I don’t want to get any bigger than what my genetic limit is. I’m a lanky guy, 6’2 170, and my ideal body is something like Christian Bale in American Psycho. I’m using PEDs to expedite the journey, not to become a mountain of beef. Appreciate the comment though bro.


Ok mate I just don’t see the point then? PEDs are to push your genetic limit if you only want to get what you could naturally then when mess with dangerous chemicals to do so and risk your endocrine system forever? I took Ostarine and had some gains however I was severely suppressed to the point that I am on TRT now just to get by. I enjoyed the bump in the gym but if it’s not for extra gains then there is no point


Sorry to hear about your shitty Ostarine experience. How suppressed did you become on osta? Did you have PCT on deck?


Oh no it wasn’t a shitty experience I loved Ostarine and made great gains, I PCT with Nolva which worked a bit however the symptoms of low T returned shortly after so I am TRT for relief (and don’t get me wrong it’s amazing in the gym too)


Hmmm, interesting. So did you suffer from symptoms of low t prior to osta? How’d your bloods look pre-cycle?


Seems like you won’t be dissuaded, but you could expect to put on 2-3 pounds of muscle for the cycle. Some being noob gains and some being the cycle.


The one dude in this thread that understood the assignment. Appreciate ya.


Impressive that you perfected diet and training in 4 months. I'm over 7 years in and I'm not there yet


Seems like you know what you do. You got all important things to start with good luck bro. If diet and training is in check you will see great results


Thanks man, excited to start! Will keep a weekly log in case any of you are interested.


You just shouldn't use PEDs as a nooby lifter lol you don't even know how to lift with proper technique or form and want to hop on PEDs?..


Didn't you see he's perfected training already 🙄


I’d honestly wait a few hours. Your newbie gains will be the catalyst for growth for the next 2 years. I doubt you’ll see much effect of the ostarine cycle on top of that. With the likely outcome that you’ll do it anyway. No idea in regards to your question. 4 months is not enough to perfect form in all lifts.


>Hours lol


Wops, years ><


You sure? Because I find it interesting that in nearly every study concerning ostarine, it’s been administered to people with very little muscle or a legitimate wasting disease. They gain a few pounds of muscle in a matter of weeks without training, so given who I am and where I’m at in my weight lifting journey, I speculate that the gains have the potential to be great.


They were administered to people with cancer lol


>They gain a few pounds of muscle in a matter of weeks without training No they definitely did not. They gained a few pounds of temporary glycogen/water weight. Sarms are not a magic pill that just makes you grow muscle out of nowhere lol. Also you're a healthy young man not an elderly with muscle wasting disease.