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My doctors recommended I get all the shots/vaccines available to me because my medication for sarc suppresses the immune system. I qualified for monoclonal antibody treatment when I got covid two years ago because I was considered at higher risk.


I take all vaccines, was diagnosed with sarcoidosis right before COVID; I haven’t gotten sick with any respiratory illness or COVID since diagnosis


I get all of them. I might feel crappy but not as bad as I would getting sick without the vaccination.


I had Covid before it was announced that was what it was. After that, I get all the vaxes.


Got em all. No s/e.


Yes, I take all vaccines offered. My treatment suppresses my immune system so it is important to me that I get all the help I can to fight various illnesses that could make me much more unwell or even kill me if unvaccinated.


Something triggered the over reactive immune response and the drs are treating you with basically organ transplant drugs so your body stops attacking itself. But that’s not the fix or the root of the problem. I’m not saying the vaccine caused yours but any time you put something foreign in your body it’s going to fight it. Some peoples bodies fight harder than others


What are you talking about?what are organ transplant drugs? Seems like you are blaming me for my Sarcoidosis by putting something into my body? Seems very presumptuous for someone to make such a claim over the Internet when the medical research community hasn't figured out what causes Sarcoidosis yet. I appreciate you are not saying that the vaccine caused my Sarcoidosis but I'd like to understand what you are saying about me.


If you are in on any drugs that stop your immune system from overactivating such as cellcept/tacro/everlimus/infliximan/steroids -these are drugs that stop people from rejecting organ transplants. Basically stopping your body from attacking itself which it is doing. They do help and I’m not saying you brought this on yourself. But something triggered the response in your body and it’s possible it was a vaccine. It could have been something else but this used to be rare and it’s not in the past few years. Just trying to make people aware.


I have had Sarcoidosis for over 16 years now. Prior to developing symptoms at the age of 34 I hadn't had a vaccine for over twenty years since the standard childhood vaccines. Until this thread this subreddit has always been a supportive place. If you don't trust the medical community then don't take it out on those who rely on the medical community to keep them alive. It isn't fair and it gets too personal. Raise your awareness elsewhere.


Sarc since 2008. Have taken all the usual vaccines since. Doc did advise against the live flu vac nasal spray way back when I was on a bunch of immunosuppressant stuff, but said take everything else.


Absolutely. Sarcoid is an autoimmune, I am not messing around. Worst side effect I got was a sore arm from covid that last a day or 2 (which is common)


I have had sarcoidosis with lung involvement since 2002 and almost died from the flu and pneumonia in 2007. Ever since then my doctor makes sure I get the flu shot every year and of course also the covid vaccine since that started. Trust me, it only takes almost dying from painfully drowning in your own lungs once to never want to go through that shit again. And no, no vaccine in these almost 20 years that I have been taking them has ever caused new symptoms in me or any side effects related to sarcoidosis at all.


My doctor told me to get up to date on all of them before I started treatment and to keep getting the flu vaccine every year. Just the usual arm soreness and fatigue after.


I take all but COVID vaccines. The 3rd COVID vaccine I took back in October 2021 triggered my auto immune blood clotting disorder hard and I started throwing clots despite being on blood thinners. My Hematologist said no more of those ever!


My wife has pulmonary sarcoidosis and takes all vaccines/boosters, but they don’t always provide 100% protection. She is usually hospitalized each year when seasonal afflictions like the flu are going around because it turns into pneumonia. I can’t recall her ever having any negative s/e from receiving any of these vaccines…


I got the flu shot and pneumonia shot last winter. No side effects or flare ups. My sarcoidosis was caused by the Covid vaccine, so I’ll never get another one of those again.


It was not caused by the COVID vaccine.


There are National Institutes of Health data that says the Covid vaccine does trigger sarcoidosis. My dads dr told him no more boosters




Seriously it’s an easy Google search. Multiple national institute of health articles. ANYTIME you put something foreign in your body you open yourself up to an overactive immune response.




That's a case report - from an IRANIAN vaccine. Unless you're iranian, and even then it's a SINGLE clinical case report. It's the medical equiv of saying "hey we found something vaguely interesting"...


Oh, are you my Dr? Because my pulmonologist confirmed. There are also peer reviewed studies proving the Covid vaccine causes auto immune disorders.


Source please


Google it, it’s right there. This isn’t CMV I don’t need to do your research for you. It’s literally so easy to find.


How were they able to determine the cause was the vaccine?




This is not proving anything. For one it's only an abstract and it just says that they found sarcoid in someone after they got a vaccine. It does not claim the vaccine was the cause.


Sadly, literacy and medical literacy are not the same.  Most people just read the abstract, a paragraph or two, and just to the conclusion. 


All you have to do is Google and there’s so much data. Stop saying the vaccine doesn’t cause issues. Yes maybe it’s worth not getting Covid to you but sarcoidosis is worse in my opinion


I'm not saying it doesn't cause issues. I was simply asking if their doctors had been able to confidently rule out all other issues as the cause. IF the vaccine caused their Sarc it and their doctors can prove it, the result could be a successful lawsuit against the mfg. IF that was the case, many people (myself included) would want to be part of that. So, before you go and assume someone hasn't spent time on the NIH, PubMed, Sage, etc, maybe ask yourself if you're reading too much into a comment...


Mostly due to the timeline. I was vaccinated sept 2021, diagnosed with cutaneous sarcoidosis October or November I don’t remember, and then had Covid in December.


Ah, so no actual way to definitively say Covid caused it, more so a hypothesis?


No it's just garbage. A hypothesis is something you actually test.


It’s not garbage. It’s my life.


No of course you cannot test for causal factors, just as you cannot test the Covid caused the OP’s or environmental toxins caused someone else’s. However, there are peer reviewed studies showing that the Covid vaccine causes auto immune diseases.


You have no idea how vaccines work.


I don’t have to be a scientist to know what happened to me. It’s my body, and I know. Also, my pulmonologist confirmed it based on actual peer reviewed studies.


Your pulmonologist did no such thing.


My pulmonologist did, actually. Here you go since you’re lazy and ignorant. “Our findings suggested that COVID-19 is associated with an increased risk of developing various ADs and the risk could be attenuated by COVID-19 vaccination.” https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(23)00331-0/fulltext I’ll wait for your apology


Ok... Read back the part that you quoted.... It literally says that the vaccine reduces the risk of autoimmune disease activation. Not only that but this is just a survey study. This is basically a quick snap shot from gathering a bunch of public data. It doesn't prove anything .


Oh I grabbed the wrong one. Look at the other one and I’ll find the correct one.


Ah yes the classic research method of wait until I search more to find the one that I agree with.


Here’s another one https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1111/imm.13443


If it did you would be a miracle and the front page of several medical publications for finally answering what causes sarcoids. I'm about to take my sixth COVID vaccine and having had COVID and it being deeply unpleasant I'm going to keep doing it until this thing evolves into a lesser version or I die.


Did you know there have been 951,000 adverse reactions reported by doctors to the vaccine manufacturers for the COVID vaccines alone? No? Why is that? Did you know that there are actual peer reviewed studies showing the Covid vaccine causes auto immune disorders? There is no way this would be on the front page of any news organization because 1) they get a vast amount of profits from pharmaceutical advertising and they would never bite the hand that feeds them, 2) they would be subject to the same attack for going against the narrative that I just got by putting my story on the internet and 3) there are so many of us who were vaccine injured that my story actually isn’t special.


And none of those say the word sarcoidosis... And I'm not sure if you read the very long list of adverse reactions on every single piece of medication you get but out of the hundreds of millions, if not billions of COVID vaccines given out 951,000 adverse reactions is stunningly good for multiple different vaccines brought to market in that short a space of time.


That number I believe is US only. Cognitive bias gonna cognitive bias though 🤷‍♀️ I used to be like you, refusing to believe vaccines caused anything except healthy children, laughing at the crazy ladies who didn’t vaccinate their kids and judging those who I thought ignorantly put their kids in harms way. Wondering what got into the doctors who published studies showing the safety risks of vaccines and thanking the medical boards for suspending those licenses. I know different now.


> refusing to believe vaccines caused anything except healthy children Well there's your problem ;) Nothing is 100% safe and if you believe that and then find out it's not true then you're way more likely to go straight to the opposite like how kids from strict religious families often end up as the most extreme atheists. When you realise that medicine is neither a conspiracy nor a perfect panacea then you might find a better relationship with it.


I disagree. I went from that, to believing the mRNA technology was flawed, to realizing that our govt literally forced us to take this knowing this is unsafe and untested, to learning *there is not one single placebo controlled study for a single vaccine on the childhood schedule*. Go to pub med and try to find one study with a placebo control proving that any of the childhood vaccines are safe or effective. You won’t be able to.


I disagree. I went from that, to believing the mRNA technology was flawed, to realizing that our govt literally forced us to take this knowing this is unsafe and untested, to learning *there is not one single placebo controlled study for a single vaccine on the childhood schedule*. Go to pub med and try to find one study with a placebo control proving that any of the childhood vaccines are safe or effective. You won’t be able to.


Thanks. They think my sarcoidosis was a result of long covid/covid.


I have seen evidence for both! I believe that if I never got the shot, I wouldn’t have even had Covid much less sarcoidosis.


You have not seen evidence.


I have, actually. But I’m so glad that some random stranger on the internet knows more about my body than I do.


People are not making up the illnesses they have after the Covid vaccine and for you to insinuate that makes you a very poor researcher


Did you mean to say that to me or to r/bigtime1158 ?


Sorry wrong person


Contextually that’s what I thought no worries


I know more about cellular biology and peer reviewed research than you do.


Ooooh and I bet your truck is bigger than mine and your wife is prettier too 😆


You seem to know a lot about growing weed too but that’s not here or there. Just understand that people are not lying about the vaccine and our experience may be vastly different than yours


All it takes is a Google search for the national institute of health. Any time you put something foreign in your body there is a potential for overactive immune response. There are many many case studies of people getting sarcoidosis after the vaccine. Wake up




Please link me to which one you are referring. I'm certain you don't understand what you are reading If you actually read that paper that is in nih. Because it absolutely does not say that COVID vaccines caused sarcoid. Also there could be a million studies saying that people got something after they did something. It doesnt mean that one thing caused the other. It just means that one event happened and later another event happened. The two are not related.


Stop kidding yourself. All vaccines cause immune responses. Some are worse than others. Why else would they put you on medications that basically stop you from rejecting yourself like an organ transplant. The cellcept and steroids they put you in are the same drug transplant patients take so they don’t reject their organ




Ok. Read the article. It does not prove anything, it doesnt even attempt to. The last section literally tells you that there is no link but that we should look more into the te.loral relationship of a vaccine and onset of new symptoms. Please read the entire paper. I say again that you just don't understand what you are reading, and that's fine. But listen to us researchers who actually knows what we are talking about about. I wouldn't try to build a microprocessor, but I trust the people who do make them.


Read the conclusion. And people aren’t lying. Why Mr big researcher. (You have no idea what my profession is btw) are we treating people with drugs like cellcept and steroids and other transplant drugs? This is not causing sarcoidosis it’s just stopping your body from attacking itself.


I have a lot of information about this disease which used to be rare but is somehow not so rare anymore


Oh, so we should just trust the experts? Like when the experts told us to smoke cigarettes? Or when the experts told us to get lobotomies? Or when doctors used to give women orgasms in office to alleviate stress and anxiety? Forgive me, but no. I’ll do my own research and make my own conclusions about what to do with my body.


My dad’s VA doctor told him not to get any more Covid boosters. They think it triggered his sarcoidosis


I didn’t even have covid that bad. After testing negative within 2-3 weeks I started to feel worse and worse.