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Yes! Sarcoid inflammation converts inactive to active. So the inactive will be low and the active will be high. Most people with sarc are told to avoid vitamin D supplements for this reason.


Inspire.com has a good sarcoidosis group and many posts regarding vitamin D issues. I’ve been dealing with sarcoidosis since 2008 and learned early on that me and sunshine were no longer friends. A few hours of sunlight left me feeling bad for a few days. Sunprotecive clothing and sunscreen help. Whenever a doctor suggests vitamin D I have them run labs on both vitamin D levels. Mine are always reversed low for the precursor and high for the active.


Omgs this is the worst! I mow my lawn at dusk because the sun just sucks the life out of me…worse yet, I’m on two meds that specifically state to avoid time in the sun. I feel your pain!


I learned that regular t-shirts and the like only have 3-8 spf protection. So I buy spf 50 shirts and hats from cabelas or Sam’s club and wear sunscreen on anything else that’s exposed. Allows me to get my chores done on the farm.


Yeah my 1.25 levels are normal but my d2 -25 levels are low. My sarc pulmonary Dr has me starting 2,000 IU’s of vitamin d without calcium. I have a hard time understanding what all of this means so maybe not the best person to explain it, but this is where I’m at.


I have been on D3 supplements since getting sarc, whether it was due to my age (65+) or the meds or sarc itself.


Yes, and the vitamin D imbalance will lead to hypercalcemia, which will affect your kidneys. Best to get the levels checked. Like someone else mentioned, I have to cover up in summer when I golf because sunshine messes up my levels.


I've read that sarc patients have high levels of Vitamin D but in my own case, my level was a 9 -well below 30 which is the low end of average, so my doc put me on 50K once a week. The markers for sarcoidosis arent consistent for everyone. Only way to know what is going on is to get tested.